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Isn't That Ironic?
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Thomas Nixon Offline
Saving the Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

05-11-2017, 05:20 PM

Rittenhouse Square is a lovely area. Lively patches of grass fill the area wherever the ground isn’t paved. The benches are filled, and people sit on the short, cement walls, while others walk their dogs. It’s a nice break from the typical city life, when you look into the square. The plants and trees are striking! But the area is completely surrounded by monotonous, jam packed traffic.

Thomas Nixon, wearing a white tee shirt and blue jeans, enters the square. He looks around, taking in the environment. He acknowledges the groups of students and the couples, but they are lost in their own bubbles, lost in their own conversations.

Eventually, Nixon comes to a stop in front of a fountain in the center of the square. He casually addresses the camera, as if he’s talking to a friend.

“Sometimes, I get reflective and I like to really think about the trends that I see. I take a look at the world developing around me, and I see things that seem to go unnoticed in every passing moment. I hate to say something like that; it sounds like I’m being a little bit pretentious. I don’t want to sound like an entitled douchebag, but every now and then something comes along that I have to acknowledge.

There are problems everywhere. Cultural problems to be a bit more specific. And these aren’t just general societal trends, it’s the culture within different groups and industries. I see intellectual topics being destroyed in front of my eyes by popular culture. Regardless of your values, the president and the news coverage of his day to day life seem more like a reality show than politics.

The true issue with this is that politics are being dumb downed as it gets deeper in main stream culture. Nobody talks about policy, people just talk about scandal or they hit a few talking points as they tear down a strawman. People are so caught up in their buzzwords and ad hominem attacks that nobody is concerned with fixing the problems that are in our country. These teenagers, they just echo the sentiments of their favorite cultural icon. ‘Dude, fuck Trump. No KKK, no fascist USA.’ But don’t you dare ask that kid why Trump’s a racist or what he’s doing that’s particularly fascistic.

That’s one example of a culture problem, but that’s a broad example that tackles the United States as a whole.

Over the last six months, I’ve seen a cultural problem here in the XWF. It’s not a matter of values or morals. This isn’t about guys trying to be macho and pretend like they’re the hottest shit on the planet. The real issue that drives me crazy is when other superstars are blinded by their own ego. It’s painful to watch because they have no self-awareness; they are absolutely blind to the irony in their words.

A couple days ago, I stood in front of a camera for five minutes and talked about my upcoming challenger, Mezian. I gave him a little bit of credit, mostly complements to his drive to win, and I was sincere. He may not have spectacular credentials, but I knew that if he kept his word, he would put up a fight.

I had one point that I made very clear to Mezian and the XWF fans worldwide. I wanted them to know that I’m different from the no name chumps that Mezian encountered in his short lived MMA career. I wanted all of you to realize that I’ve beaten all the notable names in the XWF that Mezian has defeated.

Naturally, Mezian here’s my sentiments and he’s goes wild. He yells at some loser and calls him an ‘insipid inbred fuck bag’. I actually had to pause the video and laugh because this was the first moment that Mezian was truly blind to his own irony. I heard a funny fact the other day that two of the traits closely linked to inbred folks are their low IQ and their really short tempers. They tend to be aggressive and irrational. So after Mezian calls a stranger an ‘insipid inbred fuck bag’, Mezian precedes to embody the characteristics of an inbred fuck bag. He goes batshit crazy and beat the hell out of two strangers.

That kind of thing typically gets overlooked, it’s some common here with all the hyperagressive shit talkers in the XWF that are ready to beat up the nearest civilian if it protects their fragile ego.

Congratulations, Mezian. Everyone watched you beat the hell out of two bozos in a random fucking bar because they simply interrupted your promo! Whoa that’s crazy! He’s so tough fighting untrained, talentless people that weren’t even looking for a fight!

But aside from that critique, Mezian played directly into my sentiments from the other day. He lectured me about how he’s going to end my reign! He put me on notice!

But tell me, who in the hell did you beat up to prove your point? Oh, you beat the hell out of some random nobodies. See, Mezian, you’re trying to make it clear that your some tough bad ass that will run over me, but you don’t see the irony in your actions. I told you already that I’m better than the jiu jitsu jack offs that you fought back in your championship days. So if I’m better than those fucks, y’know the ones that are even trained to fight, than why should anyone think that your assault on two innocent civilians is remotely relevant to what you can do against an XWF Champion in the ring on Saturday?

You’re unbelievably tone deaf. It’s like you are making an effort to prove my point because when I say that the only people that you can beat are D-league weaklings, you go out there and brag about beating up more D-league weaklings! It’s funny in a way because you are absolutely clueless. You have no idea how foolish you sound until I stand here and break it down for you.

But the problem isn’t just you, Mezian. This epidemic extends further across all walks of life in the XWF. It wasn’t long ago that I found myself in a fun little exchange with Thaddeus Duke, a new member of Ax3. You see, I criticized their stable because there are clearly some divisions. Chaos and Duke can’t stand each other, and they both want a shot at the title held by none other than Ax3 member Jim Caedus. I can smell this shit storm from five miles out.

After Duke weakly defends his cause, pretty much saying that you don’t need unity to be a dominant force, he goes for the tried and true ad hominem attack on my past. He criticized my leadership in my time with PATROL.

But Duke failed to realize that the reason that PATROL crumbled is similar to why Ax3 is going to collapse in the future. I was the only person actively fighting for the group’s vision, to end the oppression of shape shifting lizards across our country and the world. I now assume that Jervis Cottonbelly and Benito were probably both in it for the championship opportunity that came with joining my group.

They made a strategic decision to pursue their own individual goals, and they were not truly invested in the outcome and growth of PATROL as a global movement. So once they had achieved their goal, they didn’t have much of an interest in sticking around. And Ax3 won’t last because in the end the self-interest of Thaddeus Duke or Chris Chaos or Jim Caedus will inevitably outweigh their arbitrary allegiance towards one another.

By bringing up PATROL’s legacy, or lack thereof, Thaddeus really drove my point home. The irony.

These recent events struck a chord in me. They reminded me that there’s something else that I’m passionate about, a broader goal. You see, I fight for the lizard people because I see the ways that they are ostracized and mistreated. I see the way that people are ill informed because of the rumor and hatemongering done by our social institutions. I hate the ignorance that leads to these problems. The key part of that sentence, is that I hate ignorance.

There’s something genuinely painful about seeing someone say stupid shit, and it’s only worse when it goes by unquestioned without a second thought. Left and right, XWF superstars drone on and on about why they’re the best, and it is sick to imagine that some people are lapping it up like dogs.

That only makes me walk into the main event on Saturday with more of a gripe. Because I want all of the people that buy into Mezian’s façade to see him get beaten fair and square once he has a real opponent. It’s a great feeling to make your opponent put every bit of their heart and soul into a match after they promised their fans that they would win no problem. And this won’t be the first time, I get to feel that sensation. After Gabe Reno laughed about trashing my house and made jokes at my expense, I put him through the ringer for fifteen minutes, and he walked away without my TV Championship.

The same could be said about last week, when Danny Imperial had decided he would retain the belt in approximately five minutes. I wonder if Mezian saw how he ended up, his head slammed into the canvas from the top rope.

My reign as Television Champion will be defined by matches like this, and, Mezian, you are at the top of the list. The first in line as I begin my crusade against the plague of ignorance!

Come Saturday night, you will be the first of many blindly arrogant XWF superstars to fall short, and maybe, just maybe, you will realize that winning a bar fight does not make you championship material.”

The scene fades out, as Nixon continues his walk around Rittenhouse Square with a smile on his face and a clear vision of Saturday night in his mind.

Ambassador of the Lizard People
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