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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Final Thoughts
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-21-2017, 10:18 PM

The scene cuts to Jenny and Chris sitting in their VIP Hotel room on the top floor of the Boston Marriott Longwarf Hotel. The kind of room that is $2,000 a night. The kind of room celebrities stay in.

They had a bottle of wine. Jenny was wearing a tee shirt, a long one, and that's about it. Chris had on a pair of Nike gym shorts and his AX3 tee shirt. They were watching Cadryn's newest promo. They giggled to themselves as he began talking. Chris poured some wine for her, than for himself. The toasted, then looked at the TV screen.

Propped up against pillows, he pulled the comforter over their legs.

After about 2 minutes, he pauses the TV.

"They say the meek shall inherit the earth....."

He and Jenny laugh and toast.

"...only in fairy tails. And that is what this Cadryn Tiberius 'redemption' is, a fairy tale. And a bad one at that. But the one man handicapped convention finally decided to speak up. Like I said before, all this build up, all this anticipation, and only disappointment. God Cadryn, how can one person suck on so many levels? There is just so, so much I could tear apart like a Pitbull digging into a porterhouse.....but I will focus on a few key points that were extra idiotic. I mean, it's clear you were scrambling. It is clear you have NO idea what you are getting into here, and I didn't have to prove that to the did it yourself as soon as you opened your dicktrap."

The Hillbilly Bitchfish Said:All of a sudden I’m not as entertaining as I used to be eh? Oh, okay. It seems to me that I’m still just as entertaining as I ever was considering you’ve spent the last week looking for ways to combat my brand of charisma and charm.

Ummm.....I actually have been spending the last week kicking your ass. You attacked me from behind, and I outsmarted you. Not only did I put you in a hospital but I out-witted you too. You fell into my trap, yet I am the one having a problem combating you? Do you listen to yourself when you talk to yourself?


But, that wasn't all."

He pops another bottle, and pours some more into Jenny's glass first, like a true gentleman.

The Hillbilly Bitchfish Said:You’ve never faced an opponent like me before, Chris.

Lies. I am 28-7-2 and out of those 37 matches, 28 of them have been just like you. People who aren't on my level, never will be on my level, and flat out don't deserve to breath my air. The 7, they either cheated or got lucky, need I remind the world AGAIN that I haven't been cleanly since AUGUST? The 2 draws.....well, like you so elegantly put it Cadryn....."You win some, and you lose some". Getting a draw decision against me is abou as much of a win as pinning me 1-2-3. It's few and far between. So before you get your head too big for your undersized body, take a look at the facts."

The Hillbilly Bitchfish Said:You’re the “If you can’t beat em, join em” type, and despite what you say Graves beat you that night, which is why you felt the need to align yourself with him

He paused the TV.

"Okay. Do you even listen when someone else shoots? Or are you trapped in your own personal little world? The ONLY thing that matters in this company, besides winning and holding belts, is the record attached to your name. Graves fault a valiant fight, and sure you could argue that I had some help......but I won, and I KEPT my title. That is all anyone will remember. You can justify it however you need to to sleep better at night, but it's just not true. I aligned with him because I brought out something in him that night that he had long since put away. What I did, joining AX3, was a business move. It is called advancing your career. Something you would know nothing about. I have been in AX3 for less than a week and they already look to me as their leader. What does that say? 3 of the top men in this business look at me as their superior. What do they look at you as? point exactly."

He lets the promo keep running, trying to keep from throwing up on the clean sheets.

"He accused you of using Wikipedia again" Jenny said, with a chuckle, sipping her wine.

"It's really not. It is basic history. I didn't copy a word from there, I just paid attention in social studies. It is called having a college degree and applying yourself and using the events leading up to the Revolutionary War as a metaphor....I bet West Virginia kids don't even know what a metaphor is. I could go on the internet and give you where they rank nationally in education........but it's a lot of scrolling to find under the teen pregnancies, teen drug use, suicides and drop out rate. And he would probably just accuse me of that, too. But let's just's not a very high rank."

"I'm not surprised", Jenny said, "I didn't have the best upbringing either but at least I'm not a moron."

He pats her shoulder, "No, babe, you're just blonde." The two smile and she shakes her head.

The Hillbilly Bitchfish Said:A man of my talent and charisma deserves to close every show. That’s how you retain ratings.

"Yeah, if your show is QVC. You're charisma is about as high as a nursing home bingo day. Your charm is that of a inbred halfwit. Cadryn, if XWF had guys like you at the top, they wouldn't be open more than 6 more months. People would rather watch Golf on loop than watch you headline this company's shows. And you know, I think you know that is true. Is that why you keep reminding me every time you talk about how your charm and charisma are so high? What are you covering for?"

"A small dick?"

"Probably babe, everything is small on him. I've seen chicks more intimdating."

"Am I more intimidating?"

"Actually....yes, one week of the month anyway."

She smiled and play hit him.

The Hillbilly Bitchfish Said:I don’t need you for anything, other than another easy victory.

"Whatever medicine they have you on in the hospital, can you bring some to Savage? I'll throw ya some money for a baggie, that shit would be a hit in the clubs up in Ybor. You're serious? Holy jumping fucking shitballs, you're actually serious? Ask ANY member of that roster about stepping into the ring with me. Ask your new girlfriend Dolly if I am an easy match. Ask Reno. Ask Gilmour. Graves, Duke, Trax Bourbon---hell anyone who matters. THERE IS NOTHING EASY ABOUT FACING ME AT ALL. If you win, its a goddamn miracle. But easy? Hell, maybe it is YOU who is getting too cocky. Talk about calling the kettle black."

"Shall we keep going?"

She has the remote now, and takes another sip of her wine with a giggle.

"I don't know how much more of this lunacy I can stomach, babe, but sure. I guess hit play I will poke holes in one or two more points."

She giggles again and hits play.

The Hillbilly Bitchfish Said:You will understand the mistake you made underestimating me.

No, I didn't. I made a mistake thinking that maybe you were worth something. That maybe you were capable of being more than a bitch-made . My biggest mistake was even acknowledging you exist. You are so far below me it is baffling to think. Cadryn my biggest be putting you in a hospital and not ending your life there in Jefferson's office. And I mean that."

More of the promo plays.

The Hillbilly Bitchfish Said:You said it takes a man to kick someone when they are down? That alone shows the type of pussified, pretty boy, asshole person that you truly are.

"No, Cadryn. That is what separates the best from the bottom. It is a mindframe like that that won me the Universal Title after being on the roster for less than 5 months. It is a mind frame like that that shows that I know how to get ahead in this business and get what I want. It is why I will continue to succeed far after Savage, and why nobody will remember the name Cadryn Tiberius ever graced the XWF midcard. So enjoy your time in the hospital....enjoy eating mushy food and breathing from a tube, and know when you got to sleep tonight just who it was that put you there. And mark it on your calendar---because I am going to put you there again. It's okay, though....don't worry your little brain.....I heard Boston has some of the best hospitals in the country......

Ms. Goodstuff has already called and notified them of your arrival. They will have the room, and the bedpan ready. They look forward to seeing you...... least someone does."

He signals to her and she shuts off the television.

"Another flawless promo, cutie."

"That was tough. He is so boring, I almost fell asleep watching it."

"Oh, I don't think you will be sleeping for a while"

She winks and bites her lip. She pulls the covers up over them as he rolls on top, reaches over and shuts off the light.

[Image: daF0IYj.jpg]

[Image: P1FcZNU.jpg]
XWF RECORD: 28-7-2 and Soon to be 29-7-2
XWF Universal Champ: 1x
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