The Monster of Htaed
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...
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03-24-2017, 08:03 PM
Continued from Chronicles of Alluring Mischief: Book of Stars...
Fade in...
The Library is slightly still a mess. I have found myself intrigued by a book titled “Dream Architecture: A Dream Crawlers Guide.” So intrigued I have taken a seat on one of the oak chairs at the center room table. Dropping the old dust covered bible looking book from about six inches. The leather bound, five or so pound book lands on the oak table hard. Thud! The noise created on impact echoes throughout the Library. Almost positive Father Slathe would hear the thud. Quickly I hop up from the wooden chair; it lets out a piercing shriek. My hands instantly cover my ears from the dreadful noise.
Mr. Tidbits: “Holy Shit! Fucking old creaky chair!”
Silently cursing the chair out loud as if it was a living creature. Just as I had predicted I could hear the hard wooden bottoms of Father Slathe’s dress shoes. Clack, clack, clickity, clack, the sound of wooden soled shoes on marble flooring. Swiftly and tactically I begin grabbing books from the pile that is still scattered about the floor. With an arm full, I climb to my feet and begin rearranging the cluster fuck on the shelves. Just as Father Slathe walks through the doorway, I turn with one book left. He smiles, I nod and walk past him to the opposite side of the room. Placing the last book besides the one I have on the table snuggly where it belongs. Just as I begin to pull my arm and hand back from the shelf, Father Slathe’s voice rings in my ear.
Father Slathe: “Son thank you for cleaning up in here. It is good for now; we have more important concerns, though. Something that will require more skill and patients than janitorial work like what you are performing now. Believe me, you will enjoy this task, my child.”
Mr. Tidbits: “Father I enjoy any task you ask of me. It doesn’t matter if it is just tidying up the mansion. You have given me a reason to be. My mind and body will always be at your beck and call.”
Father Slathe smiles and walks toward my direction. Stepping directly in front of me, his walking stick in his left hand. Beginning to kneel before my master. His right-hand grabs my bicep and pulls me back to a proper standing position. He is smiling like a sensitive person would at a box of puppies. His hand releases my bicep and begins to gracefully rub my mask where my cheek would be. Father Slathe is using the back of his hand to pet my masked cheek. Knowing because his knuckles pressed through my mask and I could feel the bumps graze my cheek.
Father Slathe: “Son you have no idea how proud I am to hear that. You are the perfect child, no other will ever walk this world with the imprint you’ll leave. You, my son still have plenty of time to grow and expand. This task will be somewhat on a new level. Even for you, my child. We must take part in the conjuring of Black Magic! Please son before you bite your tongue remember the words it just spewed.”
Father was right, now was not the time to question his demands. I’ve been nothing but a disappointment to him. Losing to Robbie Bourbon, not once but twice? How has he even already forgiven me? Lowering my head at the thought of the entire letdown I made Father endure. Father quickly lifts my head by my chin. He stares directly into my eyes, well at least into the black mesh eyeholes of my mask. His solid brown eyes almost taking control of my soul with the deadly stare Father beams with a smile.
Father Slather: “Child please keep your head held high. No need to stay trapped in the past. Now is the time to shake the shame and shine Truthful. Everything will then make sense. Once punishment has been received, sins are no longer your debt. Forget the losses to Mr. Bourbon, they were meant to be. Now focus on Lethal Lottery and our mission at hand for the High Council. Yes, we are going to dabble in something that has been labeled forbidden. Well, I am the one who had forbidden it, so now I am specially revoking the rule for the whole community of The Truth.”
Mr. Tidbits: “Yes Father, I will keep my chin high. Please proceed with what we are to do next!”
Father Slathe releases my chin and spins around with agility of a jungle feline. I sniffle and take one step forward just so I wasn’t so close to the shelf. Wouldn’t want to accidentally make another mess. Father Slathe takes a seat at the king’s end of the oak table in the center of the library. Good, he hasn’t noticed the book lying on the table or at least gave it no mind. Standing still I cross my arms and wait for Father to begin the brief. Instead of his mouth opening and it followed by the flow of inspiring commands. Unexpectedly his right arm rises to the air. His hand gestures me to come and take a seat. Uncrossing my arms, while he places his walking stick on the table almost knocking my book to the floor. Still, he says nothing; quickly I take my seat at the opposite end of the table. Nodding letting Father Slathe know he can now begin.
Father Slathe: “Thank you for taking a seat, this brief will take a little longer than most. You know what we are about to do is going to require Black Magic. You’ve accepted that now I hope you can accept the rest. The Black Magic we need is to locate a Spell Tome. See the man who wrote the Book of Stars was a bit of a dark adventurer and he loved puzzles. So Formula X was just a spell to locate the actual formula to be able to perform Astro Projection.”
Mr. Tidbits: “So we don’t even know for sure if this is even the last smoke and mirror before retrieving the true formula. Well, then I guess you should hurry up with the briefing.”
Father Slathe: “Yes time is of the essence. So you may not believe in what we must do, but we must, please understand. We must sacrifice a wretched child, no older than fourteen. I know you have a firm rule on with no harming of Children. Just hear me out, before you speak. I’ve already had our personal intelligence team find a target. He is a thirteen-year-old boy in a Juvenile Detention Halfway Home. Here is what will make you accept this rule break. See he has no intentions of being a civilized being. Intel revealed at the home in the last year he has committed sixteen to twenty unreported rapes, if not more. Most have been on the other boys at the home. A few on Catholic School Girls who are located just down the road. So should I continue or have you already decided to object?”
Damn! What a predicament. Right after my first kill, I swore I’d never harm a child. No matter what, on the other hand, this maybe the only way to save the Community of The Truth. Talk about choosing between a shit sandwich and glass of yeast infected soaked piss. Licking my upper lip under my mask for a few seconds before responding to my Father.
Mr. Tidbits: “I don’t object, I want to at least check everything out first hand. Finish with the briefing, I will prepare for the mission. Once I do some personal reconnaissance, I’ll assess the situation. If everything checks out and this kid is confirmed serial rapist, then I will break my rule this once for the Community. If this ever needs to be done again, hire a contract killer.”
Father Slathe: “Son! I know this is going to be very difficult for you. I only ask such a barbaric act because it must be one of us. I can’t risk bringing another on board for this one child. Hate me if you must but the Community is mine to protect!”
Mr. Tidbits: “Father I could never hate you, please continue.”
Father Smiles from across the table and nods his head. Before continuing on with the briefing he removes his hat from his head. Placing it on the table next to his walking staff.
Father Slathe: “Good my child, I knew you’d understand. So your target is named Tyler Martin, he is almost fourteen years old. His first crime recorded was at the age of eight. He stabbed an elderly man on the city bus. Seventeen times in the face with a lead pencil sharpened with a Swiss Army knife. No known connection labeled as an act of impulsive insanity.
It doesn’t end there, though; he had been released a year later. Where he jumped up from attempt of murder to full-blown murder, the kids a nuisance my Son. His last crime was Sodomizing a fellow classmate with a janitors mop handle. Claims it just seemed like fun and a good way to ejaculate.
Now my intelligence team has gathered evidence of him still on the depraved sexual warpath. These are unwilling partners, nothing like what you enjoy. Those women are of consent, you ask them yourself, please don’t try to relate. You are True, Tyler is a sinner and he can’t be saved. Just erased from existence, well not completely. See we will need his body in complete tact besides the removal of his heart. So yeah guess what you get to play doctor. So please go prepare Jeffery has already been informed of your departure.”
Mr. Tidbits: “Yes Father. Let Jeffery know I should be no longer than twenty minutes. Not much needed to tranquilize a teenager, kidnap him, and bring him back here.”
Father Slathe waves me off. Quickly I slide my chair back and rise to my feet. Taking off in a quick manner. Well at least until I exit the Library and make it down the hall a little, toward my room.
To be Continued...
Father Slathe is sitting in the Library, while I am preparing my gear. With a smile on his face, he is staring into a small hidden camera. Linked directly to the XWF website. Father Slathe is still sitting at the head of the table. His hat is back on top of his head straight and neat. Father Slathe stops smiling and begins to speak.
Father Slathe: “Hello again my Children of XWF and all of you sinners, well hopefully you learn something. Doubtful but just maybe some of you pea brained sheep can wake up. The Truth does have that effect sometimes. I see more and more viewers, every day, which is always nice. Especially since Mr. Tidbits failed to take the Hart Championship from Mr. Bourbon. Htaed thankfully has blessed us with a third chance, which includes two other gentlemen. So it isn’t one on one combat. Just means it will be three times the fun for Mr. Tidbits. I know he is very pleased with the way things turned out. Kind of funny, he fails twice, but still, holds his head high. I am proud to call him Son and even prouder to represent him for the XWF Universe!
Our fellow brothers and sisters of The Truth I sit here before you. Promising your brother Mr. Tidbits, my Son will not let us down this time. He received his punishment for failure with open arms. Every scar, bruise, gash, and injury he took to heart. I can say this because I witnessed every ounce of strength. That it took Mr. Tidbits to hold his head high through all the agony. All the mental strain, Mr. Tidbits stayed focused and centered. Now knowing his Savior Htaed has blessed him with a third and most likely final chance for redemption. Mr. Tidbits has even peaked past the level of focus he required to survive his punishment without shame or anger. You know what that tells us? It tells us we have nothing to worry about.
Yeah, there will be three great combatants in the squared circle with him. More warriors in the match just guarantee more violence and excitement for everyone watching Lethal Lottery. Hell, the majority of Mr. Tidbits' matches have been with more than one other opponent. He will be able to handle anything Mr. Bourbon, Mr. Havok, and Mr. Main think they have up their sleeves. Two times my perfect child was duped, not a third. This time nothing funny will happen, the referee won’t interfere. Nor will my Son be recuperating from a match not too long before his next. How can I call him perfect when he failed me twice, well simple, perfection sometimes fails too. What PERFECTION doesn’t do is give up it fights tooth and nail!
Now I’ve noticed two of my Son’s opponents have cut promos how cute. Both men my son has never had the pleasure of facing. This should be a thrill like no other. Seriously though the one man Mr. Tidbits wants to rip limb from limb hasn’t been seen. That is okay because Mr. Main and Mr. Havok seem to be full of arrogance and fire. They have their little hearts set on obtaining that belt that Mr. Bourbon clings on to like the last Twinkie during an apocalypse. To their fans well hopefully you aren’t looking forward to them achieving their goals. Simply because if my SON, Mr. Tidbits fails me again and makes me look a fool. Especially in front of our Savior Htaed, who has already blessed him too many of times. Mr. Tidbits will beg for punishment instead of what will be done!
Now onto more serious matters like the sins of Mr. Main, I can’t believe he isn’t blowing up with how full of himself he is! That isn’t a very nice or intriguing characteristic to have, especially for in your line of work Mr. Main. That kind of attitude could get some nasty people wanting you to be hurt. Kind of like myself, see I don’t like being talked down to. Nor do I like being told to back out of a fight. I know for sure Mr. Tidbits would never back down from combat. The man just loves everything about the art of violence. What in the world displays violence such as an art like combat does? None. So before you spew more trash from that pretty mouth of yours. Maybe you should reevaluate your life, your goals, your dreams, and everything dear to you. Why? Well because if you speak ill of anyone associated with The Truth again. Those very words could bring everything dear to you smashing through a vortex of destruction and devastation!
See Mr. Main my Son he doesn’t like when people piss his father off. Clearly, it was your objective to do so, but since it was your first. Well, I should be able to forget it ever happened. I’m sure you won’t feel the need to take my threats seriously. Your ego outshines your talent more than Kanye West, a man who believes his dancing can compare to war. You believe you are the gold standard huh? My question to you Mr. Main is of what? Gold is precious to sheep. It serves no real purpose except to expand greed and enslave the ordinary mind. If it really came down to survival what purpose would it serve, maybe a nice shelter? Do you need a golden shelter Mr. Main to keep you protected from all the bad creatures of the world that go bump in the night? If so hopefully you’re ancestors were a part of the Gold Rush. You’re going to need a lot more than what is on the Hart Championship Belt to stay safe from the Firestorm of The Truth that is Mr. Tidbits!
So now that we have the GOLD STANDARD’S attention. Let’s say the XWF is your Jungle Mr. Main, you’re the Alpha and Omega Tiger. Running every other animal scared and frightened past belief. Well, guess what? The Truth, well as displeasing of a taste it may leave in your cum-stained mouth. Is that a group of poachers are freely roaming your Jungle, looking for that prime kill. One of those poachers happens to be myself and well you see I brought a friend. Mr. Tidbits, who well for the sake of your comparison, is a Canis Molossus or a Molosser. Not only a dog bred for combat, but as well to fight tigers. Let me inform you from a first-hand experience in Korea. With my own eyes, I watched a Molosser versus a Tiger. Let us just say the Tiger may have looked better after being hit by an eighteen-wheeler at one hundred miles per hour. Moral of the story is that you Mr. Main, XWF’s Alpha and Omega may end up like that Tiger!
Just try and watch the disrespect. I would rather not have to pound some parenting advice into your mother. No, no. I meant I would rather not pound some babies into your Mother and have to give her parenting advice. See if I disrespected someone like you tried to with Mr. Tidbits and Mr. Havok. My mother would have tanned my hide and made me eat a bar of real soap, made from lard. You obviously missed many lessons on manners as a child. Maybe if your mother’s vagina is still moist, tight, and clean I’ll take on responsibility as your step daddy?! No? Wouldn't you like that? Mr. Main you wouldn’t be able to handle life if I was your Father, you don’t have the Hart! Nor do you have the strength, the will, the determination, or the discipline to be the greatest Hart Champion of all time. Your mind has tricked you into believing without a doubt of having the longest reign in XWF. Before that can be accomplished you must be a Hart Champion first, which isn’t happening for you at Lethal Lottery Mr. Main.
Honestly, since Lethal Lottery is in North Korea. When The Truth is revealed and Mr. Tidbits leaves a mangled and bloodied Tiger in the middle of the ring. The fans may just fry you up in a nice little Tiger Stir Frye!
Until next time XWF Universe The Truth is all around!”
Fade out.