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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 4 RP Board
Sins Of Our Fathers #2
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-27-2017, 07:32 AM

Fade In

Continued. Sins Of Our Fathers Part 2

Robert looks at his gold Rolex once more still sitting on the alters steps. He looks up from his watch slowly squinting his eyes. Listening as something outside the abandoned church quickly approaches. It sounds like galloping. Robert looks towards the entrance as the sound grows closer. He doesn't blink like, a sniper awaiting his target. He watches and sees the head of a white horse slowly enter the church with Jim Caedus on its back. The horseman of Pestilence. Robert watches as the horses thundering of hooves split the silence of the trashed church as the stallion walks up the trash covered aisle towards the altar. The breeze through the broken stained glass windows picks up as the horse's mane takes flight into the air like flames. The huge animals muscles rippled from under his freshly groomed pelt and his powerful legs propel the horse forward and kept him going as he powered through the broken benches and piles of trash in the aisle. Jim Peers down at Robert Main for a few moments before cracking a smile. The Television Championship strapped firmly around his waist. As Jim gets off the horse dropping to the trash-covered floor. The Championship glimmers off of the little light that is left in the dilapidated building. Robert gets up from the steps as the two fits bump. Robert hand's Jim a cigar, quickly Jim places it into his mouth as Robert pulls his zippo lighter out and lights Jim’s cigar. Jim waste no time sucking in the deep smooth smoke, turning the tip of the cigar cherry red. Jim slowly releases the smoke into the air enjoying every bit before it leaves his body! Jim looks to Robert now behind the podium on the altar. Jim takes a seat on the steps where Robert was sitting.

"My black horse still out there Champ?"

Jim: Uh... Yeah man! You did tie it to the side of the building! Where in the hell would it go? Your nuts you know that? But that’s what I like about you, Rob! You’re just as crazy as I am!

" Yeah I am! Why pretend to be something you’re not? I'm mean hell, look at half the roster, Jim! Pretenders!"

Jim: "Agreed my brother! Just look at the two clowns in my match. Thank god I have a partner Like Trax! Dolly Waters and Cardyn! What a joke. These two don't stand a chance in hell. They can cut promo after promo. It gets them no place! I don't lose to people like them. No one and I mean no one my brother has stopped me. Fuck you, Rob! (Both men laugh for a moment before Jim continues) I'm going to do what I do every single time I'm in the ring. Win! Hell brother look at the Jokesters in your match! You have LJ a washed up never was. Tidbits hiding behind a mask!

" Speaking of Tidbits. I was far from done with his ass! Did you call me a sheep? Gold is precious to sheep? Gold is something Champions wear you freaking moron! Gold is something winners carries around with them. Like my brother here Jim. People who carries the gold don't have to hide behind a mask or need any guidance for anyone, like you father. Father, I bet you have guided a lot of young boys over the years. I sick to think about. I bet you guided them in the direction of your bedroom! You sick freak. You said gold serves no real purpose. Well in life you idiot. Whoever has the gold has the power! It shows that I am better than you, father. It shows I am better than Mr. Tidbits! It shows I am better than Robbie who will lose this championship match! It shows I'm better than Havok. Your misguided attempts to help Tidbits isn't doing anything! Other than cloud his already feeble mind. He is too weak to see the light. His intelligence that of a rock on the side of the road. The only thing you are doing is failing him. Torturing his already fragile mind. He loses because he can do nothing else. You claim Tidbits is a wrecking ball of man. Spreading destruction each time he steps foot inside the ring. All I have seen is a man to foolish and stupid to tuck tail. Tidbits is much like you father! You share the same thing. Your losers! Looking to grab whatever spotlight you can. Guys like you and Tidbits have to pull stunts and talk out your asses. Because the spotlight is too busy following guys like me! Then you resort to talking about my mother like it's going to fire me up. Get me all hot and bothered. Throw me off my game? You talk about getting her pregnant and being my daddy. Listen sucker! You stepped foot in my parent’s house not only would my real father beat the hell out of you. He would send you packing inside of a body bag. Shooting your ass dead! You talk high and mighty like you’ve seen a thing or two in life. Are you feeling tough? Father bring your ass out to the ring any show anywhere and you won't have to worry about your mother tanning your hide. I'll do it personally. See, unlike Mr. Tidbits. I don't need a mouthpiece. I don't need anyone anyplace to talk for me. I don't need anyone to step up and fight my battles for me. My in ring abilities speak for its self. My hit list also speaks for its self. Maybe that is why Tidbits is a constant failure. Because he cannot do anything for himself. What a coward. Would it be wrong to call someone a pussy in church? I don't think so! Tidbits Father! You are both grade a pussies! And I do not mean that with any respect at all. Maybe father if you would let him have his balls back and take them out of your purse he would be more of a man! Take the chains off. Butter yet fuck you two low life trailer park shits. You two seem way too close. I'm starting to think there might be more than meets the eye here. Like Transformers. Get you two in the same room with no one else around and you transform. Like two dogs stuck together! If you get my drift. And by the way, If you were indeed my father. I would step up and beat your cowardly ass.

You know it's bad when Sayors is questioning your pet project. The best part about the whole damn thing is you guys actually think that one day you will take the Universal Championship! Boys, I really hate to be the bearer of bad news but, the line starts behind me! Tidbits should not even be in the Heart Championship match let alone in line for a Universal Championship match! He’s lost twice now! He should not even be in the top ten on the rankings charts! The lines of bull shit you must be feeding Tidbits, must be monumental. Listening to you father is like getting an email from a billionaire in Africa! He just wants to give you some money! All you have to do is just give him your bank account number. Complete freaking insanity! Father maybe after this third failed attempt you can open up a used car lot. You'd be great at it. Selling shitty cars to people making them think they are getting a great deal. Station wagon into a Lambo right? You could honestly sell ice to an Eskimo! Or you would just stick around like a bad case of the crabs until they gave in! If your main concern is going to be Robbie in this match! You should just stay home because going in with that game plan will assure you another failed attempt at becoming a champion. Wait to have a champion under you. Because you father cannot do it yourself. (Robert pauses looking over at Jim who is now on stage right beside him). Jim? Do you have something to say? You chomping at the bit here!"

Jim: "Mortal men stand between Thanatos and ultimate victory... The weak minded slave in Tidbits, sadly unable to slough the chains of his captor Father Slathe, falling short of freedom, fumbling into failure...A pitiful creature that can never hope to attain while he abstains in shame. The pretender, the false prophet, the blasphemer in LJ Havok announcing himself as God of men, unable to live up to his own claims of change and deification, pure defecation trodden upon by the hooves of the Pale Horse under the reigns of the ravenous rider. And the mighty...the wealthy...greed, envy and sloth incarnate...the King in Robbie Bourbon, King of Harts, Hart Champion...The man of the people...The fool...Already fallen from grace, expelled as the morning star, victim of Pestilence the beast in the ranks of Thanatos...Thanatos whose wrath of Hell commanded victory over Pestilence...Thanatos...Robert fucking Omega Main...Who shall bring Armageddon upon the King and claim his throne."

"Thanks, Jim! You hit the nail right on the head about all three of them. But one man has yet to speak one word! One man has yet to show his ginger face to the world. Maybe it is the loss in Lethal Lottery? Getting knocked out of the tournament? Got him all choked up? Maybe he knows his days as champion are numbered? Where oh where has my Robbie gone? I wouldn't take you as a man who would be scared, Robbie. 290 bills well over 6 foot 5. A monster among men! But where are you? Assaulting your nearest hot dog stand? I’m hugely disappointed Robbie. The fighting champion, willing to defend each and every card sometimes twice in one night has gone silent? It’s not like you big man! I was looking forward to the banter back and forth before I took your championship! WAIT A SECOND! Jim, did you get that list of demands written up and sent over to Robbie? ( Jim smiles as he nods. Blowing a few smoke rings at the camera.) That’s it! I get it now. He’s not going to even show. He’s going to hand The Heart Championship over to me! (Robert grins from ear to ear.) Ya know Robbie the boys talk about you like you are some superhuman or something. You can leap tall buildings in a single bound! Give me a freaking break fat boy! The only leaping you do is when the smell of nachos hits your nostrils! I will give you this, though. Robbie, you’re as graceful as a ballerina when doing so. The agility is second to none. They boys say you’re tougher than nails. You eat ground up glass and shit windows! Your pain tolerance is through the roof! You can dish it and give it. I like that! We’ll see, though! I’ll surely be testing that theory for myself. I’ll make you squeal, like the pig you are! Oh, and if you decide to have one of your extreme acts of violence! Putting someone through a glass table! Please do so! I want the meanest toughest Robbie I can get in the ring. Though you will find out I am far more sadistic than you’ll ever dream of being in the ring. I’ll wrap a strand of barbed wire around that fat neck of yours and choke the life from you. Watching as you bleed like a stuck piggy. The king of Hearts as Jim stated! The bad tempered ginger! Funny thing, I’ve never meet a ginger to this day who hasn’t had a bad ass temper. Must be genetics! But speaking of tempers Robbie it seems you have a real bad one. Flying off the handle at times. Doing this in our match could prove costly. Even losing your empire of dirt you defend! I’m coming Robbie, to take what is rightfully mine! Nothing will come in between me and this Heart Championship. I’m bringing hell with me!”

Robert walks out from behind the podium nodding to Jim. Robert pats the white horse as he walks by feeling its smooth fur between his fingers. Jim grabs the horse by its reigns walking with Robert towards the exit as the three of them walk outside they look to the sky. Black clouds sprawled across the sky, billowing in from the west. The sudden darkness drains color from the trees off in the distance. The air begins to grow heavy as the humidity presses down upon them.

Jim: Looks like we are going to Ride On The Storm Brother!

”You know what! We should go after the Tag Team Titles!

Jim grins tossing his now finished cigar to the ground. The musty scent of rain fills their senses. A stillness then falls over them. Jim mounts his horse as Robert comes from behind the old church riding his ashen horse. A low crackle of thunder, followed by a brief flash of lightning. Tiny raindrops begin falling from the heavens. For a moment, everything around them stops. The wind even takes a moment holding its breath. A streak of hot white light splits the sky! Followed by a BOOM of thunder sending both horses onto their back legs! The wind then exhales blowing full force at Jim and Robert. The downpour begins. As the two men ride off into the storm!

Fade Out

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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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