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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
PlaceMarker Revenge
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JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-17-2017, 10:59 PM

(ooc: No worries Muddy, rl>efeds and I know all of you have a lot more in yours than I do. Thank you bro, I've enjoyed yours here and in Anarchy as well)

(mood music)

-Saturday December 24 2016 12:41 AM PST, Phelan, CA-

My big brother, the wrestler John Caedus (all 6'6, 302 lbs of him) and my sometime cohort in crime, retired wrestler "Thunder Dragon" Chris Chuvanvanijkul, appropriately turned certified electrician, arrive at roughly the same time and, as requested, approach from the back of the property with headlights off.

The three of us set about removing the contents of Chris's truck; various common and highly flammable liquids such as gasoline, paint and wood stain (methanol, ketone and toluene included in the chemical concoctions) meant to match with the plastic empty gallon refueling jugs and metallic empties littering the grounds and stuttered around the border of the ever-a-work-in-progress Enriquez home.

There is no need for discussion, we've been planning this for months now. With precedential evidence officially logged, the aim is to as closely as possible match the conditions (code enforcement themselves levied warnings following the events) that led to the accidental immolation deaths of Holly and my sweet angel Amethyst. They need to be avenged. My big brother and the Thunder Dragon wholeheartedly agree.

As per the plan that will earn him the 50 grand John will pay and I will owe back, TD by his lonesome begins pouring the liquids into the corresponding containers more recently purchased for ongoing home improvement, making sure to trail realistically sporadic drips between the piles.

My mind wanders...a montage of memories play out before my eyes. With each successive snippet I find it increasingly alarming that I fail to feel anything at all in context.

Attending the Long Beach Horror/Comicon in October 2011 with a seven months pregnant Holly
Amethyst born that Christmas
Random moments in 2012 of Holly smiling, trimming the harvests, nursing Amey
Thunder Dragon has made his way around to the front of the house, disappearing from view.
Wiping ice cream from Amey's mouth, cheeks and chin at her second birthday party
The few but potently happy moments achieved while bouncing from place to place and experiencing in-the-Explorer-street-living...

I feel for the urge to bring an unearthly Hell down upon the populace of the entire globe. TD makes his way around the opposite side of the house and reenters the backyard, immediately setting to work manually causing scoring and sparks to fly from the same illegally and haphazardly wired double breaker box that had set off the chain of events killing my wife and daughter.

Amethyst watching her Charlie Brown cartoon
Amey hopping up and snuggling into bed
Holly and I arguing
Waking to the orange glow outside the window
The fire
The ensuing fight and arrest

At long last combustion is achieved in the near vicinity. Popping sends gooey flames scattering about, spreading the burn zone...following around the entire house.
In minutes the entire structure is ablaze, including the illegal backhouse I rent.

TD departs.

John aims the camera and I cut my live teaser XWF vignette for the late showing 12/24 into 12/25/16 Savage card.

20 minutes later we're being detained as the fire fighters attempt to extinguish the inferno
John's camera is confiscated, the digital copy reviewed. We're arrested and questioned.
The fire is extinguished, all 6 members of the Enriquez family are found dead, their bodies removed
It doesn't take arson investigations long to declare the fire itself accidental. John and I are released
I spend the night and next few days on a nearby abandoned property before departing for my Times Square New Years Day booking for Savage leading into 1/1/2017. I leave behind my wife, my daughter, Jimmy O'Connor...and I never look back.


-Friday March 17 2017, Oakland, CA 11:00 PM-


I rouse from my remembrance, fueled by fury and hate, sitting in the center of the XWF ring set up by the crew in pursuit of their day early pre-show rehearsal (due to tomorrow night's basketball game pitting the Golden State Warriors against the Milwaukee Bucks). Savage would have to be set up in record time following the event so Kato had called the crew in for speed and accuracy practice runs.

I'd seen it as a perfect opportunity and venue to stage my final promo. The crew had even been decent enough to set up the 20 combined racked 2x4s in opposite corners for me representing the match Muddy and I would be entering into around 24 hours from now.

On my word, the camera crew begins filming............

I rise to my feet and make my way to the northwestern turnbuckle rack with my back to the lens.

"10 2x4s. First man to break all ten in his corner over the body of his opponent wins. ......Like the Arctic Sea Match Izzy and I tackled in Antarctica on Warfare back in January, a 10 2x4s match is one helluva badass concept. Kato may be an outspoken prick but he knows what the fuck he's doing with Savage and he definitely knows how to showcase his Television Champ. Let's hope he hasn't anything shady planned in putting together this bout."

I turn to the camera.

"Finally decided to join in did we, Muddy? The fuck? After my leaving a trail of breadcrumbs in errors and unmentioned key points of the match I thought I'd get you immediately jumpin' onto the opportunity to tear me asunder. No dice. Word is you were distracted with personal goings-on outside of the XWF; little danger of that being the salvation of your own daughter, eh? Looks like she didn't hafta wait for poppa to unfold from self-fellatio, sober up and save her at all; in light of the incident behind my pinning of Scully in round 3 she's obviously been taken care of. You're such a shit father she must've learned long ago the value of independence in the face of a CPS target type family and quite frankly...for a 12 year old to have to conclude and experience that, despite her inspirational ability to rise above, sickens me. I should pound these punishing boards up your ass for that, you earned it. In fact, you don't just _deserve_ a cruel cornholing with all ten of my 2x4s, you NEED that splintery invasive violation and I'm just the psychotically-erotic sick sunuvabitch to give it to ya.

Anyway, when you finally DID promo, not only did you miss my mistakes, perhaps out of knowledge that I'm not as dumb as I seem, but you invented one for your closing statement. I never said tear you a new rectum, I said rip. Rip rectum. I like to pseudo-alliterate, it makes my promos more fun to shoot for me, more fun to view for what few fans I have. Of course, you could simply be saving the 'bombs' for a final around midnight tonight and Jesus I hope you do. That'll make it hilarious to upload this at the same time, drop the dummy façade and call you out for bein' a corn-fed cornbread cracker-ass grade-A, P.T. Barnum all day cock-a-doodle-dude-noodle sucker...unless you've been warned. If you don't drop a final, you're pretty much giving away the match. If you do but you _don't_ call me out its because you're an idiot who truly didn't notice or a soft heart who deserves credit for kindness but none dealing with drive and determination. You have to jump on that shit, Mud...but then if you had, you would've fallen for the bait. I know, it's fucked up with me, isn't it? Catch-22 Caedus."

'Did he legit fuck up or is he setting me up? Yeah, you're a pain in the ass. Its hard to pin down crazy.'

I'm not crazy.

"You joinin' in with Robbie, Nico and Cadryn now Muddy? Gonna lecture me on what the XWF does and doesn't broadcast? Tell you what...if the XWF truly broadcast on-camera murder, the promotion would already be shut down and nearly every name on the roster would already be behind bars. Let's not push _my_ believability index to scripted fantasy, , I'm the reality around here. Your arguments are for character actors, fantasy and dramatization of actual events. I dream and recall. IF _I'd_ ever taken part in illegal activity, and I haven't, I wouldn't do so with a camera crew following me nor would I miss the irritating buzz of any drones or other forms of uav spycraft...which btw, would've found it quite difficult to keep track of me driving around, or while above, say, forested regions I could've been in or, perhaps, within the walls of any structure. I sure as fuck ain't seen any x-ray/thermo footage of me anywhere and anything of the kind uploaded past this point would be contrived for contradiction purposes. What else can anyone say now within the realm of reality? What can YOU say Muddy? That this is all some elaborate product of several brilliant minds behind computer and smart phone screens? Don't be ridiculous."

'Yeah, moron, this man is real life within real life. How many times does he have to prove it?'

"But I'm more than just a scarred soldier of reality somehow finding the strength to emerge victorious in no less than 11 XWF sanctioned matches thus far...I'm oh so much more. I'm a murder victim who kicked out. I'm a man feeling personally honored as a back-to-back XWF OTM recipient. I'm the XWF's single and supremely proud double champion. Unfortunately for you, that still ain't it...I'm also the answer to a certain mystery fans are noticing nowadays. Like the true lazifying of Hickenbottom's eye I'm the reason behind the dreaded pec deterioration and separation. That's what happens with the stiff execution of my Wrexus Plexus. Kofi, 'Taker, Jericho, Steiner- Shit, Steiner is the example of what _repeated_ Wrexus Plexus kicks can do over the years to even the most chiseled of chests. I mean _look_ at 'im! That's MY boot print you see there, have you all seen that shit yet? You, Muddy? You already got that goin' on with that golf ball sized cavity all can inspect on your profile pic. Now please...allow me to fill that out for you in our match before I finish beating you over the head with stiff wood, not unlike your fondness to feel the hard peppering of horny ram cocks on your cranium as you lie on your back in the sheep pen during in-heat stampedes back home.

And still...I'm so much more. My true story includes unimaginable tortures, guilt, loss and suffering. We do all have our hard times and nightmarish nostalgia but few can relate to nearly two decades of Hell. It always bares repeating...I'm a survivor, Muddy, a fighter. One who refuses to allow shitty hands dealt time and again to rob him of his life and focus. I'm no stranger to struggle and challenge, I thrive on those experiences, I grow, I raise in power...and it's that quality in my person that has allowed me to conquer obstacles and what others may call scrubs...but as I know them to truly be, warriors all. People can say I'm arrogant all they want, it's a lie. I'm simply confident in that my abilities will always provide me with an opportunity to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Whether I'll capitalize on those opportunities or not going into a match, I never know. I do have a loss and a draw on my tally after all and both of those shortcomings were earned by incredibly difficult opponents. Opponents that actually tried to take me down. aren't really trying least not from my perspective at this point in time. And if you don't try against _Caedus_ it's no stretch of the imagination to theorize I may as well just chalk you up as my sixth successful Television Title defense even if you DO beat the hell outta me in the match. I doubt many would disagree. I appreciate the compliment of calling me a 'tough buck' but if you know that why are you making this so easy a war of words? You're a Waters, Muddy, you should strive for greatness like Dolly. Instead, you're phoning it in while I'm taking on a new match every motherfuckin' week and STILL keeping up.

Well...I refuse to believe you're underlying ego will allow you to throw in the towel with a single promo. I was right about Nico, I was right about Cadryn for Cadryn/Caedus III and I'm almost certain you'll be dropping what you think is a smartbomb on a dumbass target around deadline. Of course, I'll be dropping this as well and I guarantee you're expecting it. Let's just see if your possible desperation at making up for losing ground will pay off shall we? I mean, let's be honest, you do have one thing going for you and that's a lack of ammo for me to fight back with which quite possibly could've been your strategy all along, making YOU a whole lot smarter than meets the eye. You've probably figured out that giving me an opening makes way for a royal reaming so you drop one drab dingleberry to leave yourself the opportunity to pack all your trash talk into your nigh inevitable second closer. Cowardly. I've never done THAT to an opponent, I've always given them plenty to work with because I enjoy the back and forth before the final round. That means as dirty a bastard as I am playing the game, you Muddy are dirtier, slimier...with an absence of balls. The only Waters without balls I'd not bank on defeating would be Dolly. You? Laughable. I don't fall to the spineless Muddy, I fall to the courageous. So bring on what you think will be a haymaker herald of victory...I'm not afraid of your skill. Fuck a sucker punching pussy. I'm the XWF Double Champion Jim Caedus and like it or not, whether you promo or not...when I finish bludgeoning you with 10 2x4s in the ring there ain't gonna be enough Muddy left to splatter Yosemite Sam flaps on a peel out."


[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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