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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Mad Men Making Madness Prt. One
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The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-05-2017, 01:49 PM

Fade in...

Mr. Tidbits: “Christopher, Chrissy, oh no his name is Chris Chaos, the XWF Universal Champion, well that should be an honor, I hope you are proud of yourself Mr. Chaos! Hold onto that belt tightly, a lot of men want to pry it from your hands cold and dead hopefully. Myself, I could care less. I just want to put you in your place, the way you run around believing you are superior to all the other flesh bags in the locker room, you aren’t! Your heart beats just like the rest, that is until you have to face The Truth, which will leave you with nothing, you talked a lot about giving Shade nightmares, how evil and frightening you are Mr. Chaos, you have me quivering in my boots, I can’t take it. Please, oh please someone put me out of my misery; this mad man is going to make me wet my bed. I need my mommy! Oh yeah, she is probably choking on a dick right now, what will her little boy do?

I’ll tell you what I am not going to do, I won’t run and cower to any threat or promise of how you’ll go super Chaotic all over my rookie ass, I grew up a long time ago. The Boogey man was overrated anyways when I was a kid, I was more afraid of my Uncle Samuel, not eating,
or never being loved by my mother, than any nightmares, real fucking life is scarier than any nightmare you, I, or even Doc D’Ville could come up with. Now well as you like to say I have no care about anything, not even a gold plated leather strap holds any control over me. That is right Chrissie Pooh, sorry, I mean Mr. Chaos there literally is nothing, not a single thought you could develop in the balled Pig Shit, known to most as a brain, of yours. Nothing, not a damn thing you could do to get in my head, whereas in if let's say your precious were to come up missing, what would that cause for your mental health? Maybe it would be Chaotic! Wouldn’t that be quite ironic, the chaotic one has a chaotic mental breakdown.

I can see the headlines now, Chaos within Chaos, XWF Universal Champ throws tantrum like a twelve-year-old girl who just had their first bleed. Don’t worry Mr. Chaos, Mr. Tidbits is no Killjoy, I would never sink so low as to play childish games, games are for Clowns and well I Fucking Hate Clowns! Our match will be nothing but the most EXTREME moment on your lifeline, no games before or during, scouts honor, do you have to be a scout for that to mean anything? Oh well, who really cares right, we all know every single soul out in the XWF universe has been waiting for the one to step up and take you over their knee and give you a long overdue ass whooping, you know that thing parents use to do to their kids! Don’t worry Mr. Chaos, your Father has returned and he’s ready to paddle some ASS!

Sorry, that is a little out of line, because even if I were your real father, I would never admit to creating offspring like yourself. Not because you hate everything and everyone, but because you actually care about some title, why? What is so special about it, why does that specific item make your heartbeat, why would nothing else but old cowhide and gold give you a sense of purpose? Please, don’t answer, we all already know why, because you are weak, alone, and you well simple you are scared, you are scared, because you fear the fans will no longer make any noise for you. You fear that you will be shadowed by the up and rising stars. Who seem to keep popping up out of the woodwork at a cyclic rate! Kind of like how probably your herpes infection is flaring up uncontrollably with all those nerves. It is okay to be nervous, any proper champion would. Losing to a rookie as the XWF Champion, the potential for complete and utter devastation for one’s career.

Now we all know you couldn’t live with yourself if you completely get destroyed, so please train real hard and prolong The Truth, at least then you won’t look like a complete pathetic excuse of a Champion of warriors. Sure you have defied odds, made the impossible seem possible, probably put men with ten times my experience to the mat for the three count! Very deserving of a cookie, please, let me get you a cookie, and maybe some milk for my Champion? Perfect snack for when depression comes knocking, maybe once the sting of reality sets in that cookie will be looking pretty good for a cry baby chump like yourself. See our match is Xtreme Rules, well what could that possibly mean? Honestly, it could mean a million different things, I mean, there is easily a million different tools, instruments, and objects to deliver damage to OUR Champions body, heart, mind, and even SOUL! The intensity and violence you are going to endure are going to leave a stain of Chaos!

You know a crimson red one, probably with some particles of bone and flesh floating about, yeah dummy that is a metaphor for your blood will stain the arena, your soul will stain the arena, and most importantly your EGO will stain the arena! You’ve fallen to the wolves now and you are already bleeding, wounded, too many close calls very recently with the likes of Thaddeus Duke and Michael Graves, now, well the Alpha-Omega has caught wind of the wounded and now he wants a piece, no, not a piece, I want to devour every last bit of flesh, meat, and blood from your bones! This wolf is starving, starving to prove his worth to his father, starving for the taste of new blood, and starving to be freed. Wolf’s like myself well we don’t mix well with cages and well you see by making it a Xtreme Rules match, the XWF has opened my cage, unshackled me, and put dinner right in front of me with this one.

That is right Chris, all the sheep of the XWF Universe are going to watch the Alpha be taken down by a new Omega, my fangs will strike your jugular over and over quick ripping tearing flesh. Once the blood starts to flow, my true killer instincts will kick in and I will clamp down cutting off your airway slowly, hold still for just a slight moment. Well, then that is when all the real excitement starts for all of the observers, with all my strength I will begin to shake your limp body around like a rag doll until a nice solid chunk of throat, neck, and muscle rips free. You may have more monster-like characteristics than Shade, hell anyone else on the XWF roster, you won’t have the monster within to deal with how monstrous I am Chris. Warfare when our paths collide I will bring you just past the gates to review a Tidbit of Heaven!

Enough about Mr. Chaos, now I want to reach out to a man, who well had my number at Anarchy, Suicide Jack, a very intriguing man, well who probably feels real proud of himself. You should be, most men can’t pull off a victory, and well it was a very solid opportunity for myself to take a loss, a new show, and a new name. No problem there, the problem is I don’t feel I honestly gave you the proper fight, if at some time down the road we are to meet, I promise it won’t be as simple as you winning and you feeling one hundred percent confident in the outcome. You may have the ability to travel time, look into the future and see yourself winning, but sometimes things change, which makes the future alter from its original route, so when we come face to face, don’t rely on your abilities. I will have an answer for changing time!

I do want to wish you good luck on your endeavors because I do respect what you have to offer, I feel you will have a blessed time here in the XWF with glory, but you won’t walk around feeling superior I won’t allow it. Take that win carry it proudly as a badge of survival until next time at least, because there will be a different outcome then. There is no doubt you are a master warrior, but The Truth is you are not as talented as myself, I am the perfect Warrior Suicide Jack, please keep your eye on point and your blade sharp. Next time I want to show you that sometimes Time fails to show The Truth. Until next time my friend!”

Slowly I walk from the shadows of the moist, damp, catacombs with stone walls covered in moss allowing the air to stay fresh. Father Slathe and I spend most of our time, deep below the earth where real Monsters live, a place a man like Chris Chaos most likely stays away from. Since he is so materialistic he only can care and have feelings for an object. My head tilts to the left in the camera with my creepy dark leather masked face chuckling out loud with a very disturbing tone, that would send chills up the average person’s spine. The camera then cuts off leaving the viewers online to have the option to replay, go to the previous, or next promo.

Fade Out.

“Mad Men Making Madness”

Fade in...

The year is probably around two thousand eight, I am a young adult, I have been trained well by Father Slathe the man, who kind of set forth the wakening of a monster, he was responsible for awakening me. Well at least the man I am today in this story, everything he did, worked, I was on the verge of having no feelings, besides to accomplish my tasks, missions, objectives, or whichever you would like to call them. Now all I knew I wanted to make Father Slathe happy with anything he would ask me, it would be perfect, why? Well, he freed me from being the little pussy I was slowly becoming because of my pathetic mother. So now I owe him my complete and utter obedience. Which brings us to this point in time.

Finishing up some mat defense skills, Father Slathe smiles loving how quick I am learning and how well I adapt to change ups. My mind isn’t that like a robot, yet it is, I can think on my own, but for the most part, I don’t. These were some of the few times you could catch Father Slathe out of his robes and hat, he is wearing black wrestling tights, no shirt, black tape on his wrists, he is actually decently well shaped and kept for a religious fanatic, well he once wrestled professionally himself, so I guess it shouldn’t have been such a surprise. If I recall right when I grabbed my towel and began patting down the sweat from my torso, face, and hands, yes my mask had not yet been sewn to my skull. Father Slathe began speaking.

Father Slathe: “Oh child, you are by far my quickest witted student I’ve ever had the honor of training and showing them the way of The Truth, I believe it is time for you to join some of the other lower ranking members on a small resupply mission. It doesn’t have a very high risk since we are just collecting supplies, that when combined could build a bomb, and not just going after an already made bomb. Someone wants to try and reverse the decision of making The Truth as a recognized religion; well we are going to lend a helping hand in our Lords work. What do you say, child?”

Young Adult Mr. Tidbits: “Father, you are not joking, please Father tell me I am ready to finally be of use for our cause, please tell me this is The Truth and not some kind of joke Father, please?

Father Slathe: “Oh child, I promise you this is no joke, we never joke about anything of such regard to The Truth, we need these supplies, we need to remain tax-free or we may look at slowly crumbling like the great Roman Empire. You don’t want The Truth to collapse and all the lies of the world to spread like wildfire and the people die from sin? No, you don’t child, you don’t want any children to have to be placed through what you endured, everyone deserves a true and meaningful purpose, yours is to bring honor to yourself and your new family, I have faith in you Ph... Mr. Tidbits, your true name, my son!”

Young Adult Mr. Tidbits: “Thank you so much Father, I will never forget this day and I will never let you down, I will bring honor to our beliefs, to this family, and most importantly to you! My heart, body, and soul are yours to command, I will devote my life to fighting for The Truth, I would sacrifice my life so be it, as long as it is your wish Father, you are the only one to give me meaning. I will work with whomever, whenever, wherever to achieve what needs to be achieved, just say so.”

Father Slathe: “Very well my son, now let us get back to the manor, shower and eat a proper meal, then you should get some rest, you will meet your Brood mates, the men you will be working with on this task. Also the men you will be spending the majority of your time unless I need you of course, but I can’t be having a teacher's pet, even though you are my prodigy, I want you to experience bunk house and grunt time before I bring you on board full-time pupil, sound fair?”

Young Adult Mr. Tidbits: Sounds very fair Father, if it hadn’t been for you revealing The Truth to me, I would most likely be dead in a motel somewhere with my crack whore mother, anything you ask of me would only seem fair. I owe you my life, a life debt, something I can never repay you, therefore I will never question your words or actions, I am yours to command at will.”

Father Slathe: “Very well child, let's retreat to the Manor and prepare for food and bed, shall we?”

Father Slathe politely offered me to lead the way, like a proper gentleman, something The Truth focused on while creating devastating, relentless killing machines, they saw to it they were refined and proper in their actions and words, of course, there was room for jokes and immaturity but only at the proper times. Passing Father Slathe walking toward the lockers all along the pole barn west wall, quickly I scurry to mine, grabbing my bag after sliding my shirt on over my head. Slowly turning I take four steps toward the exit when I notice Father Slathe is nowhere in sight, I turn left, I turn right, I turn all about, nowhere. Where could he have of disappeared to? I think to myself with a concerned and a little-startled look upon my face. Slowly my mouth opens my lips slowly separating from my dried and gooey saliva sticking them together like I had just smoked a fat blunt of some premium ganja.

Young Adult Mr. Tidbits: “Father Slathe, Father Slathe, are you okay? Father Slathe please, if I displeased you, give me another chance, I won’t let you down again, I swear! Father Forgive me!”

My voice echoed through the pole barn, it was the training center for The Truth’s warrior class members, usually filled to the point of maximum capacity since The Truth seems to be at war with everyone but themselves. Slowly my arm had dropped, knowing something was fishy, in order to free up both my arms and hands, in case an attack were to occur. My duffel bag with my gear and clothes fell to the cold hard cement floor I slowly start circling around as the lights in the pole barn began to flicker on and off. My gut had been right, like always, suddenly the lights completely cut off, I quickly find myself standing in my power-fighting stance with a smirk on my face. Not knowing if it would turn out to be a test or if something or someone had attacked The Truth’s compound, for they have found themselves face to face with many different enemies all the time.

That is when suddenly a fist slightly pressed into my cheek, quickly reacting I avoided most of the blow by spinning backward in the dark, raising my leg, higher and higher as it comes spinning back around, in complete darkness, I connect with a heel kick to the attacker's right side of his skull. From the sound of the crash, I assumed he had smashed into a small rack of weights, because of all the cling clang sounds that were made, and I had chuckled lightly. The attacker was wailing and sobbing in pain from the impact of my heel and the impact of his body on the metal rack and weights. I return to my fighting stance in case of another assailant, after a few seconds nothing, not a sound, so I began walking toward where I believe the light switch is. I had taken about seven steps when I was met with a rib-crushing knee from the front and swift leg sweep from behind.

I had thought to myself, “oh great two on one, yippee!” The attackers caught me off guard and knocked me to the cement floor where my breathing was much heavier than when I was on my feet. The knee to my ribs took my breath away but my back slamming into the cement wasn’t very helpful with the problem either, I was going to have to move quickly and very silent if I was going to want to get out of this alive. Whoever they were they had an objective to put a hurting on The Truth as whole or myself and they weren’t letting up. Before I could collect all of my thoughts or even come close to collecting my breath, I was met with multiple boots smashing into my body, head, and legs. Blocking with my arms as much as possible, I quickly catch my opportunity one of the attackers kicks off key and nails the other right in the shin, quickly I grabbed one of their ankles and gator rolled to the left while donkey kicking the man behind me in the groin. With my might, I began twisting the ankle of the assailant I had ahold of, letting out a scream, gave away where his head was and I delivered a boot of my own directly to his face, his screaming died as he fell unconscious.

Quickly I rose to my feet and ran toward the door not risking any more blackout attacks, my hand grasped the cold door knob twisting it left and pushing it open, the sun beams down into my eyes as I take a step forward.


A needle presses into my neck piercing the skin, the sound of a syringe and faint breathing the last I heard before, slowly my eyelids closed and I had fallen to my knees.

To be continued...

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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