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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-14-2017, 01:02 AM


[Image: LzyrafY.jpg]

Chris sat in a meeting with a bunch of men in suits. All of these men had designer suits on, with fancy shoes, and their hair done perfectly. Many of the men were texting ferverishly on their phones or studying their press passes as if they had never seen one before. Chris twiddled his thumbs on the oak desk, waiting for something to happen in the room. All of these men were media or marketing agents or what not. They weren't CEO's and President's. Those men were even sharper dressed, and they currently say in the adjacent room discussing Chris right now.

Chris knew his presentation was both baffling and impressive. He had perplexed these men but also intrigued them. They would never show it, but he knew he had. He could read people. The expressions on their faces told the story.

He was not just going to be the face of the XWF but the face of several atheltic-based and media friendly corporations. If all went the way he envisioned, he would be in commercials, in movie trailers, on posters, and on magazine covers. He was finally going to get the attention he deserved. He wasn't just a champion, but he was a corner stone. If XWF wasn't going to give him this attention, he would seek it elsewhere. I mean, hell, Scully had a stupid photo of him as a King and a tribute to him on the XWF website for months. Unless you followed the XWF, you wouldn't even know he was the champion. No promos, no dedications, no attention at all.

So Chris went over Vinnie's head, and he was going to get the respect he deserved from people more powerful than Vinnie Lane will ever be. People who run the media. People who run the sports world. People who matter.

Just then the doors opened, and all the people in the room stopped what they were doing. Men in suits came in, and shut the door before them.


"I am not just a brilliant specimen body-wise, but mentally..."

The projecter screen hummed from the back of the dark room.

"I am a cerebral champion. I know what it takes to be the best, to put on a show, but also how to look good doing it. But I think the best thing about me is that I never quit....I never back down....I take on all comers."

The men scribbled notes on their yellow pads. Photos of Chris winning the title in the Elimination Chamber at Wild Card Weekend illuminated the room.

"I flew all the way out to the media capital of the world, Los Angeles, to show you why I am the best possible candidate for your endorsement. I am the best possible candidate for any endorsement. Call it cocky, I call it smart business. I know what I am capable of but most importantly who I am. I am not in it for the money, I am in it to show the world that I am the best in the world at".

The men continued to scribble.

Then a voice pierced the darkness.

"So, if you were to sign, how would you represent Under Armour?"

Chris grinned, a chuckled under his breath.

"Wonderful question. I am the perfect candidate for Under Armour. Why you ask? Because since Day 1 I have been defending my pride, inegrity and skill. My entire life I have either been too small, or too big. Not strong enough or too strong. I have been too tall or not tall enough. But no matter what the "odds" said, I jumped right in with reckless abandon and I excelled. Since coming to XWF, I have been nothing but on the defense. People take shots at me constantly, but I always deflect. Your slogan is "Defend this House?" Correct? Well XWF is my house. It is my kingdom and I currently sit atop the throne. I will defend it, to the death if need be. I am going to win Lethal Lottery, one of the biggest sporting tournaments in the world today. How does this relate? Well I know that whoever wins is going to use their briefcase for a shot at my title. So I will be defending my house by not allowing that to happen. I am going to win that briefcase and then hand pick a partner then go for the tag titles. Then, I'll win those too. As long as I hold this title, the keys to this house.....I will defend that house."

The man nodded and wrote something down.

"So how does Nike fit you?"

"Again, excellent question. You see, your slogan is "Just Do It", but I don't need to tell you that. Why does this fit me? Because no matter what it is, I do it. I don't listen to, accept or embrace excuses. Do your job, or don't associate with me. I had the odds stacked against me when I walked into that chamber but I didn't complain. I knew I had to go in there and just do it. Just win, baby, win, as Al Davis would have said."

The men continued to write things down on their notepads, barely illuminated in the shadows of the projector.


Chris laughed.

"Not only is your candy bar delicious and a favorite of mine, but I am double layered. You know what you are going to get every time, and that is the model of consistency, yet you are surprised every single time you try it because it is better than the last time."

Every single sponsor. Every single question. Chris has an answer.


"I am rough, rugged, and built to last. You can rely on me to get you through tough times, and look good doing it."


"I am built like a tank, and I never break down. My parts are pristine, and in order to truly figure me out you need to be an expert, be certified."


"That is truly what I am, a monster. I keep you energerzied by the pure prospect of stepping into the ring until you need me to me to get by....."





The list went on, and Chris had answered them all, relating each one to himself.

......"It doesn't matter what you throw at me. I own it. I am it. I don't think I am cocky, I think I am confident. When you tell me I am the best, it's a compliment. I don't feel it is hard to see, without a shadow of a doubt, that in the sporting world right now you are staring at a true ICON".


The men walked in and put a clipboard down on the table in front of Chris. They had a serious look on their face. The series of papers held together by the clipboard was thick.

Just then, as Chris felt the air shifting in the room, each man stuck their hands out to shake his. "Please sign these, Mr. Jackson, and Welcome aboard."


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"A lot of people have asked me all week long where I have been as of late. Why have I been so quiet? That is not the Chris Chaos style. Well let me tell you, despite being quiet I have been observing. I know what is going on. So what have I been doing all this time? I haven't just been sitting back in the shadows, trust me. While Gabe Reno has been using his mouth for something productive, for once, I have been getting sponsorship's, doing photo-shoots and cashing endorsement checks. I have been actually acting like a champion. You see Crowe really hit home with me when he said I was the top champion and guys like him are supposed to lose to guys like me. It was that self-depreciating comment that actually made me realize, "Goddamn, I really AM the MAN". So why not act like the man? Why not take my stunning good looks and this 20 lb golden ticket I have and be the real "Face of the XWF". I have decided to be more than just a kick ass champion, I've decided to be a kick ass figure head too. Winning on multiple platforms. Being a champion everyone can relate to. But don't think for one second that the flashbulbs and multiple zero's have clouded my vision or dulled my hearing......I've heard and seen everything that Crowe and Main have said.

I've gotta admit, they've come on strong. I guess expecting them to pack it in because they are facing the top two superstars on this roster was foolish of me? But I am glad they have some fighting spirit left, I truly am. Just more spirit for me to break. More spirit for Reno to crush. It's so cute that they think they actually have a chance. You see this is a long tournament. To win, you really need to dig in. You need to buckle down. You need to have focus and poise. Crowe and Main have blown their loads here. They've given it all. They have opened up the playbook and went deep inside. We've seen the act now, and it is getting old.

You see, Gabe and I, we are ICONS. Hence the ICONOLAST name. Gabe and I are the last of a dying breed. There aren't enough ICONS in this business anymore. There are just a bunch of people who are simply "around". No impact, no craziness, no.....chaos. You need to have icons to keep a company thriving. Robert Main and Shaun Crowe, their job is to get beat up by icons, not to be them. Icons like Gabe and I set trends. We trend on social media. People talk about us. Guys like Crowe and Main fade into the abyss as we ascend into greatness. This tournament is no different. We are the heavy favorites. In the NCAA Tournament, a 16 seed has never beaten a 1. That is what this is. A 1 vs 16 match-up. The top of the top, best of the best. Versus the bottom of the barrel beer swill of this roster.

Just face it. I am not only the Universal Champion but arguably the best looking man on this roster. Gabe is a close second in that deparment. In the wise words of Deon Sanders....."you look goodm you feel good. You feel good, you play good. You play good, they pay good." It all applies. Every sport out there it is the same way. Robert didn't even mention me in his last promo. He was too busy taking shots at Gabe, as though Gabe is the weak link. Gabe is NOT the weak link here. Sure, he can't beat me 1 on 1 but he has pushed me past my limit more than once. All Main did was talk about Gabe Reno, using all the "grown child" cliches I have made famous, and then light things on fire like hes a bad-ass. He isn't. He's pathetic. And in the looks department? He looks like a sewer rat had a miscarriage on his head. This Howard Stern wanna be is plain ugly. And Crowe? Jesus, he either hasn't heard of a shower or thinks he is too cool to take one. Gross.

These guys may think they are all that, but when the chips are down they fold. They can't hack the limelight life. They know it, I know it, Gabe knows it, this entire roster knows it. So for those people that have been wondering where I have been the past week or so, that is it…...Figured I’d put it out there. Ever since I showed up in Portland at Savage, as promised, and flattened Michael Graves over-sized head with a steel chair I have virtually been a ghost. Well, like everything I do, I have a reason for this as well. While Robert Main has been making a fool of himself on XWF TV and Gabe Reno has been living in his Cowboys and Indians fantasy world, I have been laying back, watching the lunacy unfold, and getting paid. I have been making appearances, signing endorsement deals, and boosting myself to a level never before seen by an XWF champion. I am now an official sponsor of several products--or should I say they are official sponsors of ME--and they pay nicely. A lot better than Vinnie pays. So I sat back and I watched. Now, I am back and it is time to focus.

But what to focus on? Can I trust Gabe Reno? That is question number 1. Vinnie thought he was being sly. Now with Gabe being the number one contender because Trax has seemingly fallen off the map, this match gets a whole lot more interesting. The handshake we had earlier, I take it with a grain of salt. He has already proven he wants to fuck me more ways than one. I have something Gabe Reno wants....and he will stop at nothing to get it. But here is the paradox. He needs to coexist with me here to win the tournament, but doesn't need to win the tournament to get a title shot. So, I question his motivation. He says he is 100 percent in, and he better be. Sure, I want to win this tournament but if I have to leave him laying I will.

But enough about my partner, lets talk about the needle dick opponents we face this week. Robert Main and the white boy gone wrong. Two nobodies, two bit chumps, with no direction. Honestly, Robert Main may be taking the under card by storm right now, but he is stepping into the ring with two main eventers this week. The small dog is in the big dogs yard in Round 1. As I said before it is a shitty draw, couldn't get much worse for him. We can't lose simply because of the headlines. Could you imagine? "Reno and Chaos: Iconolast loses to Robert Main and some Wigger from the Suburbs." That would be a skid-mark on our careers worse than the ones on Star Jones panties, pre-op. Either way. Yuck.

Robert Main is a shit stain on the underwear of this company. Quite frankly, the fact he even qualifies for this tournament is beyond me. I am not even counting Crowe as a human being much less a roster member. Crowe is insignificant in the outcome of this match. Main may be a decent challenge one on one but for all intents and purposes this match is two on one. So, if my new sponsors say it is okay, I am going to JUST DO IT and DEFEND THIS HOUSE and we WILL be going home with the briefcase. Book it, bank on it, and oh yeah, and We'll Leave A Light On For Ya.....that's not really one of mine. But for real, we can put your lights out. Whichever you prefer.

Prepare to be equalized."

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XWF RECORD: 22-4-2
XWF Universal Champion: 1x (Current)
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