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Rushing Headlong... to Disney Land?
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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02-18-2017, 12:05 AM

February 15th 2017

Graves, Cadryn and Darren Zirado are hanging out at a bar, drinking and sharing some humorous stories with one another as they celebrate the fact that Graves and Cadryn both ended up not only moving on to round 2 of Lethal Lottery but being granted title shots at the relaunch of Savage Saturday Night.

”I can't believe that we are both getting title shots on Savage.”

”Why not? You kind of masterminded the whole thing.”

Micheal smirks.

”I wouldn't call it masterminding. I just knew that I could play Chris's ego against him and get him in the ring. I didn't expect a title shot to come out of it, at least not like this.”

”But you knew that making a cardboard TV title and rubbing the fact that Jim didn't beat me would lead to a rematch.”

”I figured that would work. I know that I'm want to bash your teeth in if I were him.”

Cadryn's expression suddenly changes from his typical happy go lucky smile to a look of concern.

”You think Jim's going to try and bash in my teeth?”

Micheal chuckles at Cadryn thinking that he's joking, but maybe not. The three of them sit there in an awkward silence for a moment before Darren Zirado decides to slam his palms on the table and break the silence.

“Boy don't you even worry about that vile hobo. You've got the power of Christ backing you now!”

Graves once again chuckles, but Zirado takes notice and doesn't seem to appreciate Micheal not taking the lord seriously.

”Are you and me going to have a problem here boy?”

Micheal sorta waves him off and shakes his head no.

”No sir, Jesus saves!”

Darren Zirado stands up and leans across the table. He is looking increasingly upset with Micheal.

”Listen son, I know you done had a demon occupy your soul, and I know that it was our good lord Jesus who saved you from the fiery pits of Hell. I would think that someone like you would think to show the good lord more respect.”

As the two continue to argue, Cadryn slips off to play a game of billiards with a tall biker type.

”Listen Darren, I'm not really religious.”

Darren gets a wild look in his eyes as he slides the table from between him and Micheal. Before Micheal can react a very large southern fist connects to his right temple. Micheal and his chair tumble backward from the force of that punch that was delivered from a man with the strength of ten men.

”How dare you sit there and tell me that you aren't religious after Jesus Christ himself came down from the heavens and personally helped you the way that he did! You must be a special kind of stupid to meet and talk to the son of your creator and still try to claim that he doesn't exist!”

Micheal is picking his chair up and holding the right side of his face simultaneously.

”I didn't say he wasn't real, just that I'm not religious!”

About this time you notice that the biker that Cadryn is playing pool with seems to start chasing after him for some reason.

”Is that supposed to be better than not believing in him?”

Cadryn runs by...


...but both men seem to ignore him.

”I don't know man, I never really believed in God until I met Jesus, and it seems like cheating to meet your maker and suddenly convert to that religion.”

Cadryn runs by again...

”Little help!”

”You know what son, that actually makes sense to me, but I don't think that you should deny yourself salvation just because you didn't have faith and saw the truth with your own eyes.

”Maybe... It's just something that I need a little time to take in.”

”I'll tell you what. This Sunday you should come to church with me.”

And again Cadryn runs by them...

”Please Help!”

And once again he is ignored.

”I'll think about it Z.”

Darren nods.

”Take all of the time you need son, I'm just offering the keys to an eternal paradise.”

Micheal smirks, knowing he is about to make a smart-ass remark.

”And 7 virgins right?”

Darren's eyes grow large with the fiery rage of 1000 suns.

Boy I ain't talking about no towel head terrorist mumbo jumbo religion!”

Cadryn runs by once more...


But this time Darren Zirado without even looking manages to clothesline the shit out of the biker guy who was chasing Cadryn around. The guy hits Darren's arm and crashes to the ground. Darren, however, didn't budge or take his eyes off of Micheal for that matter. Darren stands there for a moment, his and Micheal's eyes locked.

”Okay okay, I'll go to church with you!

Darren cracks a big smile and nods his head approvingly.

”LL round 2, Title shots on Savage, and this sheppard leading a new sheep to the flock. THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION!”

Cadryn looks up to Darren with a childlike gaze.

”Can we go to Disney Land?”

”You're damn right we can!”

“It's been a Hell of a week, month... shit, return.”

“It's been so long since I've been myself, that I've forgotten who I really am. I've spent over a decade sharing my mind and body with a demon that made it his mission to try and drive me insane. It's a miracle that I'm even here at all at this point. Even when I appeared to be myself I was being manipulated by this... thing. My career is on the rocks as is my marriage. Stephanie knows that I've been having issues again. That was her fear with me returning to the XWF. It's not that she would ever believe the demon thing, though. She just assumes that she's married to a guy with more than his fair share of mental problems. Hell, I probably do have problems outside of the demonic possession. My brother Sean was a shining example of just how fucked in the head my gene pool is. Sean had more personalities than you could imagine. Even when we won the Tag Team Titles here in the XWF, Sean wasn't Sean. He was using the name, Keith Sharpe. He was a completely different person. When he snapped out of it and became Sean again, suddenly I went back to being public enemy number one. The two of us never really got along. My career in not just the XWF, but professional wrestling, in general, has been nothing but a roller coaster ride from Hell. I've had my ups, and I've had my downs. When I was down, though, I was WAY down. Like the time that I won my first World title, and the owner of the company saw it fit to screw me out of it the very next week. I worked my ass off to get that belt, and a week later I was both without my championship, and without a job. I planned on finding a loophole that would allow me to return. I was determined to get my title back, but before I could make a move the doors were closed forever.”

“After that, I bounced around the indies for a while. It was steady work that kept food on the table, but it's near impossible to make a name for yourself in high school gyms. Fortunately for me, while working a show in Texas, I ran into a man by the name of Jonathyn Brown. He said that he was a fan of my work. I appreciated it because back then I was convinced that there weren't too many people that knew who I was. Jonathyn went on to tell me that he was booking a big battle royal between the XWF and some of the stars from that Texas promotion that I had just worked a match for. I didn't really see myself as a regular in the TWCCW, but who am I to pass up the chance to be featured on national television? Of course, I didn't win that battle royal, but I did well enough that I was immediately met with a contract offer to join the XWF roster after the match was over. So began my career in the XWF, it was the winter of 2003. Back then I had a fire in my belly. I was hungry to prove myself, to prove that I belong. Maybe I was driven by what had happened in the first fed that I was in. Maybe I wanted to prove myself to that owner. Maybe I wanted to throw my middle finger high in the air and say, “fuck you, buddy, I'm a star!”, and that's exactly what I did. I ran through the lower cards quickly. It only took a month before Jonathyn realized that I needed tougher competition. Suddenly I was being booked to face guys like Raziel, Dynamic Dynamite, Steve Jason, and yes Killjoy. I beat them all. It was never even a question in my mind. I never wondered if I could stand a chance against this guy, or can I really beat that guy? When the booking sheet would go up, the only thought that crossed my mind was, who am I beating this week? I was young, I was confident, and I was hungry. Those are not three words that could be used to describe me since returning. I defeated Michael Graves and it felt like the old times. I earned a contract with the XWF, and I figured that I would just go back to kicking ass like I used too.”

“Humbling, that's the one word that I would use to describe my first few months back. After Graves, I was faced with the challenge of standing toe to toe with Thaddeus Duke. I went into that match thinking that I could easily defeat this 18-year-old rookie. Don't get me wrong, I knew he was talented. I even sang his praises heading into the match, but his raw talent did not stop me from thinking that I could beat him if I played my cards right. Sure, I released promos where I admitted that I was afraid that I couldn't get the job done, but that was all part of the plan. Make them think that you're weak, then strike when they don't expect it. Imagine my surprise when Thaddeus pinned my shoulders to the mat. I couldn't believe it at first. How did he beat me? My plan was as sound as they come. Or so I thought. What I did not take into account was the fact that Thaddeus Duke was a better general on the battlefield than I could ever hope to be. I thought that I was playing mind games with him, but it was really he who had me beaten before the bell ever rang. You can't win them all, and at least I learned a lesson from that match. One that I could carry with me from that point on, and not make the same mistakes again.”

“Next was Robbie Bourbon defending his Hart Championship against me on Savage Saturday Night. I hadn't paid Bourbon too much attention leading into that match. I caught a promo or two, even watched a match, but I didn't really pay him much attention up to that point. So when we were booked, I knew that he was apparently supposed to be a funny guy, and I knew that he was a BIG guy. I quickly checked out some of his work. I listened to promos, and I watched a few matches. I tried to get a feel for the guy. At the end of the day, I knew I had him. I came out guns a blazing, throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the guy, and you know what? I had him dead to rights. I'm not about to go make a cardboard replica of the Hart Title, but everyone that watched that match knows for a fact that Robbie Bourbon got WRECKED by Micheal Graves. If Jefferson Jackson had not deemed it necessary to involve himself in our match, I would be sitting here now as your Hart Champion. I'm not one to bitch or cry, though. This is professional wrestling. Shit like that's to be expected. Plus one day mine and Robbie's paths will cross again, and the frustration that I felt when he fell out of that cage, the anger when he came back in after the match and ROBBIEBOMBED me and Cadryn, those are two checks that will eventually be taken out on Robbie's large behind.”

“Now I have no doubt that Chris Chaos is going to try and rub that record in my face. He's going to point out that I lost to Duke and Bourbon. He's really going to give me shit for Killjoy, I just know it. What Chris isn't going to give me credit for is the fact that I challenge people that I'm told are out of my league. Everyone told me that I had no chance against Thaddeus Duke, but I pushed that kid to the limits. I may not have won, but I promise you that even Thaddeus would admit that I gave him more of a fight than any of his previous opponents save for the legendary Doc. Then there was Robbie Bourbon. That's a guy that is on quite the hot streak right now, and I ended up being his first defense after winning the Hart title. Robbie was at his best that night because he's still hungry to prove his worth as a champion. However check the footage Chaos, I had Robbie Bourbon beat. There is no denying that. Finally, there's Killjoy, and what can I say? I fucked up. I've been dealing with a demonic presence picking away at my sanity. I wasn't on the top of my game. Not in the ring, and not in a mental capacity. I missed the event, and Killjoy was awarded the victory. However is Chris Chaos thinks for a moment that I'm going to forget about this match and not show, or that I'm not back at my best, then he is going to be highly upset.

But while we are talking about match histories, why don't we look at the amazing record of Chris Chaos. His image is all that matters to him. So much so, that if you check out his match history on his website, you'll see that he is so egotistical and paranoid about his image that he can't even admit defeat when it does happen. Just check this out.

October 1st
Savage Championship Match (TV Title)
vs. Nico Lavey vs. Isabella Ravenwolf vs. Kitt Kennedy vs. Kristin Silver vs. Dolly Waters
Kennedy and Chaos were both eliminated by a double pin on each other. Dolly won the match. Chris counting it as a draw since it was a double pin.
Draw: 5-2-2

January 18th
Cruise Ship Open Deck Brawl. Triple Threat vs. Gabe Reno and Thomas Nixon
Pinfall: Reno pinned Nixon, so Chaos lost simply because he didn't win, not because he actually lost.
Loss: 20-4-2

Chris, you fucking lost. Mark it down as a loss and move the fuck on. Like are you kidding me right now? I didn't loose because it was a double pin that means it should be a draw despite what the call that the referee made. Oh oh, I lost, but I didn't lose! HE lost so that I couldn't win, but HE pinned HIM... HURR DURR. Get the fuck outta here with that shit! You lost Chris, you couldn't get the pinfall on either of those guys and you were helpless to stop Reno from pinning Nixon. You just seem fucking pathetic when you try to resort to excuses like that.

“Anyway back on topic. It hasn't all been bad though I've won a few matches, had the demon exorcised, even found a new friend in Cadryn, but out of everything that has happened since my return, the best thing has to be getting a shot at Chris Chaos and his Universal Championship. It's kind of ironic that just a month after telling my friend Terry that my one goal in this return was to be Universal Champion, I fall into a shot at the belt. For the record, that is exactly what happened. I didn't go looking for this match. I'm fully aware that I do not deserve this opportunity. Chris is going to tell anyone who will listen to him how much he thinks that I DO NOT deserve this shot at his title, and he'll be right. He's right not because I don't possess the skill to defeat him, but because I haven't put in the work and earned my shot. There are much more deserving men standing in line than I, but here I am two months in and Chris Chaos's second title defense. This is all happening because Chris Chaos can't help but do everything in his power to keep up his image as an unoriginal edgy antihero. He does immature and gross things like send used feminine hygiene products and human fecal matter to his opponents. He's always looking for a fight, and he is quick to challenge anyone who dares speak his name. I'm pretty sure I've seen this all before, but Chris being a carbon copy of a bygone era in professional wrestling isn't that big of a deal right? I mean I'm actually a relic of a bygone era, but then again, at least I'm original. I'm also smarter than to jump into a fight with any and everyone that runs their mouth about me. Do you see me challenging every Tim, Dick, and Harry that comes through the door and lets my name pass their lips? I have more important things to do than giving somebody else their 15 minutes of fame. Apparently, Chris Chaos doesn't. The whole reason that you are in this mess is because you couldn't just ignore me when I commented on Paul Haymen's rankings. You wondered why Gilmore was getting a shot, I thought that it was pretty obvious, but you don't seem to comprehend things too well. So I gave you an answer, but it wasn't one that you wanted to hear, so you tried to talk down to me and dismiss me. Well Chris Chaos lets get one thing straight right here, right now. I don't give a FUCK what title you're holding, and I don't five a fuck how many people you've beaten up to this point! If you think for even a second that I was just going to stand by and allow you to push me around like some no talent scrub, you were mistaken.”

“You took one look at me, and you wrote me off! You took me for some over the hill asshole that was going to shy away from the young lion because he feared the teeth. Chris Chaos, I'm not afraid of your bite, I have a pretty fierce bite of my own. Don't take that as false bravado either, I know what I can and can't do in that ring. I know who I stand a good shot at beating, and who's likely to have my number. I'm also aware of the fact that I'm not as good as I used to be, something that I have not shied away from admitting, but I also know that for this match, for one night, I can push myself to be better than I was even in my prime. I've talked about desire, heart, and how I used to be hungry to prove myself. Those are all things that I haven't felt since returning, haven't felt that is until I met you. You've come into the XWF and made a name for yourself, you've done a Hell of a job, and nobody can take that away from you. However, in the process of getting to where you are today, you've allowed your ego to grow far larger than it ever had any right to be. You foolishly jump at the chance to get into the ring with anyone and everyone over the pettiest of reasons. This time it's going to prove to be more than you can chew, though. Chris, you're good, you've got a lot of talent, but you need to understand that you are not untouchable! You've claimed that you're going to show this mid-carder that the main event is over my head. That's cute son, but what happens when this “mid-carder” beats you like that other so called mid carder Robert Main did and takes home the most prestigious prize in the XWF today? What happens when the mighty Chris Chaos, the self-proclaimed face of the XWF, is made to look foolish in the main event of Savage? What will it do to an ego like yours when you realize that for all of your talk of how great you are, you lost the Universal Title to Micheal Graves? These are questions that you should prepare yourself to find the answers to Chris. Because at the end of the day, you can think what you want about me, but I'm coming into Savage with one singular goal, one thought driving me, pushing me to be not as good as I can be, but better than anyone could ever have expected me to be.”

“When I returned, I stated that I was going to make sure that this time, I leave behind a legacy that is remembered. You, Chris Chaos are my ticket to that legacy. You and that championship have been my motivation to improve my skills in and out of the ring. You have been the catalyst to my renewed vigor, and now here we are in an Iron Man match that requires YOU to win by a minimum of two falls. Your Universal Championship is on the line because you just don't know when to shut the fuck up, and you have to defeat me by at least two falls for the same reason. You're not the smartest guy in the XWF are ya? You don't see Robbie Bourbon or Jim Caedus trying to pick a fight with anyone and everyone that mentions their names, do you? No, you don't. Because for as much as I don't like Robbie Bourbon, at least that man has a fucking brain between his ears. He's a fighting champion that has already defended his title MORE than you have in a much shorter time, and he's not even getting forced into title matches like you are. When Bourbon does go out looking for a fight, he does so knowing that whomever the unlucky son of a bitch that gets put in the ring across from him is, he will proudly be defending the Hart Championship against them. Like I said, he doesn't look for the fight, be he acts like a champion when he gets the fight. You, on the other hand, you seem to roam the halls of the XWF. Foaming at the mouth at the prospect of catching a new hire, or a lower card guy that might not give you the respect that you THINK that you deserve. Then like a bully, you will pick on that guy in front of everyone, trying to embarrass them and raise your own self-esteem in the process. Then, when the guy that you're trying to bully say, fuck you Chris Chaos! You get your panties in a twist and suddenly want a match. Non-title, of course, am I right Chris?”

“Of course it's a non-title match. You've seen my matches with Thaddeus Duke and Robbie Bourbon. You saw the fight that I gave Duke, and how much I improved just ONE match later against Robbie. You know that I'm shaking the rust, and that scares you. That scares you because maybe, just maybe, you don't have me figured out like you thought that you did. Maybe I'm better than what you first perceived, and maybe, just maybe, I'm better than you. Why else would you be so upset when Paul Heyman put the title on the line? If a guy like me really has no business in the ring with the champ, then why not willingly put your money where your mouth is? Because for all of your talk, for all of the show that you try to put on for people, you know that one thing rings true. I... Scare... You...”

“You, however, Mr. Chaos don't scare me, not even in the slightest. When you approached me with the idea that if I beat you, I would get a title shot. I jumped at it, did I not? I never once pushed for this match to be for the Universal Championship. I didn't need it to be because I knew that I already had a shot in the bag. All I had to do, was come out here and beat you. Something that I know full well that I can, and will do. So Chris, are you beginning to come to terms with how big of a mistake you made? Can you feel that title slipping away from you? Just wait until we meet in the ring because if you can't feel it now, you sure as Hell will then.”
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(02-18-2017), Ally Worsted (02-21-2017), Jane Carver (02-24-2017), JimCaedus (02-19-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (02-18-2017), The Monster of Htaed (02-18-2017), Vincent Lane (02-24-2017)

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