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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Match
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-31-2017, 06:09 PM

Trax is sitting on a bench in JFK Airport, patiently watching the overhead board flight screens in front of him, awaiting his flight from New York to Brazil where the upcoming Wednesday Warfare is taking place and where Trax is set to battle "The Radical One" Gabe Reno for a shot at the Universal Championship. Other departing and arriving plane passengers and airport staff walk past Trax as he sits on the bench, who is wearing a black hoody pulled up and donning Ray bans to help him go unnoticed and blend into the crowd. The info on the screen changes and Trax sees his boarding info displayed, he takes a note of the bay and checks his Rolex before rubbing his stubble and smirking to himself.

Yeah I've got time. Might as well kill my boredom by killing you some more Reno, I've had fun doing it verbally all week prior to me physically dismantling you in the ring tomorrow, whether you realize it or not, whether you admit it or not, that's going to be the outcome of our match. You've had a lot to say and to be completely honest pretty much all of it has been irrelevant, between you trying to plug your Walmart discount clothing merchandise and talking about fan reactions when you are one of the least over guys on the roster and you don't draw a dime, to flat out lying about and trying to question my credibility when you, with your abysmal Xtreme title reign and your shoddy win loss record, are in absolutely no position to do that and when I beat you you're going to be even less of a position to do so. It is me going on to face Chris Chaos for the Universal Championship, not you, that match is a lock, like I've pointed out already, even our current champion thinks so.

Look... I don't really know what to say to you anymore Reno. I mean, its dawned me that you're so deluded that you actually believe some of the things that have came out of your mouth leading up to this match. I actually think you may of convinced yourself you're going against some incompetent nobody who is greener behind the ears than YOU are. I actually think you've convinced yourself you are going up against a push over and this is going to be an easy win, and that you're not going up against someone who has more then once proven his talent and athletic acumen by winning several big matches and championships, with a number of big accolades that outnumber your number of wins in the last couple of months, not that that's a hard feat. All I can do is hear you talk and pity you really because you truly have convinced yourself, or so it seems, that you are the most deserving and next in line for a Universal Championship title shot, more so then me. Really? Lets evaluate that shall we? I came back from a several months hiatus and in my first match back, rusty as anything, I defeated the man that would go on to become the Universal Champion, Peter Gilmour, with little difficulty. I then went on to beat him AGAIN pinning him in the chamber, it was a death defying suicide dive by an almost 300 pound Robbie Bourbon off the roof of the chamber that stopped me walking out that match as champion, Robbie took himself out the match simply to take me out and Chris won the match not because he was the most skilled guy in the chamber that night, but because he was in the right place at the right time. Never less it was ME that ended Peters reign, so fuck his rematch clause, it should be me facing Chaos this Wednesday and Peter should be in the position I am facing you to earn his way back to the title, but no matter, because once he loses to Chaos Peter will be back in the mid card where he belongs and once I beat you I will be well on my way to reclaiming MY rightful position in this company.

But go ahead and lie which is what you've been doing all past week Reno. Lie and tell me you deserve a chance at the Universal title more. Lie and tell everyone that you're the future, that you've leap frogged over me or are about to at the very least. Its funny to me, I know I'm a veteran in this business and everything but I think people seem to forget how YOUNG I am, I'm 25 Reno, I'm almost 10 years YOUNGER then you are so this future you speak of, with the young guns paving the way? I'm very much apart of that future still, more so then you considering you're closer to 40 then I am, I'm not going anywhere regardless of your empty threat of retiring me, I won't be retiring, not until I've accomplished what I came back to do anyway. I am still relevant as I've always been and will continue to be so, that's why I was on the poster for, and in the main event at. Wild Card Weekend, was you? No of course you wasn't, you wasn't even on the SHOW. You was at home waiting out your suspension, you know the one you got when you had a primadonna bitch fit because you couldn't get the job against Chris Chaos, and YOU are deserving to be Universal Champion? A whiny egoistical deluded fuck boy is what XWF needs as the face of their company? Fuck off with that. Tomorrow night I prove to you and the rest of the world just how underserving you really are, not that anybody in attendance or watching at home is going to be surprised with your inability to get the job done and go home with the win, you are you own biggest fan and the only person in the building that night who is going to be shocked that you walked into a one on one match with Mr FN Dominance and struggled to walk back out, never mind walk out with the victory, is yourself.

Trax looks back at the screen then at his Rolex.

Time for me to board my flight. See you soon Gabey.

Trax smirks and stands up walking towards the boarding area as the scene fades


Paul "Extreme Machine" Hunter is relaxing in his living room in his massive New York estate, he knocks down a beer while flicking through the channels on the wide screen TV in front of him when suddenly the power cuts out and everything goes pitch black.

Hey what the fuck?

A few moments pass as EM just sits in the darkness confused, when suddenly he hears the sound of shouting followed by gunfire coming from outside.

What the fucks going on?

EM gets to his feet and stumbles around in the darkness as the gun fire becomes louder and more frequent, coming from all sides outside the building. The door to the living room opens and startles EM as one of the guards he had hired as protection rushes into the room panting heavily, the sound of loud shouting and gun fire still prominent.

Sir! Armed intruders outside...dozens of them! Get in the panic room ... me and my men will handle the situation.

The guard heads back out the living room and shuts the door behind him, Paul rushes across the room and tilts one of the framed pictures of him and Trax in their Extreme Dominance days to the left revealing a security button pad. He punches in the code as the sound of gunfire continues to ring in his ears. There is audible clicking noise nearby and Paul puts the framed pic back to its original position and runs his hands across the wall, before he pushes on part of the wood panelling in front of him, revealing a secret door that pushes open revealing a dark room , EM steps inside the room and as he does so the room lights up, revealing the contents inside, a small room with a bed, a cupboard full of food rations and a camera monitor desk. EM immediately shuts the door behind him and checks the monitors, all the feeds are dead. EM looks at the phone on the wall next to the monitor desk and gets the idea to call the one man that can get him out this mess. EM pulls out his mobile and dials Trax's number.

Come on Trax...come on...need you man....

To his dismay, EM is unable to get through, EM then checks the time on his phone and scowls, its around the time Trax was set to board his flight to Brazil, he was probably up in the air already, phone switched off.


EM listens as the sound of gunfire persists, the shouting however.. has died down. EM continues to listen as the gun fire becomes less frequent and then also comes to a halt, to be replaced with... voices, calm sounding, the words inaudible to EM but clearly coming from the living room now. EM hears footsteps, right outside, and several voices, which become clearer as EM hears what one of the men is saying.

Here! Over here!

EM balls up his fist and braces himself as the door to the panic room clicks open once more due to someone putting the code in again from the outside. The door hidden in the wood panelling is pushed open and dozens of armed men flood the panic room pointing their guns at EM.

Bring it cocksuckers.

EM charges forward and takes out the two closest men with a double clothesline but the other men overwhelm him and drag him down to the floor. Several of the men pin him down holding his arms and legs as EM bares his teeth, his veins popping out his neck as he attempts to fight back, one of the men stands over him as he remains restrained to the floor and EM simply looks at him and begins to smile.

I ain't scared of you cock suckers, do your worst.

The men all look at each other and laugh as the man standing over Paul shakes his head.

We won't do our worst, however...HE will.

Who the fuck is he? Who sent you? How did you know how to get inside this room?

People and information can be easily bought. As for who sent us, patience, you'll find out soon enough.

The man lifts his leg and then stomps down hard on EM's head, and everything goes black.


Wake up Hunter.

Paul Hunter opens his eyes, he finds himself laying in a wrestling ring, but not just any wrestling ring, the ring in the old run down FCW events building, the building where his wrestling career began. Paul however, isn't even thinking about any of that as he stares at the man across the ring, wearing his old wrestling gear, the seven foot tall, Hulk of man known as Shane Grimson, The Executioner. EM goes to move but finds his legs and arms are both zip tied and unable to budge, so he just stares, stares into the eyes of the man he hasn't seen or heard from in years in complete disbelief.

Glad you can finally join us, I apologize, my men had to keep you sedated so you wouldn't be of any inconvenience..

Wait...Grimson? What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here? What is this? Why are you dressed like that?

So many questions, this? This is your reckoning, you remember this building don't you? This is where both are wrestling careers began, as well as our mutual friend, Trax's. However while yours and Trax's careers prospered and you racked in more money, fame and title wins then either of you deserved, I was treated second rate and then eventually kicked to the curb, by both you and Trax as well as the late Greg Anthony. You three in particular, refused to show me the respect I deserved, me, the finest physical specimen walking this miserable planet, surrounding by miserable people that are nothing but ANTS compared to me, crawling around living their miserable lives. My career spiralled downhill, I hit a rut, my drug addiction grew, when I thought I couldn't hit any lower, Greg fired me, humiliated me, in front of everyone, then to matters worst, I got arrested, in front of everyone, and I watched as everyone shook their heads, and smirked, looking down at me...especially you, and Trax, as the police carried me away that night. Six years of my life... gone. That would of never of happened if I had just been shown the respect and given the opportunities I rightfully deserved.

EM wiggles around trying to break loose of the zip ties to no use, so instead he just gets into a sitting up position and continues to stare at Shane.

Dude what the fuck are you going on about? Given the respect you deserve? You was reckless and unsafe in the ring, and all them drugs you was doing drove you loopy, far as I'm concerned, you got exactly what you deserved.

Shane Grimson laughs and walks up to EM slowly, flexing his muscles.

Got exactly what I deserved? I beg to differ. You however WILL be getting what you deserve Paul, you see...after I killed Greg Anthony I bought this building, it belongs to ME now, and I plan to put on the best match to ever take place within these walls! And I want you to spectate Hunter, because my opponent? Is going to be none other then our mutual friend "Mr Fn' Dominance" himself, Trax. But this won't be any ordinary match, no, this is going to be one with a HUGE stake on the line, one that I reveal to you and my opponent, when he arrives, which will be soon.'re fucking tapped man. You won't get away with this, with killing Greg. Trax is gonna come here and you're gonna end up back in jail... or worst, that's a promise.

Shane simply laughs and snaps his fingers, several men who were waiting outside the ring reach in and pull EM out of it and carry him away as EM continues to yell and curse and the scene fades.

Several Hours later...

Trax is his hotel room in Rio De Jenerio, Brazil. His suitcase is laid out open on the bed and he is seemingly unpacking indicating he not long ago checked in when his phone vibrates inside his pocket and he reaches for it looking at the caller ID, seeing its a private number, Trax pauses for a moment before finally answering the call.

Hello Trax.

What do you want?

I'm ready to see you now.

Oh yeah? Amazing timing, I've not long touched down in Brazil.

That's not an issue for you, you can get here in seconds I know that, and you may want to, I have Paul.

Trax feels a heavy knot in his stomach, he grips the phone tighter and a look of anger washes over his demeanour.

If you hurt him... I swear you're going to BEG me to kill you once I'm done with you. Where are you!?

Now, now, before we meet face to face I need to make sure you're ready. Do you have your wrestling gear nearby?

Trax looks down at his open suitcase, where his wrestling trunks, boots and gloves are resting at the top of the pile of clothes inside.

I do.

Put them on.

Trax puts the phone down and quickly strips changing into his wrestling gear, putting on his trunks and gloves before sliding into his boots and lacing them up, once fully geared up Trax picks the phone back up.

I'm ready, now tell me where you are.

Inside the building where "Mr FN' Dominance" was born, come alone, hurry.

What? You mean th-

The person on the other end hangs up. Trax throws the phone onto the bed and concentrates hard. His muscles tense up and his eyes glow amber as he teleports out of the room...

Moments Later.

Trax appears in the middle of the wrestling ring inside the old FCW building, New York. The lights are off and Trax is engulfed in darkness, similar to how he is engulfed in rage as he screams out.


The lights turn on and Trax is met with a peculiar sight, dozens of men, armed with guns, sitting in the front rows of the arena, as soon as the lights come on they begin to jeer and boo Trax but Trax isn't registering that at all, instead, Trax's eyes are laser focused on the man who stands across the ring from him.


Shane Grimson stares back at Trax, huge arms folded across his chest.

Yes Trax, me, did you really not figure it out? How you forgot me so easily, you and Paul Hunter both...

You... you're responsible for all this, Greg Anthony's murder, and he murder attempt on mine and Extreme Machines life days before the last Wednesday Warfare. It was you.

That is indeed true.


Because I am a God among men and anyone who fails to realize that deserves to be crushed under my heel. You, Greg and Paul all failed to realize this truth and so for that you will be punished. That's the short answer, I get tired of explaining myself in all honesty.

You're insane.

Shane rolls his eyes.

I get tired of hearing that too.

Where is Paul?


Shane points behind Trax and Trax turns to see Paul standing at the top of the ramp, several men surrounding him, holding him, all pointing guns to his head. Paul looks beaten up and appears to be heavily sedated, eyes rolling in the back of his head and drooling. Trax turns back to Shane, barely able to contain himself.

What...what do you WANT? What is the end game Grimson?

Simple, to prove I am what I say I am, I am the best, a God among men in this ring and outside it. When I was in FCW, I had to hear talks of you being the best while I was looked down on and treated like I was nothing. That injustice is what fuels me, to this very day. So this is what is going to happen now "Mr FN' Dominance", me and you are going to have a wrestling match, if you can beat me, you and Paul can both walk out of here and I will turn myself over to the authorities, if you lose, I kill you, and then I kill Extreme Machine. A strictly traditional match, If you use or attempt to use your powers in any way shape or form, EM gets a bullet to the head.

Shane unfolds his arms and flexes them.

Are we clear?

Trax begins to laugh and Grimson raises an eyebrow.

Considering the current situation, I'm struggling to see what you find so funny Trax?

Haha, you have GOT to be kidding me? THAT is your end game? All you've done, leads to this? A Goddamn wrestling match? What people used to say about you back in FCW was right on the mark you are indeed out of your goddamn Grimson.

I am getting SICK and TIRED of hearing that, you will show me... RESPECT!

Shane rushes Trax with speed unnatural for a man his size and spears him almost out of his boots. Trax hits the canvas hard and the men in the front row seats cheer as Trax rolls out the ring clutching his ribs. Shane follows Trax out the ring and grabs him by his braids and throws him into the ringside apron before delivering several shots to his face and stomach before rolling him back in the ring. Shane points to one of the men sitting at ringside.

You, get in this ring and officiate the match it starts now! Someone else...ring the Bell!

Shane slides back into the ring as the man he ordered to referee the match hops over the barricade and slides into the ring also, meanwhile another one of the men rings the time keepers bell as Trax gets to his feet still clutching his ribs and reeling from the massive spear he took. Trax turns around and is met with a massive big boot that drops him back to the canvas once more, Trax proceeds to hold his head as Shane picks him up by his braids once again and throws him effortlessly into the ring corner. Shane takes a few steps back and coils before running at Trax full speed looking to go for another spear but Trax jumps out the way and Shane goes crashing neck and shoulder first into the ring post, Shane cries out in pain and staggers out the corner turning around... TRAP SILENCER! Shane goes up and over the ropes as Trax collapses on the mat breathing heavily. On the outside, Shane is already getting back to his feet and he looks annoyed more then hurt if anything! He slides back into the ring as Trax gets back to his feet and kicks Trax in the gut doubling him over, before clubbing him in the back causing Trax to drop down to his knees.

You think your puny little super kick can finish me? You thought you was going to end this that quickly?

Shane sets Trax up for a power bomb, lifting Trax up and planting him back into the canvas with unbelievable force! However Shane doesn't let go of Trax's body and instead goes for a leverage pin.




Shane hoists Trax back up and again and the drives him back into the ground with a second vicious power bomb. Shane then smirks and picks Trax up by the braids again and tosses him back out the ring through the top and middle ropes, Trax lands hard on his back and then turns on his stomach, crawling around the floor outside, clearly hurt and overwhelmed by Shanes strength. Shane rolls out the ring and stalks Trax as Trax crawls towards one of the barricade corners and attempts to hoist himself up as the acting ref in the ring begins to count.




Trax gets himself up and turns around and Shane charges looking to go for another spear, but Trax dodges the spear attempt yet again and Shane goes THROUGH the barricade! Trax rolls back into the ring and sits up catching a breather as he watches Shane as the "ref" continues to count.




Shane begins to stir in the barricade wreckage



Shane gets to his feet


Shane runs back into the ring, but Trax, who had gotten to his feet when he saw Shane run back to the ring is waiting and prepared not letting Shane regain full composure, firing away with quick lefts and rights that stun the big man. Trax has Shane against the ropes now and is delivering swift haymakers and uppercuts to The Executioner! Trax Irish Whips Shane to the other side of the ring and when Shane rebounds off the ropes he is met with a picture perfect high knee for his troubles. Shane is down now and Trax looks over at EM who is still being held captive at the top of the ramp, so heavily drugged up he may not even full realize what's currently going on.

Hold on Paul, I'm getting you out of here! I promise!

Trax turns around to face Shane and huge a hand wraps around Trax's throat as Trax stares into the eyes of the enraged Executioner.

Shouldn't make promises you can't keep, neither of you are getting out of here. I'm going to end this right now.


Shane lifts Trax up by the throat...Chokeslam! No! Trax counters giving Shane another high knee to the face before Shane brings him down. Shane drops Trax and Trax lands on his feet and jumps back...TRAP SILENCER! Shane goes down and Trax covers him as the "crowd" boo!




Shanes henchmen sitting at ringside cheer as Shane powers out and throws Trax half way across the ring doing so. Both men get to their feet at the same time and Shane blitzes Trax once more grabbing him and ramming into the ring corner yet again where he begins to land viscous head-butts and punches to Trax's face. Trax tries to put his guard up but the assault proves too much and Shane continues to lay into him with little trouble, Trax then slumps into the corner and Shane smiles before mounting the middle ropes in the corner and laying more fists to Trax's face, the punches continue going unanswered with Trax's body jolting with each hit. Trax stands motionless in the corner as Shane screams out to his men.


The men cheer obviously pleased with The Executioners dominating display. Trax however still showing heart uses this opportunity to slip out from under Executioner, grabbing his legs as he does so and yanking them causing Shane to fall off the middle ropes and smash his face off the ring post! Shane drops to one knee holding his face blood gushing out his nose which appears to be broken after the nasty collision with the ring post! Trax doesn't allow Shane to recover, lifting him up and hitting a devastating belly to belly Suplex! Meanwhile at the top of the ramp, EM seems to be coming fully to his senses and is now cheering Trax on as the men surrounding him look worried.

Come on Trax!

Trax, smelling blood in the water, mounts Shane and starts punishing him with more punches, causing the blood to gush down his face. Trax continues the flurry of fists until Shane lets out a monstrous roar and swats Trax off him with a huge forearm that almost causes Trax to roll back out the ring, but instead, Trax grabs the bottom rope and pulls himself back up as Shane gets to his feet standing on wobbly legs.Trax runs at Shane but is met with a massive bone crushing spine buster for his troubles. Trax is laid flat out while Shane kneels over him smiling.

Good effort, but I really am ending this now.

Shane picks Trax up once more and carries him towards the ring corner where he hoists him up onto the top rope and sets him up for his finisher, the muscle buster he calls THE EXECUTION. Shane lifts the out of it Trax onto his shoulders in the muscle buster position and runs to the middle of the ring before connecting with it! Driving Trax into the ring canvas! The men in the seats cheer as Shane mouths " Its done" and Paul Hunter looks on hopelessly as the referee counts.




Trax kicks out last second and literally nobody watching can believe it, especially Shane who is irate! He picks Trax up by his braids and starts screaming in his face!



Because...WHAT?'re NOT.

Trax breaks free from Shanes grip and lands another Trap Silencer! Shane staggers back and bounces off the ropes straights into ANOTHER Trap Silencer! Shane drops to one knee but Trax isn't done! He picks Shane up and sets up for the O.T.M, he gets it! Driving Shane into the mat. Trax STILL isn't done! He picks the completely dazed Shane Grimson again and sets him up for another O.T.M...but instead of driving him into the mat once more with the Jack Knife Powerbomb Trax throws him at the ropes! Shane bounces off the top rope straight into a ANOTHER Trap Silencer which connects with Shanes face while he's still mid air! Shane falls to the floor completely KO'd while Trax covers him.




Its over!

The "time keeper" rings the bell signalling the match is over and Trax wastes no time, the second the referee counts the pin, he teleports to the top of the ramp and stares down the men surrounding EM. They back off slowly, EM stumbles forward and Trax grabs him and he teleports himself and EM back into the ring where Shane Grimson is stirring on the mat, the henchman in the ring and the ones acting as the crowd are all looking confused and shocked not sure what to do. Shane Grimson begins to get to his feet and Trax steps in front of EM ready.

Come on then Grimson, back to prison you go.

Trax... one second.

Paul barges past Trax and makes a bee line for Shane as he stands up fully and turns around...kick to the gut! Shane bends forward and EM sets him up for his patented finisher...XBOMB! Shane is laid out once again, the henchmen on top of the ramp, in the front row areas and the one that refereed the match all collectively agree its time to make like a tree and leave, heading towards the numerous exits out the arena as Trax and EM stand over the fallen Executioner.

THAT was for Greg Anthony...NOW we can take this no good cock sucker to the authorities. did good man, knew we'd bring Gregs killer to justice, just didn't think it'd ever be this smuck.

He hasn't been brought to justice, not yet, come on, lets get this over with.

Short time later.

Trax and EM walk into NYC police department holding the still out of it Shane Grimson, still in his wrestling gear, as is Trax. Trax and EM drop Shane on the floor while a crowd of completely stumped police officers gather as Trax casually points to the large man unconscious on the floor.

This man is responsible for the death of Greg Anthony, he's confessed to everything, arrest him.

Shane regains consciousness and begins to laugh as he forces himself into a sit up position, holding his bloody and broken nose.

Yeah...I did it...and I'll do it again... lock me away then if you will...just know these walls can't hold me.

A few of the police officers pick Shane off the floor and one of them puts his hands behind his back and places cuffs on his hands as they walk him down to the holding cells. Shane looks back over his large shoulder at Trax and Paul Hunter with a twisted smile on his face.

This...this isn't over. I'll get out, and I'll come for you again and you will says The Executioner.

Well Executioner, if you do manage to get out, I'll be waiting.

No...WE'LL be waiting.

Shane laughs manically as the police take him down to the holding cells and Trax and Extreme Machine head towards the exit as the scene fades.

Few hours later.

Trax is back in his hotel room. Sitting on his hotel bed in his casual clothes. He looks tired, considering the long flight he sat through and the brutal physical showdown between The Executioner not long after that its no surprise. But Peter digresses as Trax looks at the camera looking to address a certain Radical One once more.

Reno. I hope you're prepared for this match, or as prepared as you THINK you need to be. I hope you've got all the bullshit out your system, you certainly seemed to be full of a lot of it. So let me be real for a second, and be truthful, truthful... something you'd know nothing about. You're good Reno, sure you hit a bit of a bump and was unable to string consecutive wins for a while but the talent is still there. Its admirable that you believe in yourself, and the things you say so much, so when you lose Wednesday, don't give up and don't stop believing in yourself. Continue to strive to be successful, as successful as you can possibly be, but just remember not everyone can make it to the top, those were your own words. Not everyone can do what I do, do what I've done and will go on to do again. So when I beat you and go on to beat Chris Chaos for the Universal Championship don't be TOO disheartened OK? Don't have another strop and do something stupid that gets you suspended again, or even worse fired. Don't quit either, I don't want you to quit, even though you said you was going to force me to do just that. There is a place for Gabe Reno in XWF, honestly, it just isn't at the top. I just don't want you to hold contempt in your heart for me and people around you when I reveal that sad truth to you, I've seen first hand now how that contempt for not being able to achieve things I achieve and feeling you deserve more then you're capable of obtaining can eat away at someone's soul and drive them to insanity. I pray to God you don't go down that path, I wouldn't wish that on anyone, really, just...just do the best you can do man, that's all you can do, just know your best isn't going to be good enough to beat me tomorrow night, and that's OK. There's no shame in that, there's nothing wrong with that. There's no shame in losing to arguably one of the best wrestlers this company has ever seen, its what you take away from that encounter that matters, what you do moving on from that which is important. But whatever you do Reno...never...EVER...CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX.Peace.

And with that, Trax falls back on the bed and falls asleep as the scene goes black.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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