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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
F.O.M.O Part 2
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-16-2017, 02:10 AM

FOMO Part 2

[Image: ruCJgQ6.jpg]

…….In other words, FoMO perpetuates the fear of having made the wrong decision on how to spend time, as "you can imagine how things could be different".

FoMO could simply exist as a pervasive mental state, but it can also lead to different physical reactions (e.g., sweating) and real-world behaviors. According to a survey conducted in the U.S. and U.K., the majority of adult Millennials (current age between 18 and 34) expressed that they want to say yes to everything due to the fear of missing out; over half of the respondents said that they barely invest sufficient energy or time in delving into topics or new interests. Moreover, FoMO serves as a motive for an escalating usage of social media, which could distract people from learning in the classroom and operating motor vehicles. Furthermore, unhealthy digital habits, such as constantly checking on emails and social media updates, could be developed and thus lead to insufficient engagement in the present social interactions.

Besides its impact on real-world social activities, FoMO could also influence the formation of long-term goals and people's self-perceptions. Around half of the respondents stated that they are overwhelmed by the amount of information which allows them to stay up to date and it is almost impossible to not miss out on something. Through the process of relative deprivation, FoMO is also found conducive to people's dissatisfaction of their experiences and a feeling of having less. Moreover, FoMO also plays a negative role in people's overall psychological well-being.FoMO is believed to trigger negative social and emotional experiences, such as boredom and loneliness, through social media usage. Consistent with earlier research, an empirical research on FoMO in 2013 found that FoMO has a negative effect on people's overall mood and life satisfaction.

In terms of the cognitive effects, FoMO could further instill a belief that an interruption is more like a "connection". FoMO may drive someone to constantly look for a better or more interesting connection with others, abandoning current connections to do so, without realizing that what they move to is not necessarily better, just different. Moreover, the importance attributed to the potential possibility of social interaction or continuously staying abreast of current events is so intense that personal safety may be ignored. For instance, it is common to find people texting while driving.


Walking down one of the ships expansive and well-signed hallways, they came across what they were looking for. A big white sign with colorful lettering that said “Children’s Center” with an arrow suggesting that it was straight ahead. Both with a smile, Chris and Jenny walked down the hall, hand in hand, towards their destination. Jenny, wearing a pair of sweat pants and Chris’s XWF tee shirt, and Chris wearing athletic pants and a “I Miss Jennay” Forrest Gump Tee, the two turned the corner and ended up at the entrance to the Children’s Center. Standing at the reception desk was a marginally attractive woman who had a soft face and caring eyes. Short brown hair. Little bit of a muffin top.

“Hey! Ya’ll here for your child?! You are such a cute young couple….which child here is yours?” the woman asked, her voice was soothing and as soft as her facial features. No wonder she worked with children. But, when she asked which child was there’s, she asked Jenny. Why do women always do that? Women have this unspoken bind with each other, it seemed. Women always did.

“This, actually, is for Chris here…...he’s my brother…..and he is, well, special needs.”

Damn, she was good.

“Well, mam, this is for children only.”

Maybe not that good.

“He is basically a child, isn’t that right Chrissy poo?” she said, rubbing his head.

Chris put a dumb expression on his face and looked at Jenny.
“Yes, Jennay---I wanna play toys! I no like boats! I play toys!”

He thought, personally, that he sounded like of like Forrest Gump. Solid movie.

The lady was fully taken aback, not quite sure what to say. She looked down at the clipboard in front of her, then back at them. Chris has his tongue out.

“He looks like a big strong boy. What if he hurts the other kids?”

Jenny was quick on her feet with this one too.

“Oh, he usually just plays with himself...”

Chris had to giggle at this, acting or not.

“…..And he has what they call, FOMO.”

The lady raised an eye brow. “I am not familiar.”

“The fear of missing out. Even though he mostly just plays with himself….”

There it was again….

“...he just doesn’t want to feel like he is missing out on the action. He just wants to be where the other kids are….I promise he won’t be any trouble. I will even sit with him. I brought a coloring book.”

She pulled a rolled up coloring book out of her purse. Goddamn she is good.

The lady finally caved in and allowed the two “adults” into the children’s play area. Some parents looked others ignored, and many of the kids stared in awe. Chris and Jenny found and open spot and sat Indian style, opening the coloring book. Chris began to color, after dropping the crayon a few times. After about 10 minutes of coloring he looked at it with wide eyes.
“LOOK! I COLORED IT IN THE LINES!” Seeing the work in front of her, she noticed it was a dragon and a unicorn.

“Very good, Chris.”

“Yes! I love dwagons! Just like Gabe Reno! Dwagons are cool!”

She smiled. “Yes Chris, yes they are.”

“I wanna play guns!” He grabbed two GI Joe action figures. Pretending to do battle, he played til he got bored. Then he played with Legos and toy dinosaurs. Finally, as if something went off in his head, he stood up, brushing off. His entire demeanor changed. Jenny and Chris walked to the front entrance, running into the lady again.

“All done?”She said in a baby voice to Chris. He looked at her, dead at her, and spoke. “Yes, I am finished here. You see, I wanted something to do on this ship and I figured I would give a try to what some of my peers are doing….well, one to be specific.”

The lady looked utterly confused. “But what about your…..and the…..and Fomo?”

“Oh, I do have Fomo. I wanted the Gabe Reno experience and I got it, and quite frankly, it kind of sucks.” The two laughed as Jenny said, “it really sucks.”

Getting out to the balcony they took the Unicorn and Dragon coloring book and Jenny pulled a light from her purse. Laughing, the two lit the book on fire and laughed together as they watched it drop into the ocean and wither away with the career of Gabe Reno.

CHAPTER 2: The Thomas Nixon Experience.

Chris stood by the starting line at the makeshift race course they had on the shit. On the bow there were several activities for kids, and running was one of them. Jenny looked nervously at the overweight, out of shape tourists…...many were even children. Biting her lip and looking genuinely concerned she asked Chris, “do you really think you can win? This is some prime time talent you are facing here.”

“I can do it…..” Chris said, “The FOMO was killing me. I needed to know what it is like to be Thomas Nixon and this is how I can do it. I just have to beat these nobodies, then walk around the entire ship and tell people I am the best and I actually matter!”

Jenny shook her head with a smile. “Whatever floats your boat.”


The horn sounded and Chris took off…………

Little did he know that he would soon lose it all........just like Thomas Nixon.


[Image: dq2xMKM.png]

"It is funny, actually. Humorous, hilarious, and down right pathetic, all rolled into one. Gabe Reno and Thomas Nixon have had quite the verbal battle haven't they? Both of them have claimed, on several occasions now, that I have so little to say. Both have wondered where I have been. Well, I was busy kicking the shit out of Michael McBride in my hometown. Sorry if The Biggest Joke in the Industry and Mr. Paper Champion weren't my top priority. But now, Warfare is the next show. My sights are set. I am laser pointed. My scope is set. Nixon and Reno have a red dot on their heads, and I have my finger on the trigger.

I think they will find that throughout the next few days while I am trapped on this floating death machine that I have an awful lot to say. Did they just think I was going to roll over? I am the champion, so I don't need to worry about them? No way. I said since before I won this gold that I was going to be a fighting champion. That I was going to opt into every show. That I was going to defend, if not this belt, my honor. Defend my name. Now I am being put in a match with two men who can't wash my jockstrap and being told it is for "Bragging Rights"? Being told it is for "Alpha Male" status? Funny how things work, isn't it? Let's get ONE thing straight right now. As long as I have this 20 pound hunk of precious metal over my shoulder, I AM THE ALPHA MALE. I am the top dog here. No match is going to define that until someone beats me for this belt. Trax has his hands full in an I Quit match this week, Bourbon has a shot at the now tainted Hart Title, and now I have these two clowns in a triple threat. That leaves Gilly. And although I don't think he deserves a shot due to his poor performane in the chamber and his less than 3 week title reign, he may be the only one left. So, before you two run your dicktraps more about this topic, let me get that out of the way. Whatever happens in this match, I am still above all of you. It is just a product of nature, much like chaos is. The lion will always be higher on the food chain than the gazelle. It is simple biology. I am not a scientist by any means, but I understand how the world works. I understand how this business works. I understand how chaos works. And it is a beautiful thing.

Now a lot of people ask me why I haven't been 'causing chaos' and how this company's big moments seem to come from someone else. Everyone tells me that Robbie's Leap of Faith was what they took out of the Elimination Chamber. That is fine, because I have the gold. You see, chaos isn't necessary defined by wins and losses. It is defined by situations. I could have been a victim of the fat mans dive, but instead I created chaos by averting disaster........THAT is why I am the man. Sometimes it is the little things that matter most. The position I am in here is enviable. This match doesn't have ANY affect on my status in this company whatsoever, other than the fact that if I do not win every leech on this roster will look at me as vulnerable. Every Gabe Reno and Thomas Nixon this company has will see me as a target. See me as weak. And the fact that I haven't wasted time spewing out useless promo's about how my sub par competition is "main event level" and how cool dragons and unicorns are that I am for some reason scared. Nervous. Jittery. Hell no. I am simply not going to do exactly that, "waste time". When you are in my shoes, you say what you want, when you want. The difference between me and these two clowns is that when I speak, people actually listen. Gabe Reno's nonsense promo's are cute, but cute doesn't cut it in this business. Thomas Nixon can wear all the three piece suits he wants and talk about how he is the best on this companies lesser show all he wants, but does anyone take him seriously? He has to earn his stripes here. He hasn't done that yet. Has Kitt Kennedy earned his stripes? He was TV Champ, where is he? Dolly Waters didn't rise to glory until she shed the belt. Look at the history of that belt since it's existence. Nobody earns their ticket to glory until AFTER they have held it. So Thomas, maybe a loss is best for you. You need to be brought back to earth, humbled a bit. There is a natural pecking order, and right now, you hover somewhere near the bottom. Not quite dead last, like Reno, but close. Very, very close.

So the fact I am even bothering to come on camera and talk about these two skidmarks should be an honor enough. The fact I am taking time out of enjoying my luxury room and fucking the hottest woman in the business to do this should be honor enough. But it won't be. Nothing will ever be good enough for these two. Nothing, unless I pander to their level of incompetence, will ever be good enough. So here I am, on camera again, talking about two people who are so clearly below me it is sickening. Putrid. So, what now? What can I say that hasn't already been said? Should I point out Gabe's giant L record as of late? Should I point out the scrubs Nixon has beaten? Should I point out the fact I am the champion? Sometimes, I don't know what people want from me. But trust me, I have PLENTY so say. So don't get it twisted.

Where should I begin? Hmmm.......Let's begin with Thomas Nixon. I am beyond tired of shitting on Gabe Reno. It is just too easy. Nixon, he is more of a challenge because he can hit me with that "I know you are but what am I" second grade response. He is champion, sure, and I can't deny facts. I may not think that much of his belt, nor does anyone else, but facts are facts he holds it. That I cannot take away from him. Nobody can. But what I can take away is that he called me several unfavorable and frankly untrue names. Lunatic? No, sir, that I am not. I know exactly what I am doing. I know exactly what my goal is this week, my objective. It is the same as it has always been. To be the best at what I do. Nixon hasn't been in the ring with someone like me, and he has no idea what he is in store for. He claims he does. He doesn't. He wishes he knew. That is part of the FOMO thing I mentioned. He wishes he knew what it was like to be on top, even if just for a few moments. He wishes he knew what it was like to be respected. He respects me, he has said it already, but not because of his envy of me. He respects me because he can't find it in himself to respect himself. He knows he is a paper champion, he knows his belt means the same as a skidmark on a fat chicks underwear.........and it kills him.

So Tommy Boy......before you go on to call me, what was it, arrogant? Before you call me that, let me ask you, wouldn't you be? If you aren't arrogant, you aren't a champion. Have you ever heard of a humble champion? Not a good one you haven't. Not one that lasts. Not one that anyone remembers. Let me ask you, do you want to be remembered? Do you want people to look back on the career of Thomas Nixon and remember the good times? Or look back on it and think of what could hve been? I mean godamn......

Yes, your title compared to my title is small potatoes, but gold is still gold. Own it. Live it. Breathe it. Rub it in my face how good you are. Be obnoxious. That is what will make people remember you. Be over the top about your title. Flaunt it. Right now you are far, far too mellow. Being mellow will get you torn to shreds. Maybe a little arrogance is good for you, even if that arrogance is unwarranted and undeserved....sell it, own it, BE it. Because I am, and until you are you have no chance.

So, Thomas....... I actually am giving you too much maybe I got hit over the head one too many times at Savage.....but you aren't champion anymore are you? No. You got too ahead of yourself and you lost a belt to a newcomer, a rookie. Do you when you were just an unproven rookie? You felt like you had the world your shoulders and you can do anything. Sitting on cloud nine. Now you have nothing to show for it. You are no longer a rookie but you are still unproven. You come in to the biggest match of your career as not only a paper champion with zero competition experience but as a transitional champion with no direction. You come into this match with nothing now but the skin on your back. With nothing but your expensive suits and your terrible haircut. You have nothing to hold over my head now because you are no longer a champion and you lost somebody whose match count I can track with one on the other hand, I have destroyed EVERYONE that I have stepped into a ring with. I have decimated and obliterated Marine competition from the top-tier to the bottom I have run through every obstacle put in my path. When people think of me they will think of the greatest professional wrestler who ever lived and they think of you they would think of that guy that was a Television Champion at one point. Is that really the Legacy you want?

And Gabe fucking Reno. Everytime I think I'm done with you I keep circling back. There is just so much lunacy to touch on. So much mediocrity to bring me entertainment. So many false promises and empty claims that I can pick apart like a vulcher on the Sarringhetti. So much false hope. Because that is all it is at this point. Hope. You have nothing else. At least Nixon has SOME sort of accomplishment to hang his hat on. You won a battle royal and lost your belt just a few days later. You can't even be a bad champion correctly.

You had some choice words for me. Rather harsh, in my opinion. A little anger, eh? Gabe, buddy. Decaf. Holy hell. Not only do you have the intellect of a child, you have the temper of one too. If you don't get your way you stomp your feet and hold your breath. It is all about attention for you. It is all about being in the spotlight. All about trying to make people care about you. Give a fuck about you. Well let me tell you, nobody gives a fuck about you. The only reason you are still on the roster at this point is because Vincent Lane gets entertainment out of watching you get your shit pushed in week after week. Your anger makes you say dumb shit, makes you say things that make you look like you don't know your ass from a hole in the wall. Are you even mentally fit to compete? With the last rambling bitch fest in your "Paradox" series, you said some things that I honestly just have to chuckle at. You don't get under my skin, you don't make me this point, you just make me chuckle. You are truly a pathetic douche.

Gabe Reno, The Biggest Joke In The Industry Said:“Then, showing us the Chaos illusion and why the same old tricks will fail to complicate this match like one before it between the two goliath's. Finally, on his yacht of clothing allergic models, Gabe sailed the open ocean chaos to pillage and plunder the only chance Chaos had left of convincing anyone he was still the top dog.

Really? I mean, fucking really? First of all, you are mentioning yourself as a goliath? You are nothing but the bait that is used to lure goliaths in. You are nothing but the chunks of half digested food that the goliaths shit out. Just like Thomas Nixon, you need a reality check. It is funny, though, how you two are such polar opposites. Nixon needs to pump it up, you need to tone it down. What happens when someone is over hyper? Over focused? Trying too hard? They make mistakes. With you wound up like a marching toy, you are bound to make a mistake while travelling 100 miles per hour. A mistake you cannot afford to make with so much on the line. A mistake you have make previously, both against me and against Nixon. A mistake you made against Thaddeus. That mistake is you get TOO confident, and therefore overlook what the scenario is in front of you. If you make that mistake this week, you will be beaten, and your hopes at a shot at me for my gold will go out the window in a rush of air.

You plan to pillage any shot I have left to convince people I am the top dog? I am pretty sure that as long as I hold this belt, I am top dog. Whether I am the most talented or not, which I am, the belt makes me the top dog regardless. Hell, Scully held this belt for months and he is as close to being on the autism spectrum as I have ever seen. He was the "top dog" by default. And at Warfare, on your "yacht of clothing allergic models", whatever the fuck that means, you will find out what it means to be pillaged. I will pillage your career and put you back on the bottom of the shelf where you belong and finally do what I did to my last annoyance, Dolly Waters........close the book on that chapter. YOUR chapter. You want to know where I am, motherfucker? I am standing in your way. Go around me or go over me, that is your choice, but for your long term health I suggest you choose option one. I am not going anywhere, slugger, perhaps I was just waiting for you to come to me. Lying in wait… a true predator waiting to ambush his prey…..his favorite prey…….and your blood will be so delicious.

Until now, I never put you two on the same level. I always thought that you both sucked, and recently, my point has been proven. Hell, it has even proved itself. As I showed Jefferson Jackson on Savage, I answer to nobody but my damn self. I am the only authority figure that governs what I do and what I say. And as far as I am concerned, come Warfare… both are equal.

Equal prey.

Prepare to be Equalized by yours truly.


He blows a kiss to the mic before pulling off the lavaliere mic and getting up, walking off screen.

XWF RECORD: 20-3-2
XWF Universal Champion 1x (Current)
[Image: sWtbeME.jpg]
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