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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend Night 1 RP Board
A break, or a breakthrough? (RP5)
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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12-04-2016, 08:13 AM


I feel like I'm completely loosing control. I have this voice in my head that's constantly nudging me to do awful things, and it's hard not to listen, because I want to do them. I'm also having terrible nightmares, and I'm beginning to think that I'm seeing and hearing things that aren't there. A few days ago I met a teenage kid named Jason. He said he was a fan, but during my conversation with him he said some things that I didn't like, so without even realizing it I strangled him. A couple of days after that he showed up at my car dealership acting like a straight douche. He wanted me to damn near give him a car for free, or he would tell his parents and the police about what had happened between us. Begrudgingly I agreed to sell him the vehicle that he wanted at an obscenely deep discount. After that he insisted on taking it out for a test drive. That drive didn't end so well. Jason wreaked us into a telephone pole. I blacked out, and when I woke up Jason was gone, and I was in the drivers seat. Did that asshole set me up to take the heat over that “accident”? Or was he ever there to begin with? Maybe I made this kid up, maybe he is just another bit of evidence that I'm fucked in the head. Maybe I wouldn't spend so much time dwelling on this shit, IF MY OPPONENT WOULD SHOW ANY SIGN OF LIFE!

It has now officially been eleven days since I re-debuted at Wednesday Warfare to lay the challenge out for Michael Graves. In that time I have not heard a single word from him. I can only assume that he accepted the challenge since the match is booked, but then again maybe Lane booked it just because it sounded like it could pull some money. I showed up and called this guy out for ripping me off. I've made it clear that I plan on ending him at Wildcard, but still not a word. Does he not think that I'm worth his time? Is he just too scared to face the media because he knows he is a thieving little bitch!? Well I'm going to face the media one last before this match takes place. If Michael continues to duck and hide hoping that the controversy will just blow over, fine. I'll still see him at Wildcard, but hopefully I can get under his skin and force him to come out and tell his side of the story. I sincerely want to hear what this kid has to say before I murder him.

.::Scene I - The Vignette::.

We open in the middle of a graveyard, sometime after dark. It's pitch black out here, without even so much as a trace of the moon. Suddenly a match strikes and flickers slightly in the breeze. The hand holding the match can barley be seen as it lights a series of candles that are affixed atop a few grave stones. Now with the dim light that the candles are supplying, we see Micheal Graves, “The Dark Warrior”. Micheal is decked out in his full wrestling gear. Crimson red boots, black vinyl tights with a red and purple fanged skull on both legs, a black sleeveless leather jacket with various studs and spikes, and of course his face painted pale white in the design of a human skull. Micheal stares menacingly into the camera as he speaks.

Micheal Graves: “Next weekend the XWF is hosting an event that will be spread across two days. It is set to take place in the two biggest gambling capitals in the United States. At Wildcard, almost every major title will be on the line. Champions will be forced to fight if they wish to keep their gold. I however will not be fighting for gold, nor will I be protecting a leather belt that is meant to signify my accomplishments in the XWF. Instead, I will be fighting to protect something far more important than even the Universal Title. On Saturday, December ninth, in Las Vegas Nevada, I will face off against a man who came to the XWF about a month ago with the intent of stealing my identity. Michael Graves, otherwise known as “The Franchise”. What I fight for at Wildcard is my life. If I lose to this pretender, I lose everything. I will no longer have the legal right to be Micheal Graves. If I win, however, then not only do I keep my name and he gives his up, but I also will earn a contract with the XWF, and make my return to the XWF official.”

Micheal stares up into the dark sky. Not even a single star can be seen tonight. Micheal closes his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nose, and releases it slowly as he turns his attention back to the camera.

Micheal Graves: “Graves, you do not realize how big of a mistake you have made. For the last ten years I have been settled into retirement. Dare I say I was even happy with the life that I had built for myself. The XWF wasn't even an after thought. Until one day I was flipping channels and saw you, that is. Seeing you on XWF TV dressed like me and going by by name... It's ignited a fire inside of me. Something that I haven't felt in a very long time, but with that fire also came the demon. A side of myself that had been suppressed for just as long. Over the last week I have been trying oh so hard to keep that demon at bay. It pushes and nudges and suggest such awful things. Yet I try to ignore it, I try to push it from my thoughts. I've tried so hard not to be what I used to be... I've tried so hard not to surrender my soul to this beast again, but the more I fight it... The more I wonder why. Why should I fight this demon? Why would I not listen to him when he tells me to hurt you?

Micheal looks down towards the ground deep in thought, the malicious look in his eyes fades away as he looks back up to the camera.

Micheal Graves: “They say that everyone has a guardian angel. It's not something that I have personally ever believed in, until now. Because you don't just have a guardian angel, you have two. My son and daughter... They are the only reason that I will continue to push back against this demon, and they are the only reason that you stand a chance to even walk out of Wildcard in one piece! I may not try to maim you next Saturday, but make no mistake. I will out shine you in every aspect of this match. I will throw you into that empty grave, and you will be buried alive! For others, Wildcard will mark their chances of winning or losing championships, but for me it will mark the night that I vanquish a false Graves and reclaim my spot in the XWF!

.::Scene II - The Question::.

Shortly after filming the proceeding promo, we find Micheal Graves in a small dressing room. The room is brightly lit, mostly by a large vanity mirror with big round light bulbs positioned all around the base of it. Micheal has just finished washing the skeletal makeup from his face when a hears someone walk into the room. Micheal looks over to the doorway to see Jason, the teenage kid from back home. In a state of disbelief Micheal ask.

Micheal Graves: “What are you doing here?”

Jason smirks as he lets out a short sarcastic laugh before replying in a mocking tone.

Jason: “What are YOU doing in here?”

Micheal just stares at the kid, puzzled by his response.

Jason: “I was listening to what ya said in that vignette... Ya realize that sadistic shit that ya trying so hard to fight back is what made you, you in the first place right?”

Micheal takes a step towards Jason and brings his voice to a shout.

Micheal Graves: “No we aren't talking about that right now! You wrecked my truck and took off, what the fuck was that about!?”

Jason who is still smirking laughs under his breath before answering.

Jason: “Are ya sure that's what happened Micheal?”

Jason turns and walks out of the room. Micheal quickly jogs over to the door to catch him, but as Micheal reaches the doorway, Jason is nowhere to be found. That's not possible! Micheal thinks to himself. There is noway that Jason could have cleared the hallway and made it outside in the second or two that it took Micheal to get to the door. Suddenly Micheal clinches up his face in pain and brings a hand up to his forehead. All he can hear is a loud high pitched buzzing sound. After a few seconds it fades away, and Micheal is left wondering if Jason has been a part of his imagination the entire time.

.::Scene III – The Reveal::.

Micheal's wife, and truly the love of his life is sitting curled up on the couch with a Nora Roberts novel in her hands. She seems lost in a world of fictional romance. The door just across the room opens, and in walks her loving husband, Micheal Graves.

Stephanie Graves: Oh honey, you're home!

She exclaims in genuine excitement. Micheal takes off his black leather coat and drapes it across the back of a kitchen chair. Micheal Graves: “Hi babe, how was your day?”

Micheal walks through the kitchen, and into the living room where his wife is seated.

Stephanie Graves: “Not very productive. The kids were a handful. By the time I managed to get them to bed, I was so worn out that I decided to spend the rest of the night relaxing with my literature.”

Micheal smirks as he takes a seat beside of his wife on the couch.

Micheal Graves: “I would hardly consider that to be literature.

He says, pointing at the romance novel his wife is holding.

Stephanie Graves: “You do realize that literature is literally any written work, right?

Micheal looks slightly confused for a second or two before changing to embarrassment and defeat.

Micheal Graves: “You know what I meant!”

He says defensively, but in a joking tone. Stephanie seems proud of herself. Anytime she can get one over on her husband, it's a good day.

Stephanie Graves: “I know what you meant, I just like busting your chops ya big lug!”

Stephanie and Micheal both lean in close to one another. Their lips meet in a warm embrace as they share in a soft and slow kiss. Micheal places a hand on her cheek and stares deeply into her eyes. Stephanie can tell that something is troubling him, and her look quickly changes to concern.

Stephanie Graves: “Did something happen at your shoot today?”

Micheal removes his hand from Stephanie's cheek and leans back into his seat. He lets out a long sigh before Stephanie leans in and places a hand on his thigh.

Stephanie Graves: “Honey, you know you can tell me. What happened?”

Micheal Graves: “A fan came to visit me on the set...”

Stephanie Graves: “Okay...”

Micheal Graves: “Remember me telling you that a customer wreaked that truck?

Micheal is of course talking about the Ford F-150 that Jason intentionally wreaked a few days ago.

Stephanie Graves: “Oh my God, HE came to your shoot today!?”

Micheal silently nods in agreement.

Stephanie Gross: “Well... Did you call the police!?”

Micheal answers her nervously.

Micheal Graves: “That's not really an option...”

Stephanie Graves: “What do you mean, that's not an option? The guy attempted to kill you!”

Micheal looks to his wife, staring into her eyes. Time seems to move at half speed for him. Even though he knows that he should tell her everything, he's afraid of what she will think.

Micheal Graves: “I didn't tell you everything...”

She looks shocked. Secrets between the two of them have never been a problem. At least not one that she was ever aware of. They both prided themselves in being open, and sharing everything in their lives with one another, good or bad.

Stephanie Graves: “What didn't you tell me Micheal!?”

She said with a stern, yet hurt tone.

Micheal Graves: “I first met Jason almost a week ago at the gym. I could tell that he wanted to meet me, but he was shy...”

Stephanie Graves: “Go on...”

Micheal Graves: “Well... We struck up a conversation about my career. He said he was a fan of mine and went on to talk about his favorite match and stuff. One thing lead to another and he said something that I didn't agree with. The next thing I knew, I had my hands around his neck. I was choking him...”

Stephanie looks horrified at this revelation.

Stephanie Graves: “MICHEAL! What were you thinking?”

Micheal sighs once again, exhaling heavily.

Micheal Graves: “I don't know... I didn't even realize that I was doing it until it was too late. When he came to the dealership, he was there to blackmail me into selling him a car for cheap. Otherwise he was going to get his parents involved.”

Stephanie Graves: “If he was going to blackmail you, why didn't he just ask for a free car?”

Micheal Graves: “I don't know. I chalked it up to him just being a dumb kid.”

Stephanie Graves: “Micheal, you need to call the police. You may have choked him, but since then he's tried to kill you, and now he's what, stalking you too?”

Micheal Graves: “I think that it's worse than that...”

Stephanie looks confused. What could be worse than a murderous stalker she wonders.

Micheal Graves: “Today, when he visited me at the set. He walked into the dressing room and taunted me before leaving. I ran to the door the second he walked out, but he had vanished without a trace.”

Stephanie Graves: “What are you trying to say?”

Micheal Graves: “I'm...”

Stephanie reaches up and begins to message the back of Micheal's neck in and effort to comfort him.

Micheal Graves: “I'm beginning to think that Jason may not be real.”

Stephanie Graves: “Why would you think that... Have you had an episode?”

Micheal Graves: I thought that I could keep in under control... but it's getting worse.”

Stephanie pulls a hand away from Micheal. They both sit there for a moment in silence. Stephanie is trying to absorb all of the information that Micheal has just given her, and Micheal is nervously waiting for his wives reaction. Finally after what feels like an eternity.

Stephanie Graves: “This is exactly what I was afraid of.”

Micheal Graves: “I know.”

Stephanie Graves: “You haven't even stepped foot in that damn ring yet, and already it's started.”

She of course, is talking about Micheal's schizophrenic split personality. A second consciousness that was created during the experiments that were performed on him during the Dark-Weapon:Gehenna project. There is something about the XWF that brings it back to the forefront. Maybe it's because the XWF is where it all started almost twelve years ago.

Micheal Graves: “I'll get it under control. I'm going to look for a shrink tomorrow.”

A shrink? She thinks to herself. Micheal has always refused to seek psychiatric help. Whenever she would bring up the idea in the past, he would tell her that he was strong enough to deal with his problems on his own.

Stephanie Graves: “This return of yours, it really means that much to you?”

Micheal Graves: “It does... On top of everything else that I could list as to why I have to do this, most importantly it's because I'm sick of running from my problems.”

10 years ago Micheal quit wrestling because of the psychotic break he suffered after the Weapon project.

Micheal Graves: “You told me that you would support me in any decision that I made, and I've made up my mind with this. Even if it ends up killing me, I'm making this return.”

Stephanie and Micheal sit there in silence for a moment. She knows that there is no reason to try and talk him out of this. He's a stubborn man, always has been. Once he makes up his mind, it's impossible to change it. She looks down, staring into her lap. It's a look of a woman that's been defeated. She wants to support her husband, always, but at the same time is afraid of what may come from this decision.

Stephanie Graves: “Okay... Talk to a doctor... get yourself help... and do what you need to do in the XWF. At the end of the day the kids and I will always be here for you.”

Micheal reaches over and pulls his wife in towards him. They sit there for a moment, comforted by each others embrace.

------------Scene IV Guess who shrinky-poo-------------

What am I doing here? That thought keeps going through my mind. I've never cared for doctors. Always felt like they were more concerned with money than my health. These head doctors are even lower on my list. They get paid a ridiculous fee to listen to you talk about your problems. Then they get to pass judgment on you, and explain why you're so fucked up. Look at this asshole for example.

Dr. Seyn: “Micheal, are you listening?”

Micheal snaps out of a trance and re-positions himself on the uncomfortable navy blue couch that he is sitting on.

Micheal Graves: “Sorry, I was just lost in thought.”

Dr. Seyn taps his pen against his lips a few times.

Dr. Seyn: “Would you like to talk about it?”

Talk about what? The fact that I wanna gut you and keep my $350.00 an hour, he thinks.

Micheal Graves: “Not really, it's nothing.”

Dr. Seyn: “Earlier you said that you've been hearing voices. Was one of the voice speaking just then

A thought passes though Graves mind just then. “Come on Mike, let me take the wheel!”

Micheal Graves: “No, and it's not voices. It's just one voice.

The doctor jots down a quick note on his clipboard and the looks back up to Micheal.

Dr. Seyn: “...and what do you think this voice is?”

What the fuck do you think it is doc!? I'm paying you for answers!

Micheal Graves: “I'm not sure. I just know that it keeps trying to talk me into doing things, things that I don't want to do.”

Dr. Seyn: “mmm hmmm... Do you ever tell this voice no, or to leave you be?”

Micheal is starting to look psychically agitated.

Micheal Graves: “Listen, I'm not crazy! I don't talk to it, I just hear it in the back of my mind. It's like a dull low voice that speaks behind my own thoughts.”

Dr. Seyn: “No need to get upset Mr. Graves. Try to remember that we are here for the same reason, to make you better.”

Micheal leans back and closes his eyes, tilting his head up towards the ceiling. Micheal takes a few long deep breaths. He thinks to himself, "I'm just going to leave. I'll tell Stephanie I tried, but I can't do this. I can't talk to this guy, and I have a hard time believing that he can help me with anything."

Micheal Graves: “I'm just going to leave...”

Dr. Seyn: “We still have twenty minutes Mr. Graves.”

Micheal Graves: “That's fine, but I forgot that I have somewhere else that I have to be.”

“Like not here!” Micheal thinks.

Dr. Seyn: “Okay, I understand that this can be hard when you are first starting out, but I am here to help. Please consider setting up a second appointment when you feel up to it.

The doctor stands up and grabs a card from a fancy golden business card hold on his desk. He turns around and hands it to Micheal, who quickly reads it over before stuffing it into his front pocket.

[Image: seynmindscard.jpg]

Micheal Graves: “Yeah sure, I'll take a look at my schedule and see what's up, but I'm going to be leaving town in a couple of days.”

Dr. Seyn: “Ah yes, your wrestling match. I'm afraid that I can't get into details, but you are not the only person that I treat in your profession.

Micheal Graves: “Have a good day doc.”

Micheal says in a hurry to leave.

Dr. Seyn: “Take care Micheal, and please consider setting up another session.”

“Not going to happen buddy”. Micheal thinks to himself as he opens the door and walks out into the lobby. He walks up to the big glass window that separates the secretary from the patients and pulls his wallet out to pay. Suddenly, and unexpectedly someone slaps him on the ass. Shocked Micheal looks up to see who it was.

Cadryn Tiberius : Ah, Kitten. Don't look so sad, at least you don't have Autism.

Cadryn, who is grinning from ear to ear continues walking right passed Micheal and into Dr. Seyns office, shutting the door behind himself.
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