Ladies and Gentlemen, for your consideration, the written works of Peter Gilmour as verbally copypastad and presented by a festively plump fellow in a mask.
We open to see a red carpet gala event outside of the Parthenon. Search lights are scrambling their beams in random directions, reporters and camera crews are lighting up the whole place, and it looks like the best of the jet set are in attendance tonight here in Greece for a special screening of some film. Maybe one of those really artistic things in black and white, maybe just some indie comedy that can't be ignored.
I digress.
We see Robbie Bourbon standing on the red carpet with a tuxedo on. He's standing next to a reporter alongside all of his assembled Bourbon Men. Blue, Robbie's girlfriend and handler, Ash, Robbie's personal stylist, Diamondback, the man who can blend into any crowd, Cyberjaw, the man with the cybernetic jaw, Robo-Rob, the robot from Rocky IV painted to look like it's wearing a Robbie Bourbon mask, Joe Biden, Vice-King of the Jobbers, Han Solo, Gallagher, watermelon smashing funster, Xtreme Travel Agent, possible victim of Stockholm syndrome, Fat Francis the Weary, some guy Robbie met at the DMV, Jesus Christ, rarest of all Bourbon Men, and Smashdyface McFace, Islamic terrorist what had his faced smashed in with an axe, all flank Robbie. Steve Sayors approaches.
Robbie, wow, what a gala, who knew you were going to be presenting a new film debut here in Athens?
I think quite a few people were counting on it.
Yeah, me and my production crew.
Well, Robbie, what do you have to say about the picture?
Say? Say nothing, just watch!
The lights dim, and on a screen behind Robbie, we see this projected in front of at least a thousand of the tip top bourgeoisie in Athens for the evening.