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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Anything can happen except losing to BG
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-08-2016, 03:00 PM

The Strip
Las Vegas

The Las Vegas Strip was always full of constant action with lots to see, from sidewalk performers to all of the flashing lights and beautiful sights seen in the eclectic hotels. This was so much better than the illuminations you see in Blackpool, England that the XWF Uni-on Champion, Scully was used too. Skull is walking down the strip wearing a black shirt with the top two buttons undone, black trousers and black shoes. Scully wasn't one for wearing full suits but he was still looking dapper. Skull is not alone though, he has three mates who have travelled all the way over from England for the week and will be in attendance on Saturday Night Savage. His good mates Matty, Paul aka Haribo and Craig. They had all been out a couple of hours and have a drink of alcohol in their hands as they wonder where to go next. They had been to casino's but Skull wouldn't go crazy as he wasn't one for gambling. He had been approached by various adults who were fans of him in the XWF.

They decide to enter a nightclub which by what they can see as the double doors open is heaving full of people even for a Thursday night. Before they can enter, two bald headed men are thrown out as they curse at the security. One of the bald headed men recognise Scully and begin to speak to him with a foreign accent. Skull and his mates look at one another not knowing what he is saying but he looks aggressive. The bald headed foreigners friend speaks a little English.

"He sed er.. You iz a pussy."

Scully doesn't say a word, he quickly grabs the men by their heads and smashes their foreheads together. Both men fall to the ground unconscious, Skulls mates cheer for his zero tollarence attitude and the security ain't fussed for the foreign guys either as they had obviously been evicted for causing trouble. Scully and his three amigos are welcomed into the club by the three security. The music is loud and there are lots of people dancing, Scully and co walk over to the bar and wait in a que for a short while before one of security approaches them. He whispers into Scully's ear and gestures for the lads to follow him which they do. They are taken upstairs and into a VIP Lounge. Here they are introduced to a table with a curved sofa. The lads show their appreciation to security, Skull offers him cash which he refuses to take.

"Take it for you and your pals."

Security: "You keep it. You got rid of those scumbags, we got rid of the CCTV footage and the bosses want you to have a good night."

"Thanks maan. What's your name?"

Security: "Believe it or not, my names Peter Gilmour."


Peter 'Security' Gilmour: "Yeah it sucks dick!"

"Who would have thought it?"

Peter 'Security' Gilmour: "Anyway I'll leave you guys to it."

Skull firmly shakes the hand of the real Peter Gilmour. Skull sits down with the gang and chat about the night so far.

Haribo: "This is epic."

Craig: "I know dudes, this is the dog bollocks."

Matty: "This is fuckin' awesome!"

"So what we having to drink lads?"

A sexy brunette waitress brings over a platter with a bottle of the finest Champagne and four glasses.

Waitress: "Compliments of the owners."

Scully's mates cheer with excitement and Haribo pours some Champagne in each glass.

"Can I speak to the bossman?"

"We have two bosses and one is a female. But yeah sure, follow me."

Scully gets up from the chair and looks at his mates.

"I'll be back in a minute."

The lads are given a tray of shots from another waitress as Skull makes his way down the corridor behind the first waitress. The waitress stops outside a black door, the waitress knocks and then opens the door once insicated to do so. Skull enters and recognises the man and woman in front of him straight away. It is in fact the undefeated Luka Aristov and his wife, Mariya. A grin emerges from Luka who stands up and towers over Scully. The men shake hands, Mariya grabs a bottle of JD and pours each men a drink. They sit down and Mariya pours herself a Vodka, Russian off course.

"Wow long time no see. How are you both?"

Aristov: "I er.. Iz ferry gud Scullie. It iz gud ta see you."

"You too. I see your english has improved?"

Aristov: "It er... Iz a lot better."

"How are you Mariya?"

Mariya: "I'm very well, Scullie. Thanks for askin'. Congratulations on your title victory."

Aristov: "Yes er, very er.. Wella deserved."

"Thank you to the both of you. Took me a while but I got there in the end. So how come you disappeared after you destroyed Luca Fyre?"

Aristov: "Ta be honest, I er.. Had ta go back ta Russia ta look afta ma sick mudda."

"Oh right. Was she okay?"

Aristov: "She died."

"Sorry about that."

Aristov stares into space and drinks some of his straight JD. Mariya then breaks the silence.

Mariya: "Me and Luka ad a couple of nightclubs in Russia but my ultimate goal waz ta own a nightclub in Vegas and well Luka wanted ta do it too."

"Fair play to you both. Luka do you miss the wrestling?"

Aristov: "I miss destoyin' people. Er.. The XWF waz fun n er .. Yeah I miss da XWF."

"Maybe you should come back, be my bodyguard or something like HBK and Diesel or Sid."

Scully, Luka Aristov and Mariya laugh at what Scully said.

Aristov: "I like da idea."

Mariya: "It could work"

Scully is sort of suprised as he was sort of joking but he actually likes the idea too.

Aristov: "Let's go n see ya fwiends n we can talk more?

Scully nods with approval as both men get up from their chairs. Mariya who was sat on the table also gets down to follow the men to discuss a possible Luka return with benefits for Scully.
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