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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
A Cut Above RP 1/3?
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Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-04-2016, 06:14 PM

I am not the same guy I was years ago. I have given up everything to make it to the level I am at. I have fallen and gotten back up numerous times. I am gonna take you down, Scully. I may not be a cut above you but I am gonna prove that my style of wrestling is better than yours.

I was trained the old school style. I have traveled and put many miles on my body. I take the beatings and have never backed down. I look into the mirror and i see a man who can withstand anything thrown his way. You may call me a cunt and whatever other names. When the smoke clears, I will be the victor and take you down a peg.

Thirty-two years young and still able to go to the distance despite my failing body. You don't even want to trade blows with me because I got the hardest head in the XWF and the balls to back it up. No fear in my eyes. That's what sets us apart, Scully. You need a group of people to back you up. I need no one. Bring all the friends you want and they won't be enough to stop me.

All those sleepless nights training and working hard. Given up everything to keep going. From living in a Mansion in Las Vegas to living in an apartment in Boston. You can try to break me down but you know deep down, You can't break me. Only weapon you got is to try to get into my psyche by using fear against me. You are looking at one of the craziest motherfuckers in the XWF right now. Violence doesn't phase me.

I am gonna hurt you badly and you will be in shock when I lock in the Green Dream and make you tap. I may not be on your level in the physical sense but my mental game more than compensates for that.

Nothing was ever truly given to me. I have had to fight and claw my way to achieve what i have achieved. I am no flavor of the month. I am who the guy who will take your Universal Title from you. I got the experience that you wish you had.

Have you ever faced a man who has nothing to lose? Probably not but you are looking at one right now. I am gonna knock you out and make you realize the biggest mistake in your life was stepping up to me.

i have bled all over the world with no fear of dying. As long as I am still breathing, I will get up to the fans chanting my name. This is my livelihood and I will not let you or your Union take it from me without a fight.

I am down to 305 pounds and ready to destroy you. Been training hard at People Power Academy. Pushing my body to the limit. Forget drinking. I am gonna take you down and I am in the best shape of my life right now. Look into my eyes and you see nothing but determination. I am gonna take that title from you soon enough. So enjoy holding that belt while you have it.

I am a veteran of many brutal matches. People have told me all my life that I will never make it yet I have made it. Against all the odds, I have survived. May not be the flashiest wrestler in the world but I never needed to rely on that.

Scully, I hope I have you doubting yourself because that's what you should be doing. You are looking at the guy who has no fear in his eyes. Come Savage, Watch out. You better be prepared for that liver shot of mine because you will go down. I call that the Micky Ward special. Boston bred and born.

No matter what people say about me. They don't matter. I am who I am. I am already going to hell for my sins. I am gonna commit another sin for what I am gonna do to Scully. He is gonna hurt all over.

I am not even gonna waste anymore time talking about you. Later, XWF.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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