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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Shade Chronicles: Free or Endangered
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-26-2016, 07:10 PM

Empty Addis Ababa Stadium in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Shade and Hope are in the ring of the Addis Ababa Arena. Shade looks at the bat he made for Leap of Faith for his brother who no showed the event and with anger in his veins, he begins to hit his bat against the floor of the ring over and over and over again. He then stop when Hope huff at him saying.

Shady, I understand why you are kind of pissed off that you ''No Showed'' the event. But It's kinda your fault isn't it like you no showed your first ever pay per view and not only that you got kicked out of the pale riders after they busted into your locker room and chowed you out for no showing the match, Then returning me with no scratches which I am grateful for and .............

Shade stops her before she finished her sentence. Looking at her, he points his bat at her saying.

Shut up. One I was kicked out of the building before my match by Loverboy and wasn't let back in even though I had already set up the match, Boiler room brawl and I had everything ready. But because of let say indicative reasons I was kicked out the venue and wasn't let back in until after the main event of the card. So yeah I definitely no showed when I was kicked out of the arena and Not let fight my match. To be honest I'm still need teaching and Ghost Tank is the only man who can.

Hope stops Shade from continuing his sentence by saying.

Shady. One, you know I don't want to hear that coming out of your mouth. You tried and failed to stay in the group after you promised them you would beat your brother and go back to your winning ways. But of course you failed.
Two, you know I don't want to be a bargaining chip for you every time you failed or messed up to your so called Lord and always putting me in danger just to please you ''Lord''. I want you to be a leader not a bitch to someone else you know. and Three, Come on Shady, you are finally free and you are now on your own. Why would you want to go back to someone who didn't even like you in the first place. Who thought you were just a waste of space and Look at you as a D rate talent. So why go back to that place when you are already free.

Shade looks at her and looks down at his feet. He then looks towards Hope, who is dumbfounded and says to towards Shade who has removed his mask and turned away from the camera towards her.

Why are you grinning you were angry just a few minutes ago. What's so good about trying to prove this company that you are not a Jobber or a enhancement talent, that you are legit, that you are championship material. Not a nobody but a somebody. Someone that people find Impossible to beat. Like you always use to say ''The Reaper of XWF'' and also ''The Prince of Death''. Also you grin is a bit cartoonish.

The camera turns to Shade who has a big grin on his face hidden by his hood and as he respond to Hope by saying.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR95qTWB8PtcRCrBd0-gG8...i8OAoB41gg]

Hope you know you're right I shouldn't be bodyguard, but his student. I shouldn't be his bitch, But his equal. So baby the reason why I'm going to try to get back to that group is so that I have someone watching my back and also to protect you. So to Tank if his listening I didn't get to prove to you why I am the prince of death before I was unceremoniously taken out of the building before I could even wrestle my match. So until you not only, teach me to become a better wrestler, But to become a equal to you and also for you to stop using Hope as a bargaining tool to get at me. I will from today will be sacrificing people and Will make them in honor for you to put me back to where I belong right there fighting you for my empire. hahahaha So boss will you accept my offering or will you ignore my gracious dedication.

Shade put on his mask as Hope says.

I don't like what you're doing, but like always I'll just see where things are going to transpire.

Shade looks at Hope and responds by saying.

Hope get my specially made bat for Drezdin. I have to have it for when I go up against him. I'm sorry he has to be the first to get sacrificed but it has to be done. I remember when we first met in the ring. it was a nice slow paced match that really didn't matter because he was just another stepping stone I used to get to the top of the mountain. But I never even reached the peak of the mountain and now I will have to re climb that mountain and this time I will reach the peak. Drezdin we started our career together. But I had the better career so far, But I squandered my opportunities. But now you're on the rises and I can't let you pass me by. So Drezdin even though I respect you as an performer. I will never let you defeat and Now you are the perfect starting opponent for me for my rise to the top. So Drezdin are you Humble ?, But also Ghost I'm I free or endangered ?

The camera cuts

[End of Transmission]

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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