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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
We Should Have Parties Here!
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TJ Adams

XWF FanBase:
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07-30-2016, 11:35 AM

We see TJ Adams sitting in the room previously used as a torture chamber. The blade of the knife in his hand circles around before he looks up at the camera.

. What a nice word. You know, there are One billion people that have a disability in the world. That's one billion people that you had insulted when you talked about a fucking demon. These people have had to overcome obstacles that you never even had to in the first place. They've had to fight the pain of people's judgment. They had to push themselves to work their prosthetics to the limit. What have you pushed yourself to do Dillinger? Do you push yourself to NOT dress like some from the 1960s? I mean come on bro! I won a fucking world title yesterday, what did you win? That's right! You didn't win shit!

TJ sets his recently won XWE title on his shoulder and exits the room, knife still in hand. He had a guest coming, and didn't want to worry about some pushover for the rest of the day. He went into the kitchen and set the knife down before sitting down in his luxurious maple wood chair. The box he had found had one million dollars in it, given to him from T.W., whoever that may be. He heard the knock at the door and got to his feet. He pressed his ear to the door until he heard the voice of a girl, only a year older than himself. TJ opens the door and embraces the girl before directing her towards the chair.

Tyler, we need to talk.

About what? You can tell me anything dear. What is it?

The room seemed tense. TJ looked at the woman across from him with a look of concern. She looked him in the eyes and TJ knew it wasn't good.

I want to be a wrestler!

TJ felt relief as he got to his feet, but then realized something very important. More important to him than anything besides his girlfriend.

Who's going to watch the dogs? I mean, I love that you want to get into the business, but Chris and Girard are my boys!

Samantha looked up at him and gave him a look that obviously said "Bitch you better shut the fuck up before I beat your ass". TJ nodded and pulled out his phone. He tapped on Thomas Girard's name and sent him a text.

Hey, Mr. Girard! Thanks for the cheese sandwich, but I wanted to talk to you about a possible partner to help me kill - I mean defeat - Jose Gomez and anyone else who stands in my way. Get back to me when you can!

TJ threw the phone into his room. It bounced on the bed a few times before landing flat on his pillow.

Are you sure about this?

Are you a piece of shit?

TJ smirked and ushered for her to follow him out to his hummer. She hopped in and kissed TJ on the cheek before he pulled out of the driveway and went on his way to a very special place that he usually went with pals of his, but he thought it was time to show Sam where he did all his training. About an hour later they pulled up to a fucking mountain, because why the hell not? TJ hopped out began to run up the slope, but then noticed that there was someone with him. Sam was only a few feet behind him, but that wasn't close enough.

Run Bitch Run!

I'm running as fast as I can!

Really? Lemme slow down then.


Samantha got right next to TJ and sprinted away. TJ went into full Sonic mode just to catch up with her, but it didn't help for long, as both became exhausted after 20 minutes of chasing one another up and down the mountain. TJ sat down on a pretty big rock to catch his breathe, then he saw it: Dillinger's Uncle's mansion! TJ looked at Samantha and told her to go back to the hummer. He had business to attend to. He braced himself and slid down the slope before rolling to a knee. He looked around the back fence before grabbing some fucking logs and using them to get into Dillinger's backyard.

Wanna fuck with me, Dillinger? You really wanna play this game with me? Well, I'm actually just here to give you some cash for surgery you're about to get when I'm done kicking your ass, but this place is lit! You've got a fucking pool!? Why don't we have parties here?

Screams can be heard from the mansion. TJ walks towards the back door, then notices something weird. Dillinger isn't there.

This guy has friends? I don't know, he might be raping someone in the basement. Might as well let myself in...

Once inside, TJ sees pictures of random people on the wall. Not giving a fuck about them, he just walks past them until he sees a room labeled "Kitchen".

I COULD just make Dillinger some food and apologize for being a di- who am I kidding? I'm hungry, there's food. Let's eat!

The door clicked shut behind him, and all he could see was a chocolate cake. He marveled at the cake before lifting the glass over it. He looked down and saw the note that read "for -----" TJ couldn't make out the name that was there, but was polite and set the glass back down without taking a slice of the brown beauty. He could hear footsteps. He slid under the sink and grabbed a bagel off the counter. Someone entered the room and grabbed the cake. Just when TJ thought he was safe, his phone chimed up for a second, Thomas Girard had responded. TJ turned his phone off in a frantic struggle before the cabinets flew open and he was face to face with a maid. His fist shot into her face as he sprang out of the counter and ran out of the kitchen, locking the door behind him. He could hear LOUD footsteps as he exited the mansion. He saw the silhouette of a man dressed in dark clothes as he stopped to catch his breath. The figure got closer and closer as TJ got further and fucking further away. TJ could see that the man had a revolver in his hand, and it was pointed at TJ. TJ was now on his back, the man was standing above him with his gun pointed right at TJ.

Stand Up. Get to your feet right now!

Yes sir, but can I just get some spit out of my throat first?


Lucky for you I don't listen to pieces of shit!

TJ spat in the man's face before reaching for his gun. The man tried to knock him off, but TJ just rolled him away and got the gun at the last second before shooting him in his foot.

I'm leaving you with this. Use it to call someone for help. I'm leaving.

TJ called Sam and told her to come get him. He sent her the coordinates, and less than ten minutes later the hummer pulled up. TJ jumped in and the two sped away as the camera fades to black.
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