Marvellous Keith
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XWF FanBase: Some men, some teens, few women (the villain you love to hate; has cult following)
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Joined: Tue Mar 15 2016
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03-28-2016, 10:26 PM
It's a little past midnight; The Marvellous one is going for one of his Marvellous late night jogs to prepare for his glass tables match this Saturday at Shove-It, he's got his head phones in listening to his Marvellous theme song "I Want A New Drug" by Huey Lewis and the News. Keith is chanting to himself as he jogs along.
Who's Marvellous? I'm Marvellous! Who's Marvellous? I'm Marvellous! Who's Marvellous? I'm Marvellous!
As Keith is Jogging he notices three hooded thugs approaching him, all three are caring bats, Keith stops dead in his tracks, the thugs are right in front of him now.
Thug #1 (middle)
Little late to go running, hey?
Keith looks a little shook not sure how this confrontation is gunna end up.
What is this?
Thug #1
You know what this is. Hand over your shit!
Keith sizes up the three men attempting to jack him, all three men are slightly-built.
The thugs look annoyed at Keith's refusal.
Thug #1
Have it your way then, bro
Thug # 3 (right) takes a swing at Keith hitting him in the knee, Keith drops to one knee, holding it in agony,
Ahh that fucking hurt!
Thug #2 takes a swing for Keith's face, Keith grabs the bat preventing it from reaching his head, he quickly gets back to his feet and pushes the thug back knocking him down. The other two thugs looked shocked, Thug #3 swings his bat at Keith, Keith catches it in between his arm and side, Keith gives the thug a solid punch to his nose. The thug drops to his knees holding his nose, blood his pouring out through the cracks of his fingers. Keith turns his attention to Thug #1, the thug takes a couple steps back. Thug #2 gets up and charges Keith, Keith grabs him and throws him hard to the ground, the thug hits the ground head first knocking him unconscious. Keith looks back at Thug #3 still on his knees holding his nose, Keith gives the thug a swift kick in the head also knocking this one unconscious. Thug # 1 is staring Keith down grasping his bat tightly, Keith grins viciously.
Fucked up big time!
Thug #1
I ain't scared bro. Let's do this!
The thug goes for a swing of his bat but Keith swats it away knocking the bat out of the thugs hands, the bat crashes to the ground and rolls away. The thug tries to make a run for it, Keith quickly grabs the thug by his hood pulling him back, Keith pushes him into a parked car on the side of the road, he then knees the thug in his mid-section, the thug gasps out for air cause he just got the wind knocked out of him. Keith gives the thug a couple slaps to the face.
Fucked with the wrong guy!
Keith kicks the guy in the mid-section this time, he puts him in position for the Marvellous Edge (crucifix bomb) Keith hoists him up and performs the move smashing the thug into the passenger window of the car, the thug hits the window head first, the glass shatters, the back of the thugs neck goes through a broken sharp piece of glass that's left on the bottom of the window holding the thug in place. The thug is hanging from the window with the heels of his feet still touching the ground the Thug is twitching as blood spills down the car door and drips onto the ground.
Keith continues his jog like nothing happened, putting his head phones back into his ears, he starts up his chant again.
Who's Marvellous? I'm Marvellous! Who's Marvellous? I'm Marvellous! Who's Marvellous? I'm Marvellous!
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