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Family Time
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-24-2016, 09:31 PM

The main family begins their talks of the future...

"So, where them nigs at?"

A yell came from the entertainment area

"Who the fuck cares?"

"It's your dad and his friend having fun. Something's going to happen."

"Yeah, Ozzy and Frodo like to fuck with people. One sexually, the other with his size and strength. I swear, if the two ever decided they wanted to fuck, this world would be destroyed."

"Probably. Who would be on top, though?"

"Probably dad. Just to say he climbed and Mounted Everest."

The group except Joey laughed, and then Fuzen looked at Crack a bit more, as he began to make faces at her, and that's when Katie gave him a smack

"She didn't like you before, what makes you think she will like you because you made funny faces?"

When in fact, Fuzen began to giggle. Not because of his faces, but because he was hit. Katie chuckled, Sarah laughed, Alysia gigglesnorted because she was trying to laugh and she did so too hard. Fuzen moved out of Alysia's arms, onto the table and crawled over to Crack. She looked at him, tilting her head, investigating him as she had once before, and then he brought his head down, and she gave her own little smack, which was about as forceful as a millimeter of wet tissue paper being tossed by a wet noodle. It caused her to laugh and she would move to sit on the table, and Crack moved his head forward as she began to tap his face, laughing and giggling at this. Soon Alysia would say out loud, in a tone that was somewhat forceful, yet beautiful and sweet,

"Fuzen. What are you doing?"

The baby turned to face her mother and she pouted and began to crawl back to Alysia, who picked her up and held her close

"Well, she might not be yours or GT's, but, if she doesn't grow up to be a masochist and sadist like you two, I'll be really impressed. Lil' nigga would've hit me hard if she could!"

Katie just shook her head at Crack and soon a yell came out,

"Y'all mothafuckas need to come check this shit out! Big Dude and dad are on the fucking news again!"

The group got up and moved quickly, while minding Fuzen. Once they were in the open entertainment room, they saw Channel 7 News Chicago on the t.v and on it was Frodo raping a Mastiff, and Ghost Tank absolutely breaking the faces and bodies of several officers. Ghost Tank looked to the helicopter, and he would be seen tapping Frodo on the shoulder before waving, Frodo being pulled away to the car, which zoomed about Chicago, to try and hide from the helicopter before coming home after getting out of public eye, for now with everyone except Joey, who laughed at everything and cheered every step Frodo and GT did,

"Oh I'm going to fucking kill you, Ozzy!"

As Joey cheered Fuzen would cry hard


"So, Macbeth. A couple of things buddy. We're going to be facing tomorrow, and it's going to be a spectacular event. Now I want to talk about a few things you said near the end of your last promo. Probably your last one, but still, let's talk about it, shall we?

Macbeth Said:What could turn this shit around is letting the true entertainers come to the fore front, the entertainers like my union team mates Scully and Tush. They need to stop holding people like us back.

Take it into your own hands I hear people say and guess what, that is exactly what I am going to do beginning with you two numpty's. That's right bitches you have the pleasure of front row seats to the beginning of a new era within the XWF. The era of entertainment, the era of fairness, the era of success, the era of The Union."
I'll grant you this, Scully and tush are fucking hilarious. Tush was a stablemate of mine. Good guy. Nothing really bad to say about him. Cool guy.

Scully on the other hand. I can see where you got Ghost Wank from. Because it sure as hell wasn't original. Scully first called me that shit back in Twenty-Fourteen. Motherfucker did you think that worked against me then? Do you think it'll work against me, NOW? Are you dense? Are you absolutely medically ? Did you allow Scully to do some experiments on your brain and has somehow passed his to you? Because Scully tried this Ghost Wank stupidity, and it failed. I ended up beating him, in my match back from healing up thanks to the many injuries accumulated through my early career. I lost to Knight in our championship fight for the Television belt.

End point; you really need to replace Scully. He's tainting your little stable's reputation. He's entertaining in that he's absolutely terrible, and he will never go further than winning the Championship. That's all he's good for. Laughs. At his expense.

Macbeth, your name makes me grin. The tale of Macbeth is a sad one. Macbeth ends up dead, and his opponent ends up taking his head.

I am Macduff, Macbeth. Except, I am not just Macduff. I am the Reaper. I am Death Incarnate. I am your opponent. Lady Luck has no place in this match. She was just a manager, and who knows, she might show. However, it's just you and me now. You decided in this last promo to just ignore me. You decided that I was not good enough to be talked about. Felt that talking about things would you would do against me is a boring topic. This is false.

To think that descriptions of what you plan to do your opponent is a boring affair, then believe you, me, you're completely ignorant in the ways of entertainment. It's entertaining to go up against me. It's entertaining to talk about how you're going to take on a giant in this wrong. A giant that is the most athletic, most powerful in this entire roster. I have been beaten, this is true. However, once I have gone upon my own, gone against Doctor Louis D'Ville's mind fuckery. I hold the blood of his ex-Prophet. I came into this world as Death, the Destroyer of Worlds. Death can be escaped, but eventually everyone will die. Even Death, but not now. Do you know what I'm going to do to you and Lady Luck, Macbeth? I am going to do powerbomb you both. I am going to break your backs, I am going to make sure you cannot run from me, and then I'm going to take you around the world through German Suplexes. Fuck Brock Lesnar and his Suplex City. I am going to take you two to Suplex World. I am going to suplex you both so much, you two will fucking tap out as if it was a submission, because you two cannot handle another suplex, thinking if you took another, your neck will end up breaking.

Speaking of Lady Luck. What do you think you're doing? You're a manager. You have no place in this fight. You will get your ass handed to us, me especially. Actually, when I look at you, the only thing I can see, is a crackwhore that decided she was beautiful enough to try and manage someone, and when they failed, they felt like now they'll dip their toe into actually wrestling. Guess what, Lady Luck? You're going to get your ass handed to you. You're not going to have a good time. You're not going to want to try wrestling ever again. I've read your stats. I've seen what you're all about. I've seen what your surprise is. You think you can reach my head to get a single kick in? You'll get a better chance of hitting Macbeth with one than me. You try to do it to me, I will catch it, I will not be gentle, I will not just push you away. No. I am going to punch you so hard that I'm going to pop your ovaries. Your pubic bone will crack and pierce your womb. If your crack smoking days didn't destroy your body enough, one single focus punch will absolutely wreck your little body. So, do yourself a favor, okay? Stay. Away. Let us big and medium boys fight, before we break you in half.

Now, where was I, Macbeth? Oh, right. How futile it is to face me. Well, you already know now, don't you? Just ask Scully. I destroyed him and his confidence. He even lost his championship after we fought. So, really, what do you hope to accomplish with this? Just know something, Macbeth...I will not die until all the names on my list have been taken care of... and lookie, Macbeth...

Your name's next."

CanYouHearThe Screams?

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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