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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Bank Job Part 1 - The Aftermath / Scat-man
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-11-2016, 05:26 PM

The Bank Job Part 1 - The Aftermath

I slumped back behind the large trash can against the damp, cold wall of this smelly, dark alley. I can hear the scratching of the rats in the wall of the laundrette building behind me, noisy scratching. The pain in my arm is pretty unbearable but I can't think about that right now, I can't sit here too long I will soon hear the sirens in the distance, police cars will be racing to the scene. Pulling my hand away from my arm it's covered in blood, my blood. I was clipped on the shootout, I wonder if any of the others survived? I wonder if Halliday survived.

Forcing myself to my feet again I painfully stumble into the street trying to keep my face covered as I quickly make my way across the road to the getaway car we had organised to meet us after everything was done. I was glad to see the car still there and I began to painfully run towards it. I happened the back door and jumped in. "Go, Go, Go!" The car didn't move, I sat up in the seat about to scream again at the guy we had hired to be our getaway driver when I noticed him slumped against the steering wheel. I reach up and grab him from the shoulder pulling him back into the seat, the blood was everywhere, his throat had been cut.

~Chris Macbeth~

What went wrong?

That's what Stan Moore asked himself as he bled out onto the floor of the bank vault. He knew there wasn't much time left for him on this world, he was beginning to fade and no help appeared to be coming but what went wrong? He asked himself again. He diverted his eyes around the vault, the money had gone but he was the one who was supposed to take it, where had it gone? Who had taken it? What had gone wrong?

All thoughts faded as Stan's eyes closed and he drifted off.

~R.I.P Stanley Victor Moore ~

My foot is too the floor as I speed away in the getaway car, what was supposed to be our getaway drive is slumped with a slit throat in the passenger seat. I need to get away from the scene, I need to get rid of this body and I need to get rid of this car. I must have been seen, it wasn't the busiest of days in this area of town but it was busy enough.

I felt the citation of my phone in my pocket and I struggled to reach in and pull it out due to the pain from the wound on my arm, I had briefly pulled over and tied some cloth I found in the car around my arm to attempt to stop the blood flow, it had mostly worked but it would last long. I finally get my phone out my pocket and see its Halliday that is calling. I slide my finger over the cracked screen to answer the call.

Chris: "Alfie, what the fuck happened?"

Halliday: "I don't know, they weren't pigs, that's for sure. How you holding up? I'm sure I see you get clipped?"

Chris: "Yeah, got caught in the wing, could be worse, I'll be alright. How about you?"

Halliday: "Damn, I got lucky. I managed to duck out the back without getting seen. Did you see them masks they were wearing, all Superheroes or some shit."

Chris: "Yeah it was the Hulk that got me. You thinking they had inside knowledge of our job? I mean we planned that shit to a T."

Halliday: "I don't know what to think just yet, get yourself fixed up and meet me back at my bar, we'll try get to the the bottom of this."

I hung up the phone and dropped it on my lap. "What the fuck am I going to do with this guy?" I say out loud as I look over to the body sat in the passenger seat.

~Chris Macbeth~

Timmy B had escaped the bank barely, he was bleeding out from multiple gunshot wounds and had managed to drag himself around the corner and had ducked into a doorway of a laundrette's As he sat there he saw the pool of blood forming on the tiled floor around him. The pain had become numb as he knew he was nearing the end. He heard the laundrette door click behind him and then open inwards causing him to topple back into the shop. There was a loud scream as he fell at the feet of the young girl who had just opened the shop for the day.

Thinking quickly the girl had called for an ambulance, maybe Tim would survive although if he does, he probably wouldn't be living as a free man anymore, the police will soon be at the scene of the job and then at it won't take them long to put two and two together. At least he will be alive though. That's what he kept thinking to himself anyway. "At least I'll be alive!"

~Timmy B - Lucky, maybe~

Digging this hole was making my back sore, it felt like I had been at it for hours already but checking my watch barely an hour and a half had past since I made my getaway. The lifeless body of our getaway driver was still sat in the car parked behind me. Nobody should find him here. This is the same spot of woodland where I had fixed many of Halliday's problems for him, it was getting to the point where I would worry that I'd dig up some scumbag I had already buried here previously. If you remember back this was the same spot that I had helped Halliday's nephew Little Jimmy to dispose of his "little" problem. The tall dense woodland raising up ab love me only let in a little bit of the lowering sunlight so I had to move fast if I didn't want to be finishing this in the pitch darkness.

Dropping the shovel I headed back for the body. His dead weight seemed even heavier due to the strain I had put on myself with the digging plus the already becoming infected gunshot wound to my arm but I couldn't stop, this had to be done and it had to be done now.

Once the body was in the shallow grave I covered it again then slumped down on the ground with exhaustion. It had taken it out of me, I needed a breather. My mind drifted back to the job, what had happened, it must have been a set up, everything was planned so well, there must have been an inside job, was Stan and Tim alive still or was poor Joe here not the only one to lose their life?

~Chris Macbeth~

Joe Wiltshire was a friend of Halliday's nephew Jimmy. They had grew up together gone to school together, went to there first party together, lost the virginity at the same time to twin sisters, they were pretty much inseparable. That was until Joe left London to head to Derby for University. You see Joe loved his video games, he would be spend hours after hours on his old school PlayStation 1, this used to make Chris laugh, Joe never really new old school, Chris used to tell him stories of his Nintendo Entertainment System or even his really old school Amstrad 64 with cassette tape games with irritating loading times and sounds. Joe did love it when Chris would pass this knowledge onto him and would always rush home fire up his laptop and download hundreds of emulators so he could play all the old classics this cool older guy would tell him about. In University Joe took his love of video games to the next level when he studied for a degree in Computer Games Modelling and Animation. Despite his interested and the fact he flew through the course with flying colours It was a difficult business to break into and Joe soon found himself back at he menial office job that paid little with even littler gratitude from his employers.

How did Joe get from this point to being buried in a shallow grave by the same guy he looked up to in the years previous?

Well we know how he died but to find out the rest of Joe and the characters stories you must wait until next time.

~R.I.P Joe Wiltshire~


Equinox and Maverick we meet again, but this time it's not in some battle royal to become a contender for the Hart Title like it was when I beat you Equinox previously. It's also not a fatal four way match for a shot at the Universal Championship like it was when I smashed you up Maverick. No this is a buried in shit match, yes you heard right a BURIED IN SHIT match. So what's the deal with this type of match then? Let me explain for anybody who may not know.

It means the losers will end up buried in shit, poo, dung, cable, crap, stinking, sticky pile of turd. If I'm honest to myself and the fans, there is now way I can lose this match, infact I have already won... Technically. Why you ask? Let me tell you.

Maverick and Equinox are disappointments on many levels but mainly as wrestlers. A profession they have chosen as a career here in the world we call earth. The problem is there careers have been a disappointment not only to everyone else in the world but also to themselves. Them boys should really hang there heads in shame and giving to the cards they have been dealt and admit they have buried themselves in there shit careers for too long and should just go back to standing no closer than 500 yards from the school like there restraining order requests. Heck them two may even qualify to take the short bus to school, as long as you ask the driver Malcolm to drop you around the corner, you two would not last a second in jail, would end up with an arseholes like a blood orange you would.

Buried in shit,
That won't be me,
The stinky grave
is primed and ready.

Fuck you Maverick,
Fuck you Equinox,
I'm not a scat man but I'll cover you in crap-man.


Just saying!

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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