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Monday Night Madness - 4/22/2013
Author Message
Paul Heyman

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04-22-2013, 11:19 PM

[Image: 2dqlx8p.jpg]

Date: April 22, 2013
Arena: Pepsi Center
City: Denver, Colorado

The opening credits and video package roll as Monday Night Madness hits the air to its theme song, “Long Way to the Top” by AC/DC plays throughout the arena.

Pyro explodes throughout the Pepsi Center as the camera pans the roaring crowd in Denver. The pyro stops as the cameras continue to give live shots of the crowd before settling in on Chad Lewis and Xavier Reigns at ringside.

CHAD LEWIS: “We are LIVE from the sold out Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado! My name is Chad Lewis and alongside me as always, my esteemed colleague, Xavier Reigns!

"X, last week we witnessed one of the most blatant screw jobs in professional wrestling history! Not since Montreal in 1997, has a screw job been this apparent!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "I don't think it was a screw job. Not at all. What I think you saw was Paul Heyman finally putting his foot down and refusing to be pushed around any longer by the talent on this show!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Oh my God! Still drinkin' the Kool-Aid, huh?"

XAVIER REIGNS: "Look, there is right and there is wrong! Between Jeff Hardy and Neonero, Paul Heyman has been mentally and physically abused for the last couple of months! Hardy getting suspended indefinitely and Neonero losing the strap was nothing more, then Mr. Heyman setting things straight. Back on his path!"

Paul Heymans ECW theme plays throughout the arena. Heyman comes toward the ring surrounded by riot cops. Red, white and blue banners line the aisle and surround the ring apron. In the ring, blue velvet carpet covers the mat. A podium with the seal of the great state of Texas on the front stands in the center of the ring. In the corner behind the podium is an American flag. In the other corner, also behind the podium, is the Texas state flag.

[Image: JoelRosenberg4.jpg]

CHAD LEWIS: "It looks like we're going to get a visit from the General Manager right now! Maybe we'll get some answers!"

Xavier stands at the announce table and applauds Heyman. Chad Lewis just looks on shaking his head in disgust. The boos from the capacity crowd on hand are overwhelming.

Heyman stands at the podium.

PAUL HEYMAN: "You guys are way too kind! Really! I haven't felt this kind of reaction in a long, long time!"

The crowd breaks out in a chant: "You screwed Nero!" clap clap clapclapclap.

PAUL HEYMAN: "I screwed Neonero?"

The crowd erupts in agreement.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Let me tell you something about Neonero. The two time former European Champion.

"Neonero set the wheels in motion for his own demise the moment he walked back into the Xtreme Wrestling Federation! Things were going smoothly. I was finally about to upend Hardy as champion when he stuck his nose where it didn't belong!

"He had to interfere, didn't he? He had to be the one to defeat Hardy, didn't he? He had to force my hand and count Corino down for the three, didn't he? He had to make sure Hardy stayed champion, didn't he? He had to physically threaten me and force me to make that match for Gauntlet City, didn't he?

"As I said, Neonero set these events in motion himself. He could have come back, started at the bottom where he belongs, and worked his way back to the top and earned a shot at the title! No! He wouldn't do that, would he? The guy that has a good game no rematch clause in his contract wanted a rematch. How hypocritical.

"He wanted to come back here and jump right passed those who worked their asses off to earn title shots! Guys like Crimson Cobra and Neil Capra! Why? Because he genuinely feels that nobody is better then he is!

"Thing is, I found someone that is. When I awarded Senator Samuels with a title shot, I knew exactly what I was doing. I knew Senator was capable of defeating Neonero all by himself. What kind of General Manager would I be though, if I continued to allow things to continue to happen, just by chance?

"No, I did what I was forced into doing. By ending Neoneros title reign and suspending Hardy indefinitely, I took back what is rightfully mine!


"Control of my own show. Look, I know I'm channeling Vince McMahon here, but Paul Heyman didn't screw Neonero. No, no, no.

"Neonero screwed Neonero!"

The crowd erupts in a chorus of boos.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure at this time to give to you, your reigning, defending XWF European Champion.... A man of integrity... A man of honor... A man of great courage and strength... a man from the great state of Texas..... THE SENATOR... JOHN.... SAMUUUELS!!!"

"Stars and Stripes Forever" plays as the new champion, along with Representative Fairchild, make there way to the ring. Fairchild wheels down a large object draped to conceal what it is. Red, white and blue pyro explodes all over the arena. Pretty much overkill with the pyro, actually. Fairchild and Heyman both sit on the middle rope as Senator Samuels steps into the ring wearing his suit and his Stetson.

SENATOR: "Shame on you, Denver! How dare you ignorantly boo two of the greatest Americans walking the planet! You owe us, not the other way around."

The crowd boos an cue.

SENATOR: "I came here just a short time ago and I saw that Monday Night Madness was in dire need of my help. When I arrived, do you know what the first thing I noticed was? A drug addicted champion. How pathetic."

Again, more boos from the crowd.

SENATOR: "As if it couldn’t get worse, he lost to a foreigner. There was no time for a plan at that point. I knew that I could not allow Neonero to keep that belt. So did this great man to my side, Paul Heyman!"

Denver is filled with sheeple.

SENATOR: "Together, last week, we took the European championship away from Neonero and placed it on a true champion. I have this man right here to thank for that. The drive, the dedication, the vision... This man has them all, and frankly you should be in awe of him. As a matter of fact, please join me:


Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap.


Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Seriously, Senator. You're too kind!"

Heyman beams with joy.

SENATOR: "Well clearly, the educated folk of Denver must be elsewhere tonight. Never have I seen such a blatant act of disrespect! Your European Champion and genius General Manager are to be revered!"

Samuels pats Heyman on the back. More boos.

SENATOR: "Paul, don’t be discouraged. The elevation here must cause some sort of oxygen deficiency in these idiots’ brains. But not mine, Paul. I respect what you’ve done here on Monday nights. So much so, that I’ve got a little something for you to show my gratitude."

Samuels motions Fairchild to come closer with the large object. As she reaches him he pulls the cover off, revealing a large picture of Samuels and Heyman smiling, both grasping the European title. Below the picture there is a gold plate which reads “April 15, 2013.”

SENATOR: "Paul Heyman! Last week you did something that few people could... You fulfilled the dreams of your ancestors. You stood up to tyranny and you slapped it right in it’s dirty, alien face. You may not have fought in the war, Paul, but you did drop the bomb. As a show of gratitude, I’ve called in a few favors at the office, and I’m proud to announce..."

Samuels points to the plaque.

SENATOR: "That April 15th will forever be known in the great state of Texas, as PAUL HEYMAN DAY!"

More boos from Denver.

SENATOR: "A day that every Texan will know as the day where two men stood up for what’s right, and did what’s best for the people of this country! Mr. Heyman, as your European champion, I would just like to say that is a privilege working alongside such an honorable man."

That comment creates more boos.

SENATOR: "As your European champion, I would just like to let you know that this title here will never find itself in the hands of the scum like Jeff Hardy or Neonero ever again!"

Senator steps back from the podium and Heyman steps back up, wiping away fake tears.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Senator, it is an honor and a privilege to call you a friend. You're right, Senator. Those two dirty rotten scoundrels will never again wear that championship. I think though, that it's time to let everyone in my own dirty little secret."

Heyman acts ashamed. Senator leans in from behind and pats Heyman on the shoulder.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Forget what I said a little bit ago. i just feel like...

"I feel like I need to get something off my chest.

"The truth is, Neonero didn't screw Neonero. I had to find a way. Anyway to get the title away from Jeff Hardy. When Neonero returned, I saw that as an opportunity. In the land of opportunity I took that opportunity.

"Neonero wanted a match with Jeff Hardy for the title at Gauntlet City. A match I granted because, quite simply, I knew it'd be easier to screw him over rather than Hardy. I mean, it's hard to see what's right in front of you when your eyes are permanently squinted. Am I right?"

The crowd boos as the trio in the ring have themselves a chuckle.

PAUL HEYMAN: "I knew Hardy would want a rematch. So, I told him that Neonero had a good game no rematch clause in his contract. Truth is...

"That doesn't exist. It's written in every title match contract that a rematch is granted should the champion lose. Of course, Hardy is not a wise man. I used that to my advantage in order to get him to beat me up.

"He wasn't suspended for drug use. He was suspended for assaulting a member of management."

The crowd boos toward Heyman.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Then it came time for me to set the wheels in motion to relieve Neonero of the championship. If you remember correctly I was hesitant to give Senator that title match and every last one of you fell for it.

"Hook, line, and sinker. You fell for it!

"When in reality, that was already my plan. A man of great integrity such as Senator Samuels representing my show! The moment Neonero stepped back into the XWF started it all. It was a plan that worked like a charm from beginning to end!"

The crowd boos some more.

PAUL HEYMAN: "Putting that title around the waist of Senator Samuels was my masterpiece and my greatest achievement.

"Here's the bombshell...

"I screwed...


Paul Heyman laughs out loud at the crowd in Denver as his music begins to play.

CHAD LEWIS: "I think they're done kissing each others ass."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Such contempt from you, Chad."

CHAD LEWIS: "To come out here and brag that he did in fact screw Neonero is just appalling. How does he sleep at night!?"

XAVIER REIGNS: "I'd imagine quite comfortably. Jeff Hardy is gone. Neonero no longer has the title. In fact, he hasn't been seen nor heard from since last week. His friend, the Senator is now champion. I'd suggest all is kosher in the Paul Heyman universe!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Folks, when we come back, we had to the ring. Stay with us."

Madness fades to commercial.

CHAD LEWIS: "Welcome back here on Madness, ladies and gentlemen. We're ready to send it to the ring!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "Battle Royal time!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Indeed, X! Introductions are already out of the way, so lets send it over to J.D. to remind everyone of the rules."

XAVIER REIGNS: "It's a battle royal. I don't think a reminder of the rules is really that necessary. They've been the same for decades."

JASON DANIELS: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the 12 person, over the top rope battle royal!!"

The crowd cheers, expectedly.

JASON DANIELS: "The match will continue until eleven competitors are thrown over the top rope and to the floor. Both feet MUST touch the floor in order to be a valid elimination. The winner be the final person standing in the ring.

"The winner tonight will go on to challenge the European Champion, right here next week."

12 Person Battle Royal
Justin Vipe
Rufus P. Waterman
Tommy Wish
Christopher Daniels
Ari Amaya
Michelle Johnson
The Masked Warrior
Swift Ion
Alex Toller
Michael Hall
Winner Reserves the Right to Challenge the European Champion

The bell rings and this match is officially underway. Eleven of the twelve individuals collide in the center of the ring battling back and forth.

Agony stays in the corner by himself. Without warning, Agony leaps over the top rope and lands on the apron. He looks as if he's about to eliminate himself but has second thoughts. He prepares to step back through the ropes when he nailed by Christopher Daniels.

Agony falls to the floor.

JASON DANIELS: "Agony, has been eliminated!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Daniels, making his XWF debut here tonight sends Agony to the floor."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Something isn't right with Agony."

CHAD LEWIS: "I thought he was about to eliminate himself a few moments ago."

Agony gets to his feet and exits the arena area. He never looks back.

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Caramel kicks Michael Hall in the face and sends him over the top and down to the floor.

JASON DANIELS: "Michael Hall, has been eliminated!"

Just as Jason Daniels finishes his announcement, Alex Toller flies over the top, sent by Tommy Wish, and lands on Michael Hall who was still nursing his face.

JASON DANIELS: "Alex Toller, has been eliminated!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Jason Daniels is barely able to keep up! These eliminations are coming fast and furious!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "I think we're just getting rid of the dead weight!"

Back in the ring, almost simultaneously, Ari Amaya and the Masked Warrior are clotheslined by Justin Vipe and Swift Ion respectively. Amaya and Warrior both are over the top and to the floor.

JASON DANIELS: "Both Ari Amaya and the Masked Warrior, have been eliminated!"

Only seven competitors are left as Michelle Johnson charges after Rufus Waterman who is stuck against the ropes. At the last second, Waterman is able to duck low and send Johnson to the floor.

JASON DANIELS: "Michelle Johnson, has been eliminated!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Swift Ion, Chris Daniels, Tommy Wish, Caramel, Justin Vipe and Rufus Waterman are the final six remaining in this match."

XAVIER REIGNS: "A date with destiny is on the line and these six competitors know it! Now that the dead weight has been eliminated, we can get down to business!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Why do you keep referring to them as dead weight?"

XAVIER REIGNS: "It's kinda like they never bothered to show up!"

CHAD LEWIS: "....."

Swift Ion charges after Rufus Waterman who remains against the ropes. Waterman ducks and Ion falls over the top rope and lands on the apron. Christopher Daniels sees this and takes advantage. He charges toward Waterman and uses him as a tool to land a step up enziguiri to Ion on the apron. Ion falls to the floor.

JASON DANIELS: "Swift Ion, has been eliminated!"

On the other side of the ring, Caramel has just clotheslined Wish over the top and to the floor!

JASON DANIELS: "Tommy Wish, has been eliminated!"

CHAD LEWIS: "Just like that! We're down to four!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "I think these four came to play tonight!"

Daniels and Waterman are tangling on one side as Caramel and Justin Vipe go at it on the other. Vipe has Caramel reeling against the ropes and Vipe nails her with a big clothesline and Caramel tumbles over the top rope! She is able to hang on to the top rope avoiding her feet touching the floor.

Realizing he never hear the announcement, Vipe returns his attention toward Caramel who maintains her grip on the top rope. He lands a few punches to her hands to no avail. She continues to hold on.

Vipe grips her under the chin and pounds away on top of her head. Still, she refuses to release her grip. He resorts to biting her head and still she refuses to release her grip.

Finally, she 'skins the cat' and brings her legs back up. Instead of getting back into the ring she wraps her legs around the head of Justin Vipe in a headscissor. He struggles to get out of it, but it doesn’t work. She pulls him over the ropes and he falls to the floor. She ‘skins the cat’ yet again, and re-enters the ring.

JASON DANIELS: “Justin Vipe, has been eliminated!”

Vipe is beside himself on the arena floor as he pleads with the officials. In the ring, Christopher Daniels is being double teamed by Caramel and Rufus Waterman.

CHAD LEWIS: “We’re down to the final three. One of these three competitors will go on to challenge the Champion, right here next week!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I think Caramel has it! She just showed nothing but true grit and determination!”

Justin Vipe, still taking exception to his elimination, grabs his skateboard and heads back to the ring. He measures up to hit Caramel with his skateboard...

She turns...

He swings...

She ducks under the swing and he ends up smacking Rufus Waterman. Waterman staggers backward and tumbles over the top rope and to the floor. Vipe turns around and gets a stiff kick in the face from Caramel. He tumbles through the ropes and to the floor, seemingly unconscious.

JASON DANIELS: “Rufus P. Waterman, has been eliminated!”

CHAD LEWIS: “We’re down to the final two here in the Battle Royal!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Either Caramel or Christopher Daniels will advance to challenge for the title!”

From behind, Daniels delivers a release German suplex to Caramel. Daniels poses for the crowd then lifts Caramel up by her hair. He whips her over the tope rope but she is able to land on the apron. Daniels goes right after her trying to shove her off the apron. She is quick to counter though as she pulls down the ropes sending Daniels over the top and to the apron himself.

Daniels hangs off the apron as he hangs on to the bottom rope for dear life. Caramel stomps away on Daniels’ midsection trying to get him to release his grip. He’s able to land a few stiff kicks to her legs and knees causing her to backpedal some.

The separation allows Daniels to get to his feet on the apron. He moves in toward Caramel and a brawl ensues. Caramel quickly gets the upper hand as she is able to leave Daniels dazed against the ropes...


Caramel delivers a stiff kick to the temple of Daniels, but much to her chagrin, he spills over the top and back into the ring. Caramel follows him in and rips him to his feet by the hair. She steps back...

The crowd “awwwwww”s in unison as Caramel delivers a stiff kick to the groin of Christopher Daniels. Daniels lays on the mat nursing his groin as Caramel backs off.

Daniels struggles to his feet and Carmel delivers a big dropkick to his back. Daniels falls forward and hangs himself on the ropes. Caramel bounces off the far side and delivers another dropkicks to Daniels...

Daniels rolls out of the way in the nick of time and Caramel flies through the ropes and lands on the floor. Daniels begins to celebrate his victory in the ring.

XAVIER REIGNS: “Christopher Daniels is headed to the title match!”

CHAD LEWIS: “The referee is saying that is incorrect because Caramel didn’t go OVER the top rope!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “My bitch still has a chance then!”

Daniels celebrates near the ropes as Caramel slides back in. She charges toward an unsuspecting Daniels as he turns around. He get nailed with a clothesline and both competitors spill over the top rope and down to the floor!

The referee signals for the bell and holds up the hand of Daniels in victory. Caramel is protesting.


CHAD LEWIS: “Caramel, obviously protesting the referee’s decision here!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “She just got robbed!”

CHAD LEWIS: “They cued up a replay and lets look at this in slow motion.”

The replay plays on the X-Tron in slow motion. Caramel hits the clothesline sending both of them over the top rope and toward the floor. Daniels lands face first on the floor first but has one knee bent as to only allow one foot to hit the floor. Caramel lands right next to him with both feet hitting the floor.

CHAD LEWIS: “It is quite apparent, viewing that replay that both of Caramels feet did in fact hit the floor.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “You have to look at it in live action! That’s how the referee sees it!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Go ahead. Roll it again, full speed.”

The replay plays again in full speed and still, the winner is indisputable.

WINNER: Christopher Daniels

CHAD LEWIS: “Daniels has punched his ticket here tonight!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Caramel is still pleading her case with the referee. We’ll be right back here on Madness. Stay with us!”

Back to Madness and the cameras in the office of Paul Heyman. The camera is zoomed in on the portrait of Heyman and the Senator that the new champion gave to him this week. The cameras zooms out as Heyman admires the portrait. The Senator is sitting in a chair in the office. Representative Fairchild stands quietly behind the Senator grasping the European Championship.

SENATOR: “Truly a work of art, isn’t it?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Oh, it’s a great portrait. It’s a memory that will last me a lifetime. My greatest achievment in a lifetime of great achievements.”

Paul sits on his desk facing the Senator.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Think about it, Senator. Think of all the names that in one way or another I brought to championship gold!

“The Big Show.”

SENATOR: “Big guy. One of the all-time greats.”


SENATOR: “Undoubtedly one of the most influential stars in the history of the business.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Brrrrrock Lesnarrrr!”

SENATOR: “The true beast, himself.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “The Senator. John Samuels.”

SENATOR: “The greatest thing on Gods green Earth.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Hahahaha. Exactly!”

Without a knock, Caramel barges into the office and stands just two feet from the unflinching Paul Heyman.

CARAMEL: “Did you just see what happened out there?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “You mean, the part where you lost? Yeah, I saw it.”

CARAMEL: “My question is, what exactly are you going to do about it?”

SENATOR: “You listen here! You are way out of...”

Paul holds up his hand stopping the Senator.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Is there something you’d like me to do about it?”

CARAMEL: “I want a rematch! Next week!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “You lost, fairly? You barge into my office during a private conversation? Now, you demand a rematch? Why? Why should I grant this demand?”

CARAMEL: “Because I’m your next big star! I went out there and gave 110% and I deserve to have a rematch!”

Paul stands and scratches his chin as he paces.

PAUL HEYMAN: “And what exactly will you do for me?”

Caramel leans in and whispers in Pauls ear. Heyman eyes grow large.

PAUL HEYMAN: “What the hell!? I’m a married man! That’s not what I meant! Alright, I’ll give you your rematch. You will take on Christopher Daniels next week in an Xtreme Rules match! The winner will be considered the number one contender.

“Now, don’t ever barge into my office again!”

Caramel exits the office. Much happier then when she came in.

SENATOR: “What the hell did she offer you?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I think she wanted to give me herpes or something. Not sure.”

SENATOR: “Why’d you give in to her after barging in here like that?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Simple. You have a ladder match tonight. Odds are you might get a little banged up. I grant her the rematch, you end up with a week off. Less chance my handpicked champion is defeated.”

SENATOR: “I’ll take it!”

Paul and the Senator shake hands before Samuels departs to get ready. Pauls phone rings and he turns to face the wall as he answers it. Fairchild notices a remote on the desk labeled “ladder match cable” with two arrows. One up, one down. She sneaks the remote into her pocket before she exits.

Paul hangs up and instantly notices the remote is gone. He looks on the floor for it then under his desk. He smiles as it become clear that either Fairchild or the Senator himself have taken the remote.

Madness fades to commercial.

CHAD LEWIS: “We’re back here on Madness and the wheels are already turning.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “It is official! Next week, right here on Madness, Caramel will challenge Christopher Daniels for the number one contendership!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Not only that, but Representative Fairchild stole that remote from Heymans office. Paul even knows it and I’m sure he’ll do nothing about it!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I didn’t see any remote.”

CHAD LEWIS: “You’ve got to be kidding me! J.D., lets go to the ring!”

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest, is a two on one handicapped match, scheduled for one fall!”

“Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 1 hundred 90 pounds.... BLAAAAAAZEE!!!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Blaze, coming off a surprisingly quick loss right here last week!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “This boy better get his head into the game right quick! Intem, Intim, whatever the hell his name is, won’t be a pushover!”

“Another Way to Die” by Jake White & Alicia Keys plays.

JASON DANIELS: “His partner, from Columbus, Ohio, weighing in a 2 hundred 45 pounds.... SHOOOOCKERRRRR!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Shocker, I’m surprised he made it this week!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “What do you mean?”

CHAD LEWIS: “Don’t you pay attention to”


CHAD LEWIS: “Shocker found himself in hot water with the law in London this week. He only just left this morning!”


Intemporaliter Scelestus
- vs -
Blaze & Shocker
Handicapped Match

The bell rings and this match is underway. Scelestus stands on one side of the ring, Blaze and Shocker on the other, staring him down. The lights go out and an ear piercing shrill is heard throughout the arena.

The lights come back on and Blaze jumps to the outside of the ring. Almost forcing Shocker to start it off.

CHAD LEWIS: “Obviously, Blaze is letting himself get a little psyched out by the mind games played by Scelestus tonight.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Obviously, you’re an idiot.”

Undeterred, Shocker makes the first move, punching Scelestus in the face. Scelestus shrugs it off, seemingly unaffected.

Once again, a roundhouse impacts on Scelestus but he simply shakes his head, laughing at Shocker. The bony man rears back his head and lets a deep bellicose laugh emanate outwards, stunning the crowd, Shocker, Blaze, in fact everyone within earshot.

Shocker leaps back against the ring ropes and hits Scelestus with a flying clothesline, toppling him to the ground. Scelestus is eerily still.

Taking the initiative, Shocker begins to rain down kicks and elbow drops on the man, one after another. He is pumped up, screaming at the crowd and taunting Scelestus.

He climbs the turnbuckle and leaps...


It connects with 'BONE-RATTLING' intensity. Shocker immediately goes for the cover.




With incredible and unforeseen strength, Scelestus tosses Shocker off of him, nearly 5 feet into the air, crashing onto the canvas.

CHAD LEWIS: “Wow! What power from Intem, Intern, God damn it! The boney guy!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “This is a kids show!”

CHAD LEWIS: “This show has not been rated, folks. He’s lying!”

Scelestus rises to his feet, very quiet, very still. He is staring at Shocker, as if trying to determine what he is, examining as if he was looking through a microscope lens.

Shocker recovers and launches a vicious kick to Scelestus's mid-section. Now doubled over, Shocker hits a deadly DDT, driving Scelestus's skull into the mat.

He is on a tear though and picks up Scelestus, hitting a POWERBOMB!

He motions to the crowd once more, taunting Scelestus...

He drops to his knees for the cover!




Oh My God! Scelestus just launched Shocker off of him, the man flying into the ring ropes, getting caught up in them.

CHAD LEWIS: “His strength is frightening!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen power displayed like this, Chad!”

Scelestus stands once more and walks around the ring, looking out into the crowd, as if searching for someone. Trying to untangle himself, Shocker begins to scream at Scelestus. This grabs the bony-man's attention and he stomps over to Shocker, peering deeply into his eyes.

Shocker gets free at the last split-second and tags out to a very surprised Blaze. Blaze is refusing to step into the ring. Shocker loses his temper and hip tosses Blaze into the ring. Shocker jumps to the arena floor and starts walking toward the locker room.

Blaze is back on his feet and yelling toward Shocker. Shocker ignores him and keeps walking. Blaze turns to face the intimidating being that is Intemporaliter Scelestus. They stand a foot apart. Blaze looks as if he’s frozen in time.

And then... every so gently, so gingerly... Scelestus reaches out his bony hand and presses it against Shocker's chest.

And Shocker collapses to the mat, unconscious.

Putting one foot over the man, Scelestus once again, searches for something in the distance.

The ref counts!





WINNER: Intemporaliter Scelestus

CHAD LEWIS: “What the hell kind of maneuver was that?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I... I don’t know! Was it the souls eater?”

CHAD LEWIS: “I don’t know but that man is totally and completely bizarre!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Well, such is life in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation.”

CHAD LEWIS: “Madness fans, when we come back, CM Punk versus Ann Thraxx! Stay with us!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Welcome back to Madness. Fans, over the course of recent weeks, CM Punk and Ann Thraxx have continued to battle in and out of the ring. Including all over which has lead us to the match you’re about to see.”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Our Straight Edge Savior, CM Punk goes one on one with the Deevil herself, Ann Thraxx.”

CHAD LEWIS: “As an added stipulation, if Ann loses this match to CM Punk, she MUST join the Church of Punk and become one of his disciples!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “No doubt both of these individuals have a lot riding on the outcome of this match. CM Punk cashed in the last time these two faced off. I don’t see why tonight would be any different.”

CHAD LEWIS: “J.D., over to you.”

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest, is scheduled for one fall. If Ann Thraxx loses, she must become a disciple of CM Punk.”

“Malaria” by Sangura & Dead plays.

JASON DANIELS: “Introducing first, she is the Deevil of the XWF, ANN THRAAAAXXX!”

“The Deevil” Ann Thraxx
- vs -
“The Straight Edge Savior” CM Punk
If Ann Thraxx Loses, She Becomes Punks Disciple

CHAD LEWIS: “Ann Thraxx, on her way to the ring.”


CM Punk comes out of nowhere to level Ann Thraxx with a chair! Thraxx is down and..




A succession of chair shots leaves Ann in serious pain but also smiling.

CHAD LEWIS: “This cowardly assault from CM Punk! Unbelievable!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “He’s here to win tonight! That’s for damn sure!”

Punk grabs Ann by the hair and rips her to her feet. He places the chair on her throat and slams her head first toward the ramp driving the chair into her throat. Ann falls back then rolls down the ramp toward the ring.

The referee pleading with Punk to get it into the ring so he can start the match.

CHAD LEWIS: “I think Punk just told the referee to fuck off!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Seems legit.”

Punk grabs her by the hair and again rips her to her feet before slamming her head first into the steel ring steps.

Punk digs around under the ring and pulls out a cheese grater.

CHAD LEWIS: “Oh no! What the hell is he going to do with that!?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I don’t think you really need to ask.”

Punk, with the cheese grater, begins grinding it back and forth over the forehead of Ann Thraxx cutting her open. Blood is pouring out of her head. Punk lifts her back to her feet and tosses her into the ring. Punk slides in and orders the referee to ring the bell.

CHAD LEWIS: “I think the referee is asking Ann if she can continue!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “She nodded her head! This match will go on!”

The bell rings and the match is finally under way. CM Punk immediately hooks the leg.



Ann kicks out. Punk is immediately in the face of the referee. CM Punk turns back to Ann to go back to work.

Punk lifts Ann to her feet and tosses her toward the corner. She slams hard into the turnbuckle and Punk follows her in. He leaps for a big knee in the corner but she moves out of the way just at the last second. Punk crashes his knee into the turnbuckle.

Punk staggers out of the corner and is obviously favoring his right knee. Ann takes advantage and clips Punk in the back of his ailing knee dropping him to the mat instantly. She follows that up with a multitude of elbow drops stunning Punk on the mat.

She flips Punk over on his stomach and locks in an Indian Deathlock forcing Punk to scream out in pain.

Thinking quickly, he realizes her hair is right in his face and grabs two handfuls of hair and pulls hard. The referee starts his 5 count.





At the same moment, Punk releases her hair and Ann releases the hold. Both competitors struggle to get to their feet and are up at right about the same time. Punk charges after Ann but gets an armdrag sending him to the mat. Punk is back up and charges again. Again, he gets an armdrag. Back up again, he charges a third time and gets hip tossed to the mat by Ann Thraxx.

She allows Punk to his feet and quickly plants him with a snap suplex. She floats over and lifts him up and delivers a second, then a third, before finally floating over for a pin attempt.



Punk kicks out with time to spare.

Ann lifts Punk to his feet and send him towards the ropes. He reverses. Thraxx on the rebound gets caught in a firemans carry.

CHAD LEWIS: “This could be it!”


She fights out of it and slides down his back with him clutched in a dragon sleeper. Punk, realizes he is in trouble begins fighting. She quickly drops him down in a reverse DDT and hooks the leg.



Kick out just in time!

Ann pleads with the referee. Blood still pouring down her face. She decides its unwise to waste a lot of time against a seasoned veteran like Punk and she heads straight for the top rope. She measures up Punk and waits for him to get to his feet.

He struggles to get up and she leaps off with a double ax handle.

He counters it by delivering a stiff toe kick to the temple!

CHAD LEWIS: “She’s out!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Cold! It’s over!”

Punk is slow to make the cover but finally does.



Ann kicks out just a cunt hair before the three! Punk struggles back to his feet and lifts Ann to hers. He sends her into the turnbuckle and follows in with a knee lift to the face. He immediately follows that up with a bulldog to the center of the ring. Punk quickly hooks her leg.



AGAIN! Ann kicks out just before the three count!

Punk is now physically threatening the referee. He returns his attention to Ann who has just gotten to her feet. She staggers and turns around right into Punk who lifts her up in a GTS. She fights, she struggles, she slides down his back and locks in the Dragon Sleeper. Punk now struggling to get out of a hold. He flips over quickly and lifts Ann back to his shoulders for a GTS.

Ann, again is struggling, she ends up sliding down once again and lifts Punk up for an inverted piledriver.


XAVIER REIGNS: “Ann Thraxx will win this one!”

She slowly hooks the leg of CM Punk.



Punk kicks out in the nick of time! Ann, again pleads with the referee.

She returns her attention to the task at hand. She lifts Punk to his feet and tosses him toward the corner. She follows in with a big clothesline.


CM Punk counters with a big stiff toe kick again to the temple! Before she’s able to fall to the mat, he lifts her up then sends her face first into his knee with the GTS!

She lands hard on the mat and Punk hooks the leg.




CM Punk is livid! He’s going after the referee as Ann Thraxx begins to recover. Punk has the referee back to the corner as Ann uses the ropes to get to her feet. Punk now has the referee cowering down in the corner.

Ann moves in behind Punk. She grabs his arms just as he’s about to hit the referee. She lifts him up, spins him around and slams him down with the Angels Wings!

She hooks Punks leg for the cover.






CHAD LEWIS: “Ann Thraxx is able to squeak out a close one here tonight!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “The score is tie at one all! I just hope they go for round three!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Both matches to date have gone down to the wire with each competitor squeaking out a win! Will there be a rubber match?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “I certainly hope so. These two never fail to impress me!”

CHAD LEWIS: “Fans, the main event is next as Madness rolls on LIVE!”

Back on Madness and the cameras are again in Paul Heymans office. This time, just in time to witness the entrance of Crimson Cobra.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Cobra. Please, sit.”

Crimson Cobra takes a seat across from Heyman.

PAUL HEYMAN: “What can I do for ya, son?”

CRIMSON COBRA: “Something has been bugging me, Paul. I just have to ask you. Do you plan to screw me?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “What the hell would make you think that?”

CRIMSON COBRA: “Hell, look at your track record.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I’m not following. What do you mean?”

CRIMSON COBRA: “Jeff Hardy. Neonero. Is Crimson Cobra next?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I see. Look Dakota. Jeff Hardy was a wisecracking drug addict. Neonero was a self-righteous unruly prick. You? You’re none of those.”

CRIMSON COBRA: “And when I win tonight, then what?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I’d imagine then you’d be the European Champion.”

CRIMSON COBRA: “So, then you won’t be at ringside and try to screw me out of the title in front of my hometown crowd?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Oh, I’ll be providing a little commentary, but rest assured, Dakota. If you go out there and win tonight, I’ll be very happy for you. Especially for you to do it right here in Denver.”

CRIMSON COBRA: “I... I guess I just don’t trust you, Paul.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Yeah. I get that a lot. Just go out there and do what you do best. Put on one hell of a show!”

Cobra exits the office as Heyman grins behind his back.

Madness fades to commercial.

CHAD LEWIS: “Welcome back to Madness, fans! We’re headed to the ring for our main event!”

JASON DANIELS: “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the General Manager of Monday Night Madness, Misterrr, Paul.... HEYYYYMANNNN!”

Heyman comes toward the ring and sits at ringside at commentary to a chorus of boos.

PAUL HEYMAN: “Ohhhh, they love me in Denver!”

CHAD LEWIS: “I don’t think that’s love.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “You mean, they’re not saying ‘you rock!’?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “No, Paulie. These disrespectful idiots are telling you that you suck!”

“The Sound of Truth” by As I Lay Dying plays.

JASON DANIELS: “The following contest, is your main event. It is a ladder match for the XWF European Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Aurora, Colorado weighing in at 1 hundred 85 pounds.... CRRRRIMSOOONNN COOOOOOOBRAAAAAAAA!”

CHAD LEWIS: “This capacity crowd on hand here in Denver, firmly behind their hometown boy, Crimson Cobra!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Didn’t I just tell you they were morons?”


XAVIER REIGNS: “Well, they are.”

“Stars and Stripes Forever” plays.

JASON DANIELS: “His opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Representative Fairchild, from Dallas, Texas, weighing 2 hundred 75 pounds, he is the XWF European Champion.... The Senator, JOHN.... SAAAAMMMUELLLLLSSS!!!”

Both Heyman and Xavier Reigns applaud the arrival of the Senator. Samuels makes his way around ringside waving at the capacity crowd. He shakes hands with Heyman and Reigns and slaps Chad Lewis before heading into the ring.

[Image: lajkS.png]
XWF European Championship
“The Senator” John Samuels
- vs -
Crimson Cobra
Ladder Match

The bell rings as both Cobra and Senator watch the European title ascend high above the ring. Cobra immediately charges after the Senator who quickly dips out of the ring and to the floor, avoiding the rush from Cobra.

XAVIER REIGNS: “Smart move by the champion!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Well, he is a very smart man. Make him get anxious to get things going. That plays right into the Senators hands!”

CHAD LEWIS: “So, Mr. Heyman. Who are you pulling for in this match? It wouldn’t be Senator Samuel would it?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I don’t like your tone, Chad. Besides, I’m completely unbiased. Whoever wins this match will represent Madness very well. How’s your face by the way?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, how’s your face, Chad?”

CHAD LEWIS: “......”

Senator continues to stall on the outside of the ring as he continues to mock Cobra and the crowd in Denver. Cobra continues to wait patiently inside the ring. Finally, Cobra has had enough and sprints to the outside of the ring opposite of Samuels.

He quickly gathers up a ladder and slides it into the ring. Fairchild points Senator toward the ring and Samuels slides in, in a hurry. Cobra is too fast though and already is on his feet with the ladder in hand. Senator eats a face full of ladder and sends him falling to the mat in the corner.

SENATOR: “How’s my face? Any scratches?”

FAIRCHILD: “Nope. Just red.”

Cobra follows in with a big dropkick to the Senator forcing his head to crash against the middle turnbuckle. Samuels clutches the back of his head as he rolls around on the mat. Samuels calls for Fairchild to get him a mic.

SENATOR: “Alright. Look. Cobra, I think you and I might have got off on the wrong foot.”

Senator struggles to his feet.

SENATOR: “I don’t see any reason why you and I can’t just call this thing off and just be friends. What do ya say? Shake my hand?”

Senator extends his hand. Cobra shrugs and clutches the Senators hand. As he does so, Cobra pulls the Senator right into a back elbow to the chin, flooring the Senator and causing a rousing ovation from the Pepsi Center.

Samuels struggles back to his feet and immediately receives a dropkick from the challenger. Samuels staggers backward and falls through the ropes and down to the floor below.

In the ring, Cobra sets up the ladder underneath the belt. Outside, Fairchild tries to urge the Senator back to the ring. Cobra begins to climb toward the gold.

20 feet away.

The Senator is to his feet.

15 feet away.

Samuels slides into the ring.

10 feet away.


Samuels has his hand wrapped around the ankle of Cobra. Cobra tries to kick off Senators grip but its a no go. Senator rips him off the ladder but Cobra counters. He lands on Senators shoulders and deliver a headscissors sending Senator hung up on the middle rope. Cobra runs and slingshots himself over the top rope with a legdrop to the back of the head and neck of the champion.

CHAD LEWIS: “Senator telegraphed!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Cobra lands hard on the ring apron!”

Cobra falls to the floor and Samuels follows him out soon after. He kicks off the top section of the ring steps and returns to Cobra who is nursing his ailing tailbone. He lifts Cobra to his feet and scoops him up then slams him down across the steel steps.

Senator grabs Cobra by the hair a pulls him enough to let his back fall to the floor with his legs still draped over the bottom section of the steps.

Samuels grabs the free section and lifts it high above his head.


Senator crashes the steps down on the leg of Cobra!

CHAD LEWIS: “Damn him! That’s his injured leg dammit!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “It’s probably healed by now.”

PAUL HEYMAN: “Not anymore.”

Senator picks Cobra to his feet and tosses him crashing into the corner of the barricade. Samuels follows him in with a clothesline that sends Cobra over the barricade and into the crowd. Senator now sets his sights on the ladder still set up in the center of the ring.

Samuels slides into the ring as some fans assist Cobra to his feet. Senator reaches the ladder as Cobra falls over the barricade and to the ringside area.

20 feet away.

Cobra struggles toward the ring.

15 feet away.

Cobra wills himself into the ring.

10 feet away.

Cobra reaches the ladder.

5 feet away.

Cobra is right on Samuels trail standing just below him on the ladder. Cobra wraps one arm around both of Samuels legs. He is not a match for the Senator in strength though as Senator kicks him off the ladder with ease.

Just 3 rungs away now.

Cobra, using his agility, lands on his feet. The shock from the landing causing a limp.

Just 2 rungs away.

Cobra limps hurriedly to the outside.

Just one rung away now for the champion.

Cobra uses the top rope as a springboard and dropkicks the ladder. Slowly, the ladder teeters, then topples over sending Senator down and crotching himself on the top rope. Senator screams out in obvious pain then falls to the ring apron and down to the floor.

Fairchild is there again to help pick up the pieces and begins helping Senator to his feet.

Cobra takes advantage and charges toward the corner and scales the turnbuckles with lightning quickness. He turns on a dime and leaps off the top turnbuckle toward the Senator on the floor below landing a precision strike flying clothesline on to the champion. Fairchild barely gets out of the way.

Cobra is back to his feet quickly, feeling the rush of adrenaline. He lifts the Senator to his feet and places him on the announce table.

CHAD LEWIS: “Oh God! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!”


The announcers get out of the way just in time to watch Cobra fly through the air and land a beautiful assai moonsault onto the Senator sending them both crashing through the announce table.

Cobra is slow to get up now as he heads back toward the ring. He slides in slowly and gets to his feet. He clutches his ailing knee.

CHAD LEWIS: “Obviously, that knee was re-aggravated on that crash landing!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “That’s why this kid will never be a champion! Too damn many stupid risks!”

Cobra sets up the ladder and begins to climb.

20 feet away.

No movement from Samuels.

15 feet away.

No movement from Samuels.

10 feet away.

CHAD LEWIS: “We’re going to have a new champion!”

5 feet away.

Samuels is stirring.

3 rungs away.

Fairchild is helping Samuels to his feet.

2 rungs away.

Senator limps toward the ring.

1 rung away.

Senator points to Fairchild.

The crowd is going berserk as Cobra has his finger tips on the title.


The belt ascends even higher, way out of reach of any mortal man. Cobra instantly looks toward ringside and sees Fairchild with the remote. The referee sees it too and is yelling and screaming at Fairchild to hand over the remote.

Senator rolls into the ring and lays motionless.

Cobra drops to the canvas then delivers a baseball slide to the champion sending him back to the arena floor. The referee continues to yell at Fairchild demanding she hand over the remote.

CHAD LEWIS: “What do you know about this, Heyman?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “All I know is that remote was stolen out of my office earlier. I’ve been looking for it ever since.”

CHAD LEWIS: “Well, aren’t you going to demand that she hand over that remote?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “C’mon, Chad! You know I don’t interfere in matches!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Yeah, Chad! He doesn’t interfere in matches!”

CHAD LEWIS: “How’s that Kool-Aid?”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Ohhh Yeeaaaah!”

Fairchild places the remote down her shirt and the referee refuses to go in after it. Fairchild kneels down and begins to help Senator to his feet once again. Both Senator and Fairchild are upright and Cobra dives through the ropes with a suicide dive.

The Senator, being the upstanding man he is, steps out of the way and pulls Fairchild in Cobras path. Senator falls to his knees, obviously winded. Cobra reaches in Fairchild shirt and retrieves the remote. He looks up and lowers the belt to where it should have been then tosses the remote to the referee.

Cobra slides in as Senator digs under the ring. Cobra once again attempts to climb the ladder.

20 feet away.

Senator emerges from under the ring brandishing a steel chair.

15 feet away.

Senator enters the ring and is nearing the ladder.

10 feet away.

The Senator is climbing the other side of the ladder with a chair in hand.

5 feet away.

Senator has caught up to the smaller, ailing Cobra and they are dead even at the top of the ladder. Both men are reaching for the title. Cobra, a bit shorter, has to climb another rung. Samuels lands a stiff shot to the face with his fist stunning Cobra.

Senator, again has his fingers on the title. Cobra lands a stiff shot to the fluffy midsection of the champion. He then follows it up by smashing Senators face off the top of the ladder. Senator lays there dazed and confused with the chair still in his hand but not yet used.

Cobra reaches for the title. Unsnapping.

More unsnapping.

2 more snaps to go.


Senator uses the side of the chair to stab it into the outstretched midsection of Crimson Cobra. Cobra doubles over in pain.


Senator delivers another chair shot, this time to Cobras back leaving him arched backward in pain.


Senator delivers a third chair shot right across the head of Crimson Cobra. Cobra falls the 20 feet to the mat below and is seemingly out cold.

Senator slowly reaches up and unsnaps the last remaining snaps securing the belt. Senator stands on the top of the ladder holding the European title high in the air.

JASON DANIELS: “Here is your winner.... annnnd stillllllll XWF European Champion.... Senator, JOHN... SAAAAAAMUELLLLLLS!”

WINNER: Senator John Samuels - Still XWF European Champion


CHAD LEWIS: “Unbiased. Right?”

PAUL HEYMAN: “What? Oh, I’m just celebrating the end of the brutal match.”

CHAD LEWIS: “By hook or by crook, the Senator retains the gold here tonight!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “Rightfully so!”

CHAD LEWIS: “How can you even say that? I saw it. You saw it. Heyman saw it. The people here in Denver saw it. Crimson Cobra was definitely robbed right here in front of his hometown fans right here in Denver!”

PAUL HEYMAN: “I’m not one to question a referees decision. The decision is simple. John Samuels is still the European Champion!”

XAVIER REIGNS: “And a great champion he is!”

CHAD LEWIS: “I have an odd feeling we’ll see more screw jobs and highway robberies from this in the future! We are out of time! Join us right here next week! On Monday Night Madness!”

[Image: madness1.png?dateline=1364081029]
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