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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Shades Moveset
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-22-2016, 01:25 PM Photo  Shades Moveset -->

In-Ring Name: Shade, Prince Of Death

Wrestler's Real Name: ???

Returning to XWF

Wrestler Date of Birth:


155 - 189 lbs.

Hometown: ???

Uneasy to Impress, Arrogant, Sympathetic, Intitled

Alignment (heel/face/tweener):

Looks Description:
Has a death gimmick, but the attire is a mixture of Dark Vader and the Grim Reaper and a small inspiration of cloak marvel comic removes trenchcoat when wrestling

Ethnicity: ???

Pic Base:
Overwatch - Reaper


All around wrestler, can do any style of wrestling

When he get too arrogant in a match

Entrance Theme Music:

Entrance Description:
As the Arena becomes pitch black suddenly black w blue lighting then goes on and the X-tron Show Shade's mask enter the screen and the wording appears saying ''Death Walks Among You'', smoke begins to fill the arena and shattered glass falls from the entrances way as a crow flies out of the entrance to the stage. It then begin to circle the stage before Shade walk onto the stage with Hope and gesture a gun with one hand and pretend to shoot (basically Kenny Omega bullet club gesture in his entrance). The crow then land on Hope's left shoulder.

They walk to the announcer area where there is a chair for Hope. Hope kisses his mask around the cheek area and the crow then lays in between Hope's knees. Shade then removes his trench-coat and lays it beside Hope, He then walks up then steps until he reaches the apron. He then walks across the apron until he reaches the middle where he does Kenny Omega's gun shoot taunt, He gets into the ring.

When first entrant:
When unentertained by his opponent: He goes on the top rope and lies on the rope and seem disinterested.
When entertained by opponent: He crouches down watches the entrance way.

When other than first entrants: When unentertained by his opponent: He no attention to his opponent pretending they aren't even the same ring.
When entertained by opponent:He still on the apron and does gunshot taunt pointing at their head or championship ( If their champions )

Pyro: X Shape on the entrance when he fires his taunt or in the ring

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Knees ( Variations ) ( )
Kicks ( Variations ) ( )
Uppercuts (Variations ) ( )
Backbreaker (Variations ) ( )
Chops ( Variations ) ( )
Suplexs ( Variations ) ( )
Clotheslines ( Variations ) ( )
Rack Bomb ( )
Pele Kick ( )
Slingshot Legdrop ( )
Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker ( )
Arabian Press ( )
Reverse STO ( )
Step up Enzuigiri ( )
Snap Powerslam ( )
Dropkicks (Variations) ( )
Handspring Elbow ( )
Powerbombs (Variations) ( )
Legdrops (Variations) ( )
Leg Sweeps (Variations) ( )
Superkick( )

Trademark Move(s):
1. Death Valley Bomb
2. Punt Kick
3. Cradle Shock
4. Bicycle Kick
5. Tiger Bomb
6. Curb Stomp
7. Tombstone Piledriver ( Used in Big match situations or tough opponents )


Finishing Move(s):
1. Bow Down
2. Know Your Prince
3. Death Skies

1. Angels Wings
2. Modified Pedigree
3. 360 Double knee from the top rope

Favorite Hardcore Attacks:
Death Stare - where i step on your hands while your laying on your back and hit you with a steel chair ( Or Black Steel Bat ) repeatedly while he makes them watch as he stare at them

Gravestone - Jumping Tombstone Piledriver onto a hard surface.

Con-Chair-To - another Variation is just you use two chairs and you place it under the opponent's head then you hit the other with a chair

Spots :
Death Crash - A sideways suicide dive while the opponent is still on the apron.
Funeral Kick - Springboard Calf Kick.
Judgement - Brain-buster on turnbuckle from the top rope.
W.T.D.R ( Welcome to Death's Realm ) - Pedigree Off Or On anything From A high place e.g announce table, Off the Stage, Off the Apron, Etc
Graveyard - Hit you with a Curb-stomp onto a table while you're on the table from the top rope eg. can be done on a ladder, Steel-steps or the announcing table, etc

Ace ( His Baseball Bat)
Dark ( His Scythe uses it in first blood or very bloody matches Rated R )

Crow: Night
Panther (f): Medusa
Raven: Shadow
Panther (m): Hades


Name: Hope Blackwood

Nickname: Lady Death

Height: 5''11

Weight: 155 - 189 lbs.

Her Gimmick:
She is Shade Fiancee and future wife later on but she used to be a human who became a demon when she was a teen meeting shade after his 15th birthday

Very Playful towards shade, Is friendly towards most people, but if you piss her off she would have a hatred for you until you had lost a match against shade. then it is water under the bridge. She also loves Shades pet birds.
She doesn't wrestler at all. Basically Harley Queen

Looks Description:
It depends on how she wants to look like at the time she has two different appearances depending on how she feels at the time.

Her normal form :
[Image: 25114dc9e4c81ab99cca148a04718a0d.jpg]

Her Human form:
[Image: ld08.jpg]

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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