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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Rebirth of Fear
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

12-14-2015, 11:12 PM

So where do we start? It has almost been three months since the XWF went on hiatus, leaving everyone confused and lost. What exactly happened? Did the money dry up? Did they lose their TV deal? No one knew and no one was answering the phone at XWF headquarters. Fontanna had sunk into a dark place while off rehabbing his injury's from the attack of Hired Gun. Pain killers were the only thing that seemed to help dull the voices in Fontanna's head. After a while it seemed like he was taken them like candy. Washing them down with whatever cheap booze he could find.

Fontanna had a rough upbringing for sure. The death of his mother...the murder/suicide of a Pastor and his wife...where should I start? A psychiatrist would diagnosis Fontanna with PTSD if he would ever go see one, but Fontanna wasn't too fond of people trying to prod into his personal life. The pain killers would dull the pain anyway, and Fontanna would walk around in a drug induced haze most of the day until he would eventually just pass out.

Of course Nikki was worried that her man was getting close to the edge and one day might fall to his death, but damn't it's been a hell of a ride. They have been all over the world, seeing sites she would only dream about as a young girl. Every new city they would visit brought Fontanna just a little bit closer to cracking and shattering into a million pieces. Nikki would max out the card's in all the fascist strip mall's while Freddy put the bottle to his dome and pulled the trigger.

One day, like all days, Fontanna was half way through his first glass of Four Roses bourbon. Nikki was on the phone talking to her mother back in Ohio. Freddy hated that fucking bitch! Not Nikki...well sometimes...but we are talking about Barb right now. Barb being the judgmental cunt of a mother to one Nikki Haven. Well listen in for yourself...

Barb- Why are you with that waste of space anyway?

Nikki- Stop it mother! He is a great guy who loves me very much.

Barb- Well me and Daddy don't like him. He is not good enough for our little angel.

Nikki- Well we are getting married so your just going to have to fucking deal with it!

**CLICK** Nikki slams the phone down on the receiver and burst into tears. Fontanna rolls his eyes and takes another drink from his glass. Something had to change or Fontanna was going to blow his fucking head off! He needed to find his purpose again. His reason for breathing had faded and he was drifting through this place we call earth just existing. That's when Freddy heard the sweetest sound his ears had ever heard.

The Insane Clown Posse was on his TV. Fontanna was watching a JCW tape that a fan gave him awhile back. ICP was performing one of their signature tracks...The Great Milenko. Fontanna was hooked immediately and that's when it clicked. What he had to do to get his life back.....he had to die!

Hahahahahaha hello Abigail! I'm so glad you decided to take me up on my challenge. Plus it's like my birthday with Shane being in there with us. Not only do I get a chance to dance with the queen of the CCWF but the court jester is in there with us! Ohhhh I do love clowns and I heard is very good at being one. I haven't forgot what you guys did to me all those months no no I have merely accepted it and let it mold me into a better person.

I am no longer the man who laid in the middle of that ring, broken and defeated. No that body was cast into flames and sacrificed to The Great Spirit. He has given me a new strength and a new will to live. My only job is to take the CCWF down by any means necessary! I'm not stupid...I know I'm outnumbered out there but with The Great Spirit numbers are meaningless!

He has the ability to crush his enemies with just a single glance and has dropped armies just by the sound of his voice! I am not afraid of you or Shane at all because The Great Spirit has already showed me how this war ends. Yes we will lose battles but the war is already just don't know it yet!

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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