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I have a headache!
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Ginger Snaps Offline
<3 Ginger <3

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-26-2015, 03:36 PM

I'm laying on the couch, there's a washrag on my head, and the lights are off. I have a headache. George and Tiffany are out looking at a new van for her, Johnny was at work, and I had taken a few weeks off of work because of Darren Dangerous being creepy. I had some music playing, softly. The phone rings, and I slowly get up to answer it. Mostly, I just want to silence the ringing. It's loud and hurts my head. Ginger's about to Snap. I answer, my voice shaking.


Hello, Ginger. Steve Sayors. Got a minute?

I sigh. My head hurts, I don't want to do an interview right now.

Hi, Steve. I'm sorry, my head hurts right now. Is this going to take long, I was going to take a paracetamol and take a nap.

Oh, no, not for an interview. I just wanted to let you know that Darren Dangerous is gone from the XWF, and that you are for sure fighting Vinnie Lane for the Universal Title.

I'm feeling a little more giddy.

Oh, good. He tried to stalk me. Did Lane decide to take me seriously, or was his hand forced? I don't want him to have to do anything he doesn't wanna do.

I have no idea. You'd have to ask Vinnie or ask one of the managers.

Oh, well. I'm going to go lay down now. Bye, Steve.

Goodbye, Ginger. Feel better.

The line goes silent, and I go back to laying down. Next to couch on the floor is a bottle of paracetamol, and a bottle of water. I pop the lid open and take two pills with water. I wrap myself up in a blanket, and go back to sleep. I'm laying down sleeping for a while. It's a pleasant dream. Until I get woken up by the sounds of a Llama running through the house with a stick in its mouth. This wakes me up in a hurry. I sit up and see Tiffany chasing King Henry. I am very confused right now.I'm watching as Tiffany catches Henry by the collar and begins to lead him out of the house. I'm blinking, and rubbing my head. I have no real idea what's going on.

Tiff, what's going on?

Tiffany looks at me, as she tries to close the door so Henry can't enter the house again.

King Henry came into the house, and I've been trying to get him outside.

I want to cuddle Henry. I should cuddle him.

Probably shouldn't, he's dirty. Johnny was supposed to bring some shampoo with him tonight after work.

I look sadly outside and see Henry. He's running in the backyard, carrying his stick hitting it on the fence. I'm so lucky to have a Llama. I still need to lie down, so I'm gonna go to my bedroom, at least it's quiet there.

I'm gonna go lay down in my bed. My head's mince.

I point to it and make an owie face. Tiff shakes her head.

All right, sweetie. I'm making dinner tonight. We're doing Mince and Tatties.

I nod and grab my Paracetamol, and head to my bedroom. My bed is soft, and fluffy. I drop my pills on the floor, and collapse onto my bed, and wrap myself in a blanket. I'm snuggling up real cozy, until I freak out thinking I need something to cuddle. I reach up to my shelf, and grab a bear. His name is Lord Smiles. Lord Smiles is one I've had for years, he's brown with a black shirt. It's got a big heart on the centre of the shirt, and I love it. I kiss Smiles on the head, and we slowly drift away to dream land.

It's a fantastic dream, I'm dancing on the moon eating a block of cheese while Johnny is singing to me. I'm a beautiful queen. He is my handsome king, Henry is there, in a Llama Space Suit. Bringing a Llama to space was such a good idea. We're dancing the night away, and there's even piano music playing somewhere. It's magical, like a commercial for perfume or something. I bet this is what Disney Land is like.

Suddenly, everything gets very wet, and cold. I open my eyes in a hurry, and try and burrow out of the blankets. I'M DROWNING!! I need one of the ring things they throw to people who are drowning.


I hear a laughter as the blanket is pulled off of me. The bright hurts, and I am no longer drowning. I blink and look around. Johnny is sitting on the bed laughing, as I see Tiffany standing above me holding an empty pitcher. She moves it behind her back coyly, and smiles innocently at me. She bats her eyelashes at me as I start to free my hands. This hurts my feelings. Why would she do this to me? She knows I don't want to drown in my bed.

Why did you make me think I was drowning? You know I don't wanna drown in my bed. Also, I think I peed the bed a little.

Tiffany chuckles, before seeing that my face isn't joking, it's sad. She drops the pitcher, and rushes to hug me. I try and hug back, I can't stay mad at her. But, my arms don't extend very far. I did not get them out very well. Tiffany realises this and helps pull the blankets off of my after the release of our hug. I get myself free, and collapse onto the floor. I'm on all fours, and trying to get to my feet. Tiffany helps me to my knees, I go and feel my trousers, yes I did in fact pee myself. I need a shower. I'll do that after I lecture Johnny. I use my bed to get myself the rest of the way up, and turn to face him. I make a stern face.

You just sat there and let me drown? That hurts.

I'm sorry, baby. You just looked so cute wrapped up like a sleeping burrito. I didn't want to wake you up.

So you let her do it, with cold water? I peed myself! Should I stop yelling that?

They both nod at me, and I look down at myself and shake my head.

I'm going to go shower, you guys go wait in the parlour. I'll be out in a minute.

Hey, cutie, dinner's ready. Shower, change, and come dine with us. We're gonna watch telly while we eat. George found a film about something interesting or something.

They leave the room, and I grab my fuzzy lounge trousers, and a yellow tank top. I make my way to the bathroom, and shower. I pop my head out of the shower, and out into the hallway.

Hey, guys. I'm going to record this promo before I come out and eat. It'll only be a few minutes.

I walk into my room and open my laptop.

Hi, Vinnie! I'm glad you came out of your coma and won your match, but then you made me sad by not taking me seriously, and by going all whiny bully on people. I mean, you did sound like your ovaries were hurting when you joined up with Shane and his team. "Oh, you guys were cheering on other people when I was in a coma. Oh, you guys supported other athletes instead of crying at my bedside. Oh, Kirk, you gave me shot after shot for stuff, but because I didn't win fast enough it was all your fault. Whah whah whah." Honestly, Vinnie, I realise my mistake in assuming you were a butch lesbian. I shouldn't have used the word butch. I should have gone with Lipstick Lesbian. Which, I asked my friend Tiffany, and she said it wasn't an offensive term. Since she recently told me she's slept with multiple women, I assumed she would know. Do you want my Midol, Vinnie? Is it your monthly? It's ok, we all get PMS.

Oh, and sweetie, this isn't me snapping like you thought about sooner. This is the truth coming from a place of love. You cry more than a bairn in a dirty nappy. Which, I guess is kind of fitting because I'm betting you were wearing a nappy for a bit after Thunderbolt put you in a coma. It's also funny that he comes up, because you were claiming to be the man who did the impossible, and it seems to be true. You did actually prove Thunderbolt was a worthwhile fighter. But, you still can't really claim to be the man who did the impossible in the sense you were meaning. You didn't pin Doctor D'Ville. That's your implication, and you were wrong. You pinned Gator, nowhere in the ending of your match did it show you pinning Louis. I'm sorry, but you're still not special. And I looked into things, you bragged about beating Sebastian Duke, I guess you like to take credit for things you had help with like you were by yourself. Game Girl also says you didn't beat her, you beat Game Boy, who is much weaker than she is. So, I'm not sure.

Maybe this is just you puffing out that tiny chest of yours trying to make us think you're big and bad. But, then we're reminded that you got beat by a little girl on her first night, and that you are the only person to be hurt by Thunderbolt. I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're just not as special as you thought. Unless you mean special in the sense of being the only crybaby in the federation, and the man who needs the rules bent so he can beat Tanashi for the title. I did see what you said about about wanting to sleep with me, and I have to break it to you, but you're way to skinny for my tastes. Roxy's a real sweetheart, though. I love Roxy.

I close the laptop and head to the living room.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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