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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Battle Lines Drawn (RP1)
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-19-2015, 06:24 AM

August 12th 2015, Monterrey Arena, Mexico. Wednesday Warfare.

The scene opens following the aftermath of XWF's premier Wednesday show. The fans are still in the the packed out arena, some still seated, many standing, collective looks of shock, confusion and sadness plastered on the thousands of faces at what has just transpired in the ring in front of them. Shane , who has been revealed to be very much alive and himself, has left the ring with the newly re-named CCWF Championship belt holder Vinnie Lane and their fellow CCWF associates, leaving the laid out bodies of Robbie Bourbon, Glisten and Mr FN' Dominance in their wake. Trax is on his back, eyes closed, his face a crimson mask as blood gushes down his forehead. Trax's left hand twitches, laying next to it his newly earned, dented, blood and shit stained 24/7 briefcase. Trax groans as his eyes flutter open and he rolls onto his stomach and wipes blood off his face, groggily looking around surveying the scene, Robbie has too began to stir using the ropes to aid in lifting his heavy frame off the mat, Glisten is still down, seemingly knocked out cold and not moving. Trax spits out blood while he lies on his stomach going over what exactly has just taken place.

Trax recalls being in the ring with Robbie and Shane , as Shane makes the tag team match announcement, considerably clearly...then things get blurry from there, Trax hazily remembers being caught by surprise and attacked ,but by whom...everything is still a blur...then it comes to him...

"Sitre...Sitre that fucking bitch..."

Sitre, the mysterious woman who had made the request to be the "enforcer" in the upcoming tag team match, had blindsided him and Robbie alongside another woman Trax was not familiar with, allowing Shane to mace both him and Bourbon. Trax then remembers the strong knee he took full force to the face dropping him down to the canvas, before feeling the cold steel of the 24/7 briefcase being driven with mercilessness abandon repeatedly off the back of his skull.

Trax feels the back of his head, sure enough he feels the wetness of warm blood underneath his braids, he curses.

Then what? Trax vaguely recalls being hoisted up and thrown in the direction of...of someone...a fourth assailant...who hit him with a masterfully executed veterbreaker that drove Trax back into the canvas neck and shoulder first with the force of a fucking freight train...Trax...still dazed...tries to rack his brains to put a face to the man, the man he had never met before, but had heard a great deal of things about. The man Trax now remembers as going by the name of....

"K Money? That was the one they call K Money... what the fuck is going on..."

Trax remembers blacking out only to wake up to the face of the new Universal Champion Vinnie Lane, Trax, alongside the also revived Robbie and Glisten, were standing by the champions side who had seemingly come to their aid, ready to oppose Shane and his hired CCWF cronies. Trax remembers a bunch of jumbled nonsensical bullshit coming out of Shane Carvers mouth as usual, before Trax was once again blindsided, this time struck with the Universal Championship, which of course, was in the hands of, and belongs to no one other than...

"Vinnie Lane..."

Trax gets to his feet and looks back at Robbie who is already on his and helping a awakening Glisten get to his, upon noticing he has gotten to his feet, Bourbon looks at Trax,blooding seeping out of the eye and mouth holes of his mask.


Trax glares at him and shakes his head as if to say " Now's not the time" Trax picks up his briefcase, the putrid smell of feces, supposedly belonging to that of the Hart Champion, not even registering with Trax at this moment. Trax stumbles out the ring and makes his way up the ramp, as he does so, his girlfriend Jackie runs through the curtains with his X-Treme Championship and meets him on the middle of the ramp, embracing him with a hug, a sullen look on her face.

"Baby! I can't believe it...are you OK? Vinnie Lane, that treacherous paigon, how could he do this!? I don't understand!?"

Trax looks down at Jackie, face expressionless.

"Jackie, my minds still a blur at the moment, please go over exactly what the fuck just happened? Why has Vinne aligned with that mad man? Why is K Money back in XWF? Who are those two bitches? What the fuck is going on around here?"

"Trax... its bad...Shane is looking to liquidate the XWF into his company the CCWF, he said he's going to take all the XWF titles one by one and re-brand them to CCWF championships! He's already re-branded the Universal Championship because that spineless excuse of current holder Vinnie Lane has turned his back on the fans, turned his back on XWF, and joined his cause, Trax.... it isn't safe here, I mean, its less safe than even before, they're basically saying to everybody, join them, step in line, or perish"

"I see... that's all I need to know for now, thank you."

Trax kisses her forehead and then takes the X-Treme Championship out of her hands.

"However... I need to be left alone with my thoughts for a bit"

Trax gently brushes past her leaving Jackie perplexed on the middle of the ramp as he walks up the rest of it and through the curtains backstage. Trax begins to walk aimlessly through the backstage hallways of the Monterrey Arena.His blood soaked faced twisted in a expression of brewing rage.

Vinne Lane.

Vinnie Lane, the newly crowned Universal Champion, the man who once prided himself on being the heart and soul of this company, the man who had entertained and won the hearts of XWF fans on a weekly basis and the man who Trax commended and found quite admirable upon his debut in the company,had seemingly lost all those admirable traits and turned his back on the company that made him, and for what?

To join the side of Shane , who was looking to destroy everything the Universal Champion once held dear?

To join the likes of K Money, who unlike Vinnie Lane never had his heart truly in the company it seems, and was only in it for the money as his name suggests?

To join the likes of "The Goddess" Sitre Revenant and that other woman...that Abigail... whose reasons for being here unlike K Money were obscure, not that Trax really gave a damn.

Fuck their reasons, their justifications, their causes.

Fuck them all.

"I will deal with them ALL"

Trax mouths under his breath as he turns around a corner and bumps straight into XWF interviewer Steve Sayors. At the sight of the X-Treme Champion, Steve goes wide eyed, before ecstatically shoving a microphone next to Trax's mouth.

TRAX! So glad I ran into you! Trax...please...your thoughts on what happened out there tonight? What do you have to say about Shane Carvers stated incoming obliteration of the XWF and its current top talents and champions!? You have to assume you're at the top of the list. And what are your comments on the veterans K Moneys appearance and Vinnies Lanes actions here tonight!?

Trax smacks the microphone away from his face and shoves SS to the side against the wall.

ENOUGH! You've asked me ENOUGH menial questions tonight!

Trax snarls at the interviewer who has turned pale, sweat running down his brow,before facing the camera, bloody and battered holding his X-Treme Championship in one hand and his dented, blood and shit stained 24/7 brief case in the other.

Vinnie...I knew it, I fucking knew it , its no surprise to me that under all that blonde hair extension and metro sexual clothing theres nothing but a bitch. CCWF want to take over? CCFW want to seize all of the championships in this company? Go ahead, doesn't bother me who is in control of this federation, just as long as you know that nobody will be getting their hands on MY title, but Vinnie...

Raises case to the camera.

I'll be sure to get my hands on YOURS. You and your new friends are going to learn...NOT TO CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX...that's a promise.

Trax then barges the camera out his way as he makes his way towards his locker room and the scene fades.

The scene re-opens and we now see Mr Dominance at his familiar setting, behind his office desk, the X-Treme Championship on the desk, however now occupying it on the desk is the 24/7 briefcase.Still dented from the heads of the various XWF superstars it was used to smash in, Trax's being one of them, there are several red and brown dried stains on the case. Trax cracks his neck and begins to speak.

It's been an interesting couple of weeks in XWF to say the least. I don't need to speak too much about it, anyone who isn't living under a rock knows what happened at the last Wednesday Warfare, the Wednesday Warfare "heard around the world". It was the Wednesday Warfare Shane unmasked himself and explained to the world his plans of a ....extreme refurbishment shall we say...of the XWF. It was the Wednesday Warfare one of the all time greats, the 6th man in the Top 50, Kid Money, came back to XWF and shocked the world. It was the Wednesday Warfare our Universal Champion Vinnie Lane also went on to shock the world, by turning on the fans and the company that helped build him up and make him who he is today by siding with , K Money and those two bitches one of which I'll be addressing later on. This little power clique proceeded to dismantle myself, my newly announced tag partner Robbie Bourbon and poor lil' ol' Glisten in the ring while simultaneously declaring to the world that XWF was no more, its top talents would be squashed, its championships, much like the Universal championship, will be taken and re-branded.

At the following Monday Madness just gone Shane did just that, taking our illustrious XWF Universal Championship and giving it a drastic makeover turning it into the now so-called prestigious CCWF IGPW championship. I say so called prestigious because in his first defense of the title, Vinnie Lane resorted to underhanded tactics such as chair shots and mob attacks to destroy one of the most respected and loved wrestlers in our generation. Making the message loud and clear, the CCWF has the power, and they will target and make a victim of literally anyone and everyone to put it on display, and to keep it.

Now these actions have of course has sparked a huge reaction among us XWF wrestlers. With wrestlers scrambling desperately trying to forge alliances to fight of this lingering ominous threat. People are turning to others, even people they have had severe grievances with be it recently or long past and asking them where they stand. Me being the X-Treme champion, which now technically makes me the top XWF champion, has seen me been approached, both openly and in private, with questions such as "Trax, what side are you on?" "Trax, will you help fight this?" "Trax, how do you think we can beat this?"

So let me clear things up for you people.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm on my OWN side. I am the side that suits my best interests. My interests are winning titles and making money, I'm making money regardless of CCWFs presence, however CCWF seek to take all the titles while they seek to make sure their appointed CCWF poster boy Vinnie Lane keeps hold of HIS title. The Universal title. I don't care if you put "XWF" or "CCWF IGPW" in front of it its STILL the universal title and its still the title I'm in this company to win, they'd be no chance of me doing that if I were to join CCWF, I'd just be another lapdog like K Money being paid in food stamps to make sure the belt gets kept on Vinnies malnourished waist. I'm sure of it, its for that reason I must proclaim that joining CCWF....certainly goes AGAINST my best interests.

Of course I'm going to fight this, because fighting is what I do. Fighting to survive is what I've done my whole life. This is nothing new to me. Quite literally I've seen this happen before, a power mad CEO forming a little band of boys and girls to idly do his bidding and mold a federation in the way he sees fit. It always ends the same way. A clashing of egos, inner power struggles, and the whole thing implodes, this CCWF alliance is a time bomb waiting to happen I assure you, and when it finally blows up in your face, Shane, Vinnie, I'll be there waiting and ready.

Trax looks at the case, then back at the camera.

I'll be there and I'll do what I've been doing so far gracefully, winning, and taking away championships from undeserving champions. You guys started this, but when the empire finally comes crumbling down and the dust clears and its only me left standing, the Universal championship in my hands and your broken corpses at my feet history books will know ME as the one that finished it. Because I am Mr Dominance and I will not be held back or suppressed, I will face this challenge, and I will win.

Similarly how I plan to face the challenge that awaits me next Monday, yes quite a challenge hm? Ha. An Elimination tag team match, three teams, the tag team titles on the line, my X-Treme Championship will ALSO be on the line if someone manages to pin me or make me submit.This match on paper is arguably one of the greatest tag team matches this company has had in recent memory, certainly one of the best main events Monday Madness has had in recent memory.

However there are some people that are somewhat troubled by the inclusion of myself and my tag team partner Robbie Bourbon in this match, not only question our inclusion, but my credibility and my pull with management, one such man is the man known as Lux Lyden. Now for those who are not up to speed I declared that I was going to use my earned shot at the titles, due to having the X-Treme belt for over 2 weeks, with my then chosen partner Drew Archyle, it turns out that was not to be due to ummm...unique circumstances regarding Drews sexual habits that saw his contract terminated, nevertheless Lux had to lot say about the inclusion, most of which fell on deaf ears because at the time I was still not fully aware who the man was, but now that I'm in a match with him I suppose its only right to address the bullshit he threw my way, so shall we get started? Lets go over some of the things you said to me backstage Lux hm?

Lux Lyden Said:Are you happy you put yourself in my sights now Trax?

I feel...completely indifferent actually, I'm glad you set your sights high though, you may want to lower your gaze a little though there buddy and focus your sights on more manageable prospects.You see when I used my shot for the tag titles that may of put me on your radar but it certainly didn't put you on mine.I made it clear that I wanted to win the tag titles to add more to my collection of ever growing impressive achievements here in XWF. You may have your sights on me but I was looking straight past you and focusing on capturing more championship gold, this is the part where you stamp your feet and moan that I'm underestimating and disrespecting you some more, and that is the part where I follow up with you're overestimating your worth and have done absolutely nothing to earn my respect in the first place.

Lux Lyden Said:"Interesting. So you're saying that since you held the X-Treme title for a month, that cancels out the rights of the individuals who earned the actual spot in the match. You're able to just walk in and change the rules and management bows to your whim, declaring that titles should remain vacant simply because you walked out and spent all of two seconds 'convincing' them. Is that a new, unwritten rule for the X-Treme title? Or is it an old, outdated rule that also states you could have a shot at the TRIO titles?

We didn't cancel out your rights at all, you're still fighting for the championships so what are you talking about? All's that has happened is instead of it being two teams against each other you now have three teams, and yes that's well within my right to make that happen, the X-Treme Champion challenging for the tag titles at a time of THEIR choosing is and old rule, but not an outdated one, what are you basing that statement off? The X-Treme Title Rules section on the website that mentions the Trio titles alongside the tag team titles? Come on you should be smarter than that.The entire website is outdated, the main page banner has someone on it that hasn't been seen or wrestled in for several months for fuck sake, but my shot at the tag titles is still valid because management TOLD me what my entitlements are when I first won the belt just over a month ago, since I inquired to them about it. You bitching about not being handed the titles just makes you sound like idiot to be honest, Earth to Lyden, you do realize you was supposed to have another tag team match anyway before you got handled the titles? Kirk McClay made a mistake in trying to give you the championships there and then, since you and Dustin had both decided to find different partners to fight over them again,a match that was ALREADY SCHEDULED to happen at Wednesday Warfare, so yes Lyden, the titles WERE supposed to remain vacated until you and Dustin with your new partners fought again, how have you neglected to realize that fact? Additionally hate to break it to you but I wager it wasn't even me that made Kirk reconsider, not sure if you've noticed but he wears an earpiece,all the managers do. I can almost guarantee you he had someone talking in his ear reminding him of the agreed upon arrangements regarding the tag titles, possibly Shane himself. See me being a champion I may have more pull than the average wrestler here, like yourself, but I assure you I don't have any sort of dictatorship over managements final decisions, so please, spare the conspiracies on backstage politics and having management in my pocket, I'll leave that kind of foul play to our so called Universal Champion.

Lux Lyden Said:How long ago did you get your first two weeks of defending the X title out of the way? Nice delay there, nice long rest while you gain free wins over guys with more losses than anybody can count. Looking your way, Morbid. Tell me Trax, have you defended your title once since winning it in an actual match against a competitor with an above average or even above dismal record? Since the answer is no, let's turn this up even further. I want management to declare that you need to wait until after our tag match before you're awarded your 24/7 briefcase because you plain and simply have not earned it yet. There's not a single defense you can claim that wasn't written off in advance as an automatic easy win for you before you even set foot in the ring.

First off Pumpkin, did it not occur to you that I didn't use my tag title shot straight away because at the time there was nobody I wanted to tag with? Because there wasn't, that was the reason. If they had been I would of used it as soon as I had obtained it, but unfortunately there was nobody I at the time was interested in teaming with for the championships. Then Drew Archyle saved me from the KKK alongside my longtime friend Extreme Machine and then spoke about how he was interested in forming an alliance, me appreciating what he did, and admiring his drive and killer instinct he had shown in XWF up at that point, agreed."The New Apex", we was meant to be a tandem that would seek to capture all the titles and own XWF, much like the CCWF are attempting now, except with hard work, prideful ambition and less corruption and blindside attacks.However that was not to be and T.N.A was cut short, however, you sprouting off demands like some entitled child and running your mouth backstage made me want to go and find another tag team partner I could own the tag team division with while simultaneously still being a dominant singles competitor and ultimately fucking up your hopes and dreams since I do LOVE being a kill joy.

Thats where Robbie Bourbon comes in.

See I've been turning heads and tearing through who ever's been placed in front of me like a bulldozer ever since I've been here. Robbie has more or less done the same, last month I won SOTM, an achievement he was very close to winning. We've been the two hottest newstarts this Summer no doubt.It was Robbie's showing at Relentless however, where he would of beaten the speculated UNBEATABLE Game Girl if it wasn't for Black Hand mind tricks, that fully caught my eye and made me pay attention to Mr Bourbon, with Drew no longer an option, Robbie seemed like the prime candidate to team with and ruin yours and everybody else's day to be blunt. Mr Dominance and The Bullet-Proof Man. The X-Treme Champion and the should-be Intercontinental Champion.Speaking of IC Champion I've heard that backstage you've shown interest in facing Game Girl? Please. Unlike me who will fight anyone, GG is VERY picky about her challengers, look how she turned down Steve Davids the man Robbie will be beating tonight on Warfare, sure he may not of been the most impressive since his return, but he is still a former Universal Champion and in the top 50. When I'm done with you Lyden, I assure you, GG will laugh her little 16-bit ass off at the very thought of ever considering you a worthy challenger to her.

Speaking about champions and challengers, you criticize my run so far with the X-Treme belt hm? Nico and Fontanna were easy wins I agree. But Morbid Angel and Scully was a worthy challenge, and far from a cakewalk. Morbid has some losses to his name? Definitely, but he is still one of the most decorated champions in XWFs history and also has a series of wins to his name against people you could never hope to beat, much like he LOST to people you couldn't hope to truly. I have earned this belt. I've defended it valiantly ever since I've won it, look at the numbers of attacks followed by pin attempts I've had to endure and kick out of, I think its in the high 20s now? Possibly 30s? People have been thinking of all sorts of ways to get the title off me and I simply will not give up, it just can't be done. Hell the other day Shane drugged me and I kicked out in my sleep! I literally kick out of pins in my sleep now Lyden! That is the man you are stepping into the ring with Monday.

It isn't my job as champion to find challengers, that's managements job and its down to other wrestlers to step up and challenge me. How can you not call me a just champion when I have done exactly everything I'm required to do, defend the belt 24/7, as well as accept any challenge issued by anyone who wants to fight me for the belt directly? Nico LaVey, Fontanna, Scully, Morbid Angel and yourself. Those are the only people who have challenged me for the belt, is that my problem? Those four guys challenged me and I accepted, you demanded management to make this tag team match an elimination match so my title was on the line, I told you there was no need to go to management,me being the champion I can accept your request and I did now here we are. You want to talk about easy auto-wins? How about the two matches you've been in so far, in that cluster fuck of a tag team match at Relentless half your opponents didn't even cut a promo and had no passion to compete in the match. Where are they now? Easy auto-win. You had no competition. Next you faced Amanda Hands, did she even cut a promo for the match either? Oh yes she did but it was one of the most shortest, mailed in ones I've ever seen, shows how much she took that match seriously, or this business because again, where is she now? Another easy win. You want to talk about easy wins maybe you should look at the matches you've been in, you little hypocrite you, when me and Robbie win this match, this is gonna be another easy win for me right? Gotcha.

Trax winks.

No wait my bad... according to you this is the biggest challenge I've had here so far.I find that laughable. I'd put my match at Relentless way above this difficulty wise, hell I'd even put my match against Dimallisher above this because I wrestled that match with broken bandaged up ribs. You being third place isn't bad though. You may have to get used to that position in case me and Robbie eliminate you and your partner first. Ha. I really do love how you make demands as if you have any sort of pull around here, demanding I didn't get the briefcase until after this match took place, well as you can see that demand fell on deaf ears, shows what management think of you and your requests, hell the only request they've accepted from you is the one I gave the green light. At least you tried. Again another example of you overestimating your worth and position in this company.

You know what you do intrigue me though Lux, I mean when you first came here you was all smiles and warmth, in your first promo for Relentless you told us all some sympathetic sob...I mean origins story about how you came to be here, and then you finished it off by declaring you can't wait to venture into some unknown journey with the XWF locker room seeing where it takes us, or something incredibly gay like that I forget. But then you just switched and became some bitter hard ass making demands, expecting respect? I think I liked you better when you was begging for people to be friends with you backstage by offering stolen Cantaloupes you pussy. Fuck you Lux Lyden. How did you like getting pissed on that one episode of Monday Madness? Thats the amount of respect you deserve in my eyes. I bet you secretly loved every second of it, well you know, with these braids I look like a young R Kelly, and you have the body and face resemblance of a 14 year old white girl so at this upcoming Monday Madness... prepare to get pissed off and pissed on AGAIN. You and your partner. Who is it again?

Seth Feder?

Seth, nice to meet you, hopefully you're not as pretentious as your partner but I can't help but think you too have some sort of chip on your shoulder. I saw the way you called out our Universal Champion demanding a match, now Vinnie Lane may of turned you down because he's suddenly inexplicably become devoid of a spine, however the reason I THOUGHT he turned you down and the reason I would of gave if I was him is because you have done nothing here to get an opportunity to face the top guy. Even in a non-title match that is still a HUGE opportunity that a lot of people would cram to receive and you just tried to push in the front of the line? Why? Are you, like Lux, over estimating your worth and your position here? Why is that? Because you're a Feder? Interesting.

I've heard a lot about the name "Feder", one of the most respected family names here in XWF, Sid Feder made waves, even had a title named after him. However, you're not Sid, and even if you was, Sid was active before my time, who knows what would of happened if we were active around the same time, if I was active when he was people could be fighting over the Traxweight championship right now instead! Unless he reappears and comes back to XWF we will never know how I'd fair against him or how good he would fair in this time,it is for that very reason I regret to inform you that I do not give a singular fuck what your last name is Feder. I'll judge you by what you do here in the now, not what your established brother did in the past.Here in the now, you're a relative nobody and you'll be stepping in the ring with a proven champion despite what your tag team partner might say on camera or in your ear. How is your relationship with your partner off camera anyway, me and Robbie have had talks and we're on the same page, but you and your partner? Don't seem that way, you claimed you wanted nothing to do with the ongoing war between CCWF and XWF and was out to kick both of their asses, and your very own tag team partner went out of his way to tell everyone he didn't want any part of your "Federation" and he did not have the same plan of action in mind as you, now we're all adults here, all individuals, so obviously I'm not expecting you and Lux to think exactly alike,but for your very own tag team partner to come out and denounce you like that? It doesn't even seem you two are really on the same page, and you two want to be the tag team champions?


Speaking about not being on the same page, I understand you're having a bit of bother with your adopted brother so to speak Ghekre? He had some words to say about you being in this main event match, no doubt will be looking to have more "words" with you before the match, maybe even during. Be a shame if something was to happen to you before the match, wouldn't want you or Lux making up excuses now as to why you lost. Hopefully Ghekre can conclude his business with you AFTER the match, if theres enough of you left to conclude it with. I'll be sure to go hard enough on you to ensure your defeat but easy enough that you're still in one piece so Ghekre can still have his fun afterwards and rag doll you like he did last Wednesday Feder. See if everything he said about what your family did to him is true you have whats rightfully coming to you, that's including a disappointing loss in this main event. Dismissed for now.

Trax cracks his neck before continuing.

Now onto the third team. Dustin Diamond Drake, I'll call you Triple D. Now you alongside Lux won a shot at the tag titles this is true, and I will not deny I know little about you other than the fact you wrestled with Thunder Bolt X in a past federation , even won tag team championship gold with him, and apparently you two were a damn good team in your words?


I'm sorry but I can't imagine TBX being a damn good anything really, well except a loser, he excelled at that here in XWF. He had one win to his name before he got ran out the company for being a whiny, lying bitch backstage so that says a lot about you considering you two are good friends and it also says a lot about the level of competition you are used to if you and TBX were able to be a dominant team. I can only imagine it was you that carried the team? God forbid if it was that incompetent man-child. Nevertheless you wanted to team with TBX to go after the tag titles after you and Lux decided to part ways, however of course due to his backstage shenanigans he was terminated and that was not to be, me and you actually found ourselves in the same predicament, we both had tag team partners in mind to go after the tag team titles but due to circumstances out of our control they were terminated from the company and we were forced to look elsewhere, I found myself a respectable tag team partner in Robbie Bourbon, you on the other hand opted to form an alliance with... Justice Drake.

Trax tries to contain his laughter much like how he had to on Monday when Shane made the announcement.

I mean really, bit of a gamble there wasn't it? Choosing someone that nobody has seen wrestle yet? Curious decision there, of all people why him? Guy seems rather clueless to put it nicely, and oblivious to the current situation around him. Proclaiming he is on Team XWF and he is going to fight CCWF, when he didn't even know who the current CCWF Universal Champion was? Shocking.

I mean the guy even said he was going to READ Wednesday Warfare to check. Justice Drake, how the hell do you READ a television show? Are you READING what I'm saying right now or listening? What color is my speech? Is it green? Purple? White? Is it Bolded or in Italics?

Trax breaks out into laughter, before regaining his composure and shaking his head.

I'm not saying I'm the leader of this team XWF or anything, but I am saying there is no space on any team for one as air brained and clearly green behind the ears as yourself. So stay out of this war, and it would've been wise for Triple D to of found another partner because its safe to say you're nothing but a liability, to him and yourself.So I won't speak much more on either of you. I saw your little poll on asking what to call your tag team though Justice, here's a hidden option: try "Trax's bitches" on for size because that will look like a fitting team name by the end of this match. Dismissed.

I'm almost done here...there is one last final thing I need to address though, an important additional factor in this match. Two factors actually.It seems Shane wants to up the ante so he has appointed a special referee and an special enforcer. The referee is none other than Ghost Tank. The enforcer however is a much more interesting yet at the same time predictable choice, none other than one of Shanes CCWF lapdogs, Sitre Revenant. Now me being the X-Treme Champion, my title is of course on the line in this match as already addressed but that doesn't mean just the other competitors in this match can try pinning me for it no, even our chosen official and "keeper of the peace" can try their hand.

Ghost Tank I know how much you desire this X-Treme Championship. You have attempted more times than anyone else to take it from me. Despite this, I know you are an honorable man, a respectable man, now that the shackles The Doctor placed on you have been destroyed along with his demise.I'm asking you, call this match in the way it should be, in proper fashion, right down the middle, if you give in to temptation, if you find yourself craving a chance at winning the X-Treme title, just like the other four times you have attempted I will shrug off your attempt and make you pay for it in kind. Thats all I have to say to the right thing.

As for YOU Sitre, I know theres no reasoning with you. I knew from the second you tried poking your head in this tag match there was something off about you and now look, my gut instinct was correct. Your boss intends to take all the championships and since my X-Treme title is the top belt after the Uni I know he intends to get mine next, you think me a fool? I know damn well why you have been placed in this match. Enforcer. Enforcing Shanes will rather. By the end of Monday Night I know Shane intends for a CCWF member, i.e you, to walk away with the X-Treme belt by catching me unaware, you cannot possibly think I'm that stupid. So heres a warning, the only one I'm going to give, I owe you a Trap Silencer for kneeing me in the face and bashing me in the head with my own case, however I will refrain from doing that just as long as you stay well out of leg reach from me at all times if this match, if I feel like you're getting too close, too involved, or if I see or even sniff another CCWF member trying to get involved, it is YOU I'm taking out first. If I'm going to go down, I'm going down fighting, and I'll be going down taking you and as many of you fucks as I can with me.

Or maybe I won't go down at all? Maybe I will fight off any would be attackers, eliminate all these so called challengers and go on my way. STILL the X-Treme Champion and one half of the NEW tag team champions. That scenario may actually be more likely, by ourselves me and Robbie have both been forces to be reckoned with here so far, together? When we are both motivated and prepared? I wager we could be nigh-unstoppable. With us two at the front lines of XWF army,showing the rest of these guys what true champions look like as we lead the charge and head to war. Imagine it, but you may not have to imagine for long. The reality of what is coming will soon come crashing on your head. This match is being pegged as one of the greatest tag matches ever and HALF of the reason for that is addressing you right now, the other half I'm sure he'll get round to addressing you all once he's wrecked Steve Davids neck tonight.I'll wrap this up here, but as my good friend Lux said in one of his Relentless promos...

Lux Lyden Said:"See you at your losses everyone."



[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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