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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Here is my roleplay
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-19-2015, 07:07 AM Bug  Here is my roleplay -->

The scene opens up to [Image: 3501827795_7136eb7c90_z.jpg?zz=1]

The scene opens up to me the Crimson Dong walking around with some dildos in my ass and some asses in my face. But you know what? I'm looking at this puss puss licious Monday night madness card and I'm spraying that I'm cooked with the Italian vampire and I have to be honest with you that makes me really dilly really excited and I do mean in a very horny way. Horn eels a way too. I get to team with the Italian vampire and I get to take in Asser Marshall Fields and Drezden Drozdoff or some gay name but I don't know what they do other than drizzle on each other with cumshit and use the power of scat to stuff their own feces into condoms and then freeze it and then shove it up each others assholes and try to make guys like me jealous. But you know something else? It does make me jealous no but why? I have a load of my own condoms in my freezer [Image: 29de6478398101b95a44a4059a448155c353c427...0001c5.jpg] no need to be jealous and I can guarantee you my freezer is a lot bigger than anything they could ever come up with on scatday. You know why? Because my freezer is aunt arctica bitch oh yeah that's right you heard me that smooth criminal Crimson Dogma purchased Antarctica and you know how I afforded that with my own scat yeah scat! Scat! Scat scat scat. Need dat Puss need dat puss!

The scene opens up to me wider than my friend Crimson Scat Bong's anus on a Wednesday afternoon when all is hell in suburbia with a touch of glazed almond joy in Thunderbolt X's and L
ightningbolt Z's anybody remember him cunts? Yeah back on point I have a friend named Crimson Scat Bong and he's a real tall slender dude who likes to pack his penis with marijuana and lets people smoke it out of his mouth for the right price or free either or. Not sure how that works but the fun part is there's always a scatpie surprise in there.
What's a scatpie surprise? Well it's kinda like a creampie surprise except replace the yummy cummy with SHIT! You think you're beanstalking a nice long fresh hit of some pot out of a gay man's mouth from lighting his cock n balls but instead you get a lung full of hard frozen turds and boiling shit. Surprise! Even when you know its coming you still cum from it unless U R 2 gay to admit as a mature man or feman you can accept a surprise load of feces in your throat you'll cowards don't even smoke crack doe and you step to me? Dong and Vamp gonna Wrong and Clamp you tools like we were fixing broken radiators and water boilers with our mash skillets on cloud nine because of dem puss flaps like raw tenderloin in the puta grass chicken monday madness animal you have broken the 100 word mark you're an animal! Post Options: Asher marshal is going to bow down to me and Signature: include your signature. (registered users only) like your name was Drezdong but Drezdong is just a Crimson Dong rip off or beat off. Beat me off Maverick you gay hot man. Thread Subscription: Specify the type of email notification and thread subscription scatbear would like to have to make sweet love to dat puss in dis thread. (Registered scats only)
Do not subscribe to this thread Subscribe without receiving email notification of new replies only if Asser Marshall Fields is as sexy and hot in the ring as he looks in his gay porn centerfolds like Drizzle me papi or cream of sum yum shit omfg so good Subscribe and receive email notification of new replies Poll: Optionally you may attach a poll to this thread. I want to post a poll and shove poll or pole or frozen shitcondom up a Number of options: (Maximum: 50) mainly being your puss need it need dat puss gimme it. I rap I farm I wank now my disproportionately large testicles sweetly align with your chin bitches! Pwned!

The scene opens up to

When's my next hit? Need dat puss.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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