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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Lucas Edwards
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Lucas Edwards

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08-16-2015, 02:53 PM

Ring name: Lucas Edwards
Real name: See ring name
New to XWF
Date of birth: 8-23-92
Height: 6'4
weight: 244 pounds
Hometown: Philadelphia PA
Lucas's personality was shaped by how he grew up. He grew up in a privileged home, 2 stable parents, everything was normal. But he always wanted some chaos in his life so he would intentionally get himself into trouble. His parents rounded up enough money to send him to a good college where he studied the human anatomy. Then he discovered a wrestling school 15 miles from his university. He abandoned his stable (and as he describes, boring) life and most likely bright future to be an independent. His study of the human anatomy gave him better understanding of how to inflict pain on it. He focussed his attacks on the head and neck with most of his offense, dismantling his opponents with devastating piledrivers and piledriver variations (mainly his double underhook piledriver technically known as a tiger driver). He won Philly crowds over with hardcore battles all over the city for various independent promotions, so he will always be cheered by the city of brotherly love. Luke's chaotic personality will always pop up when something stable comes up in his career.
Alignment: As heel as heel gets
Ethnicity: white
pic base: CZW's brain damage (My shitty laptop won't let me get an image on here)
Strengths: Thrives under chaos, Athletic despite chubby build, willing to be tortured if it meant he got to piledrive someone, understanding of human anatomy
weakness: Incredibly self destructive, short temper
Entrance: For whom the bell tolls- Metallica
Entrance description: straight walk with lots of taunting opponents/crowd
Common moves:
lots of head/neck based offense
DDT (impaler, tornado, double arm, etc.)
top rope brainbuster to turnbuckle
apron DDT
snake eyes in corner
german suplex
over shoulder shoulder breaker
various piledrivers
Buckle bomb
Fireman's carry gutbuster
swinging neckbreaker
suplexes (fisherman, snap, falcon arrow)
Fisherman DDT
Small package driver
trademark moves
Double A Spinebuster
description: Snap spinebuster
Finishing move
Tiger Driver
Description: Double underhook Piledriver
Favorite hardcore move:
Tiger Driver off apron through a ringside table

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