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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
1. Duke gargles Samuels' cum while watching dogs fuck teenage girls. The sick fuck
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-13-2015, 08:08 PM

"LeStrange, how's it going? Listen, papi, I want to remind you that you're the dude who lost to a feminist after your rape jokes. You wanted us to believe you're twisted, see what I did there, and tough, but you got put through a table by an ugly dogfaced feminist skank. You stupid fucking junkie. You had to play the game like you were some far out piece of shit wanting to be unique. Well, guess what, you're not. You found out that you were the weakest bitch in a pond full of bitchfish. What happened on Madness, bruh? I knocked your friend CJ Sharpe the fuck out. And your friend Wednesday? His ass is so terrified of me that he left. Let's face it, I have fucked the trash out of the federation, or at least a good bit of them. Darren Dangerous? After his match with Swaggy, he's gone. You? After your match with me? Gone. CJ, Chameleon, and the other cunt Steele? Gone. All because of my ability to kick ass. Wednesday? Ran away before his match. Face it, cockbreath, you don't stand a chance against me.

And then you have to run your mouth about me like you some kinda super sleuth. Thinking I offered the match so I can get put into the pit. Son, if I wanna get my asshole filled, I'll do it on my own goddamn dime. I'm the bottom in sex with my wife plenty. Reason I called you out for the match type was because you were running that lipstick covered mouth about how you love to rape. I wanted to show you the world you think you want to live in. My world. The world of hardcore fucking. The world where Consent is a pulse. The world that Vanessa is afraid of. And I want you to know, this match, it won't involve lube. You'll be taking those dicks raw. I hope you have some cloth to keep that ass blood from getting everywhere. It's gonna hurt, baby doll. It's gonna hurt bad when I Shayouken! you into the pit, and then your clothes are torn off, and you get that asshole ravaged. It's ok, man. I'll give you some Tylenol after the match, after they pull you out of the pit. Cause I'm a nice guy. Sometimes. Don't get it fucked up, though, I'm still gonna toss your ass in and laugh. But, I'll give you something for the pain after.

Man, you wanna talk about strangeland and shit. Son, I got stabbed with a goddamn flagpole, I got my dick broke off in Peter's asshole, my kids were having sex with each other. My ex-wife shot herself in front of me. My daughter got pregnant cause of Malcom in the Goddamn Middle, and I had some dude pretending to be me. Plus, I dated a vampire, who feasted on me. And I slept with an alien who turned out to be Iggy Azalea or something. I'm not sure on the Alien dude, it got confusing. Anyway, I'm used to strange, and the most strange you can do is coming out wearing ICP make up and talking about how you're tough. Nigga, dudes in make up ain't tough. You'll never be tough. Not for a single second. Keep your hardcore gimmick to the hardcore stains between you and your Fruit of the Looms, . Go shit yourself while looking at pictures of me. Knowing the fear I bring you late at night. Know that deep down you can't beat me. Know that you're a massive pussy, and I'm really good at fucking massive pussies. I hope you're prepared for it.

Barnaby, you wanna talk about how hard life was being a Juggalo? Nigga, it's hard on you because you're a goddamn handicapped, tiny dick, noodle fucking, useless bag of dolphin shit. Look, I ranted for longer than you did, and I'm just warming up. What's the matter, LeStrange? You can't keep up with the big dogs? Is that it? Right, I'm a top goddamn competitor, and you're a dickless rape victim. You wanna know the real reason that you didn't get your nuts cut off? Because they non-existent, bruh. You're not tough and hardcore, you're a Mermaid of hardcore. You figure sticking pieces of other people's hardcore will make you hardcore, like people thought sticking pieces of cats on fish would make them money, It just isn't working with the King of the Dwarves, bruh. You worthless . Go suck Chameleon's dick. If you cam find it.

I really had to force myself to sit through that massive shit pile of an interview you did. It was plain . Even the interviewer thinks you suck, and deserve to be raped. Because you're a perpetual loser, always will be, and always were. You're a skinnier Darren Dangerous. And what's worse, you're the trash the XWF will cling to in order to save it from the CCWF. Because Doc knows you're too much of a pussy to side with Shane, you'll take the route you think most edgy, which'll in turn force you to suck whoever runs the XWF team's dick. Before ingesting a nice steaming condom filled with Shit."

Katie is sitting outside in a wheelchair, waiting for a car to pull up. She's ready to be taken home after the miscarriage. The Camaro pulls up besides Katie, blasting 3Oh!3. Katie and the Orderly are staring at it, when the door is pushed open from the inside. The Orderly looks confused to see Frodo sitting there with big ass shades on, along with a big ass fur jacket, big dice hanging from the mirror, and three rings on every finger. The orderly isn't sure what's going on, but Katie wheels herself over to the door, and gets in. Frodo throws up the deuces to the Orderly, before peeling out as Katie tries to close the door.

"What are you doing dad?"

"I'm being LeStrange. A massive posing douche. Only, I refuse to put on ICP pain, because ICP is an insult to Detroit. Fuck those queers, and that faggoty poser Mermaid LeStrange."

Crack pops up from the backseat wearing ICP make up.

"All my Juggaloos say Woop. Woop!"

Frodo looks at Katie, she looks at him, and they nod. She then throws a fist back and hits Crack like Helga smacking Brainy.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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