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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
3. A Shrine to Madness
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Chameleon Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-08-2015, 09:45 PM

It is clear that Chameleon’s success and victory in the XWF will not be handed to him. Chameleon’s boyhood dream was always to be a professional wrestler. CJ Sharpe and Anthony Steele recognized Chameleon’s unusual appearance and attitude and saw an interesting wrestler within that the fans could relate to. It is no secret that the two brothers did not have to work very hard to get Chameleon on board, he was all too eager to accept the proposal and have a chance to make his dream a reality. With his debut match at Monday Night Madness on the horizon, Chameleon must accept the reality of what he has gotten himself into. The conflict between CJ Sharpe and Darren Dangerous has led to the formation of the newest faction, The Dope Show. The two teams are in a bitter quarrel and the only solution will have to be sought out within the squared circle. Chameleon is not afraid of his opponents. He is afraid of losing. The conflict between The Dope Show and The Dangerous Alliance has awoken a new person within Chameleon, mind and body, an entity that has an insatiable lust for violence and retribution.

Nothing but blood could satisfy these carnal needs.

A darkened screen is brought to light, revealing what appears to be an abandoned gym. Boarded up windows, cobwebs, and more roaches than any human being could count. Rats scurry across the dirty floor. Loud thuds and smacks draw the camera’s attention to a punching bag hanging by a chain from the rafters. The camera gets closer and closer to this punching bag, violently being thrashed around. Chameleon is seen as the one using the bag. Quick glimpses are all the camera catches, as the punching pendulum swings about, covering up Chameleon’s body with each go ‘round. The focus on Chameleon wearing out the bag is long and tireless as the strikes become louder, harder and faster. Soon, once precise, accurate strikes in perfect form become a rapid flurry of punches and elbows. Kicks are then thrown into the mix. The strikes are incredibly hard at this point, eventually the bag is ripped from the connection to the chain and flies through the air, landing hard on the ground, sending up a plume of what seems like centuries of dust. The chain still dangles from the ceiling but is ignore as Chameleon charges toward the downed punching bag. He stands above it delivering right and left hooks to where a person’s head would be on the bag, and he begins stomping. Breathing heavily, he mounts the bag and begins delivering double hammer fist strikes and a flurry of punches in a blinding rage. Beads of sweat drip into Chameleons focused eyes causing him to close them tightly but the onslaught does not cease until…..

A phone rings

Chameleon gets up to answer the phone, lying on a small table nearby. CJ Sharpe is on the other end.

CJ: Chameleon where are you man? Me and Anthony are about to go get something to eat and see if we can get any waitress phone numbers.

Chameleon: Phone numbers? We have a match against The Dangerous Alliance and you are worried about PHONE NUMBERS?

CJ: Come on man just calm down, try to relax.

Chameleon screams in rage and throws the phone onto the ground, shattering it. He then turns his attention towards the small table the phone was laying on and sends an axe kick through it, breaking it in half.

He then begins assaulting the punching bag again. His heart races and suddenly, Chameleon slowly falls over and surrenders to unconsciousness due to exhaustion.

The screen fades to black and new scene is revealed. It is Chameleon waking up from falling unconscious. He rubs his temples with his right thumb and middle finger in an attempt to shake off the ordeal.

Chameleon: What in the world?

As Chameleon sits on the dusty floor, the head and neck of a blue dragon appears behind his right shoulder. It wraps itself around his body and coils back around ending behind the same shoulder. It begins speaking to him. The blue dragon’s voice is that of Dean Moxley McGovern.

Blue Dragon: It’s getting late Chameleon, and you’ve put in a really good workout. Why don’t you retire for the evening?

Chameleon: I’m not tired.

Blue Dragon: Relax Chameleon. Just let go. Give into it. Shut your eyes for a while.

Chameleon’s eyelids begin to grow heavy and he slowly starts to drift but he snaps them open upon hearing another voice. This voice is that of his own. Coming from a red dragon, appearing next to the opposite shoulder.

Red Dragon: No, Chameleon! Do not listen to the blue dragon. You should get out of here right now. Go! Before it’s too late!

Blue Dragon: Sleep now, Chameleon.

The dragons disappear, and the room they are in crumbles to nothing. The Blue Dragon reappears in front of Chameleon.

Blue Dragon: Sleep

The Dragon’s voice grows louder and more hostile as it continues speaking. Chameleon’s eyes slowly close. The Blue Dragon’s head morphs into the head of Dean Moxley McGovern.

Blue Dragon: Sleep. While I PIN YOU FOR THE COUNT OF THREE!!

Dean Moxley McGovern’s head rushes toward the camera and takes up the entire screen.


It was a dream.

Chameleon wakes up and sits up quickly with a scream that echoes throughout the abandoned building. Sweating heavily, he realizes that he is awake now and that his dream was his fear of losing getting the better of him. Chameleon is going through a metamorphosis. Slowly descending into madness at the same time.




Chameleon gets to his feet and heads for the exit. The exit being the back door with the barriers ripped off, as everything is barred with plywood and studs. The camera follows him, focused on his back as he is walking out of the doorway when he suddenly stops in his tracks.

Chameleon: No. I’m not going to let it end like this.

He turns around and steps back into the building and stares into the camera.

Chameleon: Dean…..Moxley…..McGovern. All week I have been listening to you trash me, my team and everything I stand for. I am here to tell you now that this will not go unpunished.

I am going to break you. When I picture you, I picture your body slumped like a headless scarecrow, cold and limp against the wall. Blood paints a pattern of rorschach’s design on the back drop behind you. Lay your head down and sleep peacefully tonight, wolves beset your door. Those wolves are the members of The Dope Show. What you don’t realize is you aren’t just provoking myself, CJ Sharpe, and Anthony Steele. You are provoking a ever growing legion. A legion that is quietly and secretly growing vast, right under your nose. I joined The Dope Show because I have a passion for wrestling. Now that passion is slowly turning darker and isn’t about wrestling anymore. It’s about punishment. Inflicting endless pain on you, Dean. I hear your pleas for mercy now, but they will not be answered. After all who would answer them? Darren Dangerous? Darren Dangerous is garbage. A steaming pile of worthless shit that can’t walk a straight line, let alone defeat any of The Dope Show in a match. I am going to be better in my first match than Darren Dangerous could ever dream of being in his entire pathetic career. Pringle Boi certainly couldn’t be the one to answer the call. That is because he knows he can’t compete with us. He knows that if he steps in between those ropes than we will be crushed. The Dope Show will CRUSH The Dangerous Alliance like a stampede of mammoths. Making fun of my name, saying I have fly covered lips and scales, you know, all the things that your typical third grader would say. That isn’t going to save you, Dean.

All it has done is make you more eager fodder for the depth of a grave.

The Dope Show is here to stay. Everyone will know after madness who the dominant faction is in XWF. We are going to emerge victorious. No matter what it takes, no matter what the cost. It dosent matter if it is by a roll up, or if it is by a finishing move. Even if the Dangerous Alliance eliminates CJ Sharpe, Anthony Steele, and Fontanna, leaving only me. I promise, I assure you that even then I will find a way to defeat you all. I’m about to cross the line and take a life…..

Nothing can stop me now.

Chameleon turns away from the camera and leaves the building.

The scene fades to black.

OOC: Sorry if the color is screwed up. Had to do it on a tablet. Tried my best.
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