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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Facing a Nerd?? Really??
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JTC Offline
The Phenomenal Bad Guy

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-07-2013, 10:41 PM

Walking in the back of the Tampa Bay Times Forum Arena listening to music as I'm warming up for my tables match again Gamegenie. Coming off a losing streak is hard to shallow, makes you train harder and focus harder. In which I did but how can anyone prepare for a nerd? Its makes you think if he even know how to wrestle and this is his first match here in XWF so can't study him so have to go in blind, so what I do is I prepare like I'm wrestling for the big gold and then I go into the ring with that state of mind. As I listening to 1994 by Jason Aldean, some kids stop me to signed there books.

"JC Styles, can you sign our books?" They ask with a smile.

I smiled back as I been down to my knees and signed their books. "Here you guys go."

"Thanks JC. Good luck tonight" They said as they ran off.

As I shake my head as I signed back up my fiance bumped right into me not paying attention to wear she was going because she was to busy texting.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry minter." As she said not knowing it was me who she bumped into since she wasn't look who she had bumped into.

As I took my hands and put it around her waist as she back up as she was just about to slap me as she looks up and seen me as she got a little embarrassed. "You know you have a battle royal tonight right? Why are you just walking around and texting, you should be warming up and getting ready." Yes I do get upset when people do this. This is how people lose. It just bugs me.

She looks at me now kind of pissed off. "I was going to, just give me a break for christ shakes. I just went to get something to drink."

"We have stuff at the locker room." As I know she is just saying it to get out of it. She knows how I am before a match.

"Sorry." As she walks away pissed off as I shake my head looking back at her of course checking her out but as I turn my head right into a XWF camera. As I decide right there to cut a promo.
[Image: normal_PDVD_111621_zps42c94375.jpg]
"I'm facing a nerd!? Really? Well for sure losing streak coming to a end tonight. Thats right you heard it XWF fans. Yours truly will win tonight but not only that I'm going to win but I'm going to set an example what I can do. The losing streak is over with, The winning streak starts tonight. Why am I so sure of it well here is why."

I smiled a little bit cocky. "Because XWF fans tonight I feel good, I'm also training for my upcoming event against Ann Thraxx so I'm using tonight match against Gamegenie to send a message to Miss Ann that the Phenomenal King is no stepping stone. So Mr. Gamegenie go back to your little game world because XWF isn't a game, XWF is real life, XWF is the home of the Phenomenal King JC Styles. XWF is the home of Monday Night Madness and I am going to run my phenomenal madness all over your ass so I can put my sights on who challenges. Now if you don't mind I'm going to warm up to kick ass." As I step away.

As the camera was just about fade away I pop back in. "Oh yeah, its great to be Phenomenal, So shut up and be phenomenal."

[Image: try%20one_zpsrw9trzdg.png]
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