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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
1. Clearing my mind...
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CjSharpe Offline
TheHardcoreHitman/ TheNorweiganNightmare

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-04-2015, 07:49 PM

The scene opens up to a long stretch of sidewalk. The camera turns and CJ is there. He is walking and he has pebbles in his hand. It is about 9:00. CJ begins tossing the pebbles one by one onto the ground.

CJ: Do you know what pisses me off about The Dangerous Alliance? How cocky they are... How stupid they talk.. How much of a whore Amanda Hands is.. She might as well be working at Dicks R Us... I dont know how that Fat Fuck, Darren Not So Dangerous can stand her cock breath... That brings me too Darren... Darren Dangerous... He just pisses me off to the max! Oh and trust me.. I dont want your bitch! Speaking of bitches.. In the words of Will Farrell.. I am going to make you my Bitches Bitch! You will be my grand bitch! You fucked with the wrong faction! You think Swagmire was scary? There is a burning passion for this business in my heart! You just stepped all over what I believe in! That is respect! Dont worry.. When I'm done with you.. You will be full of respect! Everytime you see me in the locker room.. Even at WalMart it will be Yes Sir.. No Sir.. You will have respect Darren! That brings me too Dean Moxley McGovern.. He said I was gay.. He said I wanted to "Suck Peter Gilmour's Penis." He just pisses me off! He needs to stop having Funtime with Frodo whatever his last name is.. That brings me to Frodo.. Frodo I dont even know you.. All I know is that you like to rape guys... That's it.. Your a no name... That brings me to Pringle Boi 187.. What kind of name is Pringle Boi? A stupid name is the answer... You call yourself "The Father of Titles" yet, I see you with no title around your waist.. I dont have a title around my waist but, at least I dont call myself The Father of titles... That's all I have to say about The Not So Dangerous Alliance....

It seems like they have been walking for miles..

Then, CJ turns and sees a big sign lighted up with the words "Sals Weapons". CJ is attracted to the Weapons part.. He walks to the building that looks kind of sketchy.. A sign in the front window reads "Open". CJ checks his watch.

CJ: 11:30.. It's still open? Lets check it out..

The scene opens up in a warehouse. The roof missing pieces letting in the glowing moonlight. The walls are old and run down. There is one single light hanging down illuminating the place. In the corner of the warehouse is a desk. Behind the desk is an old man. He has big pop bottle glasses and He is reading a book. On old dusty shelves is weapons. So many weapons it can stretch a mile. Bats, pipes, broom handles, Axe handles. Anything you can think of is on one of the shelves. The camera pans to the entrance and CJ is standing there. He is put in a trance looking at all of the weapons. Then suddenly he snaps back to reality and begins walking towards the shelves full of weapons. He runs his hand on the dusty shelves and grabs a bat. He puts it up like He is in a baseball game. He swings as hard as he can.


CJ: Hmm.. I bet that can take Darren's head off..

He looks at the bat for a moment and drops it.

"Clank" As the bat falls to the ground.

Old Man: Hey who is that?!

CJ picks up the bat and observes it.

CJ: Oh sorry sir.. I accidently dropped the bat...

Old man: [Mumbling] Damn Kids

CJ notices a little crack in the bat. He sets it on the shelf carefully as he keeps walking through the shelf isles. He comes upon a tire iron. He picks it up and pretends to hit someone with it...

CJ: This can crack someone's scull! I'm liking it..

CJ puts down the weapon. He keeps browsing.. He comes upon a gun...

CJ: Can't use that in a wrestling ring..

CJ passes it and keeps moving.. He comes upon a sledgehammer.

CJ: Now were talkin!

Old Man: Shhh.. I'm trying to read!

CJ: My bad..

CJ Picks up the sledgehammer and swings it...

CJ: Ohh a little heavy...

CJ sets it down and comes upon a pack of barbed wire..

CJ: I might come back for this...

Old Man: You gonna buy anything kid?!

CJ walks up to the desk that clearly seen and is lined with candy.

CJ: Yeah.. I'll take this pack of gum..

Old Man: Wait your CJ Sharpe of the XWF!

CJ gets a smile on his face...

CJ: Yeah! Your a fan?

Old Man: No! You suck! I hate wrestling!

CJ automatically stops smiling and it turns into a scowl.

Old Man: That's 75 cents kid..

CJ hands over 3 quarters then takes his gum, making his way to the exit.

When he gets outside the cool crisp air meets him halfway. The moonlight layers the floor. Then his phone begins ringing and he checks the caller ID...

CJ: Oh.. Anthony...

CJ answers the phone and puts it up too his ear..

CJ: Where am I? I am at "Sals Weapons". It's the name of a shop.. I'll be home in a bit.. I know your worried something might happen.. Now you know there is a checkpoint were I am.. Bye.

CJ hangs up the phone and slides it into his pocket. He walks through the parking lot and onto the sidewalk. He gets to a fork in the sidewalk. Straight is more sidewalk and right is a dark alley way. As he tries to proceed the path back to his apartment, 11 thugs jump out of the alley way. 6 are black and 5 are white. They are all wearing hoodies with black bandanas.

Thug #1: You are in the wrong part of the city white Boy!

He is slowly pulling out a pocket knife..

CJ: Look I'm just trying to get home...

The man with the knife lunges at CJ and tries to slice him. CJ dodges and kicks the knife out of his hand and into the street. He turns around and kicks the Thug into a wall. Another one of his friends come at him. He trips him. The thug falls to the ground hitting his head in the process and knocking himself out. 3 more friends lunge at CJ as he ducks all of there punches. He swipes one man off of his feet and stomps on him. He catches another ones hand and throws him against a wall.. He lands on his fellow gang member both unconscious.. Then he grabs another ones and throws him at the rest of the gang and all of them fall except for one.. The Thug runs at him and CJ catches his arm and puts him in an armbar[/align].. Applying pressure every second. Until...


The thugs arm snaps clean in half. The Thug screams loudly as CJ gets up proud of himself. As he fixed his zipper, the camera turns toward another thug who has gotten up. He has a brick at hand. CJ is getting ready to walk away. All of the sudden...


He hits CJ in the back of the head with the brick. CJ begins stumbling... He feels the back of his head looks at his fingers. His fingertips are red.. Blood begins dripping from the back of his head.. His eyes go crossed as CJ falls.. The thug picks him up and throw him in a dumpster. The thugs then slap the camera out of the camera mans hand and punches him.. The thugs grab there friend with a broken arm and runs away.

To Be Continued...

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Morbid Angel!
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