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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Squad Break The Internet
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Dick Powers Offline

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

07-15-2015, 03:38 PM


On a Wednesday

Los Angeles, California.

Chuckling from Dick and Carson is heard as we fade into the Brick Squad owned Chipotle, the laughing duo are giggling like children looking at a laptop on the counter. Henry is at the end of the counter eating a delicious gourmet five bean burrito, now available at Brick Squad Chipotle! (When and if they ever open) Bruce is asleep in one of the booths, a snapback covering half of his face as he snores. Zig Zag cigarette papers littering the table. Flynn enters through the front door looking at his phone, he looks up nodding and smiling to Henry who nods back, mouthful of the divine Chipotle gourmet five bean burrito also known as the Brick Burritio© (Coming soon). Dick and Carson laugh again, louder than before, catching Flynn's attention who walks over to the two.

"Sup bros, What's so funny?"

Dick and Carson are in tears at this point and tilt the laptop screen to Flynn as a is playing. The two laugh as Flynn smiles, looking between the two.


"Hahaha! We've been watching shit like this for like 3 hours. So fucking funny bro."

"How high are you two right now?"

"How high aren't we?"

Dick and Carson high five.

"Oh shit wait here comes the best part!"

The three are in silence for a second before a loud ass airhorn blares through the laptop speakers. Dick and Carson crack up, Flynn seems unimpressed. He turns to Henry.

"Am I missing something here bro?"

Henry raises a finger as he chews and swallows the greatest food known to man.

"I don't know what to tell you man."

Carson's eyes widen as he turns to Dick, grabbing his shoulder intensely.

"Bro! We should get an air horn button on the XWF website!"

Dick slowly turns to Carson, his face stuck like he has witnessed the face of God, and God was nothing more than the greatest pair of boobs in the universe.

"That. Is. The single most greatest idea any human has ever had ever!"

"I don't know bros, it isn't all that useful and this computer stuff can be pretty tricky. Either of you even know how to do something like this?"

Carson and Dick speak simultaneously.

"How hard can it be?"
"How hard can it be?"

A few hours later Dick and Carson are still at the counter, staring intently at the laptop. They have bags under their eyes and coffee cups are scattered in front of them. Flynn sits next to Henry watching the two do pretty much nothing.

"Should we help them?"

"No, they need to do this themselves."

The camera cuts back to Dick and Carson. Dick reaches a hand out to the keyboard not breaking eye contact with the screen but Carson smacks it away. Both go back to siting still. Back to Henry and Flynn.

"Plus Bruce is helping them bro."


Meanwhile somewhere in Silicon Valley.

"Tell me about the mother fucking air horn button!"

BANG! Bruce lets off a warning shot from a 9mm pistol he's aiming at a group of nerds cowering in a corner of a room.

"We don't know we're sorry!"

"Bullshit! You bitches all have glasses wearing argyle sweaters in the middle of summer in LA! I know you know about how to get us an air horn button!"

"We really don't! We just fix iPhones!"

Bruce stops and thinks for a moment, lowering his gun.

"Oh shit in that case think you can help with a problem with my lock screen?"


"They'll be fine."

Dick and Carson raise their hands into the air screaming yes and then hugging one another in a mix of crying and laughter.

"Looks like they figured it out."

"It's always uplifting to see the joy in man. In a world where poverty and famine exist, it brightens my day to see true happiness, no matter how small it may be."

Flynn looks at Henry with a raised eyebrow.

"... You alright bro?"

"Amsterdam changed me bro. Also I'm writing poetry now as a replacement for working out, the doctor said if my biceps get any bigger no clothing would be able to contain me."

Carson and Dick release the tightest bro hug a Chipotle has ever seen and turn to Flynn and Henry.

"Dudes! We have done the unthinkable!"

"It took sleepless nights, tireless effort and a shit ton of money."

"I almost went bankrupt!"

"But in four hours, we finally got an air horn installed on the XWF website."

"Good for you guys, I'm proud of you."

"Here peep this shit."

The pair motion Henry and Flynn over to the laptop excitedly, Henry walks over first and Flynn with a polite smile strolls next to the three. They stand and wait as Carson does the honors of clicking the air horn button on the site.

[Image: adfIbL9.png?1]

All four of them stand and smile, Carson and Dick stand proud.

"Brings a goddamn tear to your eye."

Dick wipes a tear away from his face and he looks up proudly, the American flag gently waving behind him. And then falling from the wall and hitting the floor, Henry looks behind at the flag.

"I'll fix that later."

"Hey, what's up with that little warning symbol next to the air horn?"

Four fifths of Brick Squad lean in close to the screen, confused as all kinds of hell.

"Huh, no idea."

They stand back up straight and the laptop shuts off, followed by the lights in the restaurant shutting off. The four look around confused, Flynn is about to speak but the doors bust open followed by several large armored men rushing into the Chipotle armed with assault rifles, FBI printed on their body armor. Brick Squad put their arms in the air as the FBI scream 'Freeze' and a bunch of other scary shit. As they take aim on BS, an agent walks in and removes his sunglasses looking pissed off.

"Carson Waters and Dick Powers, you're both under arrest!"

"What are the charges?"

"Hacking into the FBI database, stealing classified information. Stealing the source code for the launch sequence of an American military nuclear weapon and putting it online for the public and TERRORISTS to see. We had to shut down internet access throughout all of the United States just so no more information was leaked."

"You can do that?"

"We're the FBI kid, we have the power to do everything."

Bruce enters behind the FBI agents and starts to laugh to himself, one of the agents aims an assault rifle at Bruce who continues to laugh and simply pushes the barrel away from him.

"Ohohaha! Is this a bust? Are you idiots getting busted on? Well shit. I'll help out."

Bruce walks up to Dick and bitch slaps him across the face, Powers lets out a sharp girlish scream. Bruce quickly backhands Dick once more and he lets out a sharper girlish scream. Blingsteen then stops as his eyes go wide.

"Wait. They didn't get the... Oregano did they?

Blingsteen turns his head just a little looking at the FBI out the corner of his eye, who in turn look at him like a piece of shit.

"Get to the fucking side!"

Bruce hops next to Flynn with his arms held high, Dick tries to hold his tears back. Flynn tilts his head to Bruce.

"Nah bro we're cool."

Bruce breathes a sigh of relief. Dick whispers to Carson.

"What the fuck are we going to do dude?"

"Don't worry man, I got this."

Carson quickly lowers his hand and points out his index fingers into finger guns.


Carson ends up startling one of the armed agents who lets out of a shot into Carson's leg. He falls to the floor as blood pours from the wound and all of BS start to panic and scream.


Later. Brick Squad surround Carson in a hospital bed, his leg in a cast suspended in the air.

"Well, I hope you guys learned a valuable lesson today."

"Yeah, don't fuck with the FBI."

"I thought the lesson was don't try and do something fun because people will get pissed off no matter what."

"They're both pretty good."

"Pretty cool of the feds to let you two off the hook."

"They would have got in a lot of shit for shooting an unarmed dude, it was the best option."

The five nod and stay there silent for a few seconds. Bruce takes out his phone and taps on the screen, letting out the loud sound of an air horn.

[Image: 0iokh39.png]

Then and Forever
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Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson (07-15-2015), TJ Wallace (07-15-2015)

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