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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
You will know my name!
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

06-20-2015, 12:23 PM

They will know my name! If it's the last thing I F***ing do! I don't give a S*** if they like me but they will damn sure KNOW MY NAME!!!

(Fontanna is sitting in a empty locker room, drinking a bottle of water as his chiseled frame gleamed with sweat. He looks up and notices the camera...)

Fontanna- So do you like what you see? This body you see is just about as close to perfection as you can get! To get a body like this you have to sacrifice and work your ass off! Unlike the XWF's current fan base, who spend their hours complaining on the internet and living in their mothers basement!

(Fontanna stands up...wipes the sweat off with a towel and walks out the locker room doors. The camera follows him down the hallway as he continues to speak...)

Fontanna- Ladies and gentleman...and I use that term loosely...What your going to witness tonight is a massacre! What I'm about to do to Tommy freaking Wish should be illegal in all 50 states! I'm going to beat him from pillar to post...from bell to bell....until the ref finally stops it out of mercy!

(Fontanna turns the corner and runs into an intern. The intern spills coffee on Fontanna...)

Fontanna- You stupid son of a B****! Are you simple or something!

(The intern begins to shake in fear...)

Intern- No sir.......I'm...Sorry sir

Fontanna- Oh you will be sorry!

(Fontanna kicks the intern in the gut and power bombs him into a pop machine...Medical staff run into the shot pushing Fontanna back to get to the intern, who was now unconscious now...)

Fontanna- You see that Tommy???Is this how you really want to end up tonight?? On your way to the hospital with the losing end of the purse!!! This is your last chance!!! Go home while you still can walk!!!!!! Don't make me tell you I told you so!!!

(Fontanna storms off camera as we zoom in on medical putting a neck brace on the intern...fade to black)
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