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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
Who else is in this Federweight Thing?
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Outsider Joel Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

05-19-2015, 05:25 AM

I have been eyeing that Federweight Belt since I almost claimed it from pinning Harterboy Vinny Zane, yes I am fucking up his own name cuz he is so fucking popular in this place. Vinne, I have no fucking clue if you are even in this open battle royal or not, but if you are, let me tell you this; you're just plain old pretty boy who can just have a man like me pin you for maybe two or three days. I have a feeling you had a half cub when I pinned that ass, you intentionally just kicked out so late after the Paps left so you can expose that limp dick and trying to act cool so Roxie won't know that her man isn't even a man. All I see is a man who is just in this open royal who needs to get himself in shape for beating of a lifetime in the hands of HANNIBAL LECTOR The Doc and possibly in a match where you are just going to get tossed by me. Vinne, if you are in this or not, you should have kept your eyes on that Uni Title instead talkin shit on this Federweight thing in the first place.

Muddy Fucking Backwoods Hickin Waters, how is that tobacco chewing going for you? Is wonderful that you are so confident to be swinging that dick of yours in front of the camera where children in the place can see a man in the wind? Or just a cheap publicity for getting the attention. If all three are correct. then you need to take your ass to a trailer home where you can be baptized in a pool of your mothers and sisters urine; and learn how you much of a thorn you are with you flying around that being a redneck isn't going to make you edgy. I respect the grind you be doing for the company and how you uphold the Federweight Championship, hell even name dropping the man who utilized the essence of talking trash; but sooner or later, I will capture that belt and make a name for myself for this title and beat the hell out of anyone who tries to out snark me like a bitch. Be prepared for a war; Slutty Gutters.

At this point, I have no major clue on who else is going to part take in this bullshit Open for the belt; but let me give who even decides to jump in this shit; first off, i am no Dick E. with an attitude problem and I will play nice to the ones who are trying to push my buttons. The thing is, I know I won't come out the ring as the new champ, but I will wipe all you bastards who is going to take whats mines. That belt is like my fucking twinky and you all are trying to get the last one, well if you do some how get the last one; i'll go ape shit on you bastards until verbally and sexually harass yall until I get that three count in honor of Sid.

Don't mind this promo, it just one of my ramblings to all the ones who are going to get tossed out in this Pre-Show.
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