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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Work Goes On - Part II: RP 4
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-13-2015, 10:12 PM

Monday, April 6, 2015 | 11:42 AM Local Time | First Church of the Illuminatus | Berlin, Germany

It's been a long and tiring week. Today, may be the most trying day the Illuminatus has had as they officially lay Jacob Anderson to rest. Jacob was liked by many, loved by some, and respected by all. His death, and the honor showed to him by the High Priest as well as their King, has been a rallying cry. From this point forward, the men shall remain more alert. They will rally to their cause set by their leaders. They will fight, if for no other reason, than to honor their beloved and fallen friend and leader.

In the back of the church, as Jacob's funeral proceedings continue on, The King, the Prince, and the Kings brother, Theo Pryce, retreat to an office to discuss some things. As they enter the office, the King switches on the lights, then takes a seat behind an old antique oak desk. Theo Pryce and Thaddeus take a seat on the opposite side of the table. ”Even in the face of adversity, the work goes on,” says the King.

”I really wish you would have allowed me time to think about it, Sea Bass,” Theo says to his older brother.

”Whether you like or not, Theo, you are Illuminatus. We've stepped aside and allowed you to do whatever it is that you wanted to do. You've traveled the world, partying it up and doing whatever it is you do, but right now, we need you. Your family needs you,” he concludes.

”Father, if he doesn't want to do it, then I could be your right hand,” says the young Prince.

The King smiles ever so slightly, ”and I have no doubt you'd serve as faithfully, maybe even more so than Jacob.” He pauses slightly, then continues, ”but you have other duties. You're the Defense Minister, you're running the camps,” says the King, before being interrupted by his son.

”But father, the war with Poland is over, and I..” Thaddeus begins before being sharply interrupted by his father.

”Yes, the war with Poland is over, and you did a fantastic job commanding the military. Many times over what anyone suspected coming from a kid. But we are still at war, Thaddeus, you need to stay in place. Besides, your uncle can do things here, as well as abroad. Forgive me, son, but you ain't goin' anywhere. Not with the Church painting targets on our backs.

“The thing is, they don't know Theo from random man 'A' walking down the street. It's as much strategic as it is necessary for this to be the way I've made it,”
he concludes.

”Thaddeus, how many camps are operational?” he asks his son.

”At last count, there are twenty-one camps at full operation,” he answers.

”How many prisoners?” asks the King.

”Roughly a thousand per camp, father,” Thaddeus replies with a smile, thinking that was a number his father would be pleased with.

”Fire up the furnace at Camp Finis,” states the King.

To which, a great big smile creases the face of the Illuminatus Prince. ”Do you have any particular reason for that?” he asks his father.

”Well, we're going to need room,” the King replies.

”Wait, room for what?” Theo asks of his older brother.

”You're first task as my right hand. You have about five days to get a plan in place,” says the King before being cut off by his brother.

”A plan? A plan for what?” Theo asks.

”Relax, Theo. I'm getting to that,” he says as he stands up. ”On Sundays, as you know, Catholics celebrate mass. You're mission, Theo, is to gather up as many teams as you can. You will then, take over as many Catholic churches in this nation as you possibly can. You will then bus these Catholics to the trains. At that point, these trains will drop off our new prisoners throughout the nation at different camps. The current prisoners we have now, will also board these now empty trains and they will ship off to Camp Finis,” the King concludes.

”And that's why you want the furnace fired up,” Thaddeus states, drawing his own conclusions.

”We can't house them all. Starting tomorrow, as we gear up to initiate this plan, that furnace needs to be running twenty-four hours a day. Camp Finis must not have any of its current inhabitants left over when the first train arrives on Sunday.”

”Isn't that a pretty drastic move? I mean, you just said out there that you would like for Catholics and the Illuminatus to live in peace some day,” Theo says.

”Yeah well,” the King replies before pausing. ”Someday isn't today.”

There is a break in the conversation as the three remain silent. Each of them with their own thoughts running through their heads. The Kings phone begins to ring. He pulls it from his pocket and looks at the screen that reads: “Pope Shitbag”. He hits the speaker icon and takes a seat behind the oak desk, holding the phone into the air.

”Pope Emiritus. To what do I owe the pleasure?” asks the King of Pope Benedict XVI.

”Mr. Duke, I wanted to call and extend to you my sincere condolences for your loss,” Benedict concludes.

”I do appreciate that,” replies the King of the Illuminatus, sounding sincere.

”It certainly is regrettable that things have come to this,” states Benedict.

”Well, by gunning down perhaps the most highly respected member of the Illuminatus, you've sealed your own fate. If it wasn't sealed already,” warns the King.

”Perhaps you're right, Mr. Duke. But regardless of whether you ever sit on the throne of Saint Peter or not, you must be impressed with the Church and our desire to live.”

”Jacob's death has reaffirmed our cause to my men, Your Holiness. They have rallied and they will fight harder than ever. Your Church sits on a throne of lies. You know it. I know it. My men know it. As a result of this callous move on your part, my men have vowed to avenge his death.”

”For what its worth, Mr. Duke. This Jacob was not the target.”

With a quizzical expression on his face, and after a short pause, the King replies, ”I figured all of the Illuminatus leadership were the targets.”

”Your assumption isn't entirely untrue. If we could get you all, rest assured, we would. But for public perception, we have to aim low. Any one of the three of you being cut down would certainly bring a smile to this old mans face. However, its a strategic thing, as I'm sure you are aware of,” says the Pope before pausing.

”Exposing of you would you have rallied your troops perhaps more so than exposing of the one we did accomplish. Your father, the same. No, Mr. Duke. The true target was your son. You killed my son, and as they say, 'an eye for an eye,'” says the Pope with a hint of happiness in his voice.

”You mother fuck...” starts the Prince, before his uncle wraps his hand over the boys mouth, silencing him.

”Heavens! Was that him?” the Pope asks.

”Indeed,” replies the King.

”His name is Thaddeus, no?”

”It is,” answers the King.

”Ah! Thaddeus! Please, my son. Try not to take it personally. Your father does that well enough for all of us. You were the target because it would take the fight out of your father had you died in his arms.

“The troops would rally around for Charles' death,”
says the Pope, referring to Asmodeus' birth name. ”And perhaps even for your fathers death. But, had we taken you out as we intended, dear boy, it would have given your father nothing to fight for.

“He intends for you to one day rule the Illuminatus on the throne of Saint Peter right here in Vatican City. Make no mistake, boy, regardless of what he might say, everything he does is to secure your legacy to the world. Had we destroyed that legacy, perhaps the war would be over,”
concludes the Pope Emeritus.

”I believe that concludes our conversation, Your Holiness,” says the King as he ends the call. The Illuminatus leader then slides through his phone and lays his phone on the desk. Much to the surprise of the Prince and his own brother, a replay of the phone conversation is heard.

”Holy shit! You have the proof that the Church is actively trying to kill off its detractors!” shouts out an excited Theo Pryce.

”What's that mean?” asks the Prince. ”Well, what is its significance, anyway?”

”It means we have undeniable proof and just cause to attack the Vatican,” replies the King. ”Theo, could you do me a solid and get Dad in here?”

To be Continued.

[Image: QEcXvQs.jpg]
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