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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Got Wood?
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-05-2015, 08:32 AM

*Gator stands in his shed, seems almost unused. Dark brown wooden walls, tools fairly clean, scattered on a work bench behind Gator. Gator leans on a long table smoking, looking at a laptop. Gator taps on the keyboard once*

Scully Said:"Gator, how could you talk about killing seals?

"By opening my mouth and making words happen, forming a sentence that can be followed easily using the gift of hearing. That may be a foreign concept to you Scully but keep up man, this can be a learning experience for the both of us... Why do I need Todd? I can record my own promos on a laptop and shit. The hell is Todd anyway?"

Scully Said:"Gator, how could you talk about killing seals?

"The fuck?"

*Gator places the cigarette in between his lips and taps on the keyboard*

Sulky Said:"I'm sorry mister chair, it was an accident."

"... Reminds me of Mastermind's mansion. Good times. You know Scully, it's cute the way you go ahead and steal De Niro lines from Taxi Driver and act like a Lenny from Of Mice and Men, but I don't buy it. I think it's an excuse for you to get away with how dumb you actually are, in that brain you had a moment of brilliance. If I can act like a , that means I have some kind of a buffer, I have a defense. And since I fucking suck at any form of trash talk, that means I can continue to be a lazy asshole. I can see you're a fucking liar from a mile off, you've been all dopey like a downie stroking a kitten but as soon as I open my mouth, as soon as I do. You throw a fucking chair. A tad too far don't you think? For XWF's most lovable to throw a chair like that, just from a few mean spirited words. So why don't you go ahead and change up the type of you are."

"You talk about Shane's cock, now I'm sure you always have dick on the brain all the time. You more than likely shove dicks down your throat like you push crayons up your nose. But, something must have clicked while the hamster was running on that wheel in your head and you connected me with Shane. And you formed some kind of an insult."

"Gold star for effort."

"But, and I'm telling you the truth, if I see Shane 's mask near me ever again I will break every fucking bone in his body. He's not in Defiance. He fucked over one of my best friends, and you can talk shit about me, you can hit me, curse me, but you never fuck over one of my friends. So, sorry to disappoint you Scully, but that joke you worked so hard on fell flat."

*Gator takes another drag from his cigarette, a knock come from the shed door and Todd peeks his head inside. Gator looks at Todd's round head, the cigarette hanging between his lips*

"Got wood?"

T: "I knew that was coming."

"HA! Gay."

T: "... Yes, I got a pallet of wood, these guys are moving it into the garden now."

"What kind of wood?"

T: "Just reclaimed wood, I dunno."

"Okay. Thanks Todd, you may leave now."

T: "What are you doing by the way?"


T: "Really? Because it looks like you're filming a promo"

"... I'm rehearsing."

*Gator and Todd stare at each other for a moment in silence*

T: "Oh okay, good idea. I'm gonna go get a beer."

*Gator nods as Todd leaves the shed, Gator takes another drag and taps the keyboard again*

Sloth Said:Mooooo to you and just because your shitty, pussy hole of a team can't defend the tag titles like true champions, you dicks used the freebird rule.

"You serious here buddy? CorVus got arrested because Shane thought he was trying to steal his identity because Shane used to wear face paint too years ago. And Shane is fucking batshit insane. So CorVus is gone, I took his place. We're not fucking around with the titles passing them to one another whenever we fucking feel like it, let me put it straight Scully. Me and Sane are the tag champs now. Deal with it. We are defending them like true champions, which is more than you can say about your little belt. Which you probably bought too if I'm right. Paid to have them specially made so can make this stupid fucking joke even more stupid. Haha, it's fucking pathetic man."

"You talk about how I was an awesome TV champ, fuck yeah I was. And I can be an awesome Tag champ. I can be an awesome anything. But I'm a ? For hanging out with my team. Right. How's The Corporation going Scully? How's being besties with Pest going? How's your partner? How are you and your fucking friends who can't do shit doing?"

"They're all doing fuck all, because they can't win fuck all and haven't earned fuck all. The fact that I'm facing the two of you this week pisses me off more than words can describe. A and his snowman. Forgive me if my black heart isn't really in this match Scully, kind of adds insult to injury when one minute I'm facing Doc for the Universal Championship and next I'm defending the Tag belts against you two."

"Failure is your only option. Now, you can go ahead and talk about dumb shit all you want. You can go full but when has that ever worked out for you? Tell you what, I'll do you a solid. After Warfare in Atlanta, you're going to need this number. 1-800-715-4225. Trust me. It may help."

*Gator walks to the shed door and flicks the cigarette out onto the grass. He looks at the small pile of wooden planks and walks over, ripping open the plastic covering them and taking three large planks, holding them with both arms he makes his way back into the shed. He throws the wood onto the workbench, pushing the tools out of the way and stares at the planks for a little while. Gator wraps his hand around one of the thick planks, and digs his thumbnail into the wood, scratching at it. Gator takes his hand away and dusts off his hand on his shirt. He sighs and continues to look at the wood, and then he looks to the tools on the wall. A few more seconds of silence go by before Gator's phone rings*

"Oh thank god."

*Gator quickly retrieves the phone from his pocket and swipes on the screen before putting it to his ear*

"You still crying like a bitch?"

"Are you?"

"Nah, I dehydrated myself. Sup Sane?"

"Ha. Not much man, listen, you want to try and visit CorVus sometime?"

"Yeah sure. He's gonna be pissed that I have his belt."

"Why would he be pissed? Fern held the belt longer than him when he was shining it."


"What you doing now anyway?"

"Wood, stuff."

"Wood stuff?"

"Yeah, making stuff out of wood."

"Oh alright. What you making?"

"I haven't figured that out yet. Might make a title, that can be our new thing. Make belts instead of buying them."

"Haha. Well, you're a creative guy. Sure you'll think of something. What's got you doing this anyway?"

"Todd said I needed a hobby."

"A hobby? You read right?"

"That's what I said. But that's not a hobby apparently."

"Huh, no shit. Anyway, I'll leave you be man. Talk to you soon."

"Yeah. Take it easy man."

"You too bud."

*Gator takes the phone away from his ear and shoves it back in his pocket, he looks back at the wood and then his tools. Gator taps his fingers on the workbench and grabs a hacksaw and starts to cut one of the planks*

F A D E 2 B L A C K

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
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