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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Henry Hemmington
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Henry Hemmington Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

04-08-2015, 06:30 PM


In-Ring Name: Henry Hemmington

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Henry Hemmington

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: new

Wrestler Date of Birth: 04-22-1990

Height: 6 foot 11 inches

Weight: 303 pounds

Hometown: Grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana
Now resides in Venice Beach, California

Personality: Henry has wealth, but he isn't stingy with it. He's more than welcome to hand out cash.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face

Physical Build Description: Toned, but more athletic than bodybuilder.

Ring Attire: Wears black shorts similar to Brock Lesnar's with logos and emblems on it. On the ass it reads 'Subway: Get Fresh!' Ironic. he wears black elbow pads, black boots, and black wrist tape. Each boot has HH on it in green and gold.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Henry always dresses to the nines with the finest suits.

Ethnicity: caucasian

Pic Base: Liam Hemsworth

Wrestling Style: Power Offense. Lots of big-man moves.

Strengths: Super strong. Can go toe-to-toe with anybody.

Weaknesses: Speed can evade him although he usually crushes them once he catches them.

Entrance Theme Music: "Aw What?" by Tech N9ne

Entrance Description: The song begins to play through the arena as the crowd begins to clap in unison with the song. Finally, Henry bursts through the curtains and smiles as he slowly saunters down to the ring. He grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the apron. He points at the crowd before stepping over the top rope. He gets into the ring and points at the crowd all around him before settling into a corner.

Manager (if applicable): Selina Hardy
Manager's Pic Base: Miley Cyrus

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Large Punches
Stiff Kicks
Brutal Headbutts
Cuddly Bearhugs
Intimidating Powerbombs
Gargantuan Gorilla Press Slams (Or just gorilla presses!)
Spitting Camel Clutches
Beautiful Osaka Street Cutters
Manly Muscle Busters
Smelly Big Boots
Lethal Lariats
Precise Powerslams
Cool Three Hit Combo (Henry hits opponent with one jab, follows it with another, stops, takes a few steps back, points at the audience, then nails an uppercut!)
Stunning Stunners
Tantalizing Tombstones

Cool Three Hit Combo!
Whip Into Corner!
Big Splash in the Corner!
Body Slam!
Running Leg Drop!
Sets up for Debonair Destruction!

Trademark Move(s): HEMORE!
Description(s): SPEAR!

Primary Finisher: Debonair Destruction
Description: Leaping Legdrop Bulldog

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Louisiana Love
Description: Jackhammer

Favorite Weapon if any: Tables.

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