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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson
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Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson Offline
The new FACE of the XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-30-2015, 08:09 AM


In-Ring Name: Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth: May 5th, 1996

Height: 6'2

Weight: 185 lbs

Hometown: Laguna Beach, California

Personality: Laid back and friendly. Always willing to help out someone in need. Loves talking to people. In the ring he will give 110%.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Faciest of all the faces.

Physical Build Description: Ripped.

Ring Attire: Board shorts, and various graphic tank tops. Black or White Van's shoes.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Same as above.

Ethnicity: American.

Pic Base: Zac Efron

Wrestling Style: High Flyer

Strengths: Speed. Agility.

Weaknesses: He can be overpowered so he will rely heavily on his ability to constantly be moving.

Entrance Theme Music: Surf Wax America by Weezer

Entrance Description: The opening riff of Surf Wax America hits the airwaves and Flynn comes out of the back. He stops at the top of the entry way and looks out at the adoring crowd before quickly making his way down the entry ramp. He slides into the ring and climbs the nearest turnbuckle. Once there he makes an X with his arms, by crossing them at the wrists. He smiles for the crowd as he awaits his opponent.

Manager (if applicable):
Manager's Pic Base:

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Alley Oop facebuster
Baseball slide
Diving clothesline, sometimes from the barricade
Double leg drop to an opponent's midsection
Handspring Stinger splash
Rope-aided corner dropkick
Mule kick
One-man Poetry in Motion
Avalanche Bulldog
Positioned at the top rope or on another ladder, Flynn performs a diving leg drop or a splash after leapfrogging over a ladder
Sitout inverted suplex slam
Sitout jawbreaker
Suicide Somersault Senton
Split leg pin
Swanton Bomb
DDT - multiple variations
Whisper in the Wind (Turnbuckle climb into a rebounded corkscrew senton to a standing opponent)

Trademark Move(s): Surf's Up
Description(s): 450 Splash

Primary Finisher: Face The Music
Description: Double pumphandle powerbomb lift into a cutter <---

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Riptide
Description: Spineline submission

Favorite Weapon if any:

Additional notes:

[Image: tD0Glzi.png?1]

The new FACE of the XWF


One Half of the XWF Tag Team Champions (4/22/15 - Present)
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