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03-03-2015, 07:49 PM


In-Ring Name: Scythe

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Tristen Hiensblood

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New To The XWF But Known by meny E-Feds Until he was put on the Shelf do to a borken back while in UWCW

Wrestler Date of Birth: 10/31/1980

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 275

Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

Personality: Dark and Deadly Gimmicks a man Possessed by a vamperic Demon

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Fan Favourite InBetweener he takes up the mantel thats suits him best in his cause to championship gold

Physical Build Description: Solid muscle, highflyer build, with major power behind it.

Ring Attire: Dark Leather Looking tights and Face paint made to look Dominic, Vampire Contacts, and Fangs

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Dark clothing of a German Goth

Ethnicity: White/American Germen

Pic Base:
[Image: JTY4hpR.jpg]

Wrestling Style: Heavyweight High Flyer mixed martial arts

Strengths: High Flying and Power Moves

Weaknesses: His Back but not any fighting skills

Entrance Theme Music: HELLYEAH - Sangre Por Sangre (Blood For Blood)

Entrance Description: The Light of the arena all go out as a Bolt of Chain Lighting hits the stage as red light, lights up the arena, as "Sangre Por Sangre (Blood For Blood)" the Theme of Scythe comes on and the X-tron lights up showing Images of Demonic images of Scythe flash through the screens and the arena fills up with fog (purple blue color) of smoke and Then Torches start to flame and light up one by one down the ramp way on both sides of the ramp as Scythe is lowered Down from the Rafters with his head looking up and arms out to the side as he slowly descends to the top of the ramp, when he Touches the ramps he is unhooked and begins to make his way down the ramp to the ring, when he get to the ring he slides in and hisses and stands up and looks up into the darkness and holds out his hands as he spits a bunch of blood out of and from his mouth, and then he roars out as the ring post Explode into flames.

Manager (if applicable): Scarlett Hiensblood (aka Serenity)
Manager's Pic Base:
[Image: 95ii3n0.jpg]

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
1. Clotheslines
2. Tripple German Suplex,
3. Btain Buster
4.T-Bone Suplex
5. Flurry Of Blows (kicks and Punches)
6.Tomb Stone Pile Driver
7. Running Power Slam
8.Power Slam
9.Torture Rack
10.Black Hole Slam
11. Supper Kick
12.Swinging Neck Breaker
14..Over Head Leg DDT
15.Nail In the Coffen DDT
16. Bull Dog
17. Karate Kicks and Punches
18.High Angel Power bomb
19.Crucifix Power bomb
20. Jumps Kicks

High Flying Moves:
1.450 Splash
2.Five Star Frog Splash
3. Flying Death Dive
4. Moonsualt
5.Senton Bomb

Trademark Move(s):
The Last Ride
Whisper In the Wind
Tree Of Woe
Running Code Breaker
The Last Ride:High Angle Power Bomb
Spear Tackle: just like any other Spear Tackle,

Primary Finisher: The Death Scythe
Description: Much like Stings Death drop but with a little twist Scythe runs back a fews steps and slams there heead into map, He also just drops them down, Scythe can Also Drop his Opponent Off the Top Ropes in the corner.

Secondary Finisher if applicable: Nightmare Blaze (Twisting Moonsualt splash)
Description: Scythe Runs up the Corner Turns buckles when he gets to the top he does a twisting Moonsualt Splash.

Favorite Weapon if any: Spike Wooden black bat

Additional notes:
Scythe is the Leader of the stable Known as The Lost Souls who will soon follow him. Scythe has been a World champion and Several E-Feds, UWCW, The RealWcW, WWAC, aWa, Scythe Has also Been Hardcore Champion in UWCW, aWa, and Extreme Death Combat Wrestling (His Own Fed that was Bought out by UWCW which closed its doors in 2001 Sadly). Scythe would Hold his title as World champion in UWCW for almost a year where he would Lose it To Vic The Stick by being Tossed off the Top of a Three tier Cage match Known as The Death cell and Crash Into the Tables Below Breaking His back in 2005 forcing him to Retire form the Ring By the Request of his newly wedded Wife Scarlett Hathaway Heinsblood for the last ten years although he has never stop training and now he has finally been okay to return to the ring accompanied by he wife and manager Serenity (Aka Scarlett Hiensblood).

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