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The Pest and The Duke.
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03-02-2015, 09:27 PM

Pest:Sebastian, you disappoint me. Truly, you do. I was believing that David was the simpler of the two men on your team, how wrong I was. I am certain John Madison will alert David of this new revelation. You believe I am a carbon of Doctor D'Ville, because I ask you how you are, and greet you? Or, is it because I offered you a glimpse into your inner-workings? Did you want the mystery of you mind to remain as such? Allow us to feign ignorance at the notion of your unimpressive life? Should I go back, and recite the exact line I said that leads me to draw this conclusion?

Why would you bribe Eli? That is the tactic your brother went to. And why? Jack was no real threat to him or his partner.

That line, which I spoke to you. And what did you draw from it? That your brother bribed Eli. No, I never said that. In fact, I specifically named another combatant as the man that your brother bribed. A combatant I directly named and spoke of later. Sebastian, you are a sad and simple man. This quest you have placed yourself upon, or your father placed upon you, it is doomed to fail. It will fail because, quite simply, you are not intelligent enough to succeed. You cannot control this massive army when you are far too simple to even comprehend the words I speak. No, you simple fool, you cannot run a country, or lead a proper assault on the Vatican. I am even having trouble understanding how you found people who were foolish enough to follow you.

Sebastian, perhaps you could take the time to call John Madison, and ask him to explain what I just said to you. Perhaps then he can explain to you how I am not a Carbon Copy of the Doctor, unless you are implicating that you fear me as you do fear the Doctor. That is far more logical than you truly believing that I am attempting to mimic a man I once faced. This would explain why you do not get the respect you think you deserve. Because you admit that you fear people, two old men frighten you. The wisest plan you have uncovered thus far, announce your fear and hope it means I will allow you to avoid the full torment I intend to unleash upon you. Sadly, this, too, will fail.

Sebastian, I will refrain from comparing us, because at the end of the day I do not wish to diminish myself. No, you had it mistaken, you will never be as good as I am. Do you notice the correct usage of the English language there? That is the evidence you require to see my point is standing. You are less than I am, and you are showing it. Perhaps you could win another title, hold it for less than five minutes, and boast about holding it. Do you want me to reveal a fact to you, Sebastian? I actually beat the Television Champion. Something you could not do, or at least not something you would attempt to do. In your quest for gold, you made no challenges for titles. In your return, who did you actively fight? Eli, someone you feel is beneath you, and Tri Bute, a man you mocked for being of little importance.

You returned for gold, and yet, made your return at a Pay Per View, where you could have requested being added to a title match. Surely a man of your resume could have achieved that. Yet, you settled for Tri Bute? Why? Because you know you simply were not good enough to proceed further. Because you know, even now, that the only way you proceed in your quest for gold more than the Intercontinental Title, which you will likely defend as little as possible, you will be stopped at every turn lest you use your briefcase. You know, deep down, that the time of Sebastian Duke is over. The time of Sebastian Duke has passed, and will not be returning. Why? Because you left after a humiliating defeat. You wish to call bitch? You stuck around for what? To draw against Azrael, and fight Michael McBride? That is how you regain your good name? By fighting Michael McBride? And in your return you have face competition worthy of proving you still have it? No, not by a long shot. You, Sebastian, are not on a quest for gold, you are on a quest for easy wins. That is all.

Why did you face Eli, knowing how Eli has been faring in matches as of late? Because he was a big name, that you thought would give you a boost of relevance. You thought if you faced Eli, and won, people might actually believe you are a real threat still. You were mistaken. You have a long way to go before you are taken serious again. A very long way, and telling us how you plan on taking out small countries does not bode well for your quest. No, you appear as a grade school child with plans of world conquest based on delusions from television.

Do you know why no one shows you respect, Sebastian? Because you have not earned it. Do you know something I noticed when looking through the records of titles you've held? You have barely held them for any length of time. The longest one you held was the tag titles, and how many times did you defend them? You are the reason that your teams lose the titles, do you know that? You. Do not blame Peter Gilmour for losing them to Tri Bute and Jessica Diaz, not when he held them without you for a much longer span of time. You were the downfall. You were the reason that Griffin lost his tag belt. Had you not pushed him to fight you for control, only to be buried alive, then he would not have been able to be cashed in on. You were the one who was pinned by Vincent Lane for the title, not Theodore, and not Azrael, you. You are not a champion, as much as you are a place keeper.

Why would people look down on you for things you had done that they cannot? That fits no land of logic, except in Sebastian's mind. In his mind he is a God to us, and a we are ants. And yet, he is the reason his teams fail. If this is you bigger than before, I pity your future. You are doomed for failure, the same as you always have been. Tell yourself what fables you need to comfort yourself in the night, but Sebastian Duke is not some monster to be feared. Sebastian Duke is to be pitied. In Sebastian's mind, I mentioned Theodore bribing Eli, despite me directly saying the name of the man he attempted to bribe, repeatedly said it. And yet, Duke gets so angry at the mere suggestion that he would do that. Instead of brushing it off, Duke rages on about it. Because Duke is a simple child incapable of understanding English.

And he wishes to proclaim his people were persecuted for no reason than to protect secrets? Perhaps the real reason your people were persecuted is because you all sit in a basement wearing black cloaks and talk about how mysterious and amazing you are, while doing nothing to warrant it. If that is not the way all of you act, then you do a poor representation of your people. You make your people into a mockery when you parade around trying to be spooky and sinister. I do not believe anyone in any real power believes you are a threat. No, the only person who finds you to be a threat, now that I have uncovered how much of a child you really are, is David Pryce, who feels you will try and rape him. Not even Griffin MacAllister took you as a threat, and you set his brother on fire. And your need to threaten me with a trip to prison shows your childish behavior seeping out. Will you tell your father that I am being mean on the playground next?

No, Sebastian, I am not out to suck Azrael's dick, I am out to remind you that you could never beat the man, nor could you ever beat Griffin MacAllister, and you were afraid to go for Azrael's title, because you knew you were entirely incompetent. You, who comes in and talks about how great your legacy is, but the truth is, your legacy is a sad legacy of failures. Yours is a legacy of holding onto something for a minute and bragging about it. Yes, Sebastian, you brag about the past and then condemn others for doing the same. You also a liar. You claim to have held every title in this federation, but you did not hold the crown. You only held one show title, and I do not see your name on the Federweight. You did not hold them all, you simply hoped people would not call you on it. You are a fraud, a coward, and a child. Holding the equivalent is not the same as holding the title.

Wait, your father was a priest? HA. The man who is slated to fail at taking the church down, is actually the son of a priest? Perhaps I have more in common with your father than I do with you. Perhaps he can tell me how he picked up the girls who came to him for advice. Tell them that their periods are the sign of the devil, and his dick is the cure? Was that how you were conceived?

I will not be fading to Darkness, and that is a truly childish threat. Surely the King of Darkness could come up with a better threat, or perhaps it is as Tri Bute pointed out, a simple night light is all it takes to defeat you. A nightlight to point out your faults. The Pest may just be that nightlight.

John, hello. It has been a while since we have spoken. How are you doing, my old friend? Do you remember the times we had shared? The time you paid me to shove a dildo up Vinnie Lane's ass? Or the time you paid me to attack his fiance? Or the time you paid me to rip his pubic hair out? The time you encouraged me to remove Peter's ear? I do, John. I kept records. Oh, do not take that as a threat. I mean no threat to you, John. I valued our relationship. We worked well together, and I believe you and I could work well together in the future. You know that we had some good times. Remember shitting into that box with the money you sent me? I gave the box to a homeless man.

I am glad you found a way to make your client work well, even if he does end up facing Peter in the ring. I hope you appreciate my concern for him as nothing more than a friendly gesture from one colleague to another. You see, I do not mean to belittle David, even if he is my opponent, and is entirely misguided in who I am. David, I am no homosexual. I prefer the company of females, just very young ones. Much as Sebastian Duke does. I will feel bad about having to eliminate your client from round one, John, but, I do hope you do not take it personal. Not in the slightest. It will be personal when I remove Sebastian, but not David.

Farewell, John and David.

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