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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Winner Is You!
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Game Girl Offline

XWF FanBase:
Families & Kids, casual fans

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)

03-01-2015, 08:40 PM Star  A Winner Is You! -->


"I wish you could skip stuff in real life like a cut-scene. Just press X and skipped other people's annoying B-S. Make everything so much simpler."
~ Anonymous

We join our hero walking through a field, the long bright green grass reaching his knees as the smiling sun shines down on him. Paige trails behind, looking on edge. Game Boy on the other hand seems sleepy as he yawns, the blue orb following him on his left.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Set Power of Trash Talk toooo . Let's say 50% . . . That should be okay for these two. Okay orb, play Mr. Harrison's stuff."

LH Harrison Said:Then we uhhh… have Game Boy. A pixelated character from another realm or a video game. Or both? I suppose it’s both.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
". . . Set Power of Trash Talk to 25% . . . I guess it's both. I mean, I'm sentient enough to know I am indeed in a video game, but this is my world. My reality, so yes. It is both. I didn't think that would be a huge revelation that you would have to say out loud or anything but hey, to each their own. I guess if you want to know more you could dig up my instruction manual, or ask Gretchin, she knows a lot. I'm more than happy to help you understand stuff. This can be a learning experience, and experience is important."

LH Harrison Said:What’s the fucking deal, Game Boy? Do you just switch universes willy-fucking-nilly to fight us in person?

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
*Gasp* "You used a Dragon Shout! That's new. And rude. No need, you could have just asked politely. Jeez. But the deal? Yes, that's exactly what I do. I do thing 'willy-nilly' I guess. I joined the XWF to help prevent evil, whenever and wherever I could. Problem is, I have a lot on my plate. And sadly, I can't be in two places at once. Unless there's a cheat code for that. Hmmm. . . Never mind that. OH! You insulted me for using codes! Why is that a problem exactly? If you could shortcut certain things in your life, you would do it! And don't you lie Mr. Harrison. Every code I use has a reason behind it, I'm not some evil monster using the codes to bend the world to my whim, I use Fast Travel to get to somewhere I need to be and fast. The other codes I know, I use them to help others or get the job done. Am I a good person? No. But I try to be. I try to help wherever I can. Surely that counts for something right?"

LH Harrison Said:It’s time for these two shadowy, obtuse ‘individuals’ step out and actually say something worth noting

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Hahaha. Yes, I am such a shadowy figure. Says the guy who wore a mask for a really long time. Hypocrite! For shame. And, I apologize, but I've been busy. Mystica, my good partner has also been busy, the worlds, realms and universes don't revolve around you two losers."

LH Harrison Said:You DO realize you’re up against The Inspiration

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Who dat?"

LH Harrison Said:The Prophet

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Still no idea who you're talking about."

LH Harrison Said:and the Last Identity Champion

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"You have lost me sir."

LH Harrison Said:LH Harrison

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Oooooh. Okay. You were talking about yourself. Lol. Why not just say that straight away silly? Save so much time."

LH Harrison Said:I’d hate to add a beloved video game character and an elderly citizen in the morgue.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"That sounds stupid and you know it! One. How can you put a video game character in a morgue? Two. I understand that you were trying to be threatening, but you could have done a much better job. I'm going to erase your saved data, I will smash your cartridge. Could have been so much better. Three. Mystica is not elderly, he looks middle-aged at the most. Five. He is a god, how can you put a god in the morgue? Six. You could have used something better than morgue for Mystica, see point number two. Seven. You are very dumb. Eight why would you hate doing that to us? We're clearly your opponents, or did you not realize? You're supposed to put us away for good, so to speak. Nine. This ending leaves you open for a simple retort. Ten. Why did you think it was a good idea to end your promo on such an easily countered sentence?"

"Mr. Harrison, once me and my partner are done with you. The only thing you could inspire is the worms in the ground. Maybe you should work on a memorable epitaph instead of another bland, boring quote from one of your promos."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Who are you talking to up there?"

Game Boy looks behind at the exhausted Paige. He smirks before answering.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Just two guys I have to deal with on a side quest! We'll take a break soon okay?"

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"A break? Yeah sure, if you're feeling tired."

Game Boy chuckles and looks back in front of him. He smiles looking over the green grass and the leaves swaying in the wind, and for a moment. Peace.


A laser show blasts from the blue orb, GB screams in pain and covers his eyes as he falls to the ground blinded.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"GAH! Turn off the video! TURN OFF THE VIDEO!!!"

The lasers stop. Game Boy slowly uncovers his eyes and sighs in relief as the show has stopped burning his retnas. GB sits up, blinking rapidly, he gets to his feet and brushes his knees as he carries on walking.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"You okay!?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"I'm fine! Don't rush to my aid or anything. . ."

Loverboy Vinnie Lane Said:See, Game Boy lives in some sort of fantasy world full of power ups and extra lives.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Fantasy implies my world isn't real. Unless you meant the genre of the game I live in. In which case, be more clear. Jeez. . . My eyes really sting."

Loverboy Vinnie Lane Said:He takes everything for granted because as soon as anything goes wrong for him he can just punch in a code or hit continue. That’s not real life, man. That’s not my life. I have to scratch and claw and fight my way to the top right now because there is no do over, you know? There is no next life.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Oh because you know all too well what I have to deal with, what I have had to deal with in the past. Just because someone is in a different scenario, that automatically means their problems are more important. Pfft. This is the problem with humans, they're so freaking selfish and absorbed with themselves. It's not real? It's real to me! This has been all I've known for years! My life has consisted of dealing with enemies that want to kill me for no reason other then they are programmed to do it. I don't have infinite lives, one day I will cease to exist. There could be a continue for me on the other side, but more than likely there is a game over. And that . . . That scares the heck out of me. But I deal with it, I move on. I smile, I laugh, I actually help people! What do you do? You fight and claw for what? Your own selfish gains. It's pathetic. When you win a belt, what then? Will you finally get that rush of being better than a small population of others and that's it? You won't help anybody, you won't make the world a better place. You will get a belt, go yep, I did it and do nothing else apart from lord yourself over the guys and girls who don't have a belt. Selfishness. It's humanity's biggest downfall. I'm happy I'm teamed with a god so I don't have to deal with this pettiness."

"You're not the only person who had to fight for something better. Look at what we're trying to do right now! I'm looking for more heroes in the small chance we can save the world. My world. But I guess that doesn't matter to you, you big crybaby."

Loverboy Vinnie Lane Said:Game Boy’s a talented kid, man, but this time his princess in another castle.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Cute. Take you all night to think of that line?"

Game Boy looks at the ground as he continues walking listening intently to the rest of Vinnie Lane's promo.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"I didn't know who I teamed with at the time of War Games. I know now. I was on the wrong team. But every team I would have gone with, would have been the wrong team. But, I did something. I must have reached at least one person and made him happier, or made him do something good. Maybe. If I did that, maybe it's all worth it. I'm making an impact, I'm doing what I was born to do. I'm doing it slowly, but I could be saving the world one life at a time. You never know."

"Vinnie said he can beat me, because he beat bosses in video games before. But he played a hero in those games, he could never beat a hero and he will never BE a hero. There's a lot of work, and from the things I've seen and the things I've heard, Lane could never be a hero. He's far gone. His mind is twisted. He doesn't know anything. He's empty. Soulless. He is nothing. . . . . Nothing. That's how I see him. Just a shadow, a negative image haunting the world. Trying to force his way back in but all his effort is meaningless. A few people have tried to say I'm not real. How do they know that? I've seen countless worlds and met countless people, why do they think they're the only ones that matter? It's strange. And small minded."

"If I'm just another video game character. Then Vinnie is just another human. Nothing special. And since I see him as a ghost more than a real person, he is less than a human. He is less than the people I have already beaten. . . Vinnie Lane is less than Peter Gilmour. . . Wow. That's just sad. Lol. Send to XWF."

Game Boy pokes the blue orb and it flies off high into the air, disappearing from sight. He stretches out with a big yawn and falls back onto the grass, making somewhat of a grass angel. He smiles looking at the clouds, resting his hands under his head.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Game Boy!?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"I'm right here! Just taking a break."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Oh thank Nirva."

Game Boy sits up in the grass, looking at the rolling hills in front of him for a minute or two. Paige finally gets to him, panting in exhaustion. She collapses on the floor next to GB who chuckles watching her lie face down in the soft grass, she rolls to her side and sits up next to Game Boy, catching his gaze. Our hero quickly looks away, slight embarrassed.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"So er how much further?

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"I think we're close. Princess said 'Handsome' Finn was somewhere in Viridian Plains." [white]

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Ha. He's somewhere in the largest stretch of grassland in all of Narfinex. She always so vague?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
[white] "Haha. I don't think she means to be."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Ah, just her royal old self."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Royal pain in the butt more like."

Game Boy goes wide eyed as he covers his mouth, Paige bursts out in laughter. GB slowly takes his hands from his mouth and makes a nervous laugh.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Turn off Power of Trash Talk. . Sorry about that."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Don't be, it was funny. Hey can I ask you a question?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"You know all these magic commands, why not just fast travel us to this place?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"And miss out on all this great land?"

GB and Paige both look around the empty wilderness for a few seconds.

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
". . . Also, I try not to use cheat codes unless I have to."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"But you could get so much more done if you just used magic more often."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"True. But it's too much hassle when I use it. I went to jail for it once."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"No way!"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Yes way."

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Oh. My. Nirva. You have to tell me the story."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Well. It's pretty long but okay! So, a few weeks back I was caught by Narfinex police using my Mirror Mode cheat beating up Vinnie Lane of all people and they questioned me and . Wait. You hear that?"

Game Boy and Paige get to their feet. Paige draw her hammer from her back as GB raises his fists with a determined look on his face. A large man stands tall from the grass and looks in their direction.

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"You darn kids! Stop canoodling on my land!"

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Oh my."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Canoodling? Haha, what?"

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"You're 'Handsome' Finn!"

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"Well, I was until that witch put a hex on me. Then I was known as 'Ugly' Finn. Then 'Old' Finn. . . Now I go by just Finn."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Wow dude. You hit the dirt hard."

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"Hey! It'll happen to you one day."

This hits Game Boy hard, he takes a moment to collect his thought and think about the brutal hardship of old age and his future.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Mr. Finn, sir. We're here to request your aid. Game Boy."

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"What am I even doing with my life? All this stress could lead to so many wrinkles. *Gasp* I could have crow's feet!"

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"Game Boy!"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"What!? Oh. Finn, The Corruption is back."

Finn is shocked in silence, he looks like he is miles away looking out over the horizon. He gulps and looks at the two.

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"What do you need me to do?"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Get to the castle, Princess is getting forces together to help. Me and Paige are going to find Palanius the Strong."

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"That stubborn old mule? HA! Good luck. But I shall do as you ask. I'll go at once. Barnabus!"

A Large grey stallion gallops over to Finn, he gingerly gets on top of the horse and salutes to Game Boy and Paige.

[Image: Oqr1A6E.jpg?2]
"I fair thee well, best of luck in your endeavors. Heroes."

GB and Paige watch Finn gallop away, smiles on their faces. Paige punches Game Boy in the shoulder, playfully but hard enough to garner a reaction.

[Image: zEyc4UV.png?3]
"You hear that!? 'Handsome' Finn called us heroes! Aha!"

[Image: jOw0Xsd.png]
"Haha. Yeah he did."

Paige continues to walk on as GB rubs his shoulder better, looking at Finn and his stallion gallop away into the sun. He smiles widely and turns to walk away.


[Image: mAmAfiJ.png]

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