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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Gauntlet City (March 31st) PPV RP Archive
New Beginnings
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RonnieWilkins Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

03-29-2013, 01:00 PM

The cameras open in a new setting. We find ourselves in a completely white condominium along the central Virginia coast. Simple seaside themed decorations hang from the walls which compliments the nautically themed furniture nicely. A medium sized flat screen television hangs from wall opposite the white, microfiber couches. The living area is empty but we can hear laughter coming from off camera. The crew makes their way through the house to the sounds of the laughter and we find ourselves exiting the living room and into the kitchen where a large sliding glass door opens up to a million dollar view of the Atlantic Ocean.

The source of the noise is located and we see Ron Wilkins stumbling around the sand dunes playing "zombie" with his oldest son Logan. The boy shrieks in semi-feigned horror as he runs to the top of a tall dune from his moaning father. Ron pretends to fall and begins to crawl up the dune using his arms while groaning for "Brainnnsssss". The camera gets closer and we see the boy pull a bright yellow Nerf gun. Looking surprisingly/disturbingly professional the child points the barrel at his father’s head and pulls the trigger. The dart makes a loud "Thwack" as it suctions to the skin right above Ron's brow ridge and sticks there. The Deportation Man lets out a long, wet growl and flops over onto his back. Logan moves in to investigate his "kill" and shrieks with terror and delight as Ron makes his body violently convulse.

It's Shannon who first takes notice of the cameras.

"Oh hello! Sorry to keep you waiting, let me get him for you." She cups her hands around her mouth "Ron!" He sits up to look at her and sees the cameras behind her.

"Oh hey! He shouts back over the waves, be right there!" He snatches the boy off the top of the dune and rushes him fifty yards down to the water, he rushes into an incoming swell to rinse the dried sand off and then walks hand in hand with the boy back up to the condo. The boy runs to his mother and sits on her lap, regaling her with tales of zombie killing as Ron approaches the camera and begins to towel off. He opens his mouth to speak but is cut off by the camera man.

"You've got a little something..."The camera man’s hand flashes in front of the lens and we see that somehow the Nerf dart is still stuck to his forehead. Ron laughs and snatches the foam off of his forehead.

"Shit, they didn't make them like this when I was a kid." He spreads his arms out, which causes his well-muscled physique to spread and ripple "Not too bad huh? Renting the place out weekly until we figure out where we're gonna buy a place. Goodbye border shithole. Hello beaches, forests, rivers, museums, professional sports, and amusement parks. Golly it feels good to be back in civilization. Did you have anything in mind today or did you just wanna check the place out?"

"Mr. was attempting to get ahold of you earlier today, but obviously we can see you didn't have your phone available. Would you mind sitting down with Mr. Sayors again?" The camera man asks.

"Absolutely, I tell you what. You guys go sit in the A/C for a bit and I'll get showered and ready."

--------------30 Minutes Later-------------

Ron is sitting on the longer of the two couches wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a black tank top, Shannon is next to him in a denim skirt and a bikini top. Both are already starting to show a nice tan. The camera focuses on Steve and he commences with the introductions.

"Greetings XWF fans, this is Steve Sayors here at the Wilkins family's temporary home right on the lovely shores of Virginia Beach, Virginia. They've been kind enough to humor me here and answer some questions about the recent events in their lives."

The camera pans to the good looking couple and they each smile and wave (somewhat awkwardly) to the fans watching.

"So Ron, the last time we saw you, you were trading bullets with cartel members in the entryway of your own house in El Paso, Texas. How are you recovering from that ordeal?"

"I’m doing pretty good to be honest. I don't feel any remorse for the way that went down except for the officer who was seriously wounded outside the house. Trading bullets with scum like that is nothing I haven't done before."

"How about the legal aspect of what happened? Are you looking at any charges?" Steve asks.

"Steve...that happened in Texas. A couple of Mexican Cartel members kick in the door of a white man protecting his home? I was cleared with the "Castle Defense" before I even booked our flights here." He chuckles.

"I suppose that's the way that situation would play out there. Do you have any intentions of moving back to El Paso?"

"Absolutely not, we've got a few places lined up to look at here and I stand to make a very nice profit on my home there pretty shortly."

"I'm glad to hear everything is wrapping up nicely for you. Do you have any new thoughts about your matches this week?"

"There's not much else to say is there? I'm going to see a lot of familiar faces in The Gauntlet, some of the best the XWF has to offer and I really look forward to the challenges that lie ahead. I feel like I've proven that I belong in the ring with anyone on the XWF roster and that I'll continue to improve this weekend. Don't forget Steve I only started doing this six weeks ago and I'm already main eventing shows."

"Solid point and something our fans would be wise to remember. Let us talk about someone who recently announced his intent to take place in the FTW Title Battle Royal, a man you traded words and blows with last week, Kinwrathi."

Ron smirks at the camera at the mention of his most recent competitor’s name.

"Oh Kinwrathi you dumb bastard. It's good to see you took creative history as well as creative science fiction at the local community college. Do you really think you proved anything on Saturday? You attacked me after Duke choke slammed me AFTER he was DQ'd, and then you spent a few minutes attacking me with his help instead of coming after me like a man. Any of that ringing a bell? I swear, the next time an interview of yours comes on I'm just gonna turn on Netflix to see if they have a documentary on paper airplanes or building ships in a bottle, it's guaranteed to be more informative and entertaining."

He looks down and shakes his head like a disappointed father (something Kinwrathi is surely familiar with).

"I would say I expect better of you but of course that would be a lie. You mentioned how you hit back to back maneuvers on me, on the outside of the ring. Did you forget how I'd already gone to war with everyone on your team up until that point, how I was single handedly keeping my side in the fight before you once again attacked me from behind?"

Ron takes a deep breath to steady himself.

"Now I know better than to expect to get you one on one in this battle royal, I know there will be bodies flying everywhere and I know most of them will be flying at targets like you and I, the only legitimate threats in that ring. But I also know that I will be praying to my God, and I hope you are worshipping at the foot of your George Lucas shrine, that we meet in The Gauntlet. I won't care if I've ready torn through half the roster, I want to be the man to face you, and knock you out of The Gauntlet."

"So this has gotten personal between you two?" Steve asks.

"I wouldn't say that much. He's talented and very tough as everyone saw on Saturday and I freely admit that he's the only real threat to me in this Battle Royal. What I will say is he didn't prove that he's better than I am by any reasonable person’s evaluation on Saturday, and I plan on showing that I am superior to him in every way imaginable if I get another shot at him on Sunday."

“Lastly, how do you feel about another man who announced his intentions of participating in the Battle Royal, World-One International?”

Ron begins to snicker “Next question please.”

“Thank you very much for your time Mr. Wilkins. I look forward to meeting with you all again.” Steve says as he rises from the couch and shares a handshake with the Wilkins’.

“Our pleasure Steve.” Ron responds.

[Image: fin.jpg]

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