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WARFARE: Our Main Bi-Weekly Show Coco Mojo
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Coco Mojo

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02-25-2015, 04:29 PM


In-Ring Name: Coco Mojo

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable): Probably not Coco Mojo

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Hymen intact

Wrestler Date of Birth: 09-30-1982

Height: 6’6”

Weight: 245lbs.

Hometown: New Orleans, LA

Personality: Rowdy, rambunctious, heart of gold but everyone has their tipping points, am I right?

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face

Physical Build Description: Michelangelo couldn’t carve a better piece than this baby! Woo! He is JACKED.

Ring Attire: Elaborate voodoo face paint, stylish leather pants, armbands to accentuate the muscles (and sometimes a spritz of baby oil to make those babies GLISTEN.)

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: A yellow ‘Coco’s Crab Shack’ tshirt and leather pants.

Ethnicity: ¾ African American, ¼ Irish

Pic Base: The Boogeyman

Wrestling Style: High impact, quick hitting.

Strengths: Strength, will to win, superb speed and agility for a man of his size.

Weaknesses: Can get too involved into playing to the crowd, threats to Beatrice.

Entrance Theme Music: Hooked on a feeling by Blue Swede

Entrance Description: As the ‘Ooga-Chaka-Ooga-Ooga’ chants begin, Coco storms out to the top of the ramp. He cups his hands to his mouth and chants along loudly.

‘I can’t stop this feeling. Deep inside of me.’

Coco points to the ramp with one hand and urges the fans to stand up with the other.

‘Girl you just don’t realize. What you do to me.

When you hold me.
In your arms so tight
You let me know
Everything's all right’


Beatrice emerges wearing a sparkly vest, Salsa dancing on her hind legs!

‘Hooked on a feeling’ continues to play as Coco applauds his canine companion as she struts her stuff down to the ring. When they reach the apron, Coco leans down and gets a good luck kiss from Beatrice before rolling into the ring with a big smile on his face as he pounds on the mat, ready for the match.

Manager (if applicable): Beatrice
Manager's Pic Base: [Image: 2bba0ac2651fd6b220400391753da9e7.jpg]

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

3.Fallaway slam
5.German suplex
6.Sidewalk slam
7.Pumphandle slam
8.Standing double axe handle
9. Thesz press
10.Mongolian chop
11.Tilt-a-whirl slam
13.Rib breaker
14.Pump handle fallaway slam
15.Bronco buster
16.Top rope elbow drop
17.Top rope moonsault
18.Baseball slide
19.Knee drop
20.Top rope clothesline

Trademark Move(s): Airplane spin

Primary Finisher: Bayou Bash
Description: A running shoulder tackle to an opponent who is running perpendicularly. (Monty Brown’s Pounce)
[Image: thCorVonPouncesSabu.gif]

Secondary Finisher if applicable:

Favorite Weapon if any: Beatrice’s sparkly, pink leash.

Additional notes:

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