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Buster Mac
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Buster Mac Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

02-24-2015, 07:19 PM


In-Ring Name: Buster Mac

Wrestler's Real Name (if applicable):

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New

Wrestler Date of Birth:

Height: 6 Foot

Weight: 120 Pounds

Hometown: Langley, Virginia


Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face

Physical Build Description: Very strong, very muscular

Ring Attire: Black Shorts, Black Socks, Black shorts

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire: Normal everyday wear

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Pic Base:

Wrestling Style: Fast paced and aerial

Strengths: Flying attacks and fast paced


Entrance Theme Music: Going Under by Evanescene

Entrance Description: Walks from out back to the front of the stage then stops, looks into the crowd to soak up the atmosphere and then walks straight down to the ring, gets inside, and walks to the back of the ring, where he staunchly waits with his back against the ropes, waiting for his opponent.

Manager (if applicable):
Manager's Pic Base:

Top 15-20 Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Enzuguri, DDT, Power Slam, Clothesline, Spear, Chops, Flying Elbow, Flying Headbutt, Firemans Carry, Knee to the guts, knee to the head, back body drop, Kick to the temple, Cobra Clutch

Trademark Move(s): Spear

Primary Finisher: The Mac Attack
Description: Spears the opponent first weakening him, then a flying elbow to knock the opponent down further, and then a Temple Punt Kick to knock the opponent out before going for the cover.

Secondary Finisher if applicable: The Mac Truck
Description: Spear first, then Powerslam, and then the Camel clutch to make it into a submission move. The opponent feels like he's been hit by a Mac Truck.

Favorite Weapon if any:

Additional notes:

[Image: Mark-Wahlberg-007.jpg]
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