I threw a tiny nugget of crap at you.
And you ran with it and turned it into a steaming pile.
Congratulations Soldier, you're as simple as they come.
Just remember; you fired first.
I simply retaliated, and now you're about to be pumped full of lead.
You like all the humiliating things I put you through? Well no shit, that's why I compared you to Cyren in the first place! Haha, was that supposed to be your clever, "I really showed him!" moment? A promo devoted to your love for Cyren all because me, the "repetitive," "over simplistic" fool called you on your bullshit remark.
Your act is predictable, Soldier. I saw it coming a mile away and you actually went for it. You seem to believe that I fired my gun first and now you're getting huffy puffy and acting out all these ridiculous scenes. Hey that's cool, buddy. Blow up dolls, strippers, and Shane

-- sounds like a typical day at the Johnny's place. Are you telling me that you're just now discovering the art of pole dancing in heels?
All just fun and games to get back at me, right? Silly boy.
What a simple game you play Unknown Soldier. How dare you refer to me as over-simplistic when your work is bleeding with simplicity.
You say I'm crying, or that I'm "boring." Well, it's funny you say that because I could easily throw you into the same two categories. But I don't come at anybody that way because that stance in itself is incredible unimaginative. You're just playing the same cards that the rest of these shitheads carry in their back pockets every week.
"So-and-so is crying because he objects to my bullshit?" Is that your claim? How original, Soldier. I can do that in three seconds, watch:
"Oh look. Unknown Soldier is crying again. He just posted a 'Blood Lust' of the top three guys who make him cry. Cry, cry cry!"
What does Unknown Soldier do next? Ah, of course. He embraces the role that I give him in order to convince us that the truth slides right off his shoulders. Again, such a simple and overdone act that I've left in the dust. You like it when I piss on you, you probably like it when I shit on you, and you probably like it when I give you HIV. I get it, Soldier. I like those things too. I piss on myself every day, I fuck dirty prostitutes, and I wake up in a pile of blood and shit. You running around claiming to want people's blood isn't any different. You haven't brought progress to the Blood Lust or yourself in any way. It's the biggest joke going in the federation that no one has bothered taking serious.
So if you like getting pissed on; then more power to you. You just keep lying down, taking your losses to me like a used cunt, and let John Madison whip out his cock and hose you down. I enjoy that shit like you enjoy drinking blood. And I enjoy losing blood like you enjoy showering in piss. I just wish more people would actually cause me to lose that sweet tasting blood of mine!
I like that you've accepted your position in this company with open arms. And that doesn't make you special; that makes you The Black Circle slave material. You're my slave, Soldier because it's my piss which always prevails over your lust. Oh wait, let me guess-- you like being referred to as a slave? Is that going to be your next cutting edge promo that sends our heads spinning in disbelief? Again, you call me boring yet I've got your entire act down to an art. Go ahead; put me in the same category as Cyren and Blair Sully. I never said I wasn't; I'm simply saying that
you have no ground in calling me boring when you're doing the EXACT SAME SHIT.
But Jesus fucking Satan, Soldier. If you really want to push this Cyren issue, then let's just examine my original statement.
Quote:Oh wow, you really are degrading into Cyren. You're even using his lines now? For a second, I didn't think it was humanly possible to become more worthless and
. Please keep this up, Soldier. I'm having a blast ripping you apart on your bullshit.
Wow, that's incredible how one little mention of the name Cyren has pushed you over the edge.
Nowhere in that statement did I say that I wasn't Cyren or that I don't act like Cyren. I simply stated that
you are degrading into
Cyren. Am I also a degraded version of Cyren? Sure, why not. But I don't prance around on some high horse calling people's promos boring as if using that as an insult is even remotely original. I just called you out on your bullshit, Soldier. And you threw a tantrum.
Quote:But unfortunately that lumps you into the same category as Cyren and Blair Sully. You see, I could treat them just as I treat you and they'll simply hang their tongues out of their mouths and ask for more. It's cute, but I have no use for engaging in long term feuds with people like that. It would be like me feuding with a crappier version of myself
Haha, holy shit! You see that, Soldier? I'm literally calling myself Cyren in that last comment. Wow, what was the point of your argument again? Here, take your gun and reload. I'll let you take another shot.
Face it Soldier; as old and tiresome as you want to
accuse my work of being, yours is ten times more played out. I didn't come out and say that Unknown Soldier is the most repetitive, boring, predictable, uninteresting-- or whatever other words you idiots use to describe each other on a weekly basis.
You referred to me in that tone. And I simply responded by throwing your own weak, narrow minded, bullshit right back in your face. You taking my words and putting them into action does absolutely nothing because I came out and told you to your face that you'll do whatever humiliating acts that I tell you to do. Hence the comparison to Cyren which is why I have no interest in engaging you in anything post-Gauntlet City.
Shit, why can't you people listen more?
And Soldier; you can throw out whatever form you want about me being Shane

's puppet because that I've debunked that theory several times now. You, on the other hand; you bite when Donathan tells you, and you put on your Blood Lust whatever Mister Mystery tells you. Again, feel free to act out all those scenarios with a smile on your face, but just understand that you telling me that I'm Shane

's puppet is probably the biggest case ever of pot calling the kettle black. My feelings aren't hurt by your "puppet" insult. I've been hearing them since day one that I started The Black Circle, and guess what? I keep making Shove-It into a show that has makes all of your work obsolete.
So keep calling me boring all you want, Soldier. But your case doesn't really hold up when all that you can do is base your life off of what I say.
What has changed, Soldier? You're degrading yourself, making more lists, and playing the gimmick of Satan's little fan boy. How do you expect any of that to beat me on Sunday? You've got nothing but the same recycled act which has never gotten you the one up on John Madison. Again, you called
me repetitive.
Yes, the repetitive nature of this business courses through all of our veins, but Unknown Soldier is no exception. Remember, I'm not the one who brought up this issue in the first place. Unknown Soldier is the one who opened this can of worms with his overused insults, and then zoned in way too much on a couple of statements I made about Cyren. Soldier, you asked if I'm like Cyren? Sure, I'm just like Cyren! I'll admit it right here. But here's the thing Soldier: I'm not the one who's trying to call others out on being boring and repetitive. That's all you, buddy. You're the one who called me out with your oh-so-fresh Blood Lust and then proceeded to call me boring for running with the same joke for two months.
But for every "Hey I fucked Flo!" that I throw out, I guarantee you there's at least twenty more "Hail Satan!'s" that no one is paying attention to. Oh no, I promise I don't just fast forward through Unknown Soldier promos until I find something that vaguely resembles him muttering my name. I know people who do that, but that's not my style. Hey Soldier, I bet if you surveyed this place as to what your story is or what Soldier has done, that no one could give you an answer because no one is paying attention to your little outcries. Your cries for attention which have only brought you a lackluster US Title reign after beating a man who I beat in the biggest match to ever take place in the XWF.
That's why your argument stands no ground, Soldier. That's why I'm calling out you and everyone else who comes out every week and regurgitates the same garbage.
"So-and-so's promo was boring this week."
"So-and-so just said the same thing that he always does."
Big fucking news flash: We're all repetitive, boring scumbags.
I've lost count of how many promos I've watched this week where someone accuses someone else of being boring. You think that shit is original, Soldier? Think again, you sound like every other crybaby in this place who has to cling to their XWF Insults! deck of cards. You just do it while performing an act that everyone has seen before. Again, you called
me repetitive.
The whole "boring" put down packs no punch because it's been said for years now, and is the most
simplistic card to play.
Unknown Soldier, you can make out this Blood Lust to be the hottest thing going, but you know that no one is panicking. Those names you listed under the "vanished," are men who I've made
my victims. And I think it's pretty funny that you try to pass that off as your own work when I was the one who melted this company to the ground at War Games-- a match where you couldn't get the job done.
Tax left after I dragged him kicking and screaming to his demise at War Games 1 and War Games 2.
Slater left after I beat the shit out of him at War Games and threw Tyler Decker's corpse over him. For you to take any credit in disposing of him is comical. You never had the guts to stand up to, Slater. Maybe you can add him to your little Lust though so you can keep that fantasy going.
I'll let you have Joe Page because I couldn't care less about that guy. I beat him at War Games and the rest of his career went downhill from there. I suppose that was your big moment though. A rivalry with JP where you gave him a necklace and everyone changed the channel.
All the other names you brought up-- I don't remember or care what they were. Good job, though. I guess that having a couple marginal performers under your belt is something to be proud of.
But War Games was what sent the big names packing, not the Blood Lust. The Blood Lust has claimed no one of any importance. You can keep trying to convince us that some silly list of yours took out valuable members of the roster, but that doesn't make it the truth. You failed at War Games, you've failed at every other encounter we've had, and you'll fail at Gauntlet City.
Keep putting me on your list because I like being reminded that you don't have what it takes to bring me down. Your Blood Lust does nothing but serve as a momento that some men are just in this federation to serve as failures.
Blood Lust; the longest running, overplayed joke in the XWF. Shit, at least when I come up with a shitty joke like "Hey Flo!" I'm willing to admit to it, whereas you just keep running with "blood! vodka! meth! Satan!" like it's the most original thing to ever hit the airwaves. AGAIN,
you played the boring and repetitive card on
Here's an idea Soldier: Why not construct a list of men who have made
you their victim? What would that list look like? Hmm, let's see...
1. John Madison
2. John Madison
3. Sebastian-- Ahahaha-- Duke
I'll tell you what; you keep that list and hold onto it tight. Because just like how your Blood Lust will remain consistently irrelevant; that list up above will remain as a consistently factual. The fact that you can't beat John Madison, and that you can't even beat John Madison's bitch. Haha, I got Duke on a leash while he's ripping your face apart!
You want to claim to be Cyren? Go right ahead. I'm glad that I brought you and Cyren back together just like how I brought Feder back into this federation using a couple of my "repetitive" jokes. Haha, and you say I'm boring? How can I be boring if I have you dip shits bringing back old corpses that I've pissed on? The fact that you actually devoted time to have sex with a Cyren doll shows that you find me very influential. Too bad I can't influence you to actually take my blood and pin me for the one-two-three.
You think you've accomplished anything by embracing shit? Tell me, what has Cyren accomplished ever since he started to embrace shit? Former Universal Champion of a promotion that was shittier back then than it is today? A wrestling promotion, by the way, that was a carbon copy of every other promotion until I turned Saturday into a freak show.
Like I said, your act is just as predictable and underwhelming as mine. I knew once I threw Cyren at you that you would go off on how you and him are so much alike. You should have seen how fast those remarks made your head spin. You really are a Satanic bastard! Haha! You even went out of your way to list off his accolades as if any of that shit matters anymore. Universal Champion, right. Where are they now? Where are the Universal Champions from ten years ago? I buried them all, Soldier. I buried them six feet under just like I'm going to do to you and the rest at Gauntlet City.
We probably wouldn't even be having this little back and forth conversation if you hadn't used such a
simplistic statement against me. The fact that you actually choose to go back and forth with me and examine every word that comes out of my mouth shows that your original statement was bullshit to begin with.
So yes, drink my piss, Soldier. I know that doesn't bother you. Spill my blood? That doesn't bother me. I like spilling my blood even though you fail time and time again in doing so. Blood is spilled every week on our shows, you fucking idiot. You think you've broken barriers by drinking people's blood? I could let you suck me dry and I would still walk out of that ring with your head in my trophy case.
So do it Soldier. Drink my blood like I've been begging you to do for the past nine months.
Too easy. Fuck, I hope Mark Flynn puts up a better fight than you and Mystery.