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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare February 25th, 2015
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-25-2015, 05:11 PM

[Image: qtjAJzn.png]

BMO Harris Bradley Center
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

OOC: Due to the size of the card the first two matches will be done in summary format.

- vs -
John Black
Standard One Fall

Paulo Odbelis
- vs -
Standard One Fall

XWF Inaugural Intercontinental Championship Tournament

OOC: Stamina Bars will be used for all matches.

Round One - All Matches are X-treme Rules

Match 1
Aaron Underwood
- vs -
Ricky Desmond

Match 2
- vs -
Goat Face Killa

Match 3
- vs -
Austin Fernando

Match 4
Justin Sane
- vs -
Aerial Knight

Match 5
Doctor Louis D'Ville
- vs -
TJ Wallace

Match 6
Sebastian Duke
- vs -
LH Harrison

Round Two - All Matches are First Blood - Elimination

Triple Threat Match
Winners of Matches 2, 5 and 6

Triple Threat Match
Winners of Matches 1, 3 and 4

Round Three- Ladder Match - The Intercontinental Title will be hanging above the ring

Two Winners of Round Two will square off.
Winner is crowned the Inaugural XWF Intercontinental Champion

The camera pans around the sold out BMO Harris Bradley Centre in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as pyrotechnics go off and light up the stage and ringside area. The crowd is going ballistic in anticipation of what will be a historic night for both Wednesday Night Warfare, and the XWF.

'King of Kings' hits the PA and the crowd pop once more as Ozy Mandias strolls out from behind the curtain with a microphone in his hand, flanked by Head of Talent Relations, Matthew Oaktree and Director of Operations, Gabrielle House. All three men stand on the stage and gaze out at the crowd. They stride down to the ring, House adjusting his tie and Oaktree taking a drag from his cigarette. All three men ascend the stairs and climb through the ropes. House and Oaktree grab microphones of their own from ringside staff. Ozy smiles out at the crowd and raises the microphone to his mouth as 'King of Kings' fades out.

“Welcome everyone, to this historical edition of Wednesday Night Warfare!”

The crowd pops.

“Tonight, we will breathe some fresh air into the singles title picture around here in the XWF. Twelve competitors, which by the end of the night will be down to one, and that one.. will be crowned the first ever XWF Intercontinental Champion!”

The crowd pops once more as Ozy smiles and lowers the microphone. House steps forward, a smirk on his face, and begins to speak.

“I love it. One more title to add to the fold, what's that make 20 XWF titles now?

"Just four singles titles."

"I apologise, I get confused.. I guess that's what happens when you have so many fucking titles floating around. I mean, honestly, it's easier to get a title shot around here these days than it is to get your nuts drained in a whore house.”

Matthew Oaktree chuckles, steps forwards, and places his hand on Gabrielle's shoulder.

“, it's not.”

Oaktree winks and the crowd pops for him.

"However, since you brought up the situation from Madness just a couple of nights ago, as Head of Talent Relations, I actually have some news. First of all, I would like to ask the FORMER XWF Universal Champion.. Gator.. to join us out here. Gator, if you please.”

“Gardenia” by Kyuss hits and the crowd pop loudly for the XWF Television Champion. Gator emerges from behind the curtain, the bottom half of his mask rolled up and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He walks down the ramp with a mic in his left hand and the TV Title draped over his shoulder. Gator rolls into the ring and grabs his cigarette, flicking off the dead ash.

“You called, boss? .. er, bosses?”

“Gator, Gator, Gator. Thank you for joining us out here on such short notice and after such a tough week. Unfortunately though, I didn't really call you out here to give you any good news. You see..”

Ozy steps forward and places his hand on Oaktree's shoulder, telling him that he'll handle this. Gator looks confused as he takes a drag on his cigarette.

“Gator, you and I go way back, and you know I have nothing but respect for you. The fact is, however, Gabrielle made a great point.”

Gator laughs at the mention of the name Gabrielle. House looks less than impressed.

“There are too many singles titles floating around, and with the two new brand-specific titles, we kind of need to... trim the fat, so to speak.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Ozman... are you saying you are stripping me of the TV Title?”

“I wouldn't say stripping you of it.. more, retiring the belt.”

WHAT?! No more TV Title?! The crowd gasps and boos. Gator looks down at his TV Title for about five seconds, then raises the mic again.



The Firm look shocked at Gator's reaction.

"WAIT! …...can I take the belt home and hang it in my living room?”

All three members of The Firm look perplexed. Ozy hold up his index finger, indicating to give them a second. The Firm huddles up for about twenty seconds, then disperse to their original positions.

“Gator, you have been an incredible TV Champion. Perhaps the greatest we have ever had. So yes, of course. The belt is yours to do with as you see fit.”

Gator takes a drag from his cigarette and exhales the smoke towards the three leaders of Warfare. He then holds his hand out, which Ozy shakes. Gator forces a handshake upon both Oaktree and House as 'Gardenia' hits the PA System once more. Gator drops down and rolls out of the ring as we head to commercial break.

Paulo Odbelis
- vs -
Standard One Fall

The match has been fairly one sided with Ned getting a few moves in here or there but otherwise he has been on the wrong end of a beat down. A frog splash in the corner and Ned goes down. Paulo hooks the leg for the cover....



Kick out!

Somehow Ned manages to kick out at the last second.. Frustrated that the match has gone on as long as it has Paulo starts punching Ned in the face repeatedly until he is basically unconscious. Paulo drags Ned over to the corner, lifts him up in the air and sits him on the top turnbuckle. Paulo looks around and then puts Ned down with Paralyzing Fate.




Winner - Paulo Odbelis

John Black
- vs -
Standard One Fall

Mastermind yanks John Black up with all his strength and irish whips him into the ropes, on the rebound with an enziguri. And then an elbow drop to Black’s throat. Mastermind quickly climbs the turnbuckle, signals to the crowd and leaps off, nailing Black with a flying head butt.

Black rolls over and gets to one knee as Mastermind starts to move in. Black is now up to his feet. He turns around and gets clocked a backhand. Mastermind then follows that up with a few more well placed punches, delivering shots to various parts of Black’s body. Mastermind looks around trying to plan out his next move. A decision that would prove to be a bad one as Black drills Mastermind with a massive uppercut.

Black picks up Mastermind and walks him over to the ropes, he tries to lift Mastermind up and over the ropes but Mastermind grabs hold of the ropes with all he has to prevent such a move. Mastermind lets go of the ropes with his left hand and hits Black in the temple with an elbow. Black shakes it off and quickly grabs Mastermind and again tries to lift him over the ropes but again Mastermind blocks it..Black counters with a dropkick that sounds Mastermind flying back into the ropes which then propel him forward right into the waiting arms of John Black who nails Mastermind with a body slam and an pin.



Shoulder up!

Mastermind rolls out from under Black and springs to his feet. Black also gets up but is surprised at how quickly Mastermind advances on him with a flying clothesline. Black goes down in a heap and Mastermind quickly locks him into The Mind Controller. Black tries to fight out of it but Mastermind tightens the hold. Black claws at the mat trying to get to the ropes but Mastermind pulls Black back to the center of the ring forcing Black to tap.

Winner - Mastermind

XWF Intercontinental Championship Tournament - Round 1 - All Matches are X-treme Rules

Aaron Underwood
- vs -

Bad Apple by Masayoshi Minoshima with vocals by Nomico plays

Bad Apple plays and the spotlights roll around the arena. Underwood comes out and taunts the fans a bit before stepping into the ring.

Money by Pink Floyd plays

Money hits the ring. Ricky strolls out onto the stage and he looks across the thousands of fans. He has a eerie smirk on his face, and he punches his fists together as he always does. He strides down the ramp, briskly ignoring the fans as he does so. Ricky slowly climbs the steel steps and brushes his feet on the ring apron before climbing over the middle rope and raising his right arm into the air. The music comes to an end as he jogs on the spot in preparation.

Underwood and Desmond don’t waste another moment, both men locking up in the centre of the ring, neither man is able to get the advantage at first, and it is Underwood breaking it off with a boot to the midsection, Desmond is doubled over in pain, and now Underwood wait a solid uppercut to the jaw, and now a blow to the forehead from Underwood, and another! Desmond is reeling, Underwood is backing up, and now he is charging right for Desmond!

Underwood is caught from a shoulder knock by Desmond, sending him flat to the floor, Underwood is back up to his feet, and Desmond with another shoulder knock! Desmond is running to the ropes, Underwood is getting up to his feet… and he’s met by Desmond who flies off the mat and lands atop of Underwood with a crossbody! Desmond keeps Underwood’s shoulders pinned to the mat!


T-NO! Quick kick-out from Underwood, Desmond isn’t deterred, he has Underwood by the hair, and is pulling him up to his feet…

Underwood with the dropkick! Desmond and Underwood both get up off the floor at around the same time… and Underwood has him locked up… SUPLEX! Desmond hits the canvas hard, and Underwood rolls over him for the cover.


TW-NO! Desmond isn’t going down that easily.

Underwood now has Desmond by the hair, and is slowly lifting him up to his feet… but before he can make a move, he is nailed by a fist to the jaw by Desmond, Underwood is reeling, Desmond going for the kick… it is caught by Underwood! Underwood smiles, but doesn’t see the free foot of Desmond flying upward, connecting straight to the temple of Underwood! Underwood’s eyes are glazed over, as he slumps down to the canvas, now it’s Desmond’s turn to go for the pinfall!



Underwood is able to power out of it.

Desmond is up to his feet, he’s looking out to ringside… and now he’s rolling out of the ring, and pulling up the apron, and soon enough… he has a baseball bat in hand! This isn’t looking good for Underwood, who is still recuperating on the inside, Desmond has slid in behind him, Underwood still hasn’t turned around…!


A huge shot from Desmond with the baseball bat, right into the mid-section of Underwood… a look of surprise and pain is etched over Underwood’s face, as he once again slumps down to the canvas, but Desmond isn’t done yet…!


Another hit from the baseball bat, connecting right over the back of the shoulders of Underwood, Desmond drops the bat, and rolls Underwood over for the cover!



THR-NO! Underwood threw the shoulder up!

Desmond is looking surprised, but an evil grin is beginning to set over his face, as he once again picks up the baseball bat, as he awaits for Underwood to get up… Underwood is slowly pulling himself up to his feet, using the ring ropes for support… he’s up, Underwood is up! He slowly turns around....CRACK!!

What the mother fucking fuck?

What is Austin Fernando doing here? And why did he just play Human Piñata with Aaron Underwood's face?

Desmond comes flying at Fernando not even bothering to figure out why he is there but Fernando turns around and points a bat right at Dermond.

Ricky stops in his tracks and just stares at him. Fernando tosses the bat to Desmond and then picks Underwood up and tosses him at Desmond.

"Finish him."

Fernando starts walking to the back as Desmond rears back with the bat but the swing is ducked by Underwood! Desmond turns around to face Underwood… CRACK! A huge shot right off the jaw from Underwood, Desmond has dropped to the canvas like a fly! What a powerful shot, Underwood has a vicious smirk on his face, as he raises the fist that dropped Desmond into the air…

Brass knuckles are wrapped over Underwood’s fist! That punch packed a lot of power, Desmond still isn’t stirring, Underwood drops over Desmond for the cover.



THR-NO! Desmond with a desperate kick-out! Incredible! Underwood can’t believe it!

Underwood is not looking happy, he has Desmond up already, and locks him up from behind… GERMAN SUPLEX! Underwood held on to him, Desmond’s shoulders are down to the mat!



Desmond kicked out again! Underwood is furious! He’s slamming onto the canvas with his hand, and now he is in the referees face, holding up three fingers, the referee isn’t having none of it, insisting that it was only for the count of two… Underwood turns around… MILLION DOLLAR BILL!!!

Desmond damn near decapitated Aaron Underwood with that clothesline. Desmond rolls over and gets an arm atop Underwood.




Winner - Ricky Desmond

Goat Face Killa
- vs -

G.O.A.T. by Eminem plays

The opening instrumental of GOAT echoes around the arena as smoke slowly rises from the metal floor. Goat Face Killa makes his way from the back with a Goat on a leash of whom he is feeding. He slaps a bunch of hands walking down the ramp, before picking up the Goat and handing it to a specialist next to the ring bearer before sliding into the ring and raising to arms in the air to a cheer from the crowd. He retreats to his corner where he does stretches.

Blacklist by Exodus plays

As the opening riff of "Blacklist" by Exodus brings the crowd to life the lights strobe red and black. Flames erupt from the stage and Cain steps thrugh them, bouncing from foot to foot at the top of the ramp, then he roars and pounds his chest three times as the flames once again erupt behind. He storms down the ramp with purpose, bumping fists with a couple of fans in the front row. He bounces back and forth again as he reaches the ring apron, leaping up on it. As he steps through the ropes, he steps to the middle of the ring, arms outstretched as sparks rain down onto him. As the ambience returns to normal, he slaps his head a few times, psyching himself up for the match.

Cain and Goat Face are both standing face to face in the centre of the ring, and before Cain can even move, he is caught by an impactful slap from the hand of Goat Face! Cain is looking infuriated! He has taken a step closer to Goat Face… and is caught by another slap from Goat Face! Cain is pissed off! A wild haymaker from Cain, but he connects with nothing but thin air… Goat Face is right behind Cain, and now… German Suplex! Cain isn’t having any of it though! He’s already back up to his feet, and has swung another blow out to Goat Face… who is able to move out of the way again! Goat Face with a kick to the groin! That’s brutal! Cain has a look of surprise over his face… he’s beginning to crumple to the canvas, but Goat Face has locked him up before he can! Belly-To-Belly Suplex! Goat Face for the early cover!
ON-NO! Cain with a powerful kick-out, and he is once again back up to his feet, staring right at Goat Face, and before Goat Face can react, Cain has him scooped up in his grasp! He’s got Goat Face draped over his shoulder… and now he’s getting a running start and dropping down to the canvas with a running powerslam! The force of the move caused the ring to shake! Cain smirked, and grabbed Goat Face once again, and scooped him up into his another hold, this time… SIDE-WALK SLAM! The big man is using his power to his advantage, and now he has Goat Face pinned down to the mat!


TW-NO! Kick-out from Goat Face! Cain isn’t deterred, he has Goat Face up once again, and has him horizontally slanted across his body in rib-breaker position! But Goat Face is about to wriggle out of his grasp, he’s now standing in front of Cain… a kick to the gut from Goat Face, and now he has Cain set up in powerbomb position!

SLAM! Goat Face sent Cain crashing into the canvas with a brutal powerbomb! Goat Face slides over Cain, looking for the cover!

! Cain threw the shoulder up, Goat Face is already back up to his feet, and he’s walking over to the corner… what’s he doing?

He’s grab a bucket of goat’s milk! He has it in hand, Cain is slowly getting back up to his feet… Goat Face has thrown the bucket of goat milk over Cain, Cain is drenched from head to toe, he is looking furious, but before he can do anything…

He’s nailed over the head by the bucket! Cain’s eyes roll to the back of his head, and he crumples back down to the canvas, but Goat Face isn’t looking for the cover… he’s climbing to the top rope, but he isn’t looking to confident! He’s up on the top turnbuckle, he’s wobbling on the top rope, Cain is still in prime position, lying in the centre of the ring! Goat Face has steadied himself up on the top rope… this is it!


Goat Face missed it! He missed it by a mile! He didn’t jump quite far enough to land it, Cain is slowly stirring, and he’s back up to his feet… he shrugs as he looks down at Goat Face, who is laid out on the canvas after failing to connect with the Shooting Star Press! Cain has Goat Face locked up from behind, and is slowly picking him up… we all know what this is! A German Suplex from Cain!

And another one!

And a third!

And another!

And Cain with a fifth German Suplex, and now he is holding onto Goat Face, keeping his shoulders pinned down to the mat!



THR-NOT QUITE! Cain can’t put Goat Face away just yet!

Cain has a determined look on his face, he has Goat Face up to his feet already… and now… he’s grabbing Goat Face by the throat! This is it… CHOKESLAM FROM HELL!

NO! Goat Face caused Cain to lose his grip, and dropped to Cain’s side…

Goat Face has Cain all wrapped up now… BODY SLAM! Cain’s back crunched off the canvas hard, and now Goat Face for the cover.



THR-NO! Cain isn’t about to let this chance go to waste, he powered out at two and a half!

Goat-Face can't believe it. He climbs off of Cain and back himself into the corner where he waits...

He waits for Cain to get to his feet...

And when he finally does...


Goat-Face just obliterated Cain with a diving headbutt to the chest. He hooks the leg for one what he hopes is the final time.




Winner - Goat Face Killa

Goat Face Killa celebrates his victory in the center of the ring as Cain watches on, shaking his head. He stares at the newcomer through those cold, focused eyes for a moment right fist clenched. The music dies down as GFK comes face to face with the defeated Cain, who looks down into his eyes.

Complete silence fills the arena as the two have a staredown. Goat Face isn't backing down, but neither is Cain! Suddenly...

Cain offers his hand to GFK, who looks down at the huge paw skeptically. Cain glares at GFK as if to say "take my hand, fool.". It's a tense moment, and finally...

The crowd erupts as the two men shake hands! Cain pulls GFK toward him and whispers in his ear..."Good luck, Goat. Don't let my congratulations go to waste. You got this."

Cain turns and whips his hair back, the crowd standing and clapping as he heads up the ramp. What a show of sportsmanship!

- vs -
Austin Fernando

Still Standing by Side Weighs plays

Frodo walks down to the ring accompanied by his two kids, Joseph-Gordon,[Image: sev-logan-lerman-mdn-81583009.jpg] and Katie, [Image: woman-crush-wednesday-jennette-mccurdy-6.jpg] and managers Crack, and Mrs. Frodo Smackins, Sarah. As Frodo walks down he waves at the crowd as if he were royalty. Once in the ring he removes his hoodie, hands it to Katie and climbs the turnbuckles pumping the crowd up.They seem unimpressed, so Katie just shoots them a smile.

Dangerous by Shaman's Harvest plays

Austin Fernando strides out confidently to the top of the entrance ramp, standing front and centre in front of the entire crowd with an almost sadistic smile on his face, cranking his head from side to side, he paces down to the ring and hops up onto the apron lightly. He stops again for a moment and bounds straight over the top rope, clearing it easily. Bouncing around lightly on his feet he crosses over to the bottom right turnbuckle and steps up onto the top turnbuckle, raising one arm triumphantly into the air. The crowd giving him mixed reactions, he steps down from the top rope and stays in the bottom right corner he placed himself in, stretching himself out and preparing himself for the match ahead.

The bell has sounded, and Fernando has rushed forward, only to be caught by a impactful gut punch from Frodo, followed by a smack to the face! Fernando is staggering backward, and is caught from a powerful uppercut, and now Frodo is charging at Fernando, and flinging out the arm looking for the clothesline, but Fernando catches him with a wicked front kick! Causing Frodo to fly backward from the impact, Fernando wipes his face angrily, and grips down onto the head of Frodo, lifting him up to his feet… and now Fernando with a Snap Suplex! Fernando walked up to his feet, and looked down at Frodo with a smirk, before leaping up into the air, and dropping down onto the forehead with the knee, hitting him with a jumping knee drop! Fernando for the early cover!


TW-NO! Frodo is able to power out early.

Fernando wiped a hand over his face once more, and gripped down onto Frodo’s head, picking him up to his feet again, but Frodo was ready for it this time! He quickly plants Fernando with a DDT! Frodo is up to his feet already, and is hastily scampering up to the top rope, and now… a somersault leg drop from the top rope! Frodo’s leg cracked right over Fernando’s nose! Frodo going for the cover this time!


TW-NO! Fernando is able to throw the shoulder up!

Frodo has Fernando by the hair, and is pulling him up to his feet, he’s going for another punch… blocked by Fernando! Fernando smirks, and hits Frodo with a European Uppercut. Before nailing him with a dropkick! Fernando has Frodo back up to his feet already, and has him in Suplex position… Frodo wriggled out of the way, he kicks the back of Fernando’s knee, buckling the knee from underneath Fernando and causing him to fall into a kneeling position… and now Frodo is running to the ropes… he’s charging back at Fernando… SHINING WIZARD! He hit that one right off the nose, Frodo with another cover!



THR-NO! Fernando with a kick-out, that was close!

With a grin on his face, Frodo is setting up away from Fernando… he’s begging for Fernando to get back up to his feet, Fernando is slowly getting up to his feet, and now Frodo is running at him and leaping into the air, this is it!

FLYING SUPERMA-NO! Fernando moved out of the way!

He scoops up Frodo from behind, and flips him up over his head, cracking him stomach first off the canvas with an Inverted Scoop Powerslam! Fernando rolled out of the ring right after the move, and went underneath the ring, looking for an object… not a moment later, he’s back in the ring with a lead pipe in hand! Frodo is only just getting up to his feet, Fernando is swinging the pipe right toward the mid-section!

Frodo backed up, and Fernando missed wildly… now Frodo with a Flying Calf Kick! Fernando drops the pipe, and Frodo doesn’t hesitate to pick it up, he raises it over his head, and swings it down in a vicious arc right toward Fernando!

The lead pipe slammed right off Fernando’s back! Fernando screamed out in pain, clutching onto his back in agony, and Frodo with another strike of the pipe, right into the back of Fernando once more! Fernando is crawling away to the ring ropes, Frodo still has the pipe in hand… he’s waiting for Fernando to get back up to his feet, Frodo is swinging the pipe wildly toward Fernando’s forehead! But Fernando caught the pipe, stopping it from hitting him in the skull, he throws the pipe away to the side, and spins behind Frodo, he grabs him from behind… drops to the mat…! Backstabber! Both knees dig deep into the spine of Frodo. Slowly, a weary Fernando grabs Frodo by the head, and brings him up to his feet, he swings out a quick jab, which slams off the nose of Frodo, but Frodo retaliates with a punch of his own.

A hook from Fernando!

Returned by Frodo!

European Uppercut from Fernando!

A slap from Frodo!

And now…


What the hell?

A metal trash can just dropped from the ceiling and hit Frodo in the head.

Frodo and Fernando both look up to the ceiling to see Gator standing on the crosswalk. He waves at the two. He's probably smiling under that mask but who really knows, cause you know mask.

Both men then look back down at each other and simultaneously throw punches both men connect with a punch at the same time! They both stagger backward, and then rush forward to meet each other once more, Fernando going for a clothesline… ducked by Frodo! Frodo rebounds off the ropes, and...HOLY SHIT!!!!

Austin Fernando just reversed a spear into a body slam!! How the hell did he just do that?

Fernando lifts Frodo up to his feet....End Of The Road!!!

A violent suplex cutter by the upstart member of the Heyman Alliance.




Winner - Austin Fernando

TJ Wallace
- vs -
Doctor Louis D'Ville

Pay For It by Jay Rock featuring Kendrick Lamar plays

TJ Wallace's theme song plays but TJ Wallace does not appear.

The song stops after about a minute and then starts back up.

Pay For It by Jay Rock featuring Kendrick Lamar plays

Same result and now the crowd starts getting restless.

The XWF tron lights up and there laying on the floor beaten and bloody is the body of TJ Wallace. Standing overtop of him is Vinnie Lane and Aerial Knight.

Looks like the Underground got some payback on a turncoat.

What will this mean for the next match?

House of A Thousand Corpses by Rob Zombie plays

But nothing happens.

What the hell is going on?

House of A Thousand Corpses by Rob Zombie plays

The crowd grows frustrated and angry as for a second time the music plays by the new XWF Universal Champion is no where to be found.

King of Kings by Motorhead plays

The crowd erupts as Ozymandias walks out from the back, microphone already in hand.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I regret to inform you that the current Universal and X-Treme Champion Doctor Louis D'Ville has not and will not be showing up tonight. It truly is an unfortunate turn of events as you all deserved better as did TJ Wallace. Unfortunately for TJ Wallace however, him turning his back on the Underground has resulting in a pretty hefty beating. As a result of this both Doctor Louis D'Ville and TJ Wallace have been eliminated from the Intercontinental Tournament. Additionally due to the disrespect Doctor D'Ville has shown you the fans, the Warfare brand, the Intercontinental Tournament and the Warfare Management Team I have no choice but to strip Doctor Louis D'Ville of his X-treme Title effective immediately. Which means that the good Doctor will lose out on acquiring his second consecutive case by only a few hours. Perhaps next time the Doctor, or anyone for that matter will consider their actions a little bit more before blowing off a match of this importance.

So as of this moment there is no Xtreme Champion and you have Doctor Louis D'Ville to thank for it. .

The crowd erupts in boos at the news as Ozymandias turns around and walks back through the curtain.

Doctor Louis D'Ville and TJ Wallace have been eliminated

Aerial Knight
- vs -
Justine Sane

Sentry the Defiant by Coheed and Cambria plays

The acoustic strums of a guitar can be heard as the spotlights point directly at the ramp and everyone becomes dead silent. The acoustic strums repeat for a second time as fog begins to seep out of the ramp and towards the ring itself. Just as the song becomes heavy, the Aerial Knight bursts through the curtains and takes a good look at the crowd and the ring. Once the lyrics hit, he slowly walks to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans to his left side as he passes them by. As soon as he gets close to the ring, he stops and looks up at the ring, where the referee (and if he enters second, his opponent) are waiting for him. He smirks at them and circles the ring as the song continues to play, even as the chorus plays out. After annoying the referee and taking a good chunk of air time out of the show, he climbs the stairs and hops over the top rope.

Once inside, he then hops to the top rope of his respective corner and waits for the bell to ring. All the while, he has a cocky smirk on his face.

Undead by Hollywood Undead plays

The opening riff of "Undead" by Hollywood Undead hits the PA system. The stage fills with a low-covering layer of smoke as the main lights dim and are instead replaced with flickering sapphire blue and white lights centered on the stage and entrance ramp. Justin Sane slowly walks out from behind the curtain, hands at his sides, clenching and un-clenching his fists whilst rolling his neck. He approaches the top of the ramp and looks out and the crowd with a smirk on his face. After gazing around the XWF arena, his gaze lands upon the ring in front of him. He makes his way down the ramp, eyes solely on the ring, a look of intent and purpose in his eyes. He slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and paces a couple of circles around the ring. Just as the chorus of "Undead" is about to kick in, he strides to the corner, grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle before throwing both arms out 90 degrees at his sides and letting out a loud war cry. He jumps down from the turnbuckle, unrivaled intensity in his eyes and stares out at the crowd as "Undead" begins to fade and the lighting returns to normal.

Sane is leaning back in the turnbuckle corner, with Knight quickly approaching him, Knight with a quick punch which is ducked cleanly by Sane, Sane is able to hit a return strike connecting right off the jaw of Knight, snapping the head back. Sane with another strike slamming off the mid-section, and another punch off the temple this time. Sane is winding up for a big punch, but before he can land it, Knight is able to grab him by the head and toss him into the turnbuckle corner, reversing there position, now Knight is leaping up toward the chest of Sane, he’s falling back first to the ring floor while holding onto Sane… and Knight is sending Sane flipping into the air with a solid Monkey Flip! Sane is already up to his feet, but Knight is ready to meet him with a Cross Body Block! But it didn’t drop Sane, instead… Knight has been caught by Sane! Sane has Knight slanted horizontally across his body, the size advantage is helping Sane out here, as he is able to drop Knight right into a backbreaker! Sane for the early cover!

ON-NO! Knight kicked out quickly!

Sane moved up to his feet, and looked down at Knight, he stomped hard into the chest of Knight, and then runs right to the ring ropes, he’s leaping up onto the middle rope and spring-boarding off of them, going for a moonsault!

Too soon! Knight rolled out of the way, and quickly took the advantage, as he hooks Sane up and drops him back to the canvas with a neckbreaker! Knight wasn’t through yet, he runs to the ring ropes, rebounds off of them, and leaps up into the air as he reaches Sane, Knight extends the leg across the throat of Sane, hitting him with a leg drop! Knight for the pinfall this time!


TW-NO! Sane throws the shoulder up before the count of two.

Knight looked around the ring, and hastily made his way over to the top right turnbuckle corner, he seemed to be inspecting the turnbuckle padding, he’s taking off the padding! Knight has left the second rope turnbuckle corner exposed, leaving the deadly steel exposed, the referee can’t do anything about it… this is an X-Treme Rules match!

Knight must be going for it, he has Sane lifted up to his feet, he’s leaping up into the air! But Sane has caught him once again! Effortlessly holding onto Knight, stopping him from executing the hurricanrana into the steel! He drops down to the canvas, slamming Knight with a devastating sit-out powerbomb! Sane holds onto him, keeping Knight’s shoulders pinned to the mat!



THR-NO! Knight throws the shoulder up!

Sane has a slight smirk on his face, as he slides out of the ring, and not a moment later, is already back in the ring with a Kendo Stick in hand! Sane with a shot across the back of Knight, and another one! Sane is lighting Knight up with the Kendo Stick.




Knight is screaming in agony, as he writhes around on the canvas, Sane has now dropped down over the top of Knight, with the almost broken Kendo Stick in hand, and he’s securing in a cross-face over Knight, while using the Kendo Stick! Knight is in total agony! As he claws around the ring, trying to find a way out! He’s struggling, but he isn’t tapping out! Sane, looking slightly agitated at the resilient Knight, tosses down the kendo stick, rolls over Knight, and goes for a quick cover.



THR-NOT QUITE! Knight powered out AGAIN!

Sane wipes a hand over his face, and gets back up to his feet, he’s waiting for Knight to get back up to his feet, Knight is staggering up… he swings a wild clothesline at Sane in an attempt to surprise him! Sane ducks under it, takes one side step and swings the boot up, he’s looking for it!

SCREWS LOO-NO! Knight ducked it!

Sane turns around to face Knight, who ducked out of the way of the superkick, Sane is caught by an enziguri from Knight! But before Sane can even begin to fall to the canvas, Knight is already back up, and DDT’s Sane down to the canvas! But Knight isn’t done yet… he scampers up to the top rope with agility, balances himself, and leaps off, he brings the elbow out and slams it over the chest of Sane, connecting with a diving elbow drop! Knight with the cover!




Knight get's up, pulling Sane with him. Knight whips Sane into the ropes and on the return trip Sane ducks an attempted clotheslines and instead bounces off the far ropes. Just as Heartsford turns around he gets smacked with a diving elbow to the temple. Knight stumbles around trying to get his bearings and Sane takes advantage. He sneakily circles his opponent and then before Knight can react he takes him down with a rolling cutter known as That's Insane!1




Winner - Justin Sane

- vs -
Sebastian Duke

Whispers in the Dark by Skillet plays

Smoke flows out from the stage as LH Harrison descends upon the main stage from the rafters above with his arms outstretched a huge smile upon his face. He hits the stage and looks around smiling. He walks to the ring, climbs the turnbuckle, extends his arms out, closes his eyes, and smiles broadly.


The darkness is finally cut as the X-Tron explodes into flames. From the very top of it, the flames travel out on both sides until they surround the tron. From there, flames explode from the ramp then travel down both sides of the ramp. The flames reach the bottom of the ramp and all four corners of the ring explode with more firey flamages igniting the steel lighting structure above the ring into a kind of ring of fire.

“O Fortuna!” by Nevergreen plays.

With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, O Fortuna hits. The flames continue to burn as Sebastian Duke finally emerges. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if he's coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke reaches the stage, he slowly makes his way to the ring, the flames raising and lowering to the beat of the drums in O Fortuna.

The bell has sounded, and LH Harrison is rushing forward toward Duke at a frightening pace, Duke swings out a quick fist to the advancing LH Harrison, LH Harrison is able to duck out of the way of it, and then proceeds to poke Duke in the eye! Duke staggers back blindly into the turnbuckle, and LH Harrison begins laying down the boots into the mid-section of Duke. Each one connects right off the gut, but Duke isn’t looking phased! He grabs LH Harrison by the head, and throws him backward, LH Harrison rolls to lessen the impact, and charges right back up to Duke, but he’s scooped up instantly and hit with a bossman slam!

Duke quickly hangs over LH Harrison, and secures both of his hands tightly around the throat of LH Harrison! Duke is squeezing tightly, causing LH Harrison to gasp and flail his arms wildly in the air, Duke is choking the life out of LH Harrison!

Duke still has his hands wrapped around the throat, LH Harrison is looking desperate now, he throws out his hand and sticks out a thumb, jamming it once again into the eye! Duke relinquishes his grip of LH Harrison’s throat and throws a hand up to his eye, as he gets up to his feet, blinded in one eye from the second eye poke this match!

LH Harrison coughs out-loud, before getting up to his feet, still clutching onto his ravaged throat, he walks up to Duke, and hits him with a solid European Uppercut, followed by another one! Duke barely staggered back, still standing tall, LH Harrison walked backward slightly, then charged forward, flinging out a forearm into Duke’s face! LH Harrison then winds up… and slaps Duke hard across the face! Duke throws out a wild uppercut in retaliation, but LH Harrison slides out of the way, and hits Duke with a swinging neckbreaker! He quickly hooks Duke’s leg, going for the pinfall!




Harrison is inexplicably pulled off of Duke... corVus.

Jesus Christ now what?

The mute known as corVus appears out of nowhere. Literally no where. No one saw him show up, he just did. He grabs Harrison by the hair and looks down at hm....


corVus unloads a massive jolt of energy right into Harrison's ribs.

Harrison starts convulsing like crazy. Sebastian Duke sits up in the ring and sees Harrison continuing to shake.


corVus nails him again with the stun gun.

Aaron Underwood and Frodo come running out of the back to attack corVus but are cut off by Gator and Justin Sane. Gator and Sane start throwing punches to the would be attackers. corVus turns around and sees his friends doing battle and immediately goes to aid them leaving the shaking Harrison to fend off the King of Darkness.

Duke pulls Harrison up to his feet. Harrison is still shaking from the mute's attack. Duke is shifting LH Harrison into powerslam position, he takes a small run-up, and then crunches LH Harrison right into the canvas, back-first! Duke now rolls LH Harrison over, and pins his shoulders to the mat!



LH Harrison kicks out at two.

Duke is already back up to his feet, and he has LH Harrison by the throat once more, he lifts LH Harrison high up into the air, and slams his back down into the canvas again with a chokeslam! He nearly sent LH Harrison through the ring with that one, with LH Harrison on the ring floor, Duke takes a moment to slide out of the ring, and take a look under the ring, he pulls something out from underneath the ring, and he now has a steel handled cane in hand! But before he can even get back into the ring, he’s caught by LH Harrison with a baseball slide! Duke staggers backward, and LH Harrison follows right up, gripping Duke down by the head, and tossing him straight into the steel steps, the steps make a resounding thud as Duke’s skull collides with the steps, and before Duke can even react, he’s planted on the concrete by LH Harrison with a violent Snap-DDT! LH Harrison took a little bit of time to get to his feet, he slowly lifts Duke up to his feet, and rolls him into the ring, LH Harrison follows in behind Duke, and drags the King Of Darkness into the centre of the ring, LH Harrison climbs up to the top rope, looks around the arena… and then leaps off! He’s going for his patented Diving Headbutt!

Duke moved out of the way! LH Harrison face planted right in the middle of the ring, and Duke takes advantage! Grabbing LH Harrison by the head, and sending him right over to the turnbuckle corner, Duke smashes LH Harrison’s face off the turnbuckle once… then he grabs LH Harrison by the body, and places him up on the top turnbuckle in a seated position, Duke climbs up to the top rope, and locks his arm over LH Harrison’s head… he’s going for a superplex! But before he can get into the motion of it, LH Harrison rakes him over the same eye he targeted earlier! Duke releases LH Harrison, and LH Harrison pushes shoves Duke down to the canvas once more, LH Harrison leaps off the turnbuckle quickly, but is caught by Duke!!! DEVIL'S TRIANGLE!!!


Sebastian Duke caught LH Harrison in mid air and locked him into the Devil's Triangle(Hell's Gate) Duke's back is on the mat but he has Knight in the hold and he is not letting go. Knight is trying to fight it but Duke just tightens the grip. Knight has no choice but to tap.

Winner- Sebastian Duke

Amidst the casual chaos churning with the piss-drunk peevish patrons in attendance of Wednesday Night Warfare, a couple of up- and comers are brawling in the ring. The two guys are mostly unknown, and are slugging it out during this dark match for a potential spot on the main roster.

The lights in the arena flicker for a moment, while the two men are still pounding each other’s faces into the ring mat.
An eerie sound of children’s laughter beings to play over the loud-speakers. The voices being to almost ceremoniously chant

“1…. 2….
Dylan’s coming for you…
3…. 4….
Hell’s now waging it’s war…
5…. 6….
No need for a crucifix…
7…. 8….
It’s time to face your fate
9…. 10….
Time for the Nightmare to begin….”

*The two wrestlers stop, and begin to look quizzically around the arena, as do the fans in attendance.*

The lights cut completely out of the arena now… a cold gust of wind can be heard swooping through the stands, as it rushes to the ring, ripping through the hair of the now frightened competitors. Nothing but a moment of silence, until…

…cues over the loud speakers.

* A gallantly golden shower of pyro begins to form above the entranceway. From the mist forming behind the entranceway arises a mind-numbingly monstrosity of a man. He’s standing nearly 6’5” and 230 pounds of ripped muscular flesh.
He is wearing over his head an old bloodied potato sack with eyes cut out, and a piece of rope around his neck keeping it tied on; along with a vintage, dingy looking black suit with a dirty white button down and black tie.*

[Image: image_1.jpg]

The man is seemingly stoic, as he stares down at the ground while the golden showers of pyro rain over his body, suddenly he looks up, as the camera pans onto his face, he’s starting directly into the camera and roars:

[b]Golden pyros begin to explode along the stage and down the runway as 'The Nightmare', now illuminated with a white-hot spot light is the only thing that can be seen in the arena as he makes his slow descent to the ring.

*As The Nightmare approaches the two men seem intimidated, but eager to work together to fight off this monster. The Nightmare Slowly drags himself up onto the apron and climbs up onto the turnbuckle looking down into the ring at the two men who are in the opposite corner now. The Nightmare removes his suit coat and throws it to the ground then slowly raises his arm up and points his finger at the two men.*

*The two men look at one another and then rush the monster perched on the turnbuckle like a blood basking bird of prey, The Nightmare though interjects, and as they reach him, he simultaneously snatches each of them by their throats and begins to lift them from the mat. Looking at each of them as he tilts his head a bit, he smashes their heads together repeatedly, then dumps one of them onto the arena floor and another into the ring.*

The man in the ring begins to stir and gets to his feet… staggeringly he turns back toward the turnbuckle where The Nightmare is now standing on the top rope. He points his fingers to the sky and roars:


The Nightmare locks his fingers and palms together, and launches himself almost past the center of the ring. The lights from the cameras flashing from the stands illuminate the dimly-lit arena for a moment as The Nightmare crashes into the man with a skull-cracking Double-Axe Handle smash.

He then notices the man on the outside of the ring trying to stir, but there is a bone sticking from his leg where he fell awkwardly when tossed out of the ring. The Nightmare runs the ropes, then jumps onto the center of the top rope facing the XTron and springboards himself into a Shooting-Star Press and crashes down onto the man. Quickly he grabs the man by the throat, who is now pleading for The Nightmare to stop… he slowly lifts the bloodied man up, his broken leg dangling, then chokeslams him through the slanting part of the entrance ramp.

The Nightmare slides into the ring, and starts to sadistically slither and crawl toward the unconscious man in the ring…


His echo sirens through the arena, the man tries to get up, but is relegated to a kneeling position and is bleeding profusely from his forehead. The Nightmare now stands, taking a few steps back he crouches a bit and collides knee-to-skull with The Dreamcatcher (a devastating shining wizard knee to the skull on a kneeling victim)
The man collapses over, while The Nightmare on both knees now in the center of the ring, rips open his white button down shirt, exposing a scarred yet chiseled chest. He opens his arms wide and with his head looking toward the sky begins to roar while another golden shower of pyro pours overtop of the ring as the show goes to commercial.

XWF Intercontinental Championship Tournament - Round 2 - All Matches are First Blood - Elimination

Sebastian Duke
- vs -
Goat Face Killa

Sebastian Duke remains in the ring after making quick work of LH Harrison and now he awaits his second round opponent.

G.O.A.T. by Eminem plays

The opening instrumental of GOAT echoes around the arena as smoke slowly rises from the metal floor. Goat Face Killa makes his way from the back with a Goat on a leash of whom he is feeding. He slaps a bunch of hands walking down the ramp, before picking up the Goat and handing it to a specialist next to the ring bearer before sliding into the ring and raising to arms in the air to a cheer from the crowd. He retreats to his corner where he does stretches.

The referee steps out of the way of the two competitors as the time keeper rings the bell. Goat Face circles around Duke as the taller man takes a few steps towards the center of the ring. GFK charges in and nails Duke square in the back of the knee with a stiff kick! Duke winces and stumbles backwards before catching his balance and spinning around. He throws a forearm that connects with GFK's cheek and sends him stumbling back a couple steps. Seizing the opportunity that GFK's momentarily stunned state allows him, Duke grabs GFK by the wrist and Irish Whips him into the opposite set of ropes before cracking his knuckles. On the rebound, Duke lifts GFK up in the air and drops him with a huge back body drop! GFK hits the mat hard and lurches up to a seated position, coughing. Duke hits a kick to GFK's back that causes the grounded man to wince and fall over to the side.

Duke slides out of the ring and searches under the apron for a weapon. Seemingly finding nothing, he looks frustrated for just a second before his hand brushes over something. His eyes widen in pleasant surprise as he pulls it out. It, being a steel chair. His hand is wrapped around the leg of the chair. Fucking Duke, getting excited to have his hand on a black rod and shit. He tosses the chair into the ring and climbs onto the apron. Meanwhile, GFK has gotten to his feet and picks up the chair before stabbing it into Duke's stomach! Duke doubles over the ropes and GFK brings the chair down across the back of his head! Duke's grip on the ropes loosens and he falls off the apron, onto the ground. Duke rolls over onto his back and stares up at the lights, almost as if in a daze.

In the ring however, GFK has picked up a heaping of crowd support and points over at where Duke landed! The crowd pops big time and GFK hits the ropes and comes back, soaring high over the other set of ropes and landing knees first on Duke's ribs! However, he falls chest first into the barricade on the landing! He's winded! GFK falls over to the side of Duke. Duke looks to be unconscious here, but the objective to make your opponent bleed, not knock them out. GFK inhales deeply before coughing out most of what he just breathed in. He grabs onto the top of the barricade and pulls himself up to his feet before falling backfirst against it to support him.

Duke finally begins to stir. He tries to sit up, and drags himself backwards, up against the barricade. GFK sees this and tries to put a stop to it by peeling Duke up to his feet and placing his head between his legs. He tries to lift him up for a piledriver but Duke forces his feet back to the cement. GFK tries again but Duke blocks it once more. He punches GFK in the back of both knees simultaneously and shoves him off. Duke then follows that up by driving GFK backfirst into the apron! GFK spasms and Duke backs up before driving his shoulder right into GFK once more. Duke backs away one more time and GFK falls on his ass. Unamused, Duke grabs GFK by the hair and slides him back into the ring. Duke slides in after him and picks up the chair. He looks down at the still prone GFK and raises the chair. He's about to drop it down across the face of GFK but before he can, the murderous Goat Face delivers a huge punch to the groin of Duke. The Goat Face Killa just killed a fuckton of Duke's children! What an asshole!

GFK hops up to his feet and locks his arms around the kneeling Duke's waist! He lifts him up... HUGE BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX! Duke hits the mat hard! GFK pushes himself back up to his feet and runs over to the fallen Duke and delivers a series of kicks to his ribs. Come on Goat Face, make him bleed! Internal bleeding doesn't count! He falls and drops a forearm across the back of Duke's head. Then he pushes himself up and goes to deliver another falling forearm strike but Duke rolls out of the way! GFK collapses to the mat! Duke grabs the ropes and hoists himself up to his feet. He looks down at GFK and peels him off the mat. He wraps one hand around GFK's throat! Chokeslam! But he doesn't let go of his grasp! He lifts GFK up to his feet by his neck and whips him into the corner.

Duke charges into the corner and absolutely flattens GFK with a huge lariat! GFK stumbles out of the corner and Duke lifts him up. Darkness Falls (Sitout Tombstone)! But that isn't making GFK bleed! Come on guys, what part of first blood don't you understand? Duke dusts off his hands and slides out of the ring once again. He searches under the ring and pulls out...

Oh shit.

Duke's got an Asmodeus Cane! He smiles and slides back into the ring. GFK still isn't moving from the impact of Duke's finisher, so Duke lays the weapon down on the mat. He grabs GFK and lifts him up to his feet. He grabs onto GFK's hands and backs him into the ropes. Oh jeez, he's tying GFK's hands up with the ropes! GFK's finally starting to come to and he realizes the kind of predicament he's in! He's squirming, clawing, trying desperately to get free but it seems the more he struggles, the more stuck he's getting. Has Duke channeled the powers of the Chinese Finger Trap? He walks back to the cane and picks it up.

Duke measures the caught GFK up. GFK's screaming now, struggling in his trap without making any progress in freeing himself!

Duke cocks the cane back...

And then he brings it forward...

CRACK! Duke hits GFK square in the nose! And again! And again! And again!

Does GFK even have a nose anymore? It's all busted and covered in pouring, leaking blood!

Winner - Sebastian Duke

Justin Sane
- vs -
Ricky Desmond
- vs -
Austin Fernando

"Undead" by Hollywood Undead plays

The opening riff of "Undead" by Hollywood Undead hits the PA system. The stage fills with a low-covering layer of smoke as the main lights dim and are instead replaced with flickering sapphire blue and white lights centered on the stage and entrance ramp. Justin Sane slowly walks out from behind the curtain, hands at his sides, clenching and un-clenching his fists whilst rolling his neck. He approaches the top of the ramp and looks out and the crowd with a smirk on his face. After gazing around the XWF arena, his gaze lands upon the ring in front of him. He makes his way down the ramp, eyes solely on the ring, a look of intent and purpose in his eyes. He slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and paces a couple of circles around the ring. Just as the chorus of "Undead" is about to kick in, he strides to the corner, grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle before throwing both arms out 90 degrees at his sides and letting out a loud war cry. He jumps down from the turnbuckle, unrivaled intensity in his eyes and stares out at the crowd as "Undead" begins to fade and the lighting returns to normal.

Money by Pink Floyd plays

Money hits the ring. Ricky strolls out onto the stage and he looks across the thousands of fans. He has a eerie smirk on his face, and he punches his fists together as he always does. He strides down the ramp, briskly ignoring the fans as he does so. Ricky slowly climbs the steel steps and brushes his feet on the ring apron before climbing over the middle rope and raising his right arm into the air. The music comes to an end as he jogs on the spot in preparation.

Dangerous by Shaman's Harvest plays

Austin Fernando strides out confidently to the top of the entrance ramp, standing front and centre in front of the entire crowd with an almost sadistic smile on his face, cranking his head from side to side, he paces down to the ring and hops up onto the apron lightly. He stops again for a moment and bounds straight over the top rope, clearing it easily. Bouncing around lightly on his feet he crosses over to the bottom right turnbuckle and steps up onto the top turnbuckle, raising one arm triumphantly into the air. The crowd giving him mixed reactions, he steps down from the top rope and stays in the bottom right corner he placed himself in, stretching himself out and preparing himself his second match of the night.

The three men wait in the corners, Justin Sane and Austin Fernando looking fairly worn and pissed off from their previous matches. Ricky Desmond on the other hand looks like, well, a million dollars. The ref calls for the bell and this match is underway.

Desmond stays relaxing in his corner, Sane and Austin look at each other for a moment and then to Desmond. They walk towards Ricky who snaps his head up and raises his palms to the men as he steps through the ropes onto the apron, he gestures smiling to the two men to fight between themselves. Sane raises an eyebrow and looks to Fern, quick as a flash, Justin springs towards to the ropes knocking Desmond of the apron and flinging him into the barricade. Desmond's head is throw back as he clutches his nose on the outside, in the ring Fern and Sane look at each other and both nod. Fern runs to the ropes and rebounds towards Sane, who lifts Fern and throws him out of the ring towards Desmond and Austin nails Desmond with a flying spear!

Ricky Desmond falls on a heap on the floor, Austin clutches his shoulder and sits up, he quickly looks to the ring and scurries out of the way as Sane looks over his shoulder on the top turnbuckle, his back to Desmond. The Insane One bends his knees and Moonsaults from the top rope and crashes onto Ricky Desmond! Justin holds his ribs in pain as Desmond writhes on the ground in pain. Fern has been searching under the mat as Sane and Desmond collect themselves and pull themselves back to their feet and go to exchanging blows. Fernando catches Sane's eye and throws a baseball bat towards him, but Desmond intercepts and grabs the bat, swinging it into Sane's ribs. Justin clutches his side and Demsond raises the bat high above his head, looking to end this match. But Fern rushes and throws a hard punch into the back of Desmond's head with a steel chain wrapped around his fist. Desmond is forced over the barricade into the crowd.

Sane looks thankful for a moment as he looks at Ricky struggling on the ground but he can't be grateful for long as Austin throws a punch into Sane's temple! Only one man can get the Intercontinental Championship, no time for alliances. The punch hurls Sane over the barricade into the mess of cheering fans and on top of Ricky Desmond, Fernando steps onto the barricade and leap with a diving elbow. But Sane and Desmond roll out of the way! Austin drives his elbow into the solid concrete! With the aid of the crowd, Sane gets himself back to his feet, he looks to Fern writhing in pain and Desmond stumbling towards his trying to shake the cobwebs. Sane grabs a beer from a fan and takes a large swig and smacks Desmond with the cup, beer and sweat flies everywhere. Justin grabs Ricky by the shoulder and throws him back into the barricade head first. Desmond slumps against the barricade and Sane makes his way to the fans, stopping at Fernando on his knees and promptly booting him in the face, knocking him back down.

Sane turns to Ricky and sprints towards him with a roar. Sane spears Desmond through the barricade! Sane and Desmond are in pain on the ground, in the debris of the broken barricade. Sane gets to his feet first, slowly but surely. Justin politely helps Desmond back to his feet by the hair and drags him to the apron, Sane pulls back on Desmond's head and throws his head into the apron.

Ricky's forehead turns red, but not with blood. Yet.

Sane pulls Desmond's head back and goes to throw his head into apron again but Ricky stops himself and throws an elbow into Sane's stomach, and another. Desmond twists around to Sane and kicks his knee, Sane goes to his knees and Desmond quickly goes to a Step Up Enzuguri! Sane's head snaps right and he falls to the floor, Desmond grabs at the apron and pulls himself up. He's breathing heavily but no time to rest, Austin Fernando is back on his feet and rushing towards Desmond. The pair lunge at each other, Ricky goes to grab Fernando but he instead jumps and gets an arm around Ricky's neck and spins with him, planting him into the ground with a Jumping DDT. Sane has started to move away from the other two to catch his breath, Fern hobbles to his feet and looks around, he sees a fan posing with the baseball bat from before, Fern walks over to the fan and snatches it away from him. He turns but Desmond is already back on his feet and kicks Fernando in the groin!

Austin grabs his crown jewels, Desmond takes the bat away from him. Sane see this and starts to limp over to the pair, Desmond reels back with the bat and..


With all his might Ricky Desmond smashes the bat into Austin's head, blood oozes from the impact and Fernando falls to the ground, blood pooling onto the floor.

Austin Fernando Eliminated

Officials keep Desmond away from Fernando who holds his hands up, smiling. Officials look over Fernando on the floor and quickly calls for some medical aid. A stretcher and two paramedics quickly come down the ramp and they go to Austin. But this match isn't over yet, Sane sucker punches Desmond while he's distracted and throws him into the ring. Sane quickly follows as Desmond rushes to his feet, not to be surprised by Sane again. The two go quickly to knocking the shit out of each other with punch after punch to the face, Desmond kicks Sane in the gut and quickly goes into a swinging neckbreaker. Sane is out on the mat! Desmond goes to the corner and steps up the turnbuckles, he turns to the ramp and waves goodbye to Fernando leaving on the stretcher, he looks down at Justin Sane and leaps off the top rope with a flying headbutt!

Desmond could end it here!

If it hit it! Which he didn't. Sane rolls out of the way at the last second and Desmond goes face first into the mat. Ricky clutches his face on the mat, but luckily for him, no blood. Sane goes to the corner and sits up, he takes a minute to catch his breath. After some time goes by, Ricky gets to his knees glaring at Sane who is resting in the corner. The pair stand off and go for each other like rabid dogs. Desmond whips Sane into the ropes and on the rebound goes for MILLION DOLLAR BILL! Sane is down! The Clothesline From Hell hits and Sane goes to the mat. Desmond realizes he can finish it now and goes to the outside as quick as he can, he starts to search under the mat.

Wait a minute.

It's Austin Fernando! Austin is running down the ramp, still covered in blood! And he has 2 kendo sticks! Where the hell did he get those from!? Fern gets closer to the ring and throws one of the kendo sticks into the ring, he grabs the other with both hands and smacks Desmond in the back of the head! Desmond goes to the floor but Austin is unrelenting, bringing the kendo stick down on Desmond's back! Fernando pulls Desmond to his feet and throws him into the ring as Sane is shaking the cobwebs. Fernando climbs into the ring and looks at Sane, then the kendo stick to the side of him. Justin grabs the kendo stick and both men wait for Desmond to get to his feet. Fern behind Ricky, Sane in front. Ricky gets to his feet and looks between the two men, as a final act of desperation Desmond lunges at Sane, but is hit across the face with a quick lash of the kendo stick. Desmond turns from the strike and immediately Austin swipes his kendo stick into Ricky's face.

Ricky is about to go down as he drunkenly wobbles on his feet, Sane throws down his kendo stick and grabs Ricky Desmond.


Sane hits his finisher with perfection and looks at Desmond's body face down on the mat, he rolls Ricky over and...

He's bleeding!

Winner - Justin Sane

After a grueling match Justin Sane is the only man not bloody! He gets to his feet as the bell rings and hold his arms in victory. He looks to Austin Fernando tightly grasping his kendo stick. Justin offers his hand to shake, Austin hesitates but accepts and the crowd roars. They release the handshake and Sane goes back to celebrating as his theme plays.

Without warning, the Warfare feed is suddenly interrupted by a series of visually violent video distortions. The white noise generated with each wave of dead air gradually increases in frequency, until the digital chaos reaches its apex…

And the video cuts to black. From the dark, seemingly everywhere and nowhere at once (a rather disorienting experience for viewers with surround sound), a young woman’s voice whispers:

“Did you check the closet?”

There is the sound of something shuffling rapidly, like a frightened cat across bathroom tile.

“And under the bed?”

A booming whoosh, like massive bat wings.

“How about over your shoulder?”

The distinctive shnk! sound of smooth metal on metal.

“Did you forget to look…up?”

As visual tears begin to appear in the black video feed, a laugh is heard, slow and gentle at first, but gradually building up and breaking into the inhumanly deep cackle of the insane.

The distortion ceases.


A simple white lighter is flicked, illuminating the lower half of the frightfully pale girl’s face, which is painted with a grin diabolic. In one hand, she holds the lighter. In the other, a torn-off bit of cardboard, which bears only two letters, written in dripping, deep-ocean blue ink: “L L”

The girl lets out a light, almost mischievous giggle.

“He’ll be back.”

Using the breath between words, she purses her lips and extinguishes the flame of the lighter, once more submerging the feed into darkness.

“He always comes back.”

XWF Intercontinental Championship Tournament - Finals - Ladder Match

Justine Sane
- vs -
Sebastian Duke

We are back from commercial and ready for the Main Event. XWF Legend Sebastian Duke will be taking on one of this generation's best, Justin Sane.

Undead by Hollywood Undead plays

The opening riff of "Undead" by Hollywood Undead hits the PA system. The stage fills with a low-covering layer of smoke as the main lights dim and are instead replaced with flickering sapphire blue and white lights centered on the stage and entrance ramp. Justin Sane slowly walks out from behind the curtain, hands at his sides, clenching and un-clenching his fists whilst rolling his neck. He approaches the top of the ramp and looks out and the crowd with a smirk on his face. After gazing around the XWF arena, his gaze lands upon the ring in front of him. He makes his way down the ramp, eyes solely on the ring, a look of intent and purpose in his eyes. He slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and paces a couple of circles around the ring. Just as the chorus of "Undead" is about to kick in, he strides to the corner, grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle before throwing both arms out 90 degrees at his sides and letting out a loud war cry. He jumps down from the turnbuckle, unrivaled intensity in his eyes and stares out at the crowd as "Undead" begins to fade and the lighting returns to normal.


The darkness is finally cut as the X-Tron explodes into flames. From the very top of it, the flames travel out on both sides until they surround the tron. From there, flames explode from the ramp then travel down both sides of the ramp. The flames reach the bottom of the ramp and all four corners of the ring explode with more firey flamages igniting the steel lighting structure above the ring into a kind of ring of fire.

“O Fortuna!” by Nevergreen plays.

With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, O Fortuna hits. The flames continue to burn as Sebastian Duke finally emerges. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if he's coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke reaches the stage, he slowly makes his way to the ring, the flames raising and lowering to the beat of the drums in O Fortuna.

The bell rings and the two combatants are staring across from each other looking worn from their previous match. Duke has his hands by his side as if awaiting the beginning of a duel and his fingers are flexing and relaxing. Justin Sane holds his ribs as he stares across the ring at Duke. Not an ounce of fear or fatigue is shown in their eyes.

Duke makes the first move as he fakes a charge. Sane tenses up, but Duke stops and takes a few steps back. His smile turns up at the edges as Duke assesses his prey. Sane takes a step forward and gets in the face of Duke. He then… hawks a loogie in Duke’s face!

Sebastian begins shaking in sheer agony. He slowly draws his hand to his face and wipes the slobber from his face and turns to face Sane, but…


Forearm smash to the face catches Duke off guard! He falls to the ground and Sane begins stomping on his leg trying his best to take the knee out of the equation. He grabs the foot of Duke, wraps it under his arm in a DDT position, then falls straight backwards pulling on the leg with immense pressure on the knee! Duke grits his teeth and claws at Sane trying to get him off. Sane finally gets off to exit the ring. He does so and finds a nearby ladder. Sane smirks and throws it into the ring. He climbs back in and lifts the aluminum ladder. He brings it down on Duke’s knee!

Or so he thought. But Duke had actually rolled out of the way and gotten to a standing position behind Sane. Sane turns around and Duke quickly chops his throat. Sane drops the ladder to clutch for air, but Duke grabs Sane around the throat and lifts him up high for a chokeslam. He brings Sane down right on top of the ladder! A horrific crash is heard as flesh meets aluminum.

Duke wastes no time as he flips over Sane so that his body is off the ladder except for his head that’s throat is over the edge of the ladder. He smiles with an evil glint in his eyes. He steps on the head of Sane and forces the throat onto the side of the ladder! Sane is flailing trying to get away, but he can’t! Duke continues this torture before finally letting it go.

Sane rolls away clutching his injured throat. He coughs and blood shoots from his mouth in a glob. Duke is now laughing!?! He’s absolutely enjoying this carnage. He walks over to Sane stepping over his body, but WHAM! Sane hits a kick to the nuts! Duke falls backwards in pain.

Sane staggers to his feet wiping the blood from his face which just furthers the smear. He backs up and waits for Duke to get up. He rushes towards him for a clothesline, but no! Duke flips his body around and nails a powerslam! ON THE LADDER!

Justin grabs at the back of his head and is writhing in agony. Duke walks over and lifts up the ladder, sliding Sane off of it as he does so. He sets it up in the center of the ring and begins to climb. As he gets to the top, he reaches up to disconnect one of the titles, but suddenly his ladder begins to rock! It’s Justin Sane! He’s pushing the ladder over! Duke’s face is filled with surprise as his ladder tips over and he lands… groin-first on the top rope. Poor future children of Duke. Sane sees his opportunity. He gets into a crouched position before eventually leaping to his feet and connecting with a… SCREW LOOSE Superkick! The kick propels him out of the ring. Sane takes a step back and surveys the scene. He pushes up the ladder in the center of the ring.

He begins to climb as he’s continually trying not to vomit up blood from that grotesque attack earlier. He finally gets a hand on that top rung when…


A ladder smashes into Sane’s ribs and down he goes! Duke smiles as he goes to the bottom side of the ladder and leans it up against the other part where you climb at. Sebastian then climbs the remaining side where the ladder isn’t leaned against. He gets to the top and is about to secure the Intercontinental Championship when Sane gets up and… and…

Sane charges up the leaned up ladder and goes to spear Duke! Duke is caught off guard and they both tumble off the top of the ladder. Both men are down and barely moving. They both slowly get to their feet, but Sane kicks Duke in the gut. He picks him up and hits a Pledge of Insanity! The death valley driver turned into a tombstone piledriver has Duke out cold seemingly.

The man from Philadelphia begins the slow climb to the top of the ladder, but Duke climbs back up the other side of the ladder. Duke actually gets to the top sooner and teased grabbing the belt. This encourages Sane to pick up the pace and punches Duke in the chest! Duke releases the belt and takes a step down. Sane gets up to the point where the can easily throw punches. He reaches across and slugs Duke on the chin. Duke grimaces and returns the shot! Back and forth and back and forth these two deliver blows on that ladder. Duke finally stops the monotony by grabbing Sane’s head and smashing it onto the ladder’s top. The King of Darkness smiles at Justin Sane as he grabs him and pulls him onto his shoulders! He leaps off the ladder with Sane on his shoulders! Bossman slam!

Duke stands back up and picks up Sane. He whips him into the ropes and connects with a big boot to the returning Sane. The shot from the boot sends Sane into the corner which is slowly closed upon by Duke with a clothesline! Sane staggers off the corner in a stupor as Duke connects with a stiff throat thrust! Sane hits the floor holding his throat once more. Sane slowly stands up once more only to get… DEMOLISHED by a SOUL SHOT clothesline!

The clothesline sends him flying backwards into the ropes where he collapses in a heap. Sebastian Duke then climbs the ladder and stands briefly for a moment taking in the moment before detaching the belt and raising his hand in victory.

Winner and the XWF's Inaugural XWF Intercontinental Champion - Sebastian Duke

[Image: Tf5JUHV.png]

Duke is holding up the Intercontinental Championship and really soaking in the moment, but... but what's this?

The fans are starting to stir! Somebody's making their way out through the crowd!!!

It's a man wearing some kind of big rubber mask and holding his own championship belt?!?! As the man gets through the fans and climbs over the barricade it becomes clear...

It's the Charlie Sheen mask! That's SHANE ANONISTRATOR!

And for some odd reason he's got the X-treme Championship in his hands.

He creeps up the steps as Duke is still facing the other way and looking out to the fans. Shane sneaks into the ring and has that X-treme title.

OH MY GOD! Is he going to award the X-treme title to Sebastian Duke and make him a DOUBLE CHAMPION?

Yes! Yes he is! If your definition of "make Duke double champion" is to run up behind Duke and crack him in the back of the head with the X-treme title!

CRACK! And we don't mean Frodo's!

Duke goes down to one knee after being struck by Shane in the back of the head. Shane just takes the belt by the end of its strap and starts whipping it into Duke's head making sure the center plate keeps cracking him again and again as he belts him. Thwack, crack, smack, whack! And with one big final swing Duke falls flat on the canvas!

Shane grabs a mic and his muffled voice can be heard yelling through the tight lip hole of that Charlie Sheen mask.

Shane: I'm back!

The fans give a pretty loud reaction, albeit mixed. Some of the fans are throwing their cups and garbage at Shane, but he holds his arms out and basks in it all for a few seconds.

Shane: Ah yes, show me that love! The Big Bad Waggle Bagga is BACK! Did you really think I'd let some scat obsessed freak like Scatbastian Duke have a moment of glory tonight? Oh please! I just beat him down with my bare hands and I was already winded from having to fight my way through crazed women in the audience trying to rape me because I'm so damn sexy!

Shane gyrates his hips as most of the women start to gag and some actually vomit when he thrusts his pelvis and a potato falls out of his zipper. He kicks the potato and it goes right into one of those stupid bitch's mouths!

Shane: Now what we have here is a... wait... why are you moving? Stop it!

Shane is yelling at Duke who is starting to pull himself up. Duke does not look happy. Shane points his finger at Duke and orders him to stay down.

Shane: I'm ordering you to stay down... OR WE WILL HAVE A PROBLEM!

Duke is already up to one knee and staring a hole through Shane, probably deciding whether to rip his heart out through his anus or to shove his entire fist down Shane's throat. Suddenly out from the back runs two men...

IT'S CORVUS AND GATOR! And they're carrying steel pipes!

Just as Duke stands Shane backs up and Gator is first in the ring to clip Duke's left knee out from under him with his pipe, followed by a shot to Duke's head straight from corVus!

Justin Sane who is still at ringside slides back into the ring and looks ready to join in, but Shane backs him off and calms him down.

Shane: You've done enough work. No need to exert anymore energy after you basically won this tournament for Duke. You're the real champion here.

Sane seems to agree and stands back as corVus and Gator just keep beating down Duke with those pipes.

Shane: Throw that bag of trash out to these dirt bag fans!

The arena fills with boos as Duke is launched out of the ring and corVus and Gator both follow him out, launching him again this time over the barricade and into the laps of the fans!

Shane: Hahaha! I SAID HA HA HA!

A couple fans can't help but laugh but the majority are once again throwing shit (and yes some of this actually looks like real shit) right at Shane's rubbery head.

Shane: Alright I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm back, and I AM HERE TO STAY! What's that mean for the management of Warfare? MY show? Well... it doesn't mean anything at all because I'm going to continue letting them do my job for me. Instead, I will now be representing a group that I feel can restore what my former Black Circle allowed to wither away and die. As of now, you're looking at the new number one family in the XWF! Come take a group shot guys, and let these piece of crap fans get their pictures of us as one for the first time!

Gator and corVus enter the ring and Shane puts one arm around Justin Sane's shoulder, the same arms that Shane is still holding that X-treme title from the hand of. He puts his other arm around the waist of corVus and brings him in close as Gator poses lower in front of the three like he's Shawn Michaels or something, pointing to himself and his family behind him while nodding. Many flashes go off as pictures are taken, even as cups of soda bursts over Shane's big rubber mask-head but Shane doesn't mind a bit! More soda and hot dogs and chicken wings all splatter them all as they pose and absorb the booing.

Shane: Oh and another thing! As you all know, this X-treme Championship was recently stripped from Doctor Jesus earlier because we don't allow the same person to hold both of the top championships in this company at the same time... Yes, you head me! Both of the TOP CHAMPIONSHIPS! While the Universal Championship will always be considered the highest ranking title in the history of this company, it is the X-treme Championship that has been here since its inception and never missed a beat. It is the X-treme Championshp that works as a two way stepping stone and allows for shots at the rest of the championshps in this company, both higher and lower, if the holder can remain champion long enough. It is the X-TREME CHAMPIONSHIP that has the word X-treme right in it, so that makes it X-treme.

Shane hesitates but then goes on.

Shane: I said X-treme!!!! And who more X-treme than the number one man in the history of this company? Who better to be awarded this championship than the number one man in the XWF's TOP 50 of all time? You all thought we might hold a big match or tournament for this title? NOPE! Not on my potato, and not on my broken watch either. I might not know what day or time it is, and I might not even care whose feces are on my hands... but there's one thing I DO know and DO care about.

That there is no man more deserving of this title, or more capable of continuing to elevate its status, than our very own... STEVE JASON!!!

Shane is looking right at Justin Sane as he says this!?!? Justin looks back and forth for a second but then just shrugs his shoulders and holds out his hands. Shane hands him the X-treme Championship!

Shane: I always knew you'd return to us, and I always knew we'd be a family again. I'm also glad you brought your two children in to be a part of this glorious moment with us.

Shane is motioning to Corvus and Gator as he says that, and they seem to just go along with it too. Justin Sane places the X-treme title around his waist as Shane takes up the rear and helps him button it securely, and then gives him a big smack on the ass for good measure. Justin jumps, not having expected that, but goes right back to smiling and raises his fists in victory as Shane applauds and the fans continue to boo.

Shane: Get used to this sight, everyone. Get used to seeing Shane ... Shane Anonistrator... Faceless... The Big Bad Waggle Bagga... whatever name you want to call me! Get used to seeing me representing THE BEST! Steve Jason here earned this championship, unlike Doctor Jesus who had to take advantage of a man that already had multiple orgasms that night. No cash in needed here, no money shot necessary, this was pure talent that won this title and you all were witness to a brand new movement. What? SHUT UP!

Fans boo furiously as Shane chucks his mic out at them and hits a young boy in the forehead. corVus picks up the microphone that had bounced off the kids head and somehow managed to land back in the ring. He taps the mic twice to make sure it's still on and then puts it to his lips and smiles...



Shane nods his approval and grabs the mic from corVus.

Shane: I think he's reminding us there's more news! WE'RE PREGNANT! Tell them, Steve!

Shane tosses the mic over to Justin Sane who gladly takes over.

"What my friend corVus just said for all you idiots too stupid to understand was this... 'You like surprises, Doc? Well, we got one more.'"

"Dangerous by Shaman's Harvest begins playing as Austin Fernando comes walking out of the back taunting the fans as he makes his way into the ring. Once there he shakes hands with Gator, corVus, Justin Sane and even crazy Shane Anonistrator.

Shane(elated): IT'S A BOY!!!

Shane starts handing out cigars to people in the front row as Justin Sane continues on the mic.

"Just.. when you think you have all the answers... We change the fucking question.

What? You thought we would just sit back and let The Asylum have their moment? I told you Doc, you just made the biggest mistake of your fucking life! Do you get it now? Is it starting to sink in? It doesn't matter what The Asylum does, because Defiance will always be one step ahead! Harrison brought you an army? He brought you a school bus full of fucking . What you are looking at right here is the elite. The best of the best. Austin Fernando is the only man in this damn planet who can run with the likes of us, and his inclusion into the most dominant faction in the XWF has just sealed your fate!

For all your intelligence, you never saw this coming. I told you. I promised you, that though we may have lost the battle on Monday night.. We would win the war. No more games. No more chances. You put yourselves in the crosshairs, and now? The entire world will watch as we pull the fucking trigger."

Sane hands the mic over to Gator.

"Oh and one more you Asylum fucks...we're just getting started."

The members of Defiance celebrate and mock the fans as they follow Shane toward the back and the cameras focus in on Duke's body which is actually being crowd surfed around in the audience still.

OOC: If you have not already seen the Lethal Lottery Round 1 video then click on the link below to see it

Lethal Lottery Round 1 Teams

Click here to see the card for next week's opening round of Lethal Lottery.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Mia Dim Offline

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

02-25-2015, 05:29 PM

Quote:Goat-Face just obliterated Cain with a diving headbutt to the chest. He hooks the leg for one what he hopes is the final time.




[Image: image-146.png]
I hate people who look different
and if u dont like it then u can leave                                                                                   

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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-25-2015, 05:33 PM

(02-25-2015, 05:29 PM)Dim Gilmourdow Said:
Quote:Goat-Face just obliterated Cain with a diving headbutt to the chest. He hooks the leg for one what he hopes is the final time.




"One trick pony."

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-25-2015, 05:38 PM

Better than a no trick pony.
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CorVus Offline

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-25-2015, 06:17 PM



[Image: 8FrxJeC.png]
Come Join The Murder

You shall know fear
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-25-2015, 06:29 PM

(02-25-2015, 06:17 PM)corVus Said: ...

"I agree."

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-25-2015, 07:57 PM

Ha! Ha! Ha!

How delightful!

The most dominant force in the XWF, indeed. I can't take anything away from Jacob, aside from the Universal Championship, of course. But you Mister Sane? Come now. How can you even believe that we belong in the same league? The same tier? The same level?

I purchase a title shot, you purchase a title. I take the X-Treme Title, you're given it. I earn a briefcase, you're given one.

Yes, quite dominant, indeed. Best of the best! Top of the line talent displayed week in and week out! Unstoppable!!

Now add to that dominance after you bring in Austin Fernando... He just fits right in with you boys. However, Mister Fernando doesn't pose much of a threat to the Higher Power and his army, as I alone have already disposed of him.

That's right.

Laugh it up though, my friends.


Laugh, laugh, laugh.

But jokes aside, you're in for a rude awakening. The Asylum that YOU know is evolving. You can't deny my success here in the XWF, gentleman. You can't deny that even with Jacob's win over me all the time ago, that I am, and will always be the most dominant single entity here. Monday was just the beginning, friends.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-25-2015, 10:04 PM

"So, should we make Sane defend his title against Cain? See how that goes, again? Oh, I know, Lane and Sane round 3. Hell, I've beat Sane twice. And Austin Fernando is still the guy with a record like McBride's. At which point do we acknowledge Gator is still the only good member on that team?"

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-25-2015, 10:35 PM

"Let's see, D'Ville holds a win over Gator. D'Ville has earned 3 title shots, that he's just holding, D'Ville is the longest reigning Xtreme champion. Had you noticed that the day of his cash in was the day before he would have received two briefcases. Have you noticed that I have not one, but two wins over Justin Sane, and I have never lost to Cain. More than he can say. Have you noticed that I managed to beat Aerial Knight? And Harrison has held his title, which he did not have to buy, since December. Not to mention D'Ville holds the crown as well. Not a single member of our team has ever bought a title. We've earned ours."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-26-2015, 03:19 AM

"Really guys? That's the best you got? Doc, save your breath, nobody is interested in your bullshit. The fact is, everybody knows I would have won that tournament if you hadn't pulled out like some thirteen year old school boy nailing his first bird and trying not to finish too prematurely. Don't get excited, Frodo.

I was gifted the X-Treme Title? Ha, you simple minded fuck. A cash-in is as good as a gift, whether you earned that briefcase or not. Speaking of earning cases, I did just that, by being untouchable for an entire month.. kind of how you got yours, right Doc? Oh yeah, six weeks.. my bad. I'm sure you'll call me on your extra two weeks of facing sub-par talent. The only legitimate defense you had was against Austin, and you are lucky beyond belief that he didn't take your title that night.

Not only that, but did you ever defend your briefcase? Hmmm, didn't think so. I did. Now let me see, who exactly did I defend it against? Oh! That's right.. Frodo 'broken record' Smackins. Same shit, different day. Seriously, take your damn puppet off loop Doc, he's repetitive shit talking is getting really old, really fast.

And Frodo, before you say anything else, just check who the fuck you're talking to. Whether you are in The Asylum or not, I fucking own you! You're nothing more than a prisoner of war, and you aren't going home until Defiance fucking says so, bitch.

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-26-2015, 07:02 AM

Making it hard not to laugh, am I?

Mister Fernando, don't be shy. Laugh all you want.

After all, this has, in fact, turned into a giant joke.

You seemed before that you were the impatient type... You need to relax. The Asylum is only starting to evolve, my friend. My army is far from being complete so if you're concerned with the type of talent we're currently holding, don't be. Everyone here has taken their wins and their losses. Your new friends have had their rounds with my followers a few times over again, so brag about that all you want, Mister Fernando. Brag about everything your new friends have done before you were welcomed to the group. What you should do now is add everything that Defiance accomplished before you to your own little list of achievements. I'm sure it would make you feel a tad bit better about yourself. Speaking of lists and achievements...


I don't understand your logic most of the time, Mister Fernando. I'm not dominant? I hate toot my own horn, so to speak, but where have you been? As my Violator pointed out, I am the King of the XWF. I was the undefeated and longest reigning XWF X-Treme Champion of the Era, and I am now the XWF Universal Champion. I have not lost a match in five months, friend. You don't consider that dominant? No matter how close you think you came to besting me a few weeks ago, you didn't. A win is a win and that's exactly what I did. Under your stipulations even. So if your considering everything I've accomplished here as irrelevant, consider yourself irrelevant, as well. Before you start on my army about where they stand in this fine federation, I suggest you take a few steps back and look around. It's obvious that the Defiance has been picked as the new "poster-boys" of the XWF, I can barely tell who's who while your all crammed into the back pockets of General Manager Ozymandias and Mister Potatostrator....

Tell me, Mister Sane. What have you done to give the Anonistrator such a "hard potato" as of late? The officials seemed so determined to get you a title they handed you a briefcase, they handed you a title, and now Mister Shane, himself, has placed himself at the top of your alliance. Now, the Doctor doesn't care how you achieve your goals. He also doesn't care how you plan on using what was given to you. Yes, a cash-in works the same whether you were handed the briefcase or actually earned it. Isn't there a lack of pride missing in this whole thing though? Are you proud that you were just pushed by management into the position you're in? You and I have never crossed paths and the only reason that we have now is because you're stuck in the middle of something that started long before you arrived in the XWF.

And what's this about defending my briefcase? You're kidding right? Who in their right mind...? YOU chose to put that gift of yours on the line against my Violator, Mister Sane. Sure, you came out on top. In fact, the Hobbit's career was on the line, as well. We all see how that held up didn't it? You're all foolish.

Oh, and that tournament that I "bailed" on? If you're unfamiliar with the rules on holding titles, Mister Sane, I'm sure Mister Taterstrator would gladly fill you in. Allow me though, I'll summarize it for you... I pinned Jacob Monday night and became the Universal Champion. You cannot hold more than two singles title when you're the top dog, my friend. I was prohibited to compete in the tournament, no matter how your management friends want to make it sound. I stepped away and you simply didn't have what it takes to go the distance.

But, of course, you made up for it when management gave you a title that has ten times the prestige as the Intercontinental Title. So don't sound so disappointed, Mister Negative-Nancy. To sum things up here, I'll basically tell you what I told you're new pet, Mister Fernando. Don't judge the Asylum for what it's done in the past, my friend. We shocked the world Monday night and we have so much more in our bag of tricks for you all. I wasn't starting a war, I was simply taking care of business. But if you want a war, be prepared for many battles and grow eyes in the back of your head. Because we are everywhere.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-26-2015, 07:39 AM

"Guys, guys. Let Asylum have their moment. They're clearly better than us right? I mean, D'Ville pinned me for the Universal Championship. I worked fairly hard to win the belt and D'Ville swooped in and attacked me after my match and got himself the belt, from the case he 'earned' after defending the X-Treme title against some of the top competitors like TJ Wallace or Herod or Goat Face Killa, his most difficult defence was against our very own Austin Fernando. So c'mon guys, clearly he deserved that briefcase more than Sane who was voted in the fed to have achieved the most and done the best that certain month."

"Sure since Defiance was created we have beaten Asylum every single time, but now that Doc holds the Uni for now, clearly they are just so much better than us. So, let the have their moment in the sun, let them think that small victory won them the war. Because they're clearly kidding themselves and honestly, this back and forth stop being funny since D'Ville decided to cut one of signature boring, long winded rants."

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
Check out Backstage Page for full list of XWF achievements.
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#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick Offline
Waves don't die.

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-26-2015, 08:09 AM

Yo, since we're talkin' about title defenses and worthy opponents and shit, I gotta ask; how bout all them matches with Aerial Knight for that now deader-than-Frodo's-credibiliy-as-a-threat TV Title? Stiff fuckin' competition there, amango.

[Image: giphy.gif]
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-26-2015, 08:45 AM

Well, forgive me for being a gifted speaker, Jacob. It's quite amazing you can get your simple point across in just a few short words. Aside from that, I feel a little heart broken. As much as we've been through in our careers here in the XWF together, I didn't even get as much as a "Congratulations, Doc" out of you when I won the Universal Title. I thought we were friends, Jacob?

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-26-2015, 08:51 AM

"Funny, Gator. Remember when you 'earned' your Universal shot by paying me for mine? Or when Corvus and Sane 'won' the tag belts by purchasing them from Theo and I? Sane 'winning' that briefcase? Theo and I were both more deserving that month, and any attempts to dispute that will be as fucking cringe-worthy as the pus that leaks out of the cum-covered herpes sores surrounding Frodo's eager little mouth. That brings the Defiance's collective EARNED accolades to a defunct TV title that only undercarders squabbled over."

"Beat your chest all you like but let's not lose sight of the fact that you guys really aren't shit to begin with."

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-26-2015, 09:05 AM

(02-26-2015, 08:51 AM)King John II Said:
"Beat your chest all you like but let's not lose sight of the fact that you guys really aren't shit to begin with."

(02-26-2015, 08:51 AM)King John II Said:
".... you guys really aren't shit to begin with."

(02-26-2015, 08:51 AM)King John II Said:
"..... aren't shit to begin with."

(02-26-2015, 08:51 AM)King John II Said:
".... shit..."

(02-26-2015, 08:51 AM)King John II Said:

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-26-2015, 09:21 AM

"Remember the time The Black Circle's own Supernova held the TV for almost a year? Remember when John Madison of the Black Circle head the crown and went on an undefeated killing spree? Remember when The Black Circle's Theo took the crown and dominated? When the Black Circle's NAZI's career in general? Remember when the Black Circle's bagboy, Luca, was better than Sane and Fernando together? Remember when Gator wanted to be Lazarus, aka Luca, so bad he stole his entire career plan from him? Remember when The Black Circle bought a title? No, that didn't happen. Remember when The Black Circle's resident Duke came in and destroyed the competition for the IC title, Defiance included? And somehow Defiance is supposed to be better?

Now, remember when I destroyed Sane at Knight's shove it? Remember when I challenged CorVus and he ran away from the offer when I questioned his answer? Yes. Remember when people gave a shit about Defiance without Defiance having to remind them that they exist first? Oh, and Justin, I did kind of call Austin on jocking on your meat rocket this week, so maybe wanna think about that whole 'none of you saw this coming even though it was pretty obvious from the way he was lapping at my colon.' Shit. Just a thought."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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