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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Theo returns to the Valley of the Sun
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-02-2015, 06:24 AM

Several weeks ago leading up to his one and only Universal Title defense Theo spent a day at John Samuels ranch in Texas interviewing candidates to be his new personal assistant. Prior to his handing over the reigns of Pryce Industries to Erica Rayner, Theo had Jimmy Durance to handle all of the duties associated with being a Personal Assistant. But then Jimmy had to go and be a selfish prick as Gilmour would say and fall down a flight of stairs and die. It took Theo a little while to come to terms with that loss, like two days and then Theo began the process of trying to find a replacement.

After an exhaustive search that resulted in a field of several hundred being narrowed down to a final three thanks in large part to Fran Fairchild's help, Theo was able to further narrow the list down to just one man.

[Image: richard-sherman-meme-20-600x600-1.jpg]

Richard Sherman. Pro Bowl Cornerback of the defending Super Bowl Champion Seattle Seahawks.

Unfortunately for Theo, Mr. Sherman has been extremely busy since their last meeting, you know, winning games and going to the Super Bowl and all, so Richard has been unable to begin his duties as Theo's Personal Assistant. And as fate would have it Richard is now in Theo's hometown of Phoenix, Arizona for Super Bowl XLIX which, Theo just happens to have tickets to as the Bidwells, the owner of the stadium the game is being played in is a family friend of Theo's. And so equipped with an all access pass and a wad of hundreds incase anyone gives him any trouble Theo has entered the University of Phoenix Stadium in search of Richard Sherman.

"Can I help you sir?" An overweight and rapidly balding security guard says as Theo approaches him.

Theo says nothing and instead grabs the all access pass that is attached to a white and blue Super Bowl XLIX lanyard, which is resting comfortably around his neck. Theo holds the pass up for the guard to see who then nods and allows Theo to pass.

Theo continues down the long and winding hallway until he sees a sign that says "Playing Field" and an arrow pointing to the right. Having no other clue as to where his P.A. might be Theo decides to try the field first and so he makes the right hand turn and proceeds down a small hallway, which then opens up to the backend of the North End Zone. Theo takes a few steps onto the field and then stops and takes it all in for a few moments.

On the field before him is a massive stage with a big white Super Bowl XLIX banner behind it. Currently seated on the stage is Marshawn Lynch, running back for the Seahawks. Gathered in front of Marshawn are scores of reporters none of which look too happy with what is going on. Uninterested in figuring out why they all have a bug up their ass Theo instead decides to continue on his mission to find the one, the only, Peter Gilmour's favorite athlete of all time, Richard Sherman.

"Excuse me, can you point me in the direction of Richard Sherman?" Theo says to a mildly attractive redhead in what Theo would classify as business casual attire.

"I think he is somewhere over there." The redhead responds with an answer that is about as useful as a shit flavored lollipop.

"Over there where? It's kind of a big surface area and I was hoping to narrow it down." Theo responds slightly frustrated at the lack of help the woman is providing.

"I don't know, I'm not his keeper." Retorts the redhead with a response that is dripping with cuntiness.

"Oh ok well fuck you very much then." Theo fires back not even waiting long enough to see the woman's reaction.

With the center of field fairly congested with athletes, player personnel folks as well as media Theo decides to walk along the sidelines in hopes of being able to progress around the field quicker and ideally uninterrupted. A dream that lasts about 15 seconds.

"Excuse me are you supposed me be here?" Says a middle aged white male in a brown suit.

"Yes I am. You see this All Access Pass that I have hanging around my neck?" Theo says as he holds the pass up so that it is eye level with the man questioning him.

"I see. Sorry about that. I didn't recognize you. Better safe than sorry." the man responds, somewhat embarrassed.

"Didn't recognize me? Have you taken a mental picture of every person that is currently roaming around this field?" Theo responds with question that is half inquisitive and half sarcastic.

"I try to. It's sort of my job." the man responds.

"Your job is to memorize the face of every single person? How is that even possible?"

"I have a photographic memory so that helps."

"I'd imagine so. Anyway if we are all done here I'd like to be on my way."

"Sure, you are welcomed to go Mr..." the man leans in to read the name on Theo's pass. "Pryce."


Once more unto the breach. Theo continues to look around the field in hopes of spotting the man he came to see. Off to the side are a few of Richard's teammates, specifically the other three members of the Seahawks Secondary known around the league as the "Legion of Boom." Theo approaches the men in hopes that they might have some clue as to where the 4th member of their group is.

"Excuse me gentlemen you wouldn't happen to know where I could find Richard?" Theo says.

The three men all share a look at each other not sure how to answer or who should answer. It takes a few seconds but the first person to speak up is Safety Kamm Chancellor. "Richard...Richard who?"

"Richard Sherman. You know...When you try me with a sorry receiver like Crabtree, that's the result you gonna get." responds Theo, half laughing.

The response clearly surprises the men and even earns a faint chuckle from Safety Earl Thomas.

"Yeah I'm just playing with you man. Rich is over there." Chancellor says as he points to Richard Sherman who is currently being interviewed by a group of about a dozen reporters. Somehow Sherman sees Chancellor pointing at him and then sees Theo standing next to him and gives that head nod that men give each other when they don't want to or can't say anything else. "He'll be over in a second. So how do you know Sherm?"

"Business associates."

"You his business manager? I thought I met him once, he looked really different. Did you lose weight or something?"

"What?" Theo responds with a look of confusion on his face. "I'm not his business manager. He works for me."

"Works for you? No he doesn't. I've met Paul Allen, you're way too young to be him." chimes in Earl Thomas another member of the Legion of Boom.

"Yes I am obviously not Paul Allen though I could buy his team if I wanted."

"You ever ball?" says the oft forgotten member of the LOB Byron Maxwell

"What? Me? No. Guys like me don't ball. Guys like me own the teams and employ the ballers."

"So it's like that?"

"Yeah it's like that Earl."

"What's up fellas?" says Richard Sherman who managed to break away from the cast of reporters that previously had him surrounded. "You come to cheer on your boy?" Sherman says to Theo with a smirk.

"You a Seahawks fan?" questions Earl Thomas.

"This man is a Cardinals fan." says Sherman as he pats Theo on the back. "Buck up buddy, maybe next year...probably not though."

"We'll see."

"Seriously though what are you doing here?"

"What a guy can't come and visit his employee?" Theo says with a massive smile across his face knowing full well that the mere mention of Sherman being under Theo's employee would put a stop to Sherman's well documented cockiness.

Sherman tenses up for a second and then puts his arm around Theo and quickly ushers the two of them away "MeandTheogotsomebusinesstotakecareof.I'llseeyouguyslater." Sherman says rapidly so as to not give his teammates a chance to respond. Once Theo and Sherman get far enough away from any other Seahawks Sherman takes his arm off of Theo and gives him the death stare.


"Why you gotta do me like that man?" Sherman questions Theo.

"Do you like what?" Theo says knowing full well what he did. "You asked me why I was here so I answered you. Would you rather I had said nothing?"

"Honestly yeah."

"Sorry about that." Not really though.

"Look man I got a ton going on right now, maybe we can meet up later." Sherman says as he peeks over Theo's shoulder. Clearly Theo has the unflappable man a little rattled.

"Actually I got a lot going on later. Golf with some buddies. Dinner with the Bidwells, a meeting with your other boss..."

"Mr. Allen?" Sherman asks skeptically.

"That's right. Paul and I have a few mutual friends that are trying to get me to put up the money for a basketball team in hopes that I can bring the pro game back to Seattle. I guess they think Paul would be a good person to talk to." says Theo.

"Really? Trying to bring the Super Sonics back to the Emerald City? That would be dope."

"That's the hope."

"Didn't know you were a basketball fan." Sherman says genuinely curious.

"I'm not really. Baseball and football are my sports but people tell me that Seattle is ripe for a basketball team again and my financial advisors tell me that this might be a good investment. Thus the meeting later."

"Doesn't Paul own the Portland Trail Blazers?"

"Does he? I honestly have no idea. Like I said, I don't really follow the pro game. I much prefer college actually."

"No way man. The Association is where it's at."

"I'll take your word for it."

"Alright well I guess I have a few minutes. What's up?"

"Not much just wanted to know when I could expect you to start your other job? I'll be honest, when I hired you I expected you to report for work 4 weeks ago."

"Damn son that's cold. No faith in me and L.O.B?" Sherman asks with a half smile. "Well I'll be honest with you Theo. When I interviewed with you I was sort of hurting for cash on account of the NFL fining me yet again. They've since backed off a little bit so I'm not really in need of the supplemental income anymore."

"I see."

"But my boy Marshawn, man the NFL has been dipping into his pockets nonstop this year and he's probably going to get fined after the Super Bowl knowing that malignant cunt Roger Goodell." says Sherman with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Damn Richard, tell me how you really feel."

"You really want me to?" Sherman says with a smile.

"No. I have a pretty good idea how you feel. I've seen your press conferences. You're not a fan of the man."

"That's a nice way of putting it."

"So what I'm hearing is that you don't want to be my Personal Assistant any longer, am I understanding you correctly?"

"It's not that I don't want to, more so that I don't need to. Sorry man it's nothing personal, just business."

"You were the one Richard. Out of all the people I interviewed you were the one I picked. Gilmour was right about you."

"The fuck just say?" Sherman says as the veins start popping in his forehead.

"You heard me. I thought you were different, that you weren't like all those other guys. I even had plans for you to kick Gilmour's ass at an XWF event finally extracting some revenge for those hurtful things he said about you but now, now I just don't know. You cut me deep Richard. Real deep. Me and my partners we have our biggest match to date coming up on Wednesday. I was hoping you could make your debut then."

"Biggest match yet? Aren't you guys facing those Underground hacks? Those guys are shit. Like the San Francisco 49ers."

"You're right, those guys are awful, the match is the very definition of a cake walk but that's not the point. I'm pretty sure that TJ Wallace jerkoff is a huge fanboy of yours or at least that's what I figure since he tries to pretend he's from the school of hard knocks just like you. Except you went to Stanford and he was probably rejected by every Community College in the state of New York. But the truth is you signed a contract Richard. Are the the kind of guy who honors his contract or are you the other kind of guy?"

"Look man...oh God damn you're gonna guilt me into this aren't you?"

"No Richard I am not. I don't need you. The XWF doesn't need you. Good day sir."

"Theo come on man, it's not personal."

"I said Good Day sir. But what I really mean is, I hope Tom Brady assfucks your entire secondary all game enroute to his 4th Super Bowl ring. I hope you are forced to watch as your offense crumbles at the end of the game like a house of cards. Go Patriots."

Theo doesn't even wait to hear a response from Sherman instead he turns around and walks back down the sidelines, through the tunnel and out of the stadium, tossing his All Access Pass into a nearby trashcan as he exits the building.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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