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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Gauntlet City (March 31st) PPV RP Archive
Jonathans Execution (US Title/Gauntlet - RP 1)
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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-27-2013, 06:43 PM

RECAP: Its been a long few week at Sebastian Dukes compound. From trying to recover Asmodeus from the clutches of his nemesis, Jonathan, to protecting the identity of Silas. Asmodeus was safely recovered and Jonathan was apprehended by the Brotherhood.

It was eluded to for several months, but during the initiation ceremony for Silas, its been revealed that Duke's secret society is the Brotherhood of the Illuminatus. One of the oldest and most covert of secret societies with reaches in every corner of the globe. Including at the highest levels of numerous governments throughout the world. Even within the United States.

As mentioned, Jonathan has been apprehended and is now tucked away safely within the walls of the Compound. All that remains now is not if Jonathans life ceases, but when and by whom.

Monday, March 25, 2013 - 12:32 PM EST

Sebastian Duke, Asmodeus, and the Brothers are gathered in the chapel. The time has come to hand down Jonathans sentence. Sebastian and Asmodeus sit in their respective thrones. The Brothers sit in silence.

Moments later, the doors to the chapel open up. Jacob and the hooded Silas enter with each clutching an arm of their prisoner. Jonathan is chained and shackled with very limited movement. His head is about the only thing he can move freely.

As the three men near the altar at the front of the main center aisle, they stop. Sebastian Duke stands.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Jonathan, on the count of attempted murder of the Grand Master of the Brotherhood of the Illuminatus, you are proven guilty by your own confession. On the count of kidnapping of the Master and High Priest of the Brotherhood of the Illuminatus, you are proven guilty by my own eyes and your own admission. On the count of murder of Brother Lucas, you are proven guilty. On the count of conspiracy to bring down the Brotherhood of the Illuminatus, you are proven guilty.

“Do you wish to add anything?”

JONATHAN: “Yeah. Fuck you Duke! You will all burn in hell!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Do you wish to refute or deny these verdicts cast against you?”

JONATHAN: “Fuck you.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Before I hand down your sentence, do you have any last words?”

JONATHAN: “Go fuck yourself, Duke!”

Sebastian moves a little closer and without warning, headbutts his rival busting his nose. Jonathan nearly falls to the floor but is being held to his feet. Blood gushes. Jonathan smiles.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Son, never pass up a good chance to shut the hell up!”

JONATHAN: “Your brutality only fuels me, Duke.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Jonathan, as Grand Master of the Brotherhood of the Illuminatus, on all the counts you are brought up on, you are proven guilty. As your judge, jury, and executioner, I hereby sentence you to death by beheading. That sentence is to be carried out at midnight.”

JONATHAN: “You won’t kill me. You just don't have it in you to kill another Brother.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Yeah. You’re right. I won’t kill you.

“Jacob will.”

A smile appears on Dukes face as well as Jacobs. Jonathans smile fades.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Take him back to his cell.”

Silas and Jacob escort Jonathan back to his cell as this scene fades.

Monday, March 25, 2013 - 2:23 PM EST

Sebastian Duke, Asmodeus, Jacob and Silas are all sitting around in Duke’s office. They are sitting and awaiting word from the guard shack that FedEx has arrived. Duke has become a bit apprehensive that it’s running this late.

What he’s waiting on is the centerpiece for tonight decapitation festivities. Shane ’s Guillotine.

ASMODEUS: “You know, Sebastian, we may have to devise a back up plan.”


ASMODEUS: “It’s not here yet. It was supposed to be here over an hour ago.”

SILAS: “It’ll be here. If there’s one thing Shane and John Madison do like, its decapitations. Even if they aren’t participating, they’ll want to see the footage.”

JACOB: “I personally, don’t care how we do it. As long as I’m the trigger man.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “It’ll be here. Even if it doesn’t, Jonathans life ends tonight. Jacob, you’ll get your revenge. I can promise you that.”

The phone on the desk rings. Duke nearly jumps out of his seat in excitement. He presses the speaker button.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Yes? Go ahead?”

???: “Sebastian?”

It takes a few seconds for the voice to register in his mind. Then it hits him.


LINN KWANN: “In the flesh, or something like that.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Linn what is it you want?”

LINN KWANN: “Just to talk. I miss you, Sebastian.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You know what? I really don’t have time for this! Nor do I care that you miss me.”

LINN KWANN: “Really now? Sebastian! All I want is to be happy! Don’t you care about my happiness anymore?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “No. I really don’t give a damn about your happiness.”

Her demeanor begins to change from sweet sounding to anger.

LINN KWANN: “You know, I know enough about you and your Brotherhood to bring you down!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Is that a threat?”

LINN KWANN: “You’re damn right it’s a threat!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “You don’t wanna threaten me, honey! You are way out of your league! All you want is my money anyhow! Oh and speaking of money, Linn, you better hurry.”

LINN KWANN: “Hurry where, Sebastian!?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Well, if you don’t hurry, someone else is gonna get your street corner!”

The other guys laugh out loud as Duke ends the call.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Dumb bitch!”

The phone rings again, in anger, Duke hit’s the speaker button again.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Look Linn! I’m in no mood for your…”

???: “Mr. Duke?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Ohhh. Shit. Zach, I’m sorry. What is it?”

ZACH: “FedEx has just arrived, sir. Shall I send them up?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “YES! Definitely yes.”

Duke ends that call and the four men race out of the office to the front doors of the Compound. The large FedEx truck rolls to a squealing stop just in front of them. Minutes later, the lift gate on the back of the truck goes through its motions lowering the massive crate to the ground.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Holy shit!”

ASMODEUS: “What is it?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “That’s a lot bigger than I thought.”

SILAS: “That’s what she said.”

Duke stares at Silas after his sarcastic comment with a smirk on his face.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Uhhh. Jacob, go grab a few extra guys. Get this thing out back. Don’t remove the crate until after dark.”

SILAS: “Wait! You’re not gonna help?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “One of the perks of being Grand Master, Silas!”

SILAS: “Ahh! You’re such a dick!”

Duke walks off laughing as this scene comes to a close.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - 12:00 AM EST

The entirety of the Brotherhood, minus Silas and Jacob, have all filed out of the Compound to the rear of the building. Out of sight from any possible passer-bys. What is about to happen, needs not be in full view of any watchful eye that may knowingly or unknowingly bear witness to tonights event.

The guillotine sent by Shane and John Madison is set up nicely. Backlit in the dark of night by the blazing torches surrounding the immediate area. Torch bearers line a pathway from the rear entrance of the chapel to the staging area of the guillotine awaiting the arrival of their prisoner and his escorts.

Sebastian Duke, along with Asmodeus, stand front and center on either side of the razor sharp blade that in moments, will separate Jonathans head from the rest of his body. Effectively, and with finality, ending his life. When you threaten the life of Sebastian Duke or his father, you should probably run and hide. If he finds you, he will end you.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What the hell is taking so damn long?”

ASMODEUS: “Relax, Sebastian. They will be coming.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “They’ve been down there for nearly fifteen minutes. Surely, they should be back by now.”

ASMODEUS: “Perhaps they have had trouble with the chains or the shackles.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I better call them.”

Losing his patience and letting his anxiety take over, he pulls out his cell and dials up Jacob.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Jacob, what the hell is taking so long?


“Keep his legs free then!

“Are his arms secure?

“Then hood him, and get up here! We need to get this over with!”

Duke ends the call replacing his phone in his pocket.

ASMODEUS: “What is it?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “The leg shackles. The lock is frozen shut.”

ASMODEUS: “See? I told you. Small mishap.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Hmmm. I’m just…”

Sebastian seems more apprehensive then usual at this type of event.

ASMODEUS: “Sebastian? What is it?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I just… Something isn’t right.”

ASMODEUS: “What isn’t right?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I just can’t put my finger on it, but something seems off.”

ASMODEUS: “Sebastian. What did I teach you when you were a very young man about your instincts?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Trust them.”

ASMODEUS: “What are your instincts telling you?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

ASMODEUS: “Cancel it.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “No! I want this over with!”

Moments later, Silas and Jacob emerge with the guest of honor. Shackled at the wrists and a black hood covering his head. They make their way through the torch-lit path, no hesitation and no struggle from Jonathan. They reach Sebastians position near the blade of the guillotine and come to a stop.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Get that damn hood off.”

Jacob obeys the order and removes the hood.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Get him in the guillotine, face up.”

JACOB: “Why? I thought he was supposed to be in their face down.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “I want him to have to watch as the blade falls toward his throat.”

Silas and Jacob secure Jonathan into the guillotine without incident. Asmodeus tugs on Sebastians clothing. He takes the hint and they move over to where no one can hear them. Both of them have their back turned to the Brotherhood as they speak in hushed tones.

ASMODEUS: “You need to call this off.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What the hell are you talking about?”

ASMODEUS: “Your instinct. Trust it. Something is definitely not right.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Nah. We’re going ahead with it.”

ASMODEUS: “Sebastian! He didn’t even put up a struggle.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Look! I don’t know why, but he obviously has his reasons! Maybe he just knows there isn’t anything he can do.”

ASMODEUS: “Regardless of the circumstances. Regardless of the amount of people around that have come to watch you draw your last breath. If that was you getting your head stuck in that guillotine, wouldn’t you be fighting as hard as you could until the damn blade dropped?”

Duke looks over his shoulder towards the crowd of Brothers and at Jonathan, laying secured in the guillotine. Jonathan lays their motionless, staring up at the reflection of the flames against the polish surface of the blade. He turns back toward Asmodeus.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Just administer the last rites so we can end it.”

ASMODEUS: “Sebastian. I really think we need to postpone this.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Just do the damn rites!”

With great hesitation, Asmodeus proceeds toward Jonathan. The crowd noise suddenly quiets down to silence.

ASMODEUS: “Brothers, it is my duty to stand before Jonathan, as the High Priest of the Brotherhood of the Illuminatus and administer his Last Rites. I ask you all to remain silent while this task that is underway before you, comes to its conclusion.”

Asmodeus grabs his bible and begins thumbing through it. Meanwhile, Silas whispers to Jacob.

SILAS: “Isn’t ‘Last Rites’ Catholic?”

JACOB: “It is, yeah.”

SILAS: “I thought you guys were like anti-Catholic or something.”

JACOB: “We are, in a sense. Basically, we‘re identical in prayer, completely different ideologies .”

Asmodeus has just found the correct passage. In the distance, a very unfamiliar sound. Every last one of the Brothers begin looking around the property. Even in the air. They can’t distinguish the sound, but its definitely something. Its also definitely getting closer. The sound they hear is like something being whipped through the air at a very high rate of speed, over and over and over again. Repeatedly. Nonstop.

Duke, soon flanked on either side by Silas and Jacob, starts walking toward the corner of the Compound looking toward the road and the guard shack. The sound gets closer and closer, yet still distant. It now sounds like its in surround sound. Maybe reverberation off of the building or the trees around the estate.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Jacob, get over there and drop that fucking blade!”

Silas stays with Duke as they run full speed toward the guard shack. Jacob runs out of sight toward the guillotine. Duke and Silas reach the guard shack and burst through the door.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What do you see on the radar?”

SILAS: “That definitely sounds like a chopper, Duke.”

GUARD: “Actually, its two choppers. I heard reports of a bad accident on the interstate not far from here. Probably where they’re headed.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Two choppers? Must be some accident! Give me a walkie. Keep me posted. Don’t take your eyes off those choppers.”

Duke and Silas, a bit more relaxed now, walk back toward the ‘festivities.’ They round the corner of the building and see Jacob and a few other Brothers seemingly arguing with Asmodeus near the guillotine. Duke and Silas run over.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “What’s the problem?”

JACOB: “I was about to release the blade and Father Asmodeus stopped me.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “ASMODEUS! I gave him a direct order to drop that blade!”

ASMODEUS: “He has not been given his Last Rites!”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Fuck the rites! Move away from the guillotine, or I’ll move you myself!”

Asmodeus reluctantly backs away.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Now drop that fucking blade!”

Jonathan stares up at his fate. The reflection of the torches still glistening off the blade. Beads of sweat pour down his pale white face.

Jacob releases the blade.

Jonathan squints his eyes shut hard…

Then nothing.

He hears the commotion around him and opens his eyes. He looks at the blade just an inch from his throat. He prays to himself as Jacob, Silas, Duke, and a couple other Brothers struggle to get the blade un-jammed. A crackle of the radio in Dukes hand.

Duke, along with Silas, dart away from the commotion in order to hear.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Yes! What is it!?”

GUARD: “Two choppers inbound! About a half-mile out. Their candles are lit!

“I repeat!

“Their candles ARE LIT!

Duke tosses the radio against the back wall of the Compound, shattering it in pieces.

SILAS: “What the hell does that mean?”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “It means their spotlights are on. They’re searching for something.”

Jacob runs over to Duke.

JACOB: “Leader, we can get the blade to go all the way up and out, but it wont go all the way down.”

SEBASTIAN DUKE: “Jacob, get that blade out of there!”

JACOB: “But, I…”


Jacob runs back to the guillotine. He and a couple of the Brothers begin struggling to get the large heavy blade out of the guillotine. Just as they get it out, and start taking it away, rounding the Compound from the front….

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiBNKpeajZYdm0EmINe8i...pnjh__l-6A]
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