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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Underground or Underwhelming?
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-30-2015, 08:05 AM

There was a time, late in 2013 when The Black Circle was at the height of it's dominance. At the time it had the King of the XWF, the European Champ, the TV champ and United States champ, a legend in John Madison and was lead by the President of the XWF Shane . The Black Circle was that ripped model that every guy wishes they were and every girl wished they were with. And as much fun as it was to be part of that group one of the things that we in the Black Circle constantly heard and had to constantly deal with were the false accusations that the only reason that any of us got title shots or the titles we had was because of our connection to management.

I said false accusations because that's exactly what they were. Despite everyone and their mother and sometimes their crazy wheelchair bound grandmothers throwing it in our faces in an attempt to discredit our greatness no one was able to prove it. No matter how hard they tried. In fact I even did a promo during that time period where I explained not only how we all earned our titles through contenders matches or challenges being accepted. I even went one step further and dispelled the silly notion that the only reason we won titles was because a match involving a Black Circle member couldn't end without the rest of the Black Circle getting involved to help their ally. But the truth is that The Black Circle had all the titles it had because it was composed of the very best the federation had to offer.

Now why I am taking you all down memory lane? Why talk about the Black Circle when at this point they really don't exist anymore and for all intents and purposes hasn't really existed since Shane turned his back on the group at Super Shove it back in February?

Well the answer is actually really simple. While The Black Circle won matches and titles based upon their own merit there actually is a group in the XWF that is so devoid of talent that they actually need management to hand them the shots that they otherwise would not, could not earn for themselves.

That group?

The Underground.

My first question is this, what exactly is so Underground about them?

They aren't hidden or secretive, we know exactly who they are and what they are about.

Do they have a base of operations somewhere under the surface of the Earth like the Ninja Turtles?

Oh wait this must be it.

Theo looks down at his pocket dictionary and then back up to the camera.

Synonyms - (outside the mainstream), avant-garde, unconventional.

There it is. Unconventional.

The Underground is most certainly unconventional.

You see in this business most people believe that you get ahead by working your way up from the bottom. We've all done it. At least those of us that are successful. have. Back in the days of the Black Circle Luca Arzegotti was the god damn bag man. The guy that most people believed had the highest ceiling out of any of us was carrying John Madison's bags. Even Luca had to work his way up. Do you think that anyone in the Underground would have been welcomed into The Black Circle?

The short answer is no.

The long answer is are you fucking kidding me?

But even Luca the bag man earned everything he ever got.

But the Underground? They don't believe in earning things because, and to put this as nicely as I possibly can, they suck.

Their garbage.

Their actually worse than garbage because garbage actually served a purpose at one point before it became garbage. But these guy? They serve no purpose at all. Not now. And probably not ever.

The Underground is simply nothing more than a collection of talentless kiss asses who instead of putting in the time and hard work to try and achieve anything would rather align themselves with a member of management so that he can hand them what they are too pathetic to earn.

Aerial Knight? What the fuck has that guy done to earn a match with the Kings? You know besides lose to Gator half a billion times?

TJ Wallace? Has that guy won a match? Like ever?

And Xavier Swann? Who the fuck is Xavier Swann? Besides a guy with possibly the most pussified sounding name of all time?

These three guys are the best the XWF has to offer?


At least Pamela Lane managed to win the Trios once. Hell he's even earned a shot at the Universal Title which if he wasn't too caught up in primping his hair he might actually go on to win the thing. He is the only member of that little rag tag band of merry cock munchers to exhibit even an ounce of talent and yet Aerial Knight saw fit to call him idiotic.

Did you hear that Lane? Even one of your own crew called you out for being a brain dead dumbass.

Looks like there are some cracks in the foundation. I guess that's bound to happen when a bunch of guys come together with the sole intention of getting handed things. Forget comradery. Who needs that right?

Do you want to know why the Kings in just a few short months have managed to win the Universal Title twice as well as the Tag Team Titles and the Trios Titles? It's not just because we are all so star spangled awesome that titles just fall out of the sky and land in our laps, it's because we have all have a common goal. And it's not to step all over each other to get to the top. Samuels could have forced me to defend my title against him but he didn't. Not because he is afraid to face me, he's not afraid to face anyone but rather he knew his time would come and with a little patience it did. Even if it lasted about as long as Gilmour does in the bedroom. And Madison? The guy is a legend. Doesn't need to wrestle another day in his life and will always be remembered as one of the best in the sport and yet he's part of the Kings? Why? Well for starters it's an excuse for him to hang out with Samuels and I. But more importantly than that it allows Madison to show the world that an old dog can still learn some new tricks.

The Kings are what the Underground should aspire to become. The problem as I see it is that while the Kings are going out and winning nonstop the Underground is too busy shitting all over each other and squandering away any title shot they get to ever amount to anything other than a wet fart.

A few hours ago Aerial Knight called Lane an idiot.

A few minutes ago Xavier Swann called himself the team Captain and MVP of a match he didn't even score the pinfall in. Who does this guy think he is? Ghost Tank?

Let me clue you three musketqueers in on a little something.

You have as much of a chance of "dethroning the Kings" as Vinnie Lane does of not being a gaping fuck hole.

You fellas if you were smart would just tuck your tails between your legs go back to your boss and ask him why he hates you guys so much? Because if Captain Kirkegaard really gave two shits about any of you he wouldn't have forced you into a match against three XWF Legends.

But nevertheless here we are. The match has been set and next Wednesday The Kings will become the first trios team in the current era to successfully defend the trio titles twice.

Yes there are two teams that had longer trios reigns than the Kings. A team made up of Poppa Feder, Peter Gilmour and Unknown Soldier as well as a team made up of ESP, Tri Bute and Jessie Diaz but the former only successfully defended the titles once during their reign and the latter never successfully defended them at all. Despite a 6 month reign. That's right, for half a year those three were allowed to sit on titles because no one gave a shit enough to challenge them but the second The Kings win the titles teams are lining up left and right to face us.

First the Asylum, then it was the Corporation until they folded which was a shame because I would have enjoyed smacking those three around and now it's the Underground.

We could hand off the titles tomorrow, or sell them off like John and I did with the tag team titles and we would have already accomplished what we set out to do which was making the trios titles relevant for the first time ever. Teams want to face us because they want a chance to say they stepped into the ring with three of the best to ever grace an XWF ring. Unfortunately for our opponents, past, present and future they are so starstruck by who they see across from them in the ring that they don't even fully realize what it is they've gotten themselves into, or in the case of our current opponents, what their boss got them into.

Since two of them have already felt the need to come at us verbally allow me the opportunity to respond in kind.

Jonathan Heartsford aka the Aerial Knight. First of all you really should consider a name change to something that fits your career a little better. Perhaps something like "Punching Bag Knight" or "Lays on his back and gets pinned Knight" or "Knighty Knight". Just some free advice. Do with it what you will.

Now first let me address the notion that the three of us aren't doing anything with the trios titles. Actually scratch that I've already addressed that just a few seconds ago when I explained how we did in a month what the last few trios champions haven't done in over a year. Successfully defend the belts.

I find it funny and perhaps even a bit ironic that a guy who was literally handed the one title he's ever held and yet believes he deserves this shot at the trios title has the stones to say that I overvalue myself.

Tell me Knight, how does someone who has won every single title in the fed, some of them more than once overvalue himself? How does someone who has done what only two other people have ever done think they are better than they really are? Oh and by the way one of the two other people to win every title in the fed is my brother. I guess you could say greatness is genetic. Which I guess would mean that in your case your parents were probably as hopeless as you are.

You know what else I find interesting Knight? It's that you, a guy who really hasn't beaten anyone of note wants to sit himself up on a perch and throw stones at guys who have not only won matches but beaten Universal and former Universal Champions. Let me explain something to you Knight and please pay attention because I have no desire to say this more than once. Samuels just got done beating Steve Davids, a former TV champ, a former two time X-treme Champ and most recently the Universal Champ. In my last singles match I beat Peter Gilmour who, while he is a massive dipshit has done more than you ever have and based on what I've seen of you so far probably ever will. I also beat Eli James who happens to be one of the most accomplished superstars in the XWF's history. Tell me Knight who have you beaten? Seriously I honestly have no idea because you aren't important enough to follow and I don't care enough to look it up myself. So unlike you who just spews bullshit I'd rather give you the opportunity to tell me what you've done since you seem so comfortable trying to marginalize what The Kings have done while not actually talking about your accomplishments or lack there of.

Oh and since you asked the question, "who's to say that you and your friends won't beat the Kings and capture the trios titles?" Allow me to answer it for you.

The short answer is me. I'm saying it.

Here's what else i'm saying. The day you assholes beat us is the day Peter Gilmour wins the Universal Title and we all know that sure as shit ain't happening. Ever.

Now that I've sufficiently explained why everything Aerial Knight has said is wrong let's segue on to someone else who apparently reads from the same playbook as the aforementioned Knight and that is Xavier Swann.

It seems that Xavier has been too busy sucking himself off to notice that I am no longer the CEO of Pryce Industries and haven't been for a few months now. Which I guess makes everything else he had to say about me a moot point since it was all predicated on something that isn't true. Great job Xavier truly well done. Chump.

Now while I have everyones ear allow me to address the tag team title situation since that is bound to come up at some point in the near future. John and I never cared about the titles, not one bit. We won them simply so that we could check them off our "To Do" list and now that we have we decided to do the honorable thing and share the wealth people are coming at us believing that our selling the titles was done so with an ulterior motive but that's just not the case. Yes we charged a small fee for the titles, no sense in just giving the things away. That would have been disrespectful to everyone all the tag team champs that came before us. And while The Kings are many things we aren't the kinds of guys to disrespect former champions, unlike guys like Aerial Knight and Xavier Swann. And now that those tag titles are someone else's headache I can focus solely on the only titles I ever cared to win, the Trios. That spells bad news for next week's opponents as well as every other opponent that thinks that taking us on is a good idea.

Oh and Knight one more thing, there is a big difference between being the King of the Ring like Doctor D'Ville and being the King of the XWF like Madison, Samuels and I were. Do try and educate yourself on that difference because it's pretty huge.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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