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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Turning Point PPV
The Sickest Man
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Ruben A. Mitchell Offline
I'll Fight You in Any Kind of Match

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-19-2015, 04:00 PM

Because hip hop is being used quite frequently now, I might as well follow the trend.


It seems that four out of seven men speaking up or demonstrating their skill isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it's still a pretty shameful turnout. I expected more from these people with an opportunity like this. Maybe they're just as cowardly as I once thought. Oh well, just more obstacles on the course I guess. Let's go down the list and see just who is ripe for the picking.

Fluffy decided to take it upon himself to take down superheroes to prove that he is, in fact, the most powerful man in the world. And since he managed to not only defeat, but kill Superman, I might have to change the argument that landed my buddy Greg in a jail back in Georgia. Jesus Christ or Cain Arkham? It'll be a tough choice if Jerry Siegel doesn't decide to resurrect him next issue. Hell, for someone who parades himself as a godlike being, it's quite amazing you managed to get your ass kicked by a little girl. If you think you can enable anything after failing that hard, you're assuredly mistaken, but feel free to try. I'd always be willing to give you a taste of my future generation. They won't even see the light of day anyways, so why bother?

Jasmine failed to establish a career for his brother or cousin. I don't really care enough about his relatives to label him correctly, because that's all they are. Now as for your claim that you're a rising star that burns as bright as a melting candle; that all I really have to say. You only have one victory on your list, and that was against a man that everyone has beaten at least once in their lives. Even the men who haven't fought him before in their lives have beaten him somehow. It's really nothing special. Your bout against Sane? Skillful, but it got you nowhere fast. You're not main event material. Hell, you're not even opening scraps like you claim that I am. You're garbage. Garbage that hasn't been taken out in months and has seeped out of the can. You can't claim to be the fastest rising star when you haven't even rose to the occasion. From the way I see it, you just keep on falling and falling until you can't possibly go any lower.

And the garbage belt you went after alongside me? It suits you more than it suits me. You've been spewing it nonstop ever since you arrived here. I might not win, but I can assure you that you'll feel every punch, every kick, every knee, every attack I'll hit you with because I hate you that much. Needles has more of a fair chance against you, even if the fucker doesn't elaborate who the fuck he's talking to...oh wait, he did? And he was one hundred percent fucking right about him? Fucking wow. Here I was thinking I'd have to put in some actual effort against a man who's cold shit.

You see what happens to the careers of those that can't manage their own, fucking ? Other people get fired for their fuck ups. Your fuck ups hinder your brothers career, fuck I don't care if he really is your brother since you treat him like one. Your brother's fuck ups hindered the promoters career, again, it's all labels to me. Stop fucking up and do something right for a change, will you? It's embarrassing to see you hype yourself up only for you to be brought down by men that can actually back up their shit, like me or inSane over there. You'd be saving yourself a lot of trouble if you weren't bullshitting us.

Before I get to Needles, I might have to talk to the British Crybaby who's too busy pulling jokes on his old man to really listen to what I have to say. So I might as well just call him Cunt Licker from now on. Here he is speaking in internet lingo as if he's still sitting at his computer reading out every stupid comment on tumblr while talking shit about us. He compared me to some heroin addict because of my scars and my pale skin, which I got from past fights and lack of sunlight respectively. I've dealt drugs back in the prison, but I never got high off my own supply. It was strict code set by dealers that we all have to follow, or else we'd end up nearly dead in an alleyway.

My name makes me sound like a , huh? First time I ever heard that one. At least my name is an actual name compared to yours. Who the fuck would call their child Scully? Apparently your father would, and he's too busy being disappointed in your record and wasted opportunities to change it to something that sounds halfway decent. Besides, with a name like Ruben or Cuddles, everyone automatically assumes I'm a lonely lamb that the wolves can just stalk and pick apart with ease. Too bad this lamb happens to be a mountain lion in sheep's clothing.

And I look like a twig? Do you not see what I look like when I tear my fucking shirt off? Six pack and rock solid. You? You are the epitome of a twig in human form. Hope you like being snapped in half, Cunt Licker, because that's all that'll happen to you if you think you stand a chance against me.

Finally, onto Needles. Now, this may come as kind of a shock, but I'm currently liking what this guy has put on the plate so far. Granted, he called me a liar and flat out ignored me in the last video, but he's got balls, and I like that in a fighter. Sadly, I got nothing for him, possibly because he was so cryptic in his threats and forgot to target me. So much for not leaving anyone behind, jackass.

Well, this has been a fun little day. It'll only get better when I show you all that a 'monster' like me can achieve so much in a fight like this.

At the end of the day, my opponents will be red, blue, and white all over.
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