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Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows
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Gator Offline
The Walking Disaster

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-10-2015, 07:52 PM

((OOC: Due to the massive amount of red that would be in this, I changed the font colour to make it easier to read. You're welcome.))

GATOR: "Jeez sunshine. Didn't realise how much my swearing offended you, I'll cool down if you'd like. Maybe replace swear words with names of flowers. How does that sound you daffodilin buttercup? I'm from the North of England man, North-West if you want to get technical. Grew up in a small town in the Greater Manchester region, used to be a mining town until Thatcher closed all the mines, that bellflower. So my language was filled to the brim with swear words from an early age, my dad and his mates were always daisy this and hibiscus that, I just grew up with it. My swearing is natural because I grew up with, I don't shout it at the top of my lungs trying to force it out like it's a big deal like you do."

Morbid Angel Said:I think it does. I can tell that you are getting frustrated because I am no walk in the park, you are running out of things to say and I am giving you less things to talk about.

"The devil are you talking about? I am not getting frustrated whatsoever, well, I am with how dumb you're being but that's a given. Like I said last time, I was having fun with you, I'm laughing at this attempt to break me and falling flat on your face every single time you open your mouth to scream jumbled nonsense. Seriously man, you need to get a new ghost writer for your talk because currently you're not phasing me one bit. It's sad how bad you are at trying to insult me or get me mad. It's hilarious to see this big hulking mass of steroids panic at what to say next and make empty threats. You don't scare me. You don't threaten me. And I certainly don't respect you, I mean why should I? You mean nothing to anyone anymore. Just a guy on the edge of retirement who should hang up his jocks and learn to quit, nobody needs you, nobody wants you, except for that CAW or whatever that little fed was called. Oh, those were some great actors in your last promo by the way, almost believable."

"Who's this Azrael character? Never heard of him. I just remember you winning the Universal belt by throwing yourself around the ring for half an hour like an idiot, before someone had enough of your tantrum they gave you the vacant Uni belt just to shut you up. Hey, that's funny right? You received the belt for nothing and lost it to Eli so quickly. You never earned the belt from a fight and you lost it without putting up any real fight. That's funny! ... Bad teeth? English stereotype? Really? Wow. Really stepping up your game Morbid. Then you talk about the mask again, get over it man. What's your fascination with my mask? I know you must be dying to kiss my lips after your lips have been wrapped around my shaft for so long, but you can't. You just look at me teary eyed asking why I didn't take off the mask and look you in the eyes, why can't you get that kiss you've dreamed off for so long. Sorry man, I don't roll that way. I know you must with the amount of homosexual slurs and penis envy you spout. I mean, lavender, you even go so far to title your promos about how much you wish I was gay. It's sad man, you look desperate."

Magnolia Anemone Said:You want to bring up Azrael, and his supposed wins? Did you happen to check who took the Universal Title from him? Yeah, I bet you did! claiming I didn't earn it, I watched that shitty ass promo! Making claims that are not true, if you actually paid attention but you don't.

"I've just been over this. Stop bringing up people who don't exist. Was he another actor you hired to make the point that wrestling is fake? You moron. Well whoever he was and whatever you took from him. I'm one hundred percent sure you didn't earn it. Because you don't earn anything, you just clamor around until someone hands you something for being mildly entertaining with your delusional garbage. Victory forever? Victory my aster. You've had more losses than anyone in the fed, you're the liar who tries to cover them up. Wanna talk about me being a pussywillow by covering my face? Least I don't cover my own history like a true coward. Oh, and good you looked at my last promo. Was expecting, my opponent not to watch my promos but thanks for clearing that up. I too had to sit through your boring house showing and your weak trash talk."

"Ah call into radio shows. Good times, I remember that week. Look at Morbid Angel, finally doing some research because he knows he's running out of material. Yes, I see that look of desperation. Trying so hard to look into my past to pick at something to make fun at. People change Morbid, I changed. I grew up, back then I thought this place would be a cakewalk but found out pretty quickly it wasn't. I lost a match, I accepted that loss and learned from it. Then I went head first into another loss, and what did I do? Picked myself up, dusted myself off and said right, not the end of the world. I just need to get better, stop trying to be something I'm not and just be myself and have fun doing it. And I did, and I won matches, I earned my belt and I became a household name. Wanna know why? Because I stopped trying to look tough. I know I'm tough, I'm a nightmare for some people. I shouldn't force that, people know already. So, why do you keep acting tough? Because lately from you, I'm seeing a lot of talk and not much action. All bite no bark from Morbid Angel, the man who claims he cut someones manhood off but hasn't been arrested or tried for it. Which is very suspect if you ask me. It was most likely staged like me and Lane right? Peter threw that match so you could do that and split any profit with him right? Damn, you're as bad as me."

Monkey Assembly Said:Sure, I did lose my title to Eli, but if you ever get a title again, you'll never give someone like me a title shot.

"I'll never give you a title shot again? Right. Like how I'm not giving you a title shot now. What did you think a GM scheduled this match because you earned a shot? Haha no! I gave you a shot out of pity. At first I wanted to fight the legendary Morbid Angel but I quickly realised that the legendary Morbid Angel doesn't mean sunflower. Former Uni champ who won the belt of a ghost and never had one successful defence. What a legacy. I'm not a real champ? What does that make you then? I at least accept all challengers and have proved I can defend this damn thing. What will you do if you ever won my belt? Scream victory forever and lose it the following night at some one off house show? That seems most likely. But we will never know, because you will never hold this belt as long as my name is attached to it. Next? I'm a loud mouth who couldn't get stuff done? Well, since you've been researching my history you obviously know that's not true. I've been getting stuff done in a fairly short amount of time if you think about it. Hell, I held the TV title for one hundred days in my previous reign, that's the second longest TV reign in the recorded history... Hold up a minute. Since a certain someone has been wiped from the records, that means I am the longest reigning Television Champion in recorded history! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Well I'll be damned... Looks like this loud mouthed punk just reached a pretty big milestone. Longer than your reign and better than your accomplishments, haha."

Macaroni Art Said:Hell, you're so fucking awesome

"Thanks for the compliment! Yeah Todd's cool."

T: "Thanks!"

GATOR: "Don't interrupt me! Rude. But yeah I know people love Todd, he's the underdog people root for, and he makes me looks better. Hell, he makes anyone he's with look better. Wanna borrow him? Just have him stand in the corner for your promos, give people a reason to watch them. I don't remember the Black Circle thing, I never remember anyone asking him to join, and I don't remember that unknown person also asking me to join and turning them down because I had better stuff to do then carrying bags. I don't think Todd even is in the Black Circle. I think you're lying again. And unless you find proof of a Black Circle member asking Todd to join, I'm going to carry on believing you are indeed a liar. Ha, like I didn't already think that. Then Defiance. Yeah funny how a team that hasn't properly debuted isn't taken seriously, yet. We're still setting up. But these two, the free agent and the mute. they have more talent in their toenails than you do in your entire body. And I'm the easy going one in the group, I let stuff slide and make jokes but I can still destroy you in that ring. Imagine what those two serious bluebells will do to you."

Mister Anderson Said:Was I ever on his dick? Azrael that is, I do not recall such an ass fucking?

"There's that name again. Seriously, not ringing any bells. And after the amount of times you've been effed in the ay, I wouldn't be surprised that you forgot one or two gentleman callers. Me and Lane are friends, yes, that it true. Well done for observing that Morbid, go get yourself a cookie. And you're the one who brought up this Azrael guy, so you stop talking about him. What's up? Is he your imaginary friend who you play wrestle with sometimes? The only guy you can actually beat maybe? GROW UP! But yeah, whoever he is, does sound like a rose."

Me Angry! Said:Do you want to talk about how I lost to Griffin MacAllister?

"Sure. Fives times was it?"

Mi Amore Said: Are you going to pretend like you didn't?

"Have I ever denied it? No. Again, I accept my losses like a damn man. Team WG.WF at War Games beat our team, and yes, we lost that match. I lost that match, but I gave the others guys one hell of a fight and I looked good doing it. Not my fault Zeke went down first. I could have stopped it but I didn't, that's on me. But realistically look at out situation, you try and win on a team that's being dragged down by Mastermind. And we didn't get it easy unlike you. Team Victory Forever up against team absent captain and it's too lazy to work and too soft to put up a fight members. Well done Angel, big win at the pay per view buddy! ... I beat Swagmire in a match, Scully is too scared to face me and who cares about Pest? Is the Corporation even a thing anyway? I've heard nothing about it as of late."

*Gator looks to his right at the transcript of Morbid's promo*

GATOR: "Whew. That is a lot of bull. Actually reading this transcript, it looks like you're trying to sound more like me. The amount of swearing is highly raised in this promo, you didn't really try to focus on calling an idiot or a word that rhymes with fefard before, but now you're trying super hard. Are you trying to copy me Frodo? ... Woah. That was a genuine mistake my bad. But for a second, this trash talk just seems like I'm talking to Frodo, and he's on the ropes and he's trying to copy me. That's weird right? Ha, that ghost writer I mentioned before, you didn't hire Frodo did you? God, I hope not. If you're dumb enough to get him to write what you're saying now I don't want to know what you'd sound like without him. Be like a baby seal with a gun wound trying to trash talk me."

Mama Angie Said:Congratufuckinglations, you're able to copy your look from a stupid comic book.

"What you mean like you copied your name from a comic book and a metal band? What? Didn't think I would know that? You gonna lie and say they stole from you? Don't make me laugh. Don't go around calling the kettle black Morbid. It makes you look childish. I did leave the match with Pest, you're right. But my heart wasn't in that match, what else do you expect when you dress up like Luca Azregotti for Halloween and for a bet? But, I needed to save Todd's sorry ass for being a big baby. What was the other match I left? Oh, with D'Ville at king of the ring. Please, we had a good match. The fans didn't want to see some quick match in round two with us, they deserved a big main event like last time. Also, D'Ville deserved that crown. I knew he could win that thing and I wanted him to win that thing, so I shook his hand and let him conserve his energy so he could go on and win that crown. Because he deserved it. See? I acknowledge my losses and my history. You're looking at this all wrong Morbid. Mistakes happen, other stuff gets in the way. It's lying to everyone's face that you've never lost a match that makes you the real loser. Lying about stuff with documented proof. Well done you cherry blossoming moron."

"I'm the guy who picks on the newbies? So, you're a newbie now right? Like how I'm giving you, the newbie, the young upstart Morbid Angel a title shot. Grade A logic there mate. Or last week, how I picked on the newbie Lane. Jesus. You are stupid. Speaking of Lane I did help him out with a promo. Shows how much I see you as a threat when I can chill out and have some down time with a friend, while you're shouting at your ghost writer to make you another lackluster promo. Staying awake for hours on end trying to make the bets promo you've ever done only for it to be some of the worst I've seen here."

Married Angela Said:You do want to only fight easy pickings don't you?

"Yeah, again that's why I gave you a shot. Just try and think for a damn second, or at the very least don't let you ghost writer add his own lines. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about with this fighting newbies thing. I've mostly had matches here with people who have been here as long as I have, some a month after I joined the fed, some before I ever came into the fed. Sure, there has been some newcomers like Underwood, Gein, Sane and Maverick but they're a fairly small percentage. Do you still consider people like Lane and Knight newbies? Because if you do, then that means I'm a newbie. Meaning yu're getting on my case about fighting the new guys, while you are fighting a new guy. So not only are you a liar and a washed up failure, you are also a hypocrite. Nice little trifecta you have going for yourself."

"... Seriously the more I hear you talk the more I hear Frodo. Has he been in your ear or something? Because line for line of some of the things you've said could be direct quotes from a Frodo promo. Bad decision getting advice from another guy I can beat without trying. Well, it may be a good thing, get to know what you're going to suffer through on Monday .... Scumbag Morbid Angel, says he's at a loss for words, rambles on for what seems like an eternity. So, I'm not a challenge am I? So, why are you trying so gosh darn hard?

Men Action Said:Here I am watching your shit and you really get boring, the same shit, over and over. It’s almost nonstop.

"Now you know how I feel, or you're lying, which you are. You love my stuff, no need to lie. I see that saucy glint in your eye when you say my name. Ah, young love. But again, with the hypocrisy! You can't talk to me saying same stuff different promo when I said that about you in my last promo. You know what Angel, I too was expecting a challenge, but looks like I got another newbie on the line thinking he's hot when he's truly nothing. I was looking forward to this and ity has proved to be the biggest let down of my career, so thanks. Thank you taking the fun out of this week with your predictable, boring trash talk and your boring, predictable promos. Go flower yourself."

Mission Aimlessness Said:Then you go into disproving me by proving I am right about you hiring Rodd and Todd as actors by becoming a fucking actor! Really?! Did you just fucking do that? HA!

"Bout time you saw the irony in this. Thought it was just going to go over your head. Yes, I see the big joke. And it's actually pretty funny. Doesn't probe Todd and Rodd were actors in any way though. It proves I accepted a job to be a stunt double and ended up pretending to be Ryan Reynolds, because hey why not. But it doesn't prove the point you were trying to make, you big dumb moronic pollen rag. the you pretend to be me... Hey good impression Angel. You should be an actor! Hahaha. I do love how angry I make you though, it's really funny to see how hard you're actually trying. Aah, and it's all for naught. That's the punchline. Hey, since you wanna be me so much, how about you play the same game I've been playing in this promo. Totally take the piss out of you while saying no big swear words, or no cussing as you said. Now, try and do it the same way I do, make fun of you with all this swear word replacing without even trying to think hard about it. Bet you can't do it. Also bet you can't take my belt, which you sure as hell will not be able to if you carry on this weak impression act you have going right now."

Mysterious Anteater Said:For the sake of the human race, I will explain how steroids work.

"Ugggh I don't care! Some muscles can be achieved without steroids, it's possible! Open up your mind and stop reading from the back of the packet. You're still a cheater. No matter what, you're a cheater. Way back when they used to test for steroids in the XWF and if you were found positive, you were fired. Wanna know why you were fired? Because you foxglove cheated you moron! Don't believe me? Ask someone like Madison or Shane, I'm sure they will tell you the same. Just consider yourself lucky that no one cares about your health and safety to take the needle away from you. Don't steroid do a bit of damage to your downstairs area too? No wonder you're trying to steal everybodies crown jewels."

"You actually rant about steroids. Okay. Well, I'm done and my conclusion was that promo of yours was terrible. Without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, the worst trash talk I have ever heard, I thought last time was bad. I thought Ghost Tanks' was bad but he at the very least tried hard. This was just sad. A child's attempt to make me feel bad, and it has done nothing. I'm so grateful that I will completely forget your promo after I get off this seat. I will pray for a better comeback next time. See ya Angel. Kisses!"

[Image: 4H375RW.png?6]
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